fairy flame

Chapter 71

"Fellow Daoist Shi, can you take some blood deer ears from your store for me to have a look first. I'm also helping a friend who is in charge of the elixir garden to buy this medicine. According to my friend's request, it doesn't need to be mature." After listening to Mrs. Zhuangzhuang's words, Luo Yu immediately became interested, but he couldn't reveal his identity, so he deliberately lied. I can also use the mysterious white flame to purify to increase the age, and Luo Yu can't afford such a rare elixir like blood deer ear if it is mature.

Afterwards, Mrs. Dangzhuang hurriedly found a servant and ordered him to go to the warehouse to fetch the medicinal materials needed by Luo Yu immediately. The servant naturally agreed and ran out quickly, and came in shortly after, panting. The three servants, each of them carried two large bags wrapped in white cloth, which were full and heavy.

Mrs. Dangzhuang waved slightly to the three servants, and the three of them immediately put the bags in their hands on the table in understanding, and then quickly poured out the contents of the bag and put them on the table one by one. After a while, a mountain of yellow stick-shaped objects piled up on the table.

Luo Yu pondered for a while, raised his hand and took a section of the stick-shaped blood deer ear on the table, held it in his hand and looked at it carefully, only to see that it was about several inches long, shaped like antlers, curved and straight, Luo Yu He took this object in his hand and gently pinched it twice. It was soft but full of toughness. It was not much different from the portrait of blood deer ears that Luo Yu saw in the book, but Luo Yu did not dare to make a decision lightly. Then, Luo Yu put the object next to his nostrils and sniffed it lightly for a few times, only to feel a strong pungent air coming over his nostrils, Luo Yu hurriedly put the object back on the table, and said with a frown: "This object is actually blood. The deer ears are not fake, the age should be less than 200 years, but these blood deer ears have obviously been placed for too long, and the preservation measures are not perfect, half of the medicinal properties have been lost, and the purity is not high! It is hard to say whether they can survive after planting! "

"Hehe, this... the store's preservation measures are not ideal, like this! If you want it, fellow daoist, you can pay half the price! How about a total of [-] spirit stones? If it weren't for the fact that fellow daoist made a few big deals with our store today, my concubine It is definitely not going to be sold at such a low price, after all, it cost a lot of spirit stones to buy these blood deer ears." Mrs. Dangzhuang laughed dryly and pretended to be losing money.

Looking at the pretended aggrieved expression on Mrs. Dangzhuang's face, Luo Yu sneered secretly, and said with a contemptuous smile: "Seven hundred spirit stones! Could it be that Fellow Daoist Shi doesn't know about these blood deer ears? Yue, the blood deer ears in your hands will lose all their medicinal effects, and then Daoist Shi will really lose all his money, and I will give you up to five hundred spirit stones, and if we can't agree, I will leave immediately!" After finishing speaking, Luo Yu put on an expression of reluctance. Although it is a bit exaggerated to say that the medicine has lost its effect in two months, this kind of half-spirit medicine is not very easy to sell. It may be really difficult for Luo Yu not to buy it. Waiting for the next buyer.

After Mrs. Zhuangzhuang heard it, she didn't know whether what Luo Yu said was true or not, but she herself was really worried that the effect of the medicine would be lost more in the future, and it would be more difficult to sell. The Spirit Seed can also be sold for a good price, and now we have to sell it quickly, so as to save a little money, which is better than dying in the store.

Gritting her teeth, she made a decision, and said forcefully, "Okay, according to fellow daoist, five hundred spirit stones! This time I have lost a lot!" Mrs. Dangzhuang finished speaking, and smiled wryly at Luo Yu.

After the price was negotiated, Luo Yu took out five hundred spirit stones from the storage bag, put all the blood deer ears into a special storage bag, and strode away from the Zizhu Pavilion amidst Mrs. Dangzhuang's polite thanks.

Then, Luo Yu went to several other old shops to ask, but in the end he still didn't find the formation that he valued. It seems that the set of hundreds of woods bathing in fire that he accidentally bought last time was really lucky. Luo Yu After Yu stopped and bought a lot of talismans, he walked to an alley in a twist and turns, took off all the clothes on his body, changed into a gray and white Taoist robe, and then slowly flew away from here. In the beginning, Luo Yu kept restraining his speed as much as possible, constantly using his spiritual sense to check his surroundings, lest he was accidentally ambushed by someone like last time, and almost lost his life. After tens of miles away from the city, Luo Yu was convinced that no one was there. Following himself, he turned his light and flew in the direction of Guanshan City.

Although the area of ​​Yuanjiang Kingdom is not large among the Three Kingdoms of Mengzhou, if a monk in the Qi training period wants to fly around Yuanjiang Kingdom, it may not be possible to complete it in a month or two. It refers to traveling day and night without rest, but if it is a monk in the Qi training period, who can fly non-stop, and the spiritual power will be exhausted after flying for a day or two at most.

Guanshan City is not too far away from Luo Yu's original capital 'An Ding City', but it took almost a whole day for Luo Yu to fly with all his strength. The high-level magic weapon, that is, the black iron shuttle, was taken out to try it out. After all, it was the first time I had used a high-level magic weapon to fly, so it was inevitable to be curious if I put it in the storage bag without using it.

This flight took Luo Yu by surprise. As soon as Luo Yu input spiritual power, the black iron shuttle turned into a blurry phantom with a flash of gray light, and the speed was so fast that Luo Yu felt that he was His body was squeezing the surrounding air, and the cold wind blowing from the high altitude made his ears hurt, and even made Luo Yu feel a slight suffocation. Immediately, Luo Yu was so frightened that he quickly opened the spiritual power shield, and then gradually recovered. normal.

Afterwards, Luo Yu didn't dare to fly with the black iron shuttle anymore, because although the iron shuttle's flying speed was more than twice as fast as his own Golden Thunder Sword, it also consumed twice as much spiritual power, and it was dangerous to go out now. Unpredictable, you must keep your spiritual power full at all times in order to cope with some sudden crises. Moreover, flying with high-level magic weapons is too eye-catching. It’s okay if others can’t catch up with you. If you can get it, there will be murders and treasures out of ten, so Luo Yu decided not to use this high-level magic weapon unless it is necessary. Even if you want to get it, you have to wait until you become stronger OK.

In fact, Luo Yu didn't know that in order to perfectly control high-level magic weapons, it is best to have a cultivation level above the ninth floor, that is, high-level magic weapons during the Qi training period, because the thicker the spiritual power, the easier it is to control high-level magic weapons. Artifacts, and not just magic weapons, but also some powerful treasures in the Dan period are the same. The greater the power, the user's cultivation base must also keep up. Can't hold back the huge power of the treasure and burst his body.

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