fairy flame

Chapter 699

We all know!Snake horns, the rumored dragons have horns on their heads!

But the characteristics of the dragon are the double horns on the top of the head, the ability to go up to the sky and the earth, and to overturn the sea. Snakes definitely have nothing to do with 'dragons', but it is very likely that they are extremely rare spirit beasts that rank high among heaven and earth spirit beasts in the world of cultivating immortals!

That is Jiao!

The dragon family is all heaven and earth spirit beasts favored by heaven, and they are also horned heaven and earth spirit beasts, but it is a single horn that is conspicuous and argumentative, and it is also the original destiny of their cultivation. According to the rumors in the world of cultivating immortals, every dragon After reaching the mature stage, they all have at least the strength of a seventh-level monster. They can also go to heaven and earth, call wind and rain, and do anything they can, and their lifespan is extremely long. Almost as long as there are no accidents in their long life, they will eventually want to reach level eight. It is not difficult to change form.

After all, among the dozens of known heaven and earth spirit beasts in the world of cultivating immortals, the dragons belong to the top class. According to rumors, they are the offspring of dragon and snake hybrids, and each dragon is full of treasures! [

But as far as Luo Yu knew, there hadn't been any dragon-type monsters in the world of cultivating immortals in Mengzhou for nearly a thousand years. How could there be a 'Mei Jiao' here? This beast is really cherished, is it possible? Is it also the monks in Hanshanwu who deliberately stocked it here?

But immediately, this thought was immediately ruled out by Luo Yu. Although the Mei Jiao in front of him has one of the lowest dragon bloodlines among the Jiao clan, it has something to do with the word 'Jiao' anyway. , if it can be carefully cultivated, it is very likely to become another town spirit beast in Hanshanwu in the future. Even the immortal cultivators in the Yuanying stage would not be willing to place such a potential plum jiao in this barren place.

Just when Luo Yu was full of astonishment and was thinking about the dragon-like things, the huge emerald-green body of the dragon had completely crawled out from the entrance of the cave, curled up slightly, and after stabilizing, there were almost two people It is thick and thin, and its body length is at least twenty feet!

After the Meijiao monster appeared, it looked up to the sky and neighed for a while, and then it seemed that the place was too small, so it circled its body together, and immediately blocked the huge hole like a green hill The bloodthirsty eyes lingered on both Luo Yu and Xue Sha, and the scarlet snake letter stretched and swayed, disgusting!

The appearance of this dragon, accompanied by the bursts of astonishing monster winds when it neighed, really made Luo Yu's face reveal a rare dignified "color"!

Luo Yu's complexion was a little gloomy, and he used his spiritual sense to explore the body of the plum jiao, but he felt a lot more relaxed in his heart. Judging from the monster aura emanating from the beast, this plum jiao was only in the four corners. At the level of a super monster, if an ordinary late-stage foundation-building monk sees this beast, he will probably run away immediately. After all, the strength of a fourth-level heaven and earth spirit beast is not much worse than that of an ordinary fifth-level monster. Yes, even in terms of some innate talents and abilities, these heaven and earth spirit beasts are even more powerful than ordinary monsters with a higher level of cultivation, and the realm of only fifth-level monsters is equivalent to the early stage of alchemy. exists.

If this beast has reached the level of a fifth-level monster, its strength is equivalent to that of an ordinary sixth-level monster, then Luo Yu may not even be able to escape in time, but judging from the current situation, with Luo Yu's current strength, he is still able to Clear away within the range of the opponent.

After all, he is also a person who is confident that he can live a few tricks with the ancestor of the alchemy period.

But having said that, Luo Yu didn't do anything immediately, but instead sent out a wave of divine sense to communicate with Xue Fiend, wanting to find out what was in that huge black hole. If there was no Jade Soul Tree, why would Luo Yu It's boring to cause this trouble, so naturally he won't fight with Mei Jiao who is full of treasures.

If it was a normal encounter with this beast, Luo Yu would try to kill this beast even if there were no other benefits to lure him, but now it is better to hurry up and get down to business.

As soon as Luo Yu's divine thoughts came out, Xuesha immediately let out a ghostly hiss, and after getting some response, his face was a little disappointed at first, but then he became shocked instantly. After several times of ups and downs on Luo Yu's face, finally turned into a stern look and looked at Mei Jiao coldly, with Sen Hanbi's murderous intent flashing in his eyes!

"Since there is that thing in the cave, I can only kill you to get the treasure!"

After Luo Yu's complexion froze and he let out a low drink, he finally made up his mind.

I saw the seven green flying knives on top of his left hand quickly pointed out, and then the green light of the seven-star Yinhuo blades above them began to intertwine rapidly, and merged into a nearly seventeen-eighty-foot sword in an instant. The long green giant knife, as soon as this knife appeared, the evil spirit it emitted was astonishing.

And Luo Yu's right hand was not idle, he pointed at the blood fiend in the distance with a light wave, and after flexing his fingers, the small white bone flag made a "swish" sound, and the white light flashed and then flew to the blood fiend Above the head, and the small flag immediately swung into the wind and spun slightly, a misty white light shrouded down, and the latter was taken in again in an instant.

At this moment, the aura of the blood demon has obviously subsided a lot, Luo Yu has the confidence to deal with this Meijiao, so he let the blood demon recover from his injuries first.

The formation of the giant knife and the act of retracting the blood demon were all done in the blink of an eye. After all this was done, Luo Yu immediately moved his hands together. After the golden light on the palm of his hand twisted for a while, two shining golden knife pills suddenly appeared in his hand , under Luo Yu's light shaking of both hands, the two golden beads quickly spun and shot towards Mei Jiao's two huge blood eyes, it seemed that Luo Yu wanted to attack the vital point first!

Immediately afterwards, Luo Yu uttered an obscure incantation, and immediately the huge green knife above his head fell head-on, and at the same time, the six mantis beast puppets hidden near the entrance of the cave were also there. In the dark, several cyan light blades were emitted from the whole body with blue light, and these huge wind blades intertwined and flew out, almost spreading around Mei Jiao's huge body. Huchihuchi' blade sound.

If Luo Yu didn't make a move, it would be fine, if he made a move, it would be a thunderous offensive, without giving the opponent any chance to breathe. [

What's more, Luo Yu has a lot of experience in fighting, and he has already seen that against such a huge beast, the insidious flying needle attack method in the past will not work, after all, even if you shoot several times on this beast A wound the size of a needle eye, isn't that just scratching the opponent's itch? Even if the current 'Blood Glow Double Needle' contains beetle tortoise blood poison, but that little bit of poison is not enough to deal with monks. Luo Yu was really not optimistic about the role this giant beast could play.

On the other side, facing such an astonishing attack, the Mei Jiao who was below was naturally shocked to find out that this beast dared to provoke an ant-like existence like Luo Yu, and the hideous Jiao head couldn't help flashing. Have a hint of anger!

Seeing that the two shining golden beads were the fastest, they came to Mei Jiao's eyes almost as soon as they let go, as if the two golden lights were about to pierce through the giant eyes, and what was even more weird was that the two golden beads were flying at the same time. Spinning rapidly, maintaining a curved flight without stagnation at any time, giving people a feeling of incomprehensibility.

At this moment, Mei Jiao glanced coldly at the two golden beads, but a trace of spiritual contempt flashed in her eyes, as if she dismissed such an attack.

Seeing this scene, Luo Yu was secretly pleasantly surprised. The Zhanjindaowan's straight-line attack may not be very good, but if the opponent is contemptuous, then the beast's eyes will definitely bloom in the next step. If you hit it, you will be hit hard.

However, just as the joy on Luo Yu's face hadn't subsided, suddenly a slender red whip-like thing flashed in front of the flying direction of the two golden beads, and it was thrown out at an extremely fast speed. After the light flashed, the two golden beads rolled away. Even Luo Yu, who had a high speed of red light, only saw the red light disappear suddenly, but he didn't know what it was. So briskly broke his own attack.

Moreover, after Jin Zhu was swept away by the crimson light, Luo Yu also immediately lost the mind connection with Zhan Jin Dao Wan, and seemed to disappear out of thin air.

But the red light seemed to come from Mei Jiao's mouth for a moment, and it was as long as a whip. It is hard to believe that it is the snake swallowed by this beast!

When Luo Yu thought of this, he couldn't help being horrified, but fortunately, he was quick to react. Although he was facing the most powerful monster he had ever seen except the three pythons, he was not frightened by it. His divine sense still methodically controlled the rows of violent attacks behind him!

There are many wind blades following the golden bead. After all, because the mantis beast puppets are closer, the cyan light blades attacking from all directions trembled slightly, and they all moved towards Mei Jiao. Cut off all over the body!

But this beast seems to have been prepared long ago so that it will not be hit, but there is no movement of Mei Jiao, but a layer of green light mask emerges from its whole body strangely, stretching out for about ten feet. With a large range, the astonishing evil spirit exuded is as real as it is!

Bang bang bang!

A burst of frantic roar resounded by itself, dozens of wind blades slammed down on the green mask head-on, the green and green rays of light exploded violently, and there was a deafening bang, as if in a stalemate When they got together, Luo Yu, who was only floating in mid-air, changed his face immediately, and almost at the same time, the two-color light waves at the explosion site immediately dissipated, and only the blue color of the praying mantis puppet was seen. The light blade attack seemed to disappear in smoke, but the green mask on Mei Jiao's body was only a little darker in color, and it still looked extremely strong!

Facing such an astonishing defensive power, the astonishment on Luo Yu's face deepened.


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