fairy flame

Chapter 860

At this moment, Luo Qingqing's jade face is full of evil spirits, and an emerald green war skirt covers her snow-white neck and clings to the surface of her skin. It looks like a good defensive armor

In addition to this indestructible defense, Luo Qingqing also holds a green halberd about a foot long in his hand. Extremely cold air is continuously erupting from the halberd, and three skewered halberds are twirling above his head. The golden bells that are together are swaying with a crisp collision sound, and from time to time, dazzling golden light radiates from the surface of the bells.

Such a majestic appearance, compared with Shen Yuqin's charming and feminine opposite, can't help but make Luo Qingqing look heroic

This scene not only made the face of Shen Yuqin on the opposite side dignified, but even the old referee and the young man in blue robe outside the court showed a little surprise on their faces

Most of the eyes of the three stayed on the treasure of the emerald green battle dress, and a hint of worry flashed in their eyes. It seemed that the treasure that Luo Qingqing took out was beyond the expectations of the three -_)

I have to say, these people have excellent eyesight.

Just from the surface, this emerald green battle dress softens the dual characteristics of 'soft armor' and 'cassock'. Not only is the defense ability extremely strong, but it does not affect its flexibility at all when worn on the body.

But at this moment, if Luo Yu sees these magical artifacts, he will be able to recognize them all at a glance.

Although the 'Emerald Battlegroup' has changed greatly from the original one, judging from the circles of chain patterns on its armor, it can still vaguely see the appearance of the 'Green Feather Cloud Clothes' given by Luo Yu himself. , it's just that it has been re-refined by Luo Qingqing, and its power has risen to a higher level

The emerald green halberd in the hands of the third sister is also the top-grade magic weapon 'Bi Ling Han Halberd' given to her by Luo Yu. In addition, the three small golden bells floating above her head exude bursts of ancient aura. It was many years ago that Luo Yu obtained the ancient artifact 'fire-throwing bell' in the secret realm

These treasures from back then, even now, are extremely rare


Under the ear-piercing sound of fine iron rubbing together, Luo Qingqing's incantation stopped, and with five fingers aura, he swiped the Jade Linghan halberd in his hand, and more than ten cold white silk threads appeared around it, But these seemingly crystal-clear and fragile 'silk threads' collided head-on with the colorful butterfly sword light that was several times larger than his own.

It's just that there are too many butterfly-shaped sword lights, and often after a thin filament cuts through seven or eight sword lights in a row, it has to dissipate away with exhaustion of spiritual power

But Luo Qingqing didn't seem to be in a hurry to attack, but instead was trying to test the opponent's attack. Even the fire-throwing bell suspended above his head would make a low "clang" sound by itself only at critical moments. And every time the golden bell rings, waves of golden fire will be released, spreading out like undulating water. Forming a thin flame shield to wrap Luo Qingqing in it

This flame shield can also protect Luo Qingqing from the cold air

After such a battle between you and me for a while, even though the light intertwined by the butterfly-shaped sword light and the cold white silk thread of the two on the competition stage was extremely dazzling, and the sound of collision and roar was heard repeatedly, the two of them never moved. footsteps

"Fellow Daoist Shen insists on competing with me. He won't only have this ability on the table, otherwise he will disappoint this girl too much."

There seemed to be a competition of endurance between the two. After a while, Luo Qingqing seemed to be a little impatient and said

"Hmph Fairy, since I have met my concubine's supernatural powers, why not, anyway, the time is almost the same."

Hearing the words, the beautiful woman on the opposite side suddenly stopped reciting the formulas silently, and with a sneer, she stretched out her hand and took out a pouch with a pleasant fragrance from her bosom.

"Hey, this bag of 'Magic Orchid Fragrance Powder' is a treasure that I have always carefully treasured. If it wasn't for dealing with fairies, I would really be reluctant to use it."

Before she finished speaking, the beautiful woman changed the look of reluctance on her face, lightly tossed the brocade bag in her hand above her head, and at the same time raised her jade arm and waved it away, only to hear a "Zi La" After the soft sound, a slender azure blue sword energy suddenly shot out from the beautiful woman's wrist

Slipping away, the sword energy emitted by the woman immediately landed on the surface of the kit, easily tearing apart the fragile defense of the kit

At the same time, as soon as Luo Qingqing heard the words 'Magic Orchid Fragrance Powder', her originally calm expression suddenly changed, and her face was instantly filled with disbelief, but when she realized it, it was too late stopped each other

I saw a large piece of brown-red dust particles violently rising from the broken kit, and scattered all over the space of the competition stage at once. In an instant, Luo Qingqing's eyes burst into red, and the powder mist containing a strange fragrance rolled violently one after another.

The appearance of the strange red mist immediately blurred the originally transparent and bright space. Only the places where Luo Qingqing and the woman surnamed Shen were blocked by their respective protective shields prevented the magic orchid powder from coming into contact with it.

And a strange scene appeared, I saw that shortly after the brown-red dust appeared, the cold currents that had been surging on the test stage seemed to be fueled by fuel, and they uncontrollably let out a piercing "sizzling" sound There was a sound, and a large piece of brown-red dust floating on the ground was stained on the frost covering the entire competition platform, and the two merged together as if boiling hot

The cold current like white mist and the brown-red dust rolled over each other for a while, and then slowly formed a thick fog with a bright red color like blood.

"The magic orchid powder is actually this thing"

Compared with Luo Qingqing and Shen Yuqin's feeling of looking at flowers in the fog at this time, the other two who are outside the situation have completely dark eyes, and they don't know what's going on inside

The middle-stage foundation-building referee standing close to the prohibition of the competition platform, seeing this situation, suddenly showed a trace of fear in his cloudy eyes, and opened his withered lips and lost his voice.

Although the old man recognized the origin of the red mist at a glance, after hesitating instinctively for a moment, the old man immediately returned to his indifferent expression, not intending to separate the two people on the stage because of this.

However, compared to the astonishment on this person's face, the young man surnamed Xiao who was not far away became very happy after seeing this, as if he had expected this scene to happen.

When the expressions of the two changed, in the blink of an eye, the blood-colored thick fog completely enveloped the entire competition platform, and a disgusting aura that could not be isolated permeated the entire cave.

"Shen Yuqin, are you crazy? The magic orchid incense powder is terrible. You don't know that even if this thing absorbs even a little bit, it will make the immortal cultivator lose most of his mana. Now you are still using the ice here to assist you. Almost It is equivalent to doubling the toxicity of the magic orchid incense powder, not to mention that you and I will not be able to protect ourselves if you get a little bit, even the magic weapon of the two of us will be weakened. Most of the power is just a competition, there is no need to use such a vicious s method?"

Just when the blood-colored thick mist rolled into shape, Luo Qingqing, who had already been wrapped in layers of shields, panicked. After opening his mouth, he spewed out a large mouthful of pure spiritual power, and landed on the thrower above his head. The surface of the fire bell instantly inspired the true power of this ancient artifact

The sound of 'jingle' rang out quickly, and circles of bright golden fire waves swept out, and the fire light rushed out on the thin golden light mask before, and the two of them burst into a golden red dazzling light, and Completely wrap it airtight, and the blood-colored thick fog from the outside world will be evaporated instantly when it comes into contact with this golden-red flame

But the golden red fire wave is only limited to protecting a small area where Luo Qingqing is. Once out of the shield, the surrounding area is still covered by an invisible thick fog, and even the divine sense cannot function properly. As soon as it happened, Luo Qingqing was caught off guard, her heart sank, and she uttered a stern voice and asked the opposite woman

'Magic Orchid Fragrance Powder' was once used by a group of demon monks on the battlefield, which caused heavy casualties to the alliance of the six factions at that time. Several monks in the alchemy stage teamed up to break the opponent's poisonous fragrance array, but even so, the strange horror of the magic orchid incense powder was still remembered by all the monks on the battlefield

At this moment, Luo Qingqing was very anxious. The other party's use of this object showed his vicious and harmful intentions, but she still tried her best to keep calm and fight for a chance at any time, or the referee monks outside the court could hear her shouts and respond in time. come to stop

It's no wonder that the beautiful woman has been calmly filling the entire competition stage with cold air. It turned out that she had already prepared to stimulate the power of the next magic orchid powder

"Hey, not only did I not go crazy, but I was still sober. Xuanwu Palace has never stipulated that the use of magic orchid incense powder is not allowed in the competition. I think you should obediently accept your fate this time."

The beautiful woman let the surrounding blood mist roll around her protective shield, but she still said unmoved

As soon as the words fell, one after another of spiritual power formulas quickly sank into the white vial in his hand under his jade wrist. Suddenly, the vial gave out a crisp and pleasant buzzing sound amidst a flash of white light.

The next moment, the small white bottle flew up in mid-air, soared and grew larger, turning into a giant white bottle about ten feet high, and flashed through the air, carrying strands of icy white clouds towards Luo Luo fiercely. Qing Qing strikes away

The white light was like a gust of wind, and in a flash, the giant bottle appeared several feet above Luo Qingqing's head. Suddenly, the bottle turned upside down, and pointed the black mouth of the bottle at Luo Qingqing below in a strange way. Then there was a loud bang

Suddenly, an icy torrent that was many times stronger than before poured down from the huge bottle, pressing down on Luo Qingqing like an icicle.

The second delivery of "Xianyan", please collect it

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