fairy flame

Chapter 885 Five Colored Spirit Trees

This kind of elixir, which is of great benefit to the advanced alchemy stage, is exactly the treasure that Luo Yu desires most at present.

But in Luo Yu's impression, the rumored elixir such as Jiejin Pill has long since disappeared in the world of cultivating immortals. Because the disappearance time is too long, many great sects have also cut off this elixir ’’ inheritance, Luo Yu has never heard of it from anyone.

Of course, a certain force may have mastered this pill, but in order to avoid being the target of public criticism, it is almost tight-lipped, but just owning the pill and refining the pill, there is a world of difference, among them, In addition to the difficulty of collecting the golden pills of the fallen alchemy monks, their refining techniques can be regarded as ancient spiritual methods. Generally, alchemy masters want to refine the golden pills. Even if everything is ready, the alchemy will not surpass me. three floors.

But let's not talk about how difficult it is to refine those pills. What Luo Yu values ​​most is that this pill can almost increase the success rate of a cultivator's alchemy by one layer, and it can almost make all the monks in the late stage of foundation establishment crazy about it!

Once an immortal cultivator steps into the realm of alchemy, it represents a fish leaping over the dragon's gate and soaring into the sky. However, if one really wants to advance to success, the degree of difficulty can only be realized by those monks who have successfully formed an alchemy, let alone an increase. The success rate of the first floor, even if it is only one in [-], will make several foundation-building stage monks break their heads. [

Taking out the golden pill as a reward, not only Luo Yu was very moved when he heard this, but even the two middle-aged people in the foundation stage who stood behind the two master ancestors also looked a little anxious.

However, these two people are still only in the middle stage of foundation establishment, and the journey of foundation establishment is very long, and they are not as eager as Luo Yu.

It's just that Luo Yu's heart is still more calm than impulsive. First of all, the mysterious crystal magic wind mentioned by the other party sounds like an extremely powerful threat. Luo Yu had to be more vigilant before he knew it.

"The two seniors are able to give such a precious 'Jie Jin Dan', and it seems that they are very well prepared, and it is probably inevitable, but forgive the junior, even if you get the treasure, you have to enjoy it with your life. , I hope the two seniors can understand this point, so if the junior agrees, I have to ask a few more questions."

Luo Yu's thoughts changed sharply, and he barely suppressed his greed, and said with a normal face.

Hearing this, the two masters who were sitting on the side looked at each other, without any displeasure on their faces.

Being able to adjust his mentality so quickly and not being blinded by profit, Master Sun and the Qingpao old man saw each other, although they didn't say anything, they still nodded inwardly.

The more cautious Luo Yu was, the more assured they would be, and the greater the success rate of the matter.

"What does Nephew Luo Xian want to ask? The old man must know if he can answer." Master Sun said with a nonchalant expression, extremely polite, as if he had expected Luo Yu to say so.

The old man in green robe beside him also showed a smile, gently twisting three long beards.

"Since the senior is sure that the junior can enter the formation, let's think about it from another angle. Can the junior think that this alliance's offensive will definitely break through the eight-pole star formation? And how did the senior know that one of the formations The position of the eye, and the two seniors seem to be very familiar with the mysterious crystal magic wind. Such a highly confidential matter will inevitably make the younger generation suspicious. Another point is, what kind of treasure is hidden in it, which can make the two seniors Are you all so caring?"

Luo Yu leaned back, leaned on the back of the chair, and asked calmly with a calm face.

According to Luo Yu's "personality", he must be fully prepared for everything, and even some accidents that may occur must be prepared in advance, so that there will be no accidents.

After all, the request of these two master ancestors was too dangerous, even if Luo Yu offended them, he had to distinguish the pros and cons first.

"Nephew's thoughts are thorough, and the key points can be seen in such a short time. Originally, there are some secrets in it, which are indeed strictly forbidden to be leaked in the alliance, but the old man also trusts nephew Luo. There will be "nonsense" talk everywhere, yes! This time, after the alliance is fully prepared, it is almost [-]% sure that it will be able to break the blockade of the Octopus Star Gate Formation. The secret of the flaw was brought out, so this time the old man is so sure. As for the treasure in the formation, the old man also found out by coincidence that he searched the soul of a monk in the alchemy stage of the magic path. The hidden treasure inside is exactly the same inheritance treasure of the Jin Demon Sect - the 'Colorful Spiritual Tree'!"

Master Sun's eyes were filled with a hint of fiery and anticipation, but he tried his best to keep calm and said with a light smile.

"Colorful spirit tree! No wonder the two seniors flock to it. It turns out to be one of the rare three sacred trees."

After hearing this, Luo Yu immediately calmed down the horror in his heart, nodded and said.

These two old monsters took out the golden elixir, and it turned out that it was for the treasure of heaven and earth such as the five-color spiritual tree. In this way, Luo Yu was not surprised. [

As one of the rumored three sacred trees, the five-colored spiritual tree has almost unfathomable powers for monks who know how to use it. Otherwise, this spiritual tree would not have had the name of "sacred tree" in ancient times!

As for the internal response mentioned by the other party, it is even more unsurprising. When the Hezhou Demon Dao entered Mengzhou, it also caused many Xiuxian families to rebel. Now Mengzhou uses the same method, which is also expected.

"Dare to ask the two seniors, where is the specific location of the formation eye? If you want to go deep into the depths of the Black Bird Mountain Range, even if the Octopus Star Gate Formation is broken, you still have to take a big risk. This junior must Be cautious."

Master Sun obviously attached great importance to this matter, and he didn't hide anything at all. After Luo Yu heard this, he couldn't hold back his position, but he didn't say whether to go or not, but looked rather hesitant.

Of course, Luo Yu's concerns cannot be ignored. I believe that once the eight-pole star gate formation is forced, there will be a shocking melee in the Black Bird Mountain Range. The old monster is eyeing it, and there is a great possibility of falling.

"Hehe, nephew Luo Xian can rest assured about this. The formation eye is on the outer edge of the Black Bird Mountain Range, and it doesn't need to go too deep. Even the old man thought it was incredible when he heard the news. After all, the tree The Five-Colored Spirit Tree is a school's inheritance treasure. It was placed in the forbidden area of ​​the sect carelessly, but it was hidden far away outside the mountains. Who would have imagined that such a treasure would be hidden under everyone's noses."

Hearing the words, the old Taoist in Qingpao knew that Luo Yu was a little tempted, and he was secretly happy, and couldn't help answering in a pleasant manner.

Hearing these words, Luo Yu was relieved a lot. Since there was no threat from the Octopus Gate Formation, and there was no need to go deep into it, Luo Yu could give it a go.

After all, based on his cultivation speed, it is possible to hit the alchemy stage in about six to ten years, so Luo Yu should make some preparations in advance.

"Nephew Luo Xian has no other questions. This time, besides Nephew Luo Xian, just to be on the safe side, the old man and Daoist Shi each have a disciple who is also the spiritual root of the dual attributes of gold and wind. When the time comes, they will also Go with nephew Luo Xian, the three of you are together, not only will there be a support on the road, but also when you pass through the mysterious crystal magic wind, you can also gather the magic power of the three of you, then the probability of passing is even greater, in fact, if this If there is no nephew Luo Xian this time, the old man and Daoist Shi originally planned to let these two disciples enter it, but neither of them has the cultivation base of the late stage of foundation establishment, and there is a certain risk in entering the Black Bird Mountain Range, and nephew Luo Xian Appearing, it seems that God is going to make this old man perfect."

Seeing that Luo Yu was still worried, Master Sun suddenly turned his eyes, looked at the two disciples behind him, and introduced him with a light smile.

"Wang Yi, Duan Peng, although the two of you are slightly older than Nephew Luo in terms of age, we are immortal cultivators based on our cultivation base, and you two must follow Nephew Luo's instructions in all future actions. Order! Otherwise, if something big happens, I will definitely punish you severely!"

Master Sun put away the smile on his face, and said in a deep tone.

Hearing this, Luo Yu was not happy but surprised. No wonder he felt a sense of familiarity from these two people before. It turned out that these two people were also immortal cultivators of Jinfeng.

However, Master Sun said that these two people are his and Qingpao old Taoist disciples respectively, this is too false, Luo Yu does not believe that there will be such a coincidence in the world, there is a golden wind double spiritual root among the disciples of these two people They are monks, and they are all in the middle stage of foundation establishment!


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