fairy flame

Chapter 73

However, judging from the current situation, this person's martial arts are obviously capable of restraining Zhang Qi's saber technique. Under such a fierce battle, it won't take long before Zhang Qi's fierce and sharp momentum will weaken with the rapid consumption of internal energy. It's time for the Phi Man to fight back.

Sure enough, after about half a stick of incense, Zhang Qi blushed and began to lower his offensive. The power and accuracy of the big knife in his hand had declined compared to the beginning, and the man in the cloak was waiting for this. For a moment, after the man sneered, the double hooks swung quickly. The sharp hooks were like poisonous snakes spitting out letters, changing in many ways, and the short and delicate hooks turned into layers of beast claws, covering Zhang Qi's whole body, cutting off his escape route. , this person has been preparing for a long time, once he explodes, he will put his opponent to death!

"Bah! Bah..." After several head-to-head blows in a row, Zhang Qi's sword finally couldn't hold it. When it comes to quick combos in a small area, how can a sword beat the agility of double hooks? At the next chance, the silver hook in the left hand was lightly moved, and it clasped the back of the big knife, and then the silver hook flipped out sharply, Zhang Qi's big knife was released immediately, and at the same time, the right hook of the man in the cloak turned into a The ferocious poisonous snake poked towards Zhang Qi's neck with incomparable speed. By the time everyone reacted, it was already too late. This was a fatal blow!

And Zhang Qi's face was pale, but the speed of the double hook was too fast, and there was no time to react, just when the two groups thought that Zhang Qi was sure to die.

Mutants!Two streaks of silver crystal brilliance suddenly poured down from the sky, like stars falling from the sky, they caught up with the man's silver hook at an indistinguishable speed, and one of the silver sword qi instantly struck On the silver hook of the man's right hand, the silver hook was cut into two sections by the silver sword energy without the slightest resistance, while another silver sword energy broke out instantly under the terrified eyes of the man, and the man even Before he could scream, he was killed by the sword qi!

The entire process from the appearance of the sword energy to the killing of the Piman was just a split second, and it happened too suddenly, without any warning. It was not until the Piman fell to the ground and died that everyone realized that they all looked up in horror. Looking up, he saw a figure in a gray shirt quickly passing over the heads of the crowd, and then landed on the ground with a light touch on his toes. This person was naturally Luo Yu. He saw that Zhang Qi's life was in danger just now, so naturally he couldn't just stand by and watch. He threw out two streaks of Jiyue sword qi casually, and with the support of Luo Yu's powerful body, the power of Jiyue sword qi was naturally different from before, unless those innately strong had a slight chance of resisting.

And after Luo Yu fell to the ground, everyone saw his face clearly, but it was a strange face that no one had ever seen before, except for Zhang Qi who was surviving near death by the side, who looked at Luo Yu with a strange expression. After the sound, as if remembering something, his eyes were full of surprise, and he was dumbfounded: "You! You are..."

Seeing the expression on Zhang Qi's face, Luo Yu just smiled and said nothing, now is not the time to reveal his identity, let's deal with the people from Baihumen first.

"Who is your Excellency? If you dare to meddle in our Baihumen's affairs, please leave your name!" Not long after Luo Yu landed, two middle-aged men walked out from the group of people dressed in white tiger brocade clothes. He pointed at Luo Yu and shouted sharply, it seems that he should be the leader of this group of people.

"Oh! You want to leave my name, arrogant! Let's see if you have the ability!" Before Luo Yu finished speaking, he made a 'shua' sound, and waved two sword qi casually, and everyone saw a silver light. Flash, the two people who spoke just now were cut off by Luo Yu's unexpected lightning-like sword energy, and blood spurted out from the corpses twice, turning into a rain of blood and falling on everyone.

"Hmph! You don't deserve to know." Luo Yu didn't even look at the two people on the ground, as if talking to himself.

"Hall master is dead! Ah... run, everyone!"

"Monster! Sorcery!" Seeing that the two leaders died under Luo Yu's lightning-like sword energy without any resistance, the people of Baihumen couldn't bear this terrifying and oppressive atmosphere, and they were frightened. Run away in all directions.

"Hurry up!" Luo Yu reminded helplessly after seeing Zhang Qi staring at him in horror and standing there at a loss.

This is also a matter of no choice. In order not to expose his identity as an immortal cultivator, Luo Yu did not use any spells or magic weapons, but with the unique knowledge of the generation of martial sages in the Yuanjiang Kingdom and the cooperation of spiritual perception , Killing these people is really effortless, so Luo Yu just waved his hand, and the other party was in a strange scene. Anyone who saw such a scene would be shocked as a ghost.

Zhang Qi also reacted in an instant, and hurriedly ordered his subordinates to chase after him immediately, and gave the order to kill those fleeing Baihumen disciples quickly.

Since the leader of the other party is dead, the remaining ones were frightened by Luo Yu. Under the fear, they might not even be able to display half of their usual strength. Naturally, they were killed by the disciples of the Qinglong Gang led by Zhang Qi without any chance of fighting back. The screams quickly spread throughout the alley, but unfortunately those people all fled separately, and the number of them was more than Zhang Qi's Qinglong Gang disciples, so there were still some who slipped through the net. After a small alley, Zhang Qi brought back the disciples of the Azure Dragon Gang. The opponent had already fled far away, and it would be unintentional to pursue them again. The streets do the killing.

Gathered the gang together, and after counting the number of people, he ordered his subordinates to clean up the scene. Afterwards, Zhang Qi dismissed the subordinates beside him, walked up to Luo Yu with a rather embarrassed expression, and said, "Senior, you...you are?"

"Didn't you already see it! After a few years of separation, we have changed a lot." Luo Yu said lightly with a smile.

"It's you boy! The dog fucked you... Oh! Brother Yu, how can you become so strong now!" Fatty Zhang said in ecstasy after confirming Luo Yu's identity.If this made him know Luo Yu's identity as an immortal cultivator, Fatty Zhang would be even more surprised from ear to ear.

"It's a long story. I'll talk to you later. I'm here to meet with your Azure Dragon Clan leader. Take me to meet him first." Luo Yu said slowly.

"I want to see the leader! With the current situation of the Qinglong Gang, even if I want to see the leader, it is very troublesome. I'm afraid I will have to wait for a while." How can I still recall the embarrassment on Luo Yu's face when I heard that Luo Yu wanted to see the leader? opened the mouth.

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