fairy flame

Chapter 86 The Battle of the Two Gangs

With the instant explosive speed of Luo Yu's flashing steps, after a few flashes, he came to a high wall in a courtyard. It was probably from here that the scarf floated out just now, but at this moment, Luo Yu's gaze was not far away. No trace of anyone was found, but it was a bit strange!

At this moment, Luo Yu slowly settled on the high wall, closed his eyes immediately, and began to use his spiritual sense to search for all the wind and grass around him, but after a while, he let out a soft 'huh', his face was full of surprise, it turned out that Just now Luo Yu used his spiritual sense to detect the surrounding area, but he still didn't find the aura of the master of Baihumen, and there were no immortal cultivators in the courtyard either.

This is really strange, could it be that this person's movement speed is faster than his own spiritual sense, or that the concubine's information is wrong, thinking of this, Luo Yu's eyes froze, and under the urging of spiritual power, he turned his spiritual sense to the extreme. Quickly covering the past, everything around him was displayed clearly in his mind. After that, Luo Yu gradually increased the search range of his spiritual sense, and after it spread to a radius of hundreds of feet, since there was no tendency to stop, he was still going out. expansion.

It was the first time for Luo Yu to search such a large area. After spreading his spiritual sense over a hundred feet, he felt a stabbing pain in his head, but it didn't reach the unbearable level.

Luo Yu generally seldom operates his spiritual sense to such a large range, because the larger the range, the more various messy information he collects, and it is not easy to find out what is useful to him. The faster it is, the more spiritual power the cultivator needs to consume, and the more the load on the brain will increase. Frequent excessive use of spiritual sense in this way will cause certain damage to one's body!

Sudden!Just when Luo Yu expanded the range to about 150 feet, he suddenly opened his eyes, a strange color flashed in his eyes, and after a sneer, he ran towards a rockery. To Luo Yu, this distance was just a cup During the time of tea, as soon as Luo Yu got close to the rockery, he slid into the grass next to him, prostrated himself on the ground and stared at the person behind the rockery in the dark.

I saw this person was about 50 to [-] years old, with gloomy eyes, and a mustache sticking to his face, which made people feel sinister and cunning, but this person had a good martial arts practice, and he was also a Congenitally strong.

"Bai Yue!" The corner of Luo Yu's mouth twitched slightly, this person is the head of the Baihu Sect!Luo Yu naturally inquired about this person's appearance before coming here, and immediately recognized him when he saw it, but according to Zhao Pan, this person's martial arts cultivation is not from a congenital strong man, could it be? Can't you break through these days?

However, even if he is a congenital powerhouse, it doesn't matter to today's plan. In Luo Yu's eyes, a congenital powerhouse is nothing at all. At most, he can get rid of this person by himself!

While Luo Yu was observing this person, Bai Yue squinted his eyes and looked around cautiously for a few times, then lightly pressed a bare rock on the rockery, and with a slight twist of one hand, the rockery slowly lifted with a sound of rubbing. It slowly opened to both sides, and after a while, a hole with a height of one person was revealed, which was dark and eerie. Seeing the opening of the passage, Bai Yue pondered for a moment and then strode down.

Not long after this person entered, the passage slowly shrank inward. Before it closed, Luo Yu tapped his toes lightly, and the whole person flitted to follow in. Like gravity, this is a very basic spell in the world of cultivating immortals, the "lifting vertical technique". Compared with the "lightening body technique", it is a little more difficult to learn, and the requirements for learning this technique are also a little higher. You must practice Qi for five levels You can learn it later.

Although this technique is not as flexible as Luo Yu's Shining Spirit Step, it is better in that it is silent and not easy to be noticed. It is more suitable for tracking, but the premise is that you can restrain your own spiritual energy fluctuations. Everyone will be aware of it.

Since it is very likely that the two immortal cultivators are hiding inside, Luo Yu will naturally not use the flashing step again. The lifting technique combined with the resting formula can completely get close to the immortal cultivators who are lower than himself without being discovered. However, Luo Yu's resting formula has not yet been practiced, and the time at most he can restrain his breath and persist for about a stick of incense is the limit.

After Luo Yu walked in, he kept a firm lock on Bai Yue with his spiritual sense, keeping a certain distance.

The inside of the passage was completely pitch black, without any lighting such as torches. Luo Yu not only had to allocate a small part of his spiritual sense to follow Bai Yue, who was leading the way, but also checked from time to time whether there were any low-level security formations or restraints around him. Arrays and the like, but after walking for more than half a day, what Luo Yu didn't expect was that there were no defensive measures for a cultivator here. If Luo Yu practiced here by himself, he would definitely be here because of his suspicious nature. Arrange a lot of prohibition formations and defense formations.

Maybe the two brothers are too bold!Luo Yu thought to himself, but he didn't dare to relax his vigilance. The passage is not very long, but there are many forks and turns. If there is no one to guide the way, it may really take a lot of effort to search.

Just when Luo Yu thought of this, Bai Yue, who was leading the way, stopped suddenly. Luo Yu was shocked and hurriedly withdrew his spiritual sense. After his aura subsided, low-level immortal cultivators would not be able to detect it, but if someone else used his spiritual sense to If you spy on yourself, you will still notice something. Although Luo Yu's cultivation base is higher than those of the two brothers, there are many wonders in the cultivation world, and there is no guarantee that they will not have any means to find themselves.

After Bai Yue stopped, he tapped three times on the stone wall beside him respectfully and nervously, and then stood aside quietly waiting with a straight face.

"It's so late at night! Why are you still bothering our brothers? It's so difficult that you don't know our brothers' rules?" Not long after Bai Yue stood there, a faint voice came from inside, the voice seemed to have a trace of anger.

"The head of the fairy misunderstood! If there is nothing wrong, how dare the villain come to bother the fairy heads, but the affairs of the Qinglong Gang seem to have changed a bit recently, and the villain had to report late at night because he was afraid that he would miss the important matter of the fairy head. "Bai Yue replied respectfully.

(Third update) Finally, the coding is over, Youdao has fulfilled his promise, bookmark and vote

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