fairy flame

Chapter 68 Purple Bamboo Pavilion

However, apart from the two main ingredients of this pill that are very cherished, the rest are some common and cheap medicinal materials, which can be easily collected.

In fact, purple cold bamboo and Changbai ginseng belong to the common medicinal materials that can be bought anywhere, but the 500-year age requirement is too high. If there are 500-year-old medicinal materials, they can be used to refine the panacea needed for the foundation period. , This is also the reason why no one cares about this elixir here. Most people would not waste time refining such a costly elixir.

"Others can't do it! But I can still give it a try. The year requirement may be the biggest difficulty for others, but it is nothing for myself who has the mysterious flame. Spend more time to purify it, and increase the year. If this elixir really has a certain chance to increase the spiritual awareness of monks, then I have picked up a treasure and made a lot of money!" Luo Yu thought of this, and his heart itch, with the mysterious flame, his cultivation path will be better than that. Others are much better off!

However, it is better to see if there are other things that he can use first, but Luo Yu did not have much hope for the jade slips in the back. After reading it again, it was exactly as he had guessed, and most of the rest were useless things. After Luo Yu finished reading the last jade slip, he walked around the first floor of the library with a slightly tired expression.

It’s hard to come here once. Even if Luo Yu can only choose two things, he can just look at them casually. It’s good to gain some knowledge, but what makes Luo Yu strange is that the woman named Li Lingyu followed him in not long after he came in. , after this woman came in, she put on an indifferent look, and has been watching quietly in the place where the refining jade slips are stored. It seems that the enthusiasm outside the door just now is a disguise. Luo Yu also can't figure out why this woman The changes are so fast, but it's best if she doesn't pester herself, Luo Yu doesn't want to add a strong enemy to herself for no reason.

About half an hour later, Luo Yu walked out of the library hall in satisfaction, without any expression on his face.

But in my heart, those people who copied the jade slips in the library just now saw Luo Yu take out the prescription of Zishendan and said that they wanted to copy it, they immediately looked at Luo Yu with an idiot's eyes, Luo Yu naturally couldn't let them Seeing something, he pretended to be ignorant and got away with it.

After Luo Yu left, he quickly returned to the hut where he practiced in Qingjun Mountain. After putting away everything, he removed the large wooden bathing array arranged outside the house, and carefully put it into the storage bag. The mission is very dangerous, this formation is extremely powerful, maybe there is still a place where it can be used, and then there is a huge amount of medicinal materials picked in the elixir garden to prepare for refining the other record in the book "A Brief View of the Alchemy" A kind of panacea called 'Jingyuan Pill', Luo Yu has been taking Qi Lian San for these years, so that even the middle-level Qi Lian San is of little use to him now, Luo Yu, who had already prepared for a rainy day, Just keep in mind the elixir needed to refine the Jingyuan Pill, and every time Luo Yu goes to turn in the medicinal materials, Luo Yu will leave the medicinal materials that can be used to refine the Jingyuan Pill. Once he leaves, this place will be handed over to the next person who will take over this task. Naturally, Luo Yu will take everything he can.

Soon, after packing up, Luo Yu went to Xishan Fangshi without stopping. About half an hour later, Luo Yu came to the last time Fangshi. An unremarkable small shop, but now it is quite different. Although I don’t have many spirit stones on hand, I have several storage bags full of various medicinal materials, spirit pills, etc., and I can go to those more high-end ones. I looked in the shops, those high-end shops usually had big signs or the shops were tall and conspicuous, standing out from the crowd and those two-story shops, it was easy to spot.

Luo Yu, who was watching while walking, soon stopped in front of a shop named "Zizhuxuan". Reflecting layers of purple light, the noble color is fully displayed. Compared with the small shop made of ordinary limestone next to it, there is a huge gap. Luo Yu looked outside the shop for a while, and then strode in.

"What does this guest officer want? This store has all kinds of cultivation supplies, and the price is cheap. If this store doesn't have them, then most of Xishanfang City won't have them." Just as Luo Yu entered the store, A young boy with a white show came over to introduce him.

This 'Zizhuxuan' is indeed a well-known big shop in Xishanfang City, even the tone of the receptionist's speech is full of confidence. In fact, some high-level practitioners are in charge of these famous big shops, whoever you are Even if you come here, you dare not be arrogant here.

Luo Yu saw that this person's cultivation was around the second floor during the Qi training period. He presumably did some odd jobs here to earn spirit stones for cultivation. Generally, children who failed to pass the assessment of the Cuixia Sect would be recruited by these immortal cultivators. The shops opened by the immortal cultivators should be managed better by the immortal cultivators.

Luo Yu was running out of time, and since he was going to make a big deal anyway, he said directly, "Ask your people in charge to come out! Just say it's a big deal."

After Luo Yu finished speaking, he directly sat down on a purple stool next to him, not wanting to say any more. After hearing this, the Baixiu boy ran to the back hall without any surprise. It seemed that he had dealt with a lot of such things. Luo Yu looked indifferently at the other customers coming and going in the store. They were all immortal cultivators in different clothes, but none of them had a higher level of cultivation than Luo Yu, and Luo Yu didn't hide his aura when he came out. So when these customers saw an immortal cultivator on the eighth floor of the Qi training period looking at them, they all walked away cautiously. Seeing this scene, Luo Yu didn't say anything, but turned his eyes to look at the products on the counter. The items sold on the first floor are not too expensive, and naturally they are not rare items, but there are still many people who come to buy them. This is the benefit of being famous!

Just as Luo Yu was staring at those customers, a gentle voice came from not far away, "I don't know what kind of big business this fellow daoist wants to do. The small shop will definitely satisfy fellow daoist!" Luo Yu was surprised. Turning his head to look, he saw a dignified woman not far away walking towards Luo Yu with lotus steps and a smile on her face.

"The twelfth floor of the Qi training period!"

Luo Yu took a deep breath. Just now, he observed the aura fluctuations around the woman, and found that this person turned out to be an immortal cultivator on the twelfth level of Qi training stage. This kind of immortal cultivator who is close to the top level of Qi training is not the current Luo Yu. Comparable, they usually have some powerful means, and their supernatural powers can almost touch the threshold of the foundation period!

Seeing that Luo Yu looked at her without speaking, Mrs. Dangzhuang was not surprised, she still had a smile on her face and said, "Can you go upstairs with my concubine and talk about it in detail?" After Luo Yu nodded silently, he walked upstairs under the leadership of this woman.

Along the way, Luo Yu could only feel the faint fragrance of xinlan coming from the front, which was condensed but not dispersed. It seemed that it should be the smell of Mrs. Dignified. This is not surprising, most of the female cultivators in the immortal world are the same as the women in the secular world She loves beauty very much, even more so than ordinary women. She will rub some fragrance powder made of aura herbs on her body. The smell will last for a long time, and it is also very expensive.

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