fairy flame

Chapter 697 Mysterious Bronze Mirror

In fact, even Luo Yu has never heard of the existence of magic tools that can change directions at will, and it seems that there has never been any record of such magic tools in the huge world of cultivating immortals. In many cases, it is not the way of blindly pursuing high attack and defense, but sometimes the most terrifying attack methods that have never been seen before.

After all, without knowing it, there is no awareness of changing directions to defend at all. This is a kind of fighting instinct, and it is even a bit out of the category of cultivation gap!

That is to say, even if the immortal cultivators in the alchemy stage are not paying attention, they will suffer a great loss from the strange magical power of Zhanjindaowan.

After practicing this supernatural power, Luo Yu couldn't help but strengthen his belief in continuing to practice the "Tianluo Sword Sutra". It's amazing, it really makes Luo Yu look forward to what kind of natal magic weapon will be used as a match for this set of ancient exercises if the alchemy is successful in the future, it will definitely surprise him.

And these thoughts about the power of this supernatural power just flashed after Luo Yu killed the ugly man in black, and it took less than a few breaths of effort. [

But Luo Yu looked at the black-clothed ugly man's body that had been pierced by the golden bead, and couldn't help but sighed. Under such a heavy injury, the black-clothed ugly man would have been completely wiped out, and there was no way to search again. The exploration of soul art.

Seeing this situation, Luo Yu directly removed the flame shield that was stained with a trace of evil bone flames, leaving only the ancient parasol still floating above his head, with layers of yellow clouds flying around, while Luo Yu just moved his footsteps randomly He came to the vicinity of the head corpse, pointed his five fingers at the vicinity of the corpse and gently squeezed, and the two objects lying quietly on the ground flew into Luo Yu's hand at the same time with a 'swish' sound.

One of the gray, palm-sized bags was naturally the storage bag of the monk in black. With a movement of his consciousness, Luo Yu easily wiped out the imprint of spiritual sense left by the other party, and then he saw the contents clearly , his face was a little surprised, there are more than 2000 low-level spirit stones in this storage bag, some middle and low-level magic tools, and several ordinary exercises books, it is really a rich collection, it seems that this Before he attacked Luo Yu, he had already killed several existences of the same level, but he didn't want to end up with nothing in his life.

Speaking of which, if this ugly man in black hadn't met Luo Yu by chance, with his many hidden methods, he would have been able to easily kill his peers. .

Luo Yu couldn't help feeling a little emotional, but he calmed down and put away the person's storage bag together. However, he didn't pay much attention to the things in the storage bag. For him, except for the spirit stone, other things It is completely tasteless.

Immediately, Luo Yu turned his attention to another treasure with a dignified and curious look on his face. It was the "Bronze Mirror of Gathering Beasts" that the ugly man in black praised so much. Hold it in your hand and turn it back and forth to play.

To say that Luo Yu can be regarded as a person with extensive knowledge, he naturally saw that the ugly man who had only just cultivated in the Qi training stage was able to drive many poisonous snakes to attack him, almost all relying on the strange power of this bronze mirror. This kind of treasure with the rare power to control beasts couldn't help being moved, and a trace of curiosity was unconsciously revealed on its face.

The patterns and "color" on the beast-gathering bronze mirror seem to be a bit ancient, but apart from a smooth, flat and ordinary mirror, on the back of the mirror are engraved some pictures that Luo Yu has never seen before. The text is old, and the pictures and texts are very old.

From a close look, it looks like many curved ancient handwriting, but from a distance, it looks like the hideous images of monsters, but Luo Yu doesn't know which one of the two.

Luo Yu looked at it for a while, and after he really didn't understand why, he wanted to take the initiative to test it out. He raised his hand lightly, and a ball of pure mana hit the bronze mirror, and the white light of spiritual energy immediately began to surround and gather. The beast copper mirror spun rapidly, and slowly the mirror was separated from Luo Yu's palm and was fixed in the air. Seeing this situation, Luo Yu's face was filled with joy, and his hands fluttered to cast spells. The most commonly used 'repelling technique' in the world of cultivating immortals.

But after a while, Luo Yu's expression froze immediately, and under the urging of his magic power, those white lights were still flying outside the body surface of the beast-gathering bronze mirror, without any sign of being absorbed, as if Like a dead thing with no spirituality, there was no abnormality appeared. Finally, the milky white pure spiritual energy spun around the mirror for a while, and then the white light that hadn't entered collapsed and disappeared by itself. At the same time, the small bronze mirror returned to its original appearance and fell straight back into Luo Yu's hands.

"Huh? The black-clothed cultivator just now was able to drive it very smoothly, why is this mirror refusing to absorb my mana?"

The Beast Gathering Bronze Mirror seemed to have completely lost its effect in Luo Yu's hands, and the slightest spiritual fluctuations did not radiate. It is an ordinary magic weapon or an ancient weapon that can establish a connection with a monk, but it looks like a destroyed magic weapon.

Of course, Luo Yu couldn't help but use vitality infusion to see if it could activate the power of this thing, but the result was the same. In the end, Luo Yu tossed for a long time, and he could only suspect that this bronze mirror treasure probably needed a special Urging it by means is a kind of secret treasure that is rarely known in the world of cultivating immortals. Even if other cultivators get this bronze mirror, if they don't know the secret method of mobilizing this mirror, they can only look forward to the treasure and sigh.

Perhaps the secret method that inspired the bronze mirror was in the storage bag of the ugly man in black, but at this moment, Luo Yu was anxious to find the ice dragon silkworm, and his time in this Valley of Trials was limited, so he could only Let's suppress that curiosity first.

And with the death of the ugly man in black, the red light in the eyes of some nearby low-level green snakes summoned by the beast-gathering bronze mirror suddenly receded a lot, and the ferocious aura emanating from their bodies also quickly faded, as if they had recovered in a moment. They looked sober, but when they found hundreds of charred corpses of their companions piled up like small mounds on the ground one by one, the natural instinct of fear made these green snakes dare not go forward, and after a while, they lowered their heads. Neighing and swam quietly to other places.

At the same time, without the mana stimulation of the ugly man in black, the thick fog that had been densely covering the place quickly dissipated, and the lush and dense mountaintop unexpectedly regained its light.

Originally, the fog was caused by the ugly man in black using the mid-level 'Mist Talisman', otherwise Luo Yu would not have thought of the 'hidden person' from the 'fog' in the first place.

But now that the ugly man in black has been cleaned up, Luo Yu turned his head and looked at the huge black hole with a slightly cautious gaze. Now Luo Yu can almost draw a conclusion. Behind the bronze mirror, the stronger and stronger evil wind coming from the dark cave behind him and the terrified expression of the ugly man in black, there is definitely some kind of extremely dangerous monster hidden inside, and it must be ** Inseparable from ten things. [

It's just that, in the cave, there was a lot of darkness, and because Luo Yu's consciousness was restricted, even though Luo Yu wanted to investigate, he couldn't know what was inside the cave. Dare to rush in like this.

Of course, it doesn't mean that he can only wait outside and find no solution. After thinking about it in Luo Yu's mind, he came up with an idea.

I saw a golden light flashing under Luo Yu's feet, and after a slight sway of his feet, his figure suddenly appeared near the entrance of the pitch-black cave. Six cyan brilliance flew out of Luo Yu's storage bag one after another, and after they landed neatly one by one, six cyan mantis puppets were revealed.

These six cyan mantis puppets are full of high-level fire-attribute energy fluctuations, but they are only experimental products refined by Yan Lingsu. After all, the wind blade attacks used by these puppets rely on fire. It is inspired by the soul condensing milk of the attribute, and its power is difficult to fully exert. If it is not for increasing the refining experience, so that the third-level wolf-headed puppet can be refined for the last time, Linger is not willing to spend a lot of rare materials To refine this second-order praying mantis puppet.

Luo Yu glanced at these puppets indifferently, and then communicated with each praying mantis puppets in an instant with his divine sense. With a flash of blue light, the body flew towards several green trees near the pitch-black giant hole. In the blink of an eye, the leaves "sizzling" and "sizzling" sounded for a while, and the six puppets all searched for it by themselves. To the appropriate position, let a puff of wide and thick green leaves completely hide the figure of the puppet.


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