fairy flame

Chapter 933 Bee Roaring Beast

It has been more than half an hour since I came here, but there is no trace of Wang Yi who had made an appointment beforehand. At this time, the Heiqin Mountain Range is in a critical moment of fierce battle between good and evil, and there are dangers everywhere. very anxious.

During this period, although Luo Yu didn't see it with his own eyes, he could roughly guess the fierce battle in the depths of the Blackbird Mountains just by the increasingly unstable aura fluctuations coming from a distance.

However, since those blue boats sailed into the illusion formed by the black fog, soon there were screams and crackling sounds, which were deafening, and the lights of various colors also dyed most of the sky red, so dazzling, Looking from a distance, just the earth-shattering power left Luo Yu speechless.

At the same time, in the boundless black mist that seemed to have no variegated color, several thick blue beams of light suddenly shot out rumblingly, and these beams of light pierced through the black mist and went straight into the sky without stopping!

The large expanse of sky, which was actually blue illuminated by this beam of light, faintly confronted the black mist that could not be seen.

But before Luo Yu could see the true use of these beams of light, the sound of drums beating and drumming was heard again outside the mountains that had not yet been covered by black mist, and countless immortal cultivators from the six alliances turned into huge groups The clouds covering the sky suddenly rushed into the black mist.

It wasn't long before the reinforcement monks pouring in from all directions entered, Luo Yu felt the light of the eight stars above his head dim rapidly and falter.

As the aura of the eight huge stars weakened, the oppressive aura in the entire mountain range also weakened a lot.

At this moment, Luo Yu understood somewhat in his heart.

In such a huge illusion, the inner demons are magnified, and it is easiest to lose direction and self, and these beams of light penetrate the sky and the earth, and they have been standing high in the clouds without dissipating. who guide the direction.

In this way, without the Octopus star gate array assisted by the starry sky illusion, its power has been weakened by at least seven floors, and it will definitely not be able to stop this group of wolf-like orthodox monks.

And as time passed, Luo Yu gradually felt that the aura shrouded in the small world of the Black Bird Mountains became strange.

From the ups and downs at the beginning to the chaos, until the current chaos, those auras that can be absorbed at will on weekdays have instead become countless restrictions like prohibitions, everywhere!

You must know that in the battle of thousands of monks, almost every moment, how many waves of violent air waves and strong winds will burst out, so that the aura and space in this world can never rest for a moment!

The spiritual energy in the world follows certain laws of heaven and earth to operate and regulate breath. When the clear rises and the turbid falls, it has a certain recovery ability, but when the external pressure breaks this balance, the space will become more and more chaotic!

Gradually, the original tenacity of the space was greatly weakened, while the originally soft and watery aura became violent. Although this is also an extremely abnormal chain reaction, it is like a space the size of an inch can hold a thumb the size of a thumb. However, under the catalysis of the war between countless immortal cultivators, after the two ebb and flow, this inch-sized space can only accommodate a fingernail-sized aura.

Immortal cultivators naturally find it difficult to feel subtle changes in the surrounding space, but they can clearly find that an invisible pressure from the aura of heaven and earth is getting heavier and heavier, and even various treasures and spiritual power shields cannot withstand this change. To the slightest effect!

There is a sense of weight in the dark, even the divine sense cannot escape!

The result of this is that each monk needs several times as much mana as before to use spells and treasures. After a desperate battle, it will not last long before returning quickly and replacing another wave of monks. !

Fortunately, both the righteous and the evil are based on aura as the foundation of cultivation, if there is any influence, it must be a loss to both!

But from Luo Yu's point of view, the righteous and the devil have fought against each other countless times, and the changes in the aura of heaven and earth that he discovered were probably known to those old monsters in advance.

However, the impact of the sudden change in spiritual energy should not have much impact on his plan to steal the colorful spirit tree. At most, under such a strange spiritual energy field, Luo Yu's Youri Zhou's flying speed will be weakened.

"Huh? This is Wang Yi's breath, no! There is something chasing behind!"

I don't know how long passed in the blink of an eye, when Luo Yu was getting impatient, he suddenly looked towards a certain horizon, but then said in a cold tone.

As soon as Luo Yu's words fell, a white sword-shaped sword rushed towards his hiding place like a horse running from the light. In the sword light, a figure whirled, vaguely resembling Wang Yi who was in a state of embarrassment. It seemed that a blue hurricane had blown up, trying to swallow Wang Yi like a cloud.

The escaping speed of this cyan hurricane is obviously faster than Wang Yi's, but after chasing it, every time when the hurricane is only a little bit close to catch up, it will be severely beaten by a green jade folding fan in Wang Yi's hand. With a single swing, countless green light blades will appear out of nowhere in front of the hurricane and rush into the hurricane. Although these light blades are not enough to hurt the monsters in the hurricane, they are easily stirred by the hurricane and disappear without a trace , but in this way, the speed of the hurricane can be dragged in time almost every time.

But casting such a powerful spell obviously consumes a lot of mana for Wang Yi. Up to now, the number of green light blades is obviously getting smaller and smaller each time. After a while, the monsters in the cyan hurricane seem to have seen The doorway suddenly became enraged, and roaring roars spread from the hurricane from time to time.

For a moment, the cyan hurricane didn't dodge or avoid those light blades, as if he wanted to fight to get hurt and didn't care anymore!

If it goes on like this, Wang Yi won't be able to support it for too long.

"Fellow Daoist Luo is here! Please hurry up and save your life. Mr. Wang must remember the kindness of fellow Daoist Daoist for saving his life."

Wang Yi, who was in a dangerous situation, didn't seem to see the danger behind him. Instead, he kept looking around frantically, as if he was looking for straws in panic.

This person didn't know if he had discovered his own existence, but he still shouted with a glimmer of hope.

However, Luo Yu did not show up immediately, but stared at the hurricane behind Wang Yi and frowned.

"The Bee Howler Beast! And it's a Level [-] Monster Bird!"

Except that it was a bit unfamiliar at first, after Luo Yu took a few more glances, an impression of this beast immediately formed in his mind.

But after quickly recalling the memories he had seen in the classics, Luo Yu's face showed a look of crying and laughter.

"I can't kill this monster."

I don't know what Luo Yu saw, but after finishing his inexplicable words, he didn't continue to wait and see what happened, but a golden light surged from his feet, and he flew out like a crossbow arrow!

As soon as he left the bushes, Luo Yu took out the Youri boat directly, and the whole body and the boat turned into a blue rainbow and flew towards Wang Yi's place.

"It seems that the escape speed has dropped a lot, and it is much more difficult than before!"

Luo Yu felt his shoulders sinking as soon as he took off into the air, but fortunately, his physique was much stronger than that of ordinary foundation-building monks, so he quickly got used to the heaviness.

At the same time, in Luo Yu's hand, there was also a small flag with thick bones, all of which were hideous and terrifying ghost-faced monsters, with a strong evil spirit, which made people's hearts palpitate when they saw it!

"Fellow Daoist Luo, you are indeed here, this bee roaring beast!"

Wang Yi, who was looking anxious, was overjoyed when he saw the figure of the cultivator in the green rainbow opposite him. When he opened his mouth to tell Luo Yu the specific situation, Luo Yu on the opposite side suddenly burst into tears when he opened his mouth. The one who raised his hand released a flashing white treasure and flew towards him.

I believe that when anyone sees this scene, when the cold light of the magic weapon sweeps across his face, there will be a hint of panic in his heart, and Wang Yi is no exception, but immediately this person finds that his body is not locked by Luo Yu's divine sense. , suddenly knew it was a false alarm.

And the white rainbow released by Luo Yu's raised hand also rose to the size of Zhang Xu in the wind, like a white bone banner, swaying with a gloomy air, and the sound of thousands of ghost howls rushed out of it terribly.

At this moment, seeing that the treasure in Luo Yu's hands was so demonic, Wang Yi, who had calmed down a bit, couldn't help being stunned for a moment, but then he laughed at himself and sped up his speed, heading straight for where Luo Yu was. go.

Nowadays, after the fierce battle between the righteous and the devil, with the deaths and injuries of countless monks, a large number of treasures of the righteous and the devil have also been mixed. Whether it is a righteous monk or a demon monk, they use each other's treasures between life and death. This is nothing more than normal up.

The reason why Wang Yi was surprised was because Luo Yu's treasure was so dark that even many demon monks he had seen couldn't match it.

After Wang Yi's escape light suddenly met the giant banner, they staggered past.

I saw a black light flashing on the surface of the giant bone banner, and countless jet-black strange mist gushed out like a tide, and the black mass went straight to the blue hurricane!

The next moment, the black mist burst out just right on the cyan hurricane and Wang Yi, like a big net under the hood, obviously to make the cyan hurricane retreat in spite of difficulties.

But what surprised both Luo Yu and Wang Yi was that the bee roar beast seemed to be extremely angry at Wang Yi's escape from its mouth several times, and it wanted to kill Wang Yi. Li plunged into the black mist!

This scene made Wang Yigang's relaxed mind instantly tense, but immediately, after seeing the hurricane in the black mist, he couldn't help being a little dumbfounded.

I don't know what's so weird about the black mist that Luo Yu released, but the hurricane, which was originally escaping at high speed, actually walked on thin ice in the black mist, and its speed dropped drastically!

After Wang Yi was stunned, he naturally knew that his life was finally saved, and he couldn't help being ecstatic when he mentioned the escape speed again, and he appeared next to Luo Yu who was oncoming.

"How could fellow Daoist Wang provoke this beast? This Bee Roaring Beast is an extremely difficult beast to kill in the Black Bird Mountain Range. Even the monk Lian Danqi has a very small chance of killing this beast."

Luo Yu glanced at the slightly pale expression on Wang Yi's face, and couldn't help asking.

"Cough! This matter is all due to Wang's greed. In fact, I should have joined up with Fellow Daoist Luo a long time ago, but on the way, I found a seriously injured foundation-building demon cultivator. The next moment, I recklessly chased after him, but was caught by this person." The villain led to the Bee Howler's lair, and now

Hearing Luo Yu's question about the reason, Wang Yi hastily took out a few pills of healing elixir from his bosom and took them, then explained with a look of misery on his face.

"So that's the case. You don't have to blame yourself too much, Daoist Wang. The Black Bird Mountain Range is full of dangers. The monks of the Demonic Dao have set up countless traps. If we don't fall for it, then we won't be able to show off the treachery and cunning of the Demonic Cultivators."

Upon hearing this, Luo Yu, who knew what had happened, looked a lot calmer, and said a word of comfort with an expression of indisputability.

However, in Luo Yu's heart, he was a little dismissive, and Wang Yi didn't take the matter of stealing the 'Colorful Spirit Tree' too seriously.

"Hey, Mr. Wang almost missed the important event of the two masters. He really deserves to die. Please also ask Fellow Daoist Luo."

Seeing that Luo Yu didn't have any expression of reproach on his face, Wang Yi was overjoyed at first, but he still hesitated with a bitter look on his face.

"Luo will regard this matter as an accident of Fellow Daoist Wang, and the two ancestors would not blame Fellow Daoist for it, but right now is not the time to discuss this matter, let's wait until Luo drives away the beast. "

Luo Yu couldn't understand the meaning of this person's words. He was obviously worried that Luo Yu would tell the matter when the two patriarchs asked about it afterwards.

But Wang Yi didn't know, how could Luo Yu do something that didn't please him at all, but would offend others, even if Wang Yi didn't say anything, Luo Yu wouldn't say a word.

Seeing that Luo Yu agreed so readily, Wang Yi finally felt better, but just as he was about to open his mouth to express his gratitude, unexpectedly, the slow-moving Bee Howler trapped in the black mist let out a deafening roar. Finally, the hurricane rotating outside the body was withdrawn at once, exposing the main body to the black mist.

I saw that this beast looked weird, with a bee body and a python head, and four blue arms, each of which was abnormally thin, with bursts of cold light on it, as sharp as the limbs of a praying mantis——

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