fairy flame

Chapter 704

At this time, Luo Yu's eyes were calm, watching the scene of the snakes being burned alive and struggling, there was no emotion in his eyes, because he knew very well in his heart that the law of survival of the weak and the strong is the most realistic way of cultivation , the truth that people are not for themselves and heaven and earth are destroyed has long been firmly rooted in his heart.

Not to mention just killing nearly a hundred green snake monsters right now, even if there are hundreds of immortal cultivators standing in front of him, as long as they want to harm him or hinder him from doing anything, he will kill them all without blinking an eyelid. , and there will be no sympathy afterwards.

You must know that there is no one in the world of cultivating immortals who can become a heroic master who has not come from a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

If he hadn't been worried that Meijiao's fellow spirit beasts would appear in this mountain, Luo Yu would have entered the bottom of the mountain a long time ago, but after careful consideration, he finally felt that his heart should come first. With this plum jiao, Luo Yu was a little dangerous in the narrow passageway where it was inconvenient to advance and retreat.

After all, in this mountain passage, there is not much room to dodge, and it is difficult for Luo Yu to fully display his own advantages when he moves, [

That's why he first released a Yuehua stone to fly in front, but he kept a distance of about ten feet away from the stone, so that even if something unexpected happened, he would have enough time to react, so as not to Too rash.

So along the way, Luo Yu turned vigilantly through several forks, and after killing dozens of green snakes scattered all over the passage without much effort, he came here safe and sound.

Glancing coldly at these dead green snake monsters, Luo Yu Gujing withdrew his gaze, and waved his sleeves to let the three-e fire cover disperse by itself, and then, with the bright and soft light emitted by the Moonlight Stone, , Luo Yu's eyes turned scorching hot to look at a seemingly remote corner of the stone wall in the stone hall!

I saw a light black light mask as thin as a cicada's wings and a black stone platform that was obviously flattened by a sharp blade. These two things are very close to a black rock wall, and at the same time, they are similar in color to the surface of the stone wall. , If you don't observe carefully, it may be difficult to find it with the eyes alone.

But since Luo Yu came here, he naturally would not let go of any details, and spent a lot of effort to kill the fourth-level monster Meijiao, the purpose of which was precisely because from the mouth of Xuesha, Luo Yu knew that this stone hall turned out to be the location of a treasure.

At this moment, after the originally inconspicuous pale black e-mask was illuminated by the soft light, the natural law maintained its original hidden state, and even the things inside the mask became clear and transparent.

Most of Luo Yu's attention was also concentrated in the light mask. If the memory in his mind is correct, the stem-like plants in front of him that resemble snake-shaped vines could be the 'Tianxiang Zhemeizhi' that he had been looking for for many years!

There is actually a "Tianxiang Zhemeizhi" in this Meijiao monster, and the name of both has the word "Mei". If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Luo Yu really wouldn't think that there is any connection between the two .

But the stem-like plant in front of him is not just the Tianxiang Zhemei branch that Luo Yu needs, on the contrary it is a complete and rare Tianxiang Zhemei tree!

This can't help but make Luo Yu look at the jerk ratio, and his eyes are even brighter.

After all, I have stayed in this extremely cold place for four years. Even though I know that this place is naturally rich in all kinds of plum trees due to environmental factors, Luo Yu also has personal experience, but for the "Tianxiang Zhemeizhi" that only appears As far as the rare plum species in the ancient records are concerned, they have long been extinct and hard to find even in the Fangshi of the Liulan Mountains. Luo Yu sent people everywhere to inquire, but there is no news about this thing at all, if not for now Seeing it with his own eyes, he basically gave up on finding this thing.

According to the records, the Tianxiang Zhemei tree in the rumor is very similar to the thing in front of me. In order to refine the complete Xuanmei Huanu array, Luo Yu naturally liked the Tianxiang Zhemei Branch and Tianxiang Zhemei Tree. What I kept in mind was that although his face was shaking at the moment, he was also calmly comparing the snake-shaped vine with the impression in his mind, but the longer he looked at it, the more Luo Yu felt. Feeling that he did not admit his mistake, the joy in his heart became even stronger.

The growth range of the Tianxiang Zhemei tree in it covers an area of ​​about Zhang Xu, and it seems to be a little different from the appearance in Luo Yu's memory. It's not that it can't be like this, but the size looks obviously too big compared to the description in the classics. some.

A normal Tianxiang Zhemei tree should be as tall as a person and about an inch thick, but the snake-shaped vine in front of me is about a foot high, and its width is as thick as a baby's arm, which is really too strong.

"Could it be that this 'Tianxiang Zhemei Tree' has been growing for more than a thousand years!"

If Luo Yu guessed according to his normal thinking, he couldn't help but have a horrified thought in his heart!

Because according to the common sense in the world of cultivating immortals, the larger the spiritual things, the longer the growth year. Luo Yu saw from the classics that the ordinary Tianxiang Zhemei trees were cut down hundreds of years ago. After all, even if the tree is more than a thousand years old, its value will increase tenfold, but the tree can live for a thousand years, but people may not have such a long life span to wait.

And if it is a lifeless treasure, it is different from a waste.

Therefore, the appearance of Tianxiang Zhemei trees recorded in many ancient books is only what they look like when they have grown for more than a hundred years. [

Could it be that today I had great luck and met a thousand-year-old spiritual creature?

Thinking of this, Rao Yiluo Yu's current cultivation as a late-stage foundation-establishment monk couldn't help but feel ecstatic.

But there is such a precious spiritual thing here, this time Luo Yu does not believe that anyone in Hanshanwu knows about it, and there is a faint black light flickering near the Xiangzhe plum tree that day when it was cut, obviously it is protected by some kind of prohibition, and Looking at the faded black light, Luo Yu vaguely remembered the formation experience he had studied over the years. Although he couldn't name it for a while, it was obvious that this restriction was artificially arranged.

Moreover, this black mask is a full two feet in size. Judging from the frequency and fluctuation of the brilliance, it is somewhat similar to the most difficult warning restriction for formation breakers.

Seeing the existence of this thing, while Luo Yu was excited, he couldn't help becoming cautious.

Because at this moment, if he wants to take this Tianxiangzhe plum tree, there are still many obstacles, and someone specially arranged a ban to protect this tree, so it should not be known to the precious plum tree here. Could it be that they really have something? No relationship!

Realizing this, Luo Yu suddenly recalled his previous thought that Meijiao was a master spirit beast. If that was the case, the powerful man who can raise heaven and earth spirit beasts might sense it through his telepathy. He killed his spirit beast by himself, and then came to take his own life in a rage and madness, to avenge his beloved spirit beast!

The higher the level of the monk, the more he valued the things connected with his real name. Killing the other party's natal spirit beast is undoubtedly to break the hatred of his brother!

Even worse is possible!Maybe the other party is on the way now, and my life is at stake!

At this moment, Luo Yu's excitement that he had not been born for a long time disappeared immediately, and suddenly he felt a chill all over his body, as if he had fallen into the bottom ice cellar, and there was a sense of regret and regret in his heart.

If the matter of killing Mei Jiao affected him to steal the Ice Dragon Cicada, wouldn't it be too much to lose!


At this moment, another thought came up inadvertently, and Luo Yu immediately realized that he might have missed some key point!

He immediately turned his eyes to the thousand-year-old Tianxiangzhe plum tree. If the Tianxiangzhe plum tree had grown here for more than a thousand years as he thought, then the other party could not have planted a 800-year-old tree in the first place. The Tianxiang Zhemei tree is planted here, and it is usually planted for two to 300 years, and at most it will not exceed 500 years.

This is a common sense that is basically acquiesced in the world of cultivating immortals, and it can also be said to be self-evident, because there is no monk who holds a precious 500-year-old plant in his hand and still wants to cultivate it for 1000 years. The year, that is something only a fool would do, not to mention that even the immortal cultivators in the Nascent Soul Stage do not have the patience to wait for that long, even if there are, how many people can resist staring at the spiritual thing every day? Slow growing and not locally sourced

Calculated in this way, before the planting of this Tianxiang Zhemei tree, it is even less likely that the tree was more than 500 years old. The most likely thing is that the year when it was planted was relatively low. To use it in my lifetime is entirely based on the idea that the predecessors planted trees and the descendants enjoy the shade.

Otherwise, such a precious spiritual object, or because the age is too low, I am afraid that no one, no matter how stupid, would plant it in the faction. Besides, this Valley of Trials is also a place for outside disciples to participate in the assessment. Very, is it true that there are still people who don't understand the truth of the golden house hiding the beauty?

And if Luo Yu's conjecture is correct, then there is a contradiction in the matter.

Because the dead plum jiao has been cultivating for no more than 300 years, but the Tianxiang Zhemei tree has grown for at least 500 years. There is at least nearly 200 years of blank time between the two.

From this point of view, it should be that when the Tianxiangzhe plum tree was transplanted here, there was no plum jiao in the stone hall, and Mei Jiao came here because he probably smelled the fragrance emitted by the Tianxiangzhe plum tree during its growth. That's why they are attracted here because of its strong fragrance, so even if a certain monk in Hanshanwu knows that there is a Tianxiangzhe plum tree here, he doesn't necessarily know that there is a plum tree here!

At least Luo Yu didn't think that anyone would be willing to let a rare Lingjiao be free and let it live with a snake.

At this point, Luo Yu's tense heart relaxed a lot. Although the mental struggle just now caused his mood to fluctuate greatly, and he broke out in a lot of cold sweat, there was no basis for it, and the current test is very logical. . [

"Huh? This is it!"

Stretching out his hand to wipe the cold sweat on his forehead, just as Luo Yu exhaled lightly, his eyebrows twitched suddenly, his eyes followed closely, and he stared suspiciously at the seemingly ordinary black stone platform .

The update of "Fairy Flame" has been delivered, collect it

(Hey, the promise of two updates last month has finally been fulfilled. I will go to school to register tomorrow. Those who are out of town will only be able to update once in the last few days)! ~!

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