fairy flame

Chapter 650 Leaving Mengzhou

Afterwards, the recovery speed of the cold poison injury was greatly increased. Luo Yu thought, this may be related to his stronger physique, and this is undoubtedly a surprise.

It's just that after breaking through the first level of "Sha Yuan Golden Body", the second level of cultivation after that is terrifyingly difficult, and the growth rate of Yuanli is not as good as that of a turtle crawling. Although Luo Yu knows the cultivation of body refiners , is completely accumulated by all kinds of rare elixir, but it was so difficult for him to cultivate to a low level, how did the high-level element master cultivate, and what kind of terrifying level of elixir will be consumed , it is unimaginable

Although the itinerary in the desert was boring, compared to Luo Yu and Yan Lingsu, who had a rare opportunity to get along well with each other, they were a little selfless and didn't even think about when they would arrive in Rongzhou. I can't find any pleasant scenery in the desert, but facing the rising sun and the setting sun every day, I have to say that my mood is soaring.

Although it is a common scene in the sky, when viewing these from high altitude, compared with people on the ground, the feelings and feelings are quite different.

After flying for more than a month, Luo Yu finally recovered after hard training day and night, and his cultivation base returned to the early stage of foundation establishment. Although he had not fully returned to the peak strength of the middle stage of foundation establishment, it was fast and far away. It has far exceeded Luo Yu's initial half-year expectation. From the current point of view, it may not take two months at most to restore his strength to the peak in the mid-term foundation establishment.

Luo Yu knew very well in his heart that all this was due to the benefits brought by "Golden Body of Sand Yuan", otherwise the speed would not be so fast.

As for Luo Yu, who possessed the early stage of foundation establishment, he began to gradually communicate with the trace of ice spirit and cold soul in his body according to the method of using the method of ice soul dictated by Senior Yan before he left, and he didn't know if it was done sincerely Because of this, for the first time ever, he could feel a subtle connection between the ice spirit and the cold spirit and himself. The feeling was inexplicable, but it definitely didn't have the bone-chilling pain of the past.

Although what Luo Yu can do is only preliminary communication, and he can't refine and use it freely without complete recovery, but for this slight contact, he has paid too much and suffered a lot all the way to the present.

Therefore, after learning that Luo Yu had achieved initial success, he and Ling'er were extremely happy.

Moreover, Luo Yu also felt that with his current cultivation base at the early stage of foundation establishment and a magical weapon, even if he ran across the Rongzhou grassland, he would still go to the extremely cold land at the final destination, as long as he Acting low-key, it shouldn't be too difficult to get a foothold.

Regarding her husband's deep-rooted practice, Yan Lingsu naturally has not been idle. Although she is still unable to use mana, this does not prevent Luo Yu from teaching her very useful spells such as Shining Spirit Step and Painting Skin Technique. Luo Yu But I still remember that after Ling'er learned how to paint skin, she was full of love for this formula that can easily change any appearance, and she was very excited for a while, and then she often changed various grimaces to tease Luo Yu, as if she had discovered her The childishness that was missing in childhood caused Luo Yu to be devastated for a while.

In less than two days after Luo Yu resumed the initial stage of foundation establishment, the comfortable and boring journey of the two of them finally came to an end.

Since then, what appeared in front of their eyes was no longer the rolling yellow sand covering the sky and the sun, but an invisible verdant green scene began to appear in the sky without knowing when!

Luo Yu and Yan Lingsu's faces suddenly showed excitement!

After a long hard work, Rongzhou Grassland finally arrived!

Indeed, after staying in the boundless desert for too long, anyone who suddenly finds an oasis will inevitably have a fluctuating mood.

But since this is a gateway to other prefectures, in the mountains and hills near the grassland, it is natural that a large number of immortal cultivators from this prefecture are stationed here, and there may even be some alchemy cultivators hidden there.

Luo Yu and Yan Lingsu wouldn't be so stupid as to just go in there openly. If the xenophobia is the strongest, I am afraid it must be Rongzhou.

If it weren't for these years, the trade of immortality among the states has been very frequent, and many small and large states that were originally ranked lower in the cultivation of immortality have developed extremely fast because of this, and their prosperity is almost several times that of the past. I am afraid that the current Rongzhou is still a legacy. Following the old rules, they don't welcome outsiders at all.

But there is no way, once the immortal cultivators have enough food and clothing, more high-level monks will naturally be born. If Rongzhou does not follow the trend, sooner or later he will fall behind and be beaten.

It is precisely because of these conclusive evidence that the monks in Rongzhou changed their original concept. Big and small disputes and wars continued.

However, although compared with the past, Rongzhou immortal cultivators have greatly changed their views on the outside world, but due to some ancient sacrifices and ancestral precepts, the heart of external restraint still remains, so they can really trade with Rongzhou immortal cultivators There are not many large chambers of commerce in the country, and as a result, many treasures for cultivating immortals in Rongzhou are ridiculously expensive.

But to be honest, in this state of Rongzhou, a large piece of land is covered with endless green grass plains. There is a shortage of spiritual mountains and blessed land, scarce resources for cultivating immortals, and very few treasures that can be sold to the outside world. The business in the prairie is not very profitable. In fact, most of the chambers of commerce are targeting a few special places in Rongzhou. Only there grow some extremely precious spiritual things, such as the great reputation, which is also what Luo Yu wants. The destination to go to is the "Bitter Cold Land", which is one of the origins of Rongzhou's precious resources.

According to everything that Luo Yu and Yan Lingsu thought in advance, they first put away the Yimu Lingfeng. The appearance of this natal spirit beast is too dazzling, and it is easy to attract people's attention. In order to restore to the early stage of foundation establishment, if you use this cultivation base to drive the ancient artifacts to swim in the sun boat, the speed is already considerable——

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