fairy flame

Chapter 831

When his complexion suddenly turned cold, he suddenly went 'chichi! ' A strange hiss burst out from Luo Yu's body!

I saw Luo Yu turning his hands outwards, a dazzling spiritual light suddenly appeared, and after a little rotation, two golden round beads formed in the palm of his hand without warning.

The two golden balls that had just appeared shrieked together and flashed through the air at the same time, and then disappeared in Luo Yu's hands.

Immediately afterwards, it was like a glimpse!

The two golden balls that disappeared suddenly parted ways and flashed out one after another halfway, one of the balls was spinning non-stop and rushed towards the black-blue giant python, bringing a long golden tail along the way, and the other golden Yuanzhu quietly appeared near the oppressing cloud!

Luo Yu's golden bead attack was done in one go, as if it had been brewing for a long time!

At this moment, the yellow-browed old man who was not far away saw Luo Yu's two attacks at his fingertips, and wanted to resist his powerful magic skills. , I believe that Luo Yu will regret it very much next time.

But an unexpected scene happened!


After the violent roar, the golden orb under the black cloud was not a frontal attack. On the contrary, it burst open one step away from the cloudy cloud. There is a piece of golden glow about Zhang Xu, but on the surface of the golden glow, there are countless sparkling rays of light densely emerging!

The old man with yellow eyebrows was stunned when he saw this situation, but at this moment, countless golden lights shot out from the golden glow like raindrops, and the sharp whistling sound pierced the air, as if thousands of arrows were fired at once. !

For a time, at such a close distance, the cloud had no time to react, and hundreds of golden rays of light rushed into it in an instant, and the black light on the surface of the cloud was easily torn apart like paper paste. The awn shot through frantically, and the black cloud trembled wildly, and suddenly it was riddled with holes.

Right now Luo Yu's 'Zhan Jin Dao Wan' transforms into thousands of small sword lights, another attack change that he has only realized not long ago. Although these sword lights are not very powerful individually, they are better than the number of them. , and each of the metallic blades has amazing penetrating power!

At this moment, after the black cloud was pierced by countless golden lights, the black cloud rolled violently, and its color instantly dimmed. There were bursts of sounds like howling ghosts in pain, and the shape of the whole black cloud kept changing. , as if it was about to fall apart.

Seeing this situation, the old man with yellow eyebrows who was hiding behind the black cloud and was about to fly over directly did not expect Luo Yu's attack to be so unpredictable. His face was extremely ugly, but fortunately, as a cultivator in the late stage of foundation establishment, this person has experienced countless killings and storms in his life, and he quickly reacted.

The yellow-browed old man stretched out his tongue and licked his dry lips. After a hideous look flashed across his face, he quickly stretched out a pair of skinny hands to pinch spells together, and a black light burst out from his body. Immediately, a cloud of black air condensed in the palm of his hand!

Without further ado, the yellow-browed old man directly punched the black air in his hand into the crumbling cloud, and then the black air turned into a large black thread with a "boom" and gathered the collapsed cloud together in the blink of an eye. With a little effort, under the blessing of this black light, a series of deep black silk threads flashed all over the entire cloud.

At this time, after Luo Yu's golden blade glow touched those black silk threads for a moment, the black and gold rays of light dissipated soundlessly, and the two were actually evenly matched, as if neither could do anything to the other.

And taking advantage of the moment when countless golden lights were blocked, a huge net woven by hundreds of black silk threads completely wrapped the cloud in it, and bright black rays of light appeared flickeringly on the surface of the huge black net, no matter what The golden light from outside continued to attack crazily, and the black net was only shaking unevenly, but there was no sign of defeat at all.

"Soul binding silk!"

When Luo Yu saw the astonishing defensive power of the big black net, he immediately thought of a powerful secret technique of the magic way.

But just when Luo Yu and the yellow-browed old man only tentatively fought each other once, suddenly a violent roar sounded not far from the two of them!

Luo Yu and the old man with yellow eyebrows were startled when they heard the sound, and they subconsciously turned their heads to look. As a result, Luo Yu's face remained unchanged, but the old man with yellow eyebrows suddenly turned pale.

Not far from the two of them, the giant green python that originally wanted to snatch the Xuanhuo stick was flying backwards unsteadily, and a hole the size of a fist appeared in its tail, and it was near the hole. The mang's tail was already covered by a fine layer of golden glow, inside which the naked eye could see a small golden light constantly wearing away the solid scales on the green python's body!

The giant python didn't seem to have expected that Luo Yu's other bead would be so difficult to entangle, and at the moment it was fooled, it couldn't help letting out a stern roar of pain!

Unsurprisingly, Qing Mang must have underestimated the power of Luo Yu's "Zhan Jin Dao Wan", so he was sent flying by the impact force of a thousand catties carried by the golden bead, and then Zhan Jin Dao Wan was close to him again. After the mang's tail burst open, it turned into pieces of rays of light containing a sharp golden awn that wrapped around it, causing the opponent to be injured instantly!

It was really unexpected that such a majestic green python was beaten to the ground by a golden bead that was countless times smaller.

At this moment, the yellow-browed old man in the distance saw his green python languishing, his face was even more frightened and angry!

It's just that this person was extremely calm in his heart, and he chanted a strange spell at the green python without hesitation. In the blink of an eye, the golden-glowed green python, which could not shake off its body no matter how hard it was before, suddenly stood firmly in the air. He stopped, but suddenly a layer of black air rose from the python's head.


As soon as the green python raised its head, it let out a creepy neighing sound. With its huge mouth opened, a black gust of black wind that turned into a black cloud shot out from the beast's mouth, making a piercing whistling sound. Underneath, the black gust of wind unbiasedly rolled around the place covered by the golden awn, and then took away all the golden awn that had adhered to the green python with an incomparable sharpness, and disappeared completely.

However, taking advantage of this opportunity, the big man in red beside Luo Yu hurriedly glanced at Luo Yu gratefully, before he had time to thank him, he finally stabilized his black fire stick, and quickly took back the magic weapon without saying a word , and re-infused spiritual power, making it tightly guarded in front of the body, as if only defending but not attacking.

It seems that after the thrilling fight just now, the red-robed man couldn't understand in his heart that he couldn't and was powerless to intervene in the battle between monks in the late foundation establishment period.

At this time, Luo Yu saw the other party's green python break free from the shackles of his golden light, a trace of surprise on his face disappeared, but he did not attack again, but the scene just now was still in Luo Yu's expectation of.

No matter how powerful his 'Zhan Jin Dao Wan' is, it is impossible to subdue the black killing leader on the opposite side with this supernatural power alone.

However, the purpose of Luo Yu's attack was only to hold back the leader of the black killer, and it was obvious that this person could not leave now.

Coincidentally!Not far away, the leader of the Black Killer calmed down and rescued the cyan python, and looked at Luo Yu with extremely vicious eyes, but it seemed that he didn't dare to do anything to Luo Yu casually. A giant green python shot back with a 'swish', shaking its head and tail, appearing around the Black Killer leader and guarding it firmly.

The yellow-browed old man is not a fool either, Luo Yu has not taken out a magic weapon until now, just relying on the two golden lights that he used casually, he made himself flustered, the yellow-browed old man naturally knew that he had misjudged just now Well, the young man in front of him is probably not an ordinary late-stage Foundation Establishment monk!

It's just that after seeing Luo Yu's calm and calm expression since he appeared, could it be that there is really some incredible magical power to rely on to make him so calm here.

At this moment, the leader of the black killer was extremely afraid, and he didn't dare to act rashly, but at this moment, the old man with yellow eyebrows raised his eyebrows, and his face suddenly changed and he looked behind him!

Almost as soon as this person turned around, a thick voice like Hong Zhong Da Lu rumbled into everyone's ears.

"Haha! Thank you fellow daoists for helping to stop this monster. The poor monk is here to thank you two."

As soon as the words fell, suddenly, in the stream of talisman behind the leader of the black killing leader, a golden light escaped from the bombardment of countless five-element spell lights, but it shot out from it unscathed. It came from this man's mouth.

After Luo Yu and the red-robed man saw each other's face clearly, their hearts were shocked! ——

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