fairy flame

Chapter 83 Black Inscription Sword and Yun Ze Pill

So to cure this disease, unless you can meet the rumored treasure of heaven and earth "Heart Changing Grass" and take this spiritual thing, you can cure this disease, but Luo Yu wonders whether such rumored things really exist Very doubtful, let alone good luck, 'Heart Changing Grass' is also known as Immortal Immortal Grass in the world of cultivating immortals. And the most exaggerated thing is that the reshaped new body is the same as the original one, so the realm of the immortal cultivator will not regress in the slightest, but this thing has long been rumored in the immortal cultivating world.

Another possibility is that the special case in the Fang clan mentioned by the woman with light makeup just now is not actually because of the magical medicine that the person took, but because of the spiritual root of the drama of life, he became a cultivator of immortals!

Because once you become a cultivator, you can absorb the spiritual energy of the celestial body from the outside world to nourish your body and repair your heart. Once you reach the qi training stage, the disease will naturally disappear after infusing your body with innate qi, and there is no need for any treatment at all. That's why Luo Yu suspected that The special case survived because it became an immortal cultivator!

But this Fang Ling definitely does not have spiritual roots. Just now Luo Yu drove the spiritual energy into his body to see if it could react. This is a simple way to judge whether a mortal has spiritual roots. It cannot be said to be 100% accurate, but There will not be much error, but this method can only be used to see whether the person being cast has a spiritual root, and the specific attribute of the spiritual root cannot be checked, and the result of Luo Yu's test just now is that the boy does not have a spiritual root. spiritual root.

"There's a bottle of 'Yun Ze Dan' in here, ten in total! Taking one every year should be able to save his life for ten years." After thinking clearly, Luo Yu took out a blue bottle from his bosom and slowly handed it to him. past.

This pill is also one of the world's top healing pills recorded in the book "A Brief View of the Way of Alchemy". However, Luo Yu refined this pill at the time to increase his own alchemy skills. Who would have thought that it would be useful today? up.

"Thank you so much for the gift of the medicine! Our mother and child can't repay it!" The woman with light makeup bowed to Luo Yu again after she finished speaking, and then took the bottle carefully.

"Okay, since the elixir has been delivered, Qing has something else to do, so I'll leave first." Luo Yu had finished the matter, but he actually had another matter in mind, but he couldn't delay it.

"Young hero is leaving now? Wait! I just remembered something, but it is useless to our mother and child! I will give it to Young hero as a reward. Please accept it." Hearing that Luo Yu was about to leave, The woman with light makeup suddenly thought of an ancestral item of the Fang family. This young hero should use that item since he has traveled the rivers and lakes.

After the dignified woman finished speaking, she walked quickly to the corner of the wall, moved a few times, and opened a thick, dusty floor. After groping with her hands for a while, she struggled to hold something from below. Luo Yu looked intently, only Seeing that this thing is wrapped in a shabby gray cloth robe, the whole picture cannot be seen clearly, but it vaguely looks like something like an iron ruler.

"Dang!" The dignified woman opened the rag and put the thing in her hand on the table with great difficulty. iron block.

"This is..." Luo Yu looked at it for a while, and then showed a trace of curiosity. With his own experience, he really didn't see the origin of this thing.

"This 'Black Inscription Sword' is an ancestral item of our Fang family, but no one in our Fang family has practiced martial arts since a long time ago, so this thing has been abandoned. There is no way to know the exact origin of this sword. It is the most strange. The most striking thing is that this sword is different from all known gold and iron objects, but according to the genealogy records, this sword is almost indestructible, and no sharp weapon can leave a trace on this sword. It's a waste to keep the sword in the hands of our mother and son, so it's better to give it to the young hero for self-defense when walking in the rivers and lakes." The young woman with light makeup said politely.

At this time, Zhu Sheng, who was standing next to him, also smiled and said, "Yes! You should accept it, the sword is the most useful in the hands of the young hero."

Luo Yu got a 700-year-old wild ginseng from this person just now, and now there is a black sword that even he can't see the history. He really doesn't believe that his luck will be so good. Good shit luck!

However, if this sword is really a treasure, Luo Yu will naturally not miss it, the improvement of his own strength is more important than anything else.

Thinking of this, Luo Yu was not polite, walked directly to the table and picked up the sword.

"It's really heavy!" Luo Yu's first feeling when he picked up the sword was that it was much heavier than ordinary refined iron swords. This kind of heavy sword was rarely used in the secular world. According to Feng Commander at that time , Most of the secular martial arts in Yuanjiang Kingdom follow the brisk and swift technique all the way, holding an epee to fight against others, and the speed is one knot faster than the opponent, isn't it just asking for a dead end!

Taking a closer look, this sword is not pure black, but there are some purple awns mixed in the black sword body, but after Luo Yu rubbed it for a while, he still couldn't remember what material it was made of. The width and thickness of this sword are about three inches , more than half a foot long, and the epee has no front. Luo Yu gently put the two fingers of his right hand on the back of the sword. After a little movement of his internal force, a silver-white light suddenly emerged from his fingertips. Luo Yu slowly moved the silver-white sword Mang swipe lightly on the black Ming sword, without a sound, the silver light flashed, the silver mang was bounced off by the black sword, and disappeared, and Luo Yu used the generous back of the sword to block the whole process, the woman with light makeup He and Zhu Sheng only saw Luo Yu put his right hand behind the back of the sword, and thought Luo Yu was checking the material of the sword.

Seeing that the silver glow was directly bounced away, Luo Yu suppressed the surprise in his eyes, and said to the two people standing beside him: "This sword is really useful to me! But Qing has already accepted Zhu Sheng's reward before." , so I will not ask for your ancestral sword for nothing. I have a bottle of panacea here. Although it is not very useful for his illness, if it is used together with Yun Ze Dan, it should make him recover faster , and it can also play a role in strengthening the body." After Luo Yu finished speaking, he took out a white bottle from his arms and placed it beside Fang Ling's bed.

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