fairy flame

Chapter 936

This highly poisonous bee needle, which has been bred in the body of a fourth-level monster for many years, is a rare and excellent refining material. Even if it is not sacrificed, it is still a set of sharp weapons for the sinister, and there are so many of them. !

Luo Yu's bloody twin needles are only two, and they are already so powerful. If hundreds of flying needles are used together, it will be a shocking event. Just seeing this situation, the opponent must be scared out of their wits. "New text reading experience"

It's just that the flying needle is small in size, and if it wants to control it flexibly, it must have a strong spiritual sense. The more people it controls, the higher the spiritual sense of the immortal cultivator must be able to keep up.

Given that Luo Yu's mental strength is only a thread behind that of ordinary monks in the early stage of alchemy, it is estimated that if he reaches the sky, he will drive forty or fifty flying needles at the same time, which is already the limit.

"It's such a pity. If Fellow Daoist Luo can catch this beast, the wind attribute demon core in its body will be of great benefit to us wind spirit root monks."

After seeing the Bee Roaring Beast that had cast 'Blood Wind Escape' and disappeared into the sky, Wang Yi, who was hiding in the distance to heal his wounds and watched, was overjoyed, and immediately appeared next to Luo Yu in a flash, but he was full of regret. Said intentionally.

This person and Luo Yu are both immortal cultivators with rare wind roots. Naturally, they also know that although the wind attribute roots are mutant spirit roots with powerful supernatural powers, they are also much slower to advance in cultivation than the five elements spirit roots!

Although the demon pills of the same attribute are of great benefit to immortal cultivators after being refined, it is helpless that the spiritual root attributes of monsters are roughly the same as those of immortal cultivators, and even the wind attribute monsters are more powerful than wind attribute cultivators. , is even rarer.

"I'm content to be able to harvest these bee needles. After all, Yaodan cherishes the anomaly, but blindly chasing and killing them, let alone Luo's speed is far behind. Even if the energy consumption makes this beast exhausted, it is difficult to guarantee If you fall into the ubiquitous traps in the mountains, then the loss outweighs the gain."

Hearing this, Luo Yu couldn't see the slightest regret on his face. Instead, he shook his head and responded with a chuckle. Luo Yu quietly put it into his sleeves.

From the beginning to the end, Wang Yi seemed to turn a deaf ear to those bee needles except for a few words of emotion about the demon pill.

I don't know whether Wang Yi's mentality has changed due to the experience of the rest of his life after the catastrophe, or whether this person has no greed for others other than being grateful to Luo Yu, and his expression towards those bee needles that Luo Yu regards as treasures is extremely flat.

But because of this, Luo Yu's heart was a little dark for a moment, it seems that this Wang Yi is not like he usually behaves, he doesn't have too much scheming, but he is the kind of person who is relatively deep in the city,

"What Fellow Daoist Luo said is very true. Wang really wants to thank Fellow Daoist for saving his life this time, but he has already lost a lot of time because of his mistake in the next moment. I think it's time to go now. Well, that is!"

Naturally, Wang Yi didn't expect that he had already been looked at differently by Luo Yu, but he just had a flattering look on his face. After he smiled and cupped his fists and said some compliments to Luo Yu, when he was about to get down to business, the light in the distant sky suddenly went dark Underneath, in the vast sky, in the center of the swirling aura of various colors, there was suddenly a burst of fairy-like bells ringing. Multiplied, and for a while, it was like cicadas chirping in an empty mountain, calming the soul and calming the mind. After the resounding, the voices of both the good and the evil were gradually changed, until the lingering sound curled up, like a deep valley!

At the same time, those azure blue beams of light towering in the sky seemed to be controlled by the bell and turned violently!

For a while, the blue light trekking was dazzling, and the Tianyin was admirable and exquisite, so that after listening to it several times, everyone felt that the haze and depression in their hearts dissipated a lot!

But the strange thing is that under the influence of the sound of nature, it is not the cultivators who benefit the most!

I saw those huge beams of light tossing and turning, and endless blue light burst out from the surrounding world, easily swaying away a large black magic cloud that covered the sky, and the roar inside turned into an extremely shrill sound. screams.

At this moment, a monster-like roar suddenly erupted from the black cloud. Although it couldn't be compared with the melodious bell, it called out the eight superstars that had long since disappeared.

The roaring sound suddenly fell from above the stars, and the eight beams of light that were as bright as stars shot into the black clouds almost at the same time!

This time, the turbulent momentum of the blue light intertwined with it not only stopped, but even the place it passed by was no longer clear, but was shrouded by a lingering light green cloud, and the inside sometimes There were gusts of wind and thunder strikes, and there was no end to it!

Seeing this situation, with the rapidity and agitation of the bell, traces of the killing intent of the golden sword permeated the air, causing the invisible sound to turn into vivid gray waves, paving the way layer by layer, and at the same time, it became more powerful The voices of immortal cultivators shouting to kill also rolled like thunder.

These gray wave patterns are obviously some kind of earth-shattering supernatural powers displayed after the condensed sound of the immortals. As the thunder and bells inside gradually roared, countless blue electric balls, the size of the mouth of a bowl, were densely packed. The waves of gray light are all over the place!

Luo Yu was also taken aback by the huge movement, and immediately turned to stare at the past.

I saw that the tidal waves formed by the gray sound waves were small in size at first, but as several beams of light opened the way for them, the gray sound sea and the black clouds in the sky gradually confronted each other.

Various ferocious giant beasts and a large piece of pitch-black tentacles appeared in the black cloud, aggressively pressing towards the cloudy cloud, ferocious and violent, but every time no matter whether the giant beast or the tentacles touched the large area of ​​thunderball, they would be In an instant, it was completely wiped out by the blue arc of the sky!

In just the blink of an eye, more and more blue thunderballs gushed out of the gray sound sea, and the bells became more and more exciting, and Hei Yun couldn't do anything about any attack, and couldn't help rolling and shrinking. The offensive is more intensive.

"Floating thunder appears, and the spirit declines!"

Two voices from different mouths came out almost at the same time!

The confused looks on Luo Yu's and Wang Yi's faces were replaced by excitement, as if they thought the same thing after seeing the floating thunder in the sky.

The bell that reversed the situation must have come from the inherited treasure of the Nine Swords Valley, the Immortal Refining Bell, otherwise it would not have such great power.

In fact, this sentence was secretly confessed by the two patriarchs Sun Shi before Luo Yu and the others set off. If this is the case, it means that most of the power of the formation no longer exists, and the defense at the eye of the formation is also the weakest!

It is also the best time for the two of them to get the treasure!

After being surprised, the two quickly calmed down their emotional fluctuations, and after their eyes met, Luo Yu quickly took out the Youri boat without saying a word, and then invited Wang Yi to board the boat together. The package disappeared into the distance.

Along the way, relying on Luo Yu's powerful spiritual sense perception and You Rizhou's extremely fast escape, although he also encountered several waves of righteous demon monks in the melee, they all passed by without any danger.

After coming down several times, Wang Yi, who was a little worried, also relaxed a lot.

Seeing that Luo Yu's spiritual judgment was so accurate, Wang Yi on the side was really convinced, and immediately sat down cross-legged, stepping up to recover the lost mana just now.

About half a stick of incense time later, Luo Yu stopped the sun boat's escape light in front of a steep mountain stream, and the sound of flowing water and waterfalls could be heard endlessly!

As soon as the magic weapon was put away, Luo Yu's spiritual sense scanned the surroundings, and after finding nothing abnormal, he began to look at the place carefully.

In front of the two of them was a small waterfall, flowing down the mountain top, and the lower end was connected to a pool with a diameter of several feet.

"Fellow Daoist Luo, according to Master Sun's instructions, as long as you and I go into the cave hidden behind the waterfall, we will see those terrifying black crystal magic winds on the way through the cave. , it will be unimpeded.”

Wang Yi quickly scanned the situation of the flowing water of the waterfall, and couldn't help saying with a hint of joy on his face, and fixed his eyes on the waterfall for a while, and then he didn't let go.

In normal times, the eyes of the formation here are naturally shrouded in layers of forbidden spells under the operation of the eight-pole star gate formation, but the power of the formations is less than [-]% now. You can see very clearly with a single scan.

"Since this is the case, there is no need to waste any more time. It is a big deal to get the colorful spirit tree as soon as possible."

After finding that there was no change in the surrounding area, Luo Yu didn't want to miss this opportunity. The situation is changing rapidly, and there may be some surprises in the future.

And Luo Yu didn't know why, but he was always concerned about Li Yaoruo's safety, so he didn't want to waste time.

Hearing Luo Yu's firm tone, Wang Yi naturally had no doubts about him. After nodding immediately, the two put up a layer of spiritual power shields and blessed themselves with light spirit skills, and crossed the void with a step of several feet. Passing across the surface of the pool, the high-falling water only caused the shields on the two of them to sink slightly, and then they passed easily.

The two figures, one in front of the other, disappeared into the waterfall in an instant!

"This is the cave, and it looks like no one has been there for many years."

As soon as he landed firmly on the ground, a voice of amazement came from Wang Yi's mouth.

Although Wang Yi's voice is not loud, it can be heard very clearly in the cave, and it seems that this place is extremely quiet!

Luo Yu had already stabilized his figure, looked around and looked around, and saw that the inside of the cave was wet, with pebbles and pits under his feet, cold and damp, but after part of the spring water outside the cave flowed into this place, for some reason it couldn't accumulate. The water is too deep.

And on the two stone walls of the cave, there are also many vines densely entwined, dark and shiny, each vine is about the thickness of a baby's arm, winding on the stone wall for more than a long way.

After a general perception of the change, Luo Yu didn't find any restraints or aura of monsters. It seems that Master Sun didn't lie to himself.

So, the two of them didn't say anything more, and walked forward as soon as they mentioned their steps. Perhaps it was because the other side of the cave was not sealed, so the light in the cave was only slightly dim. For a cultivator with a certain level of spiritual eyes, it is already a very good condition.

In the cave filled with a faint mist, everything seemed unusually quiet. Apart from the sound of treading water from their feet, the two of them heard no other sounds. It was such a quiet and weird atmosphere that made Luo Yu and the two of them feel uncomfortable. Some chills.

But for some reason, in this seemingly calm environment, Luo Yu felt a little uneasy.

It's just that in the gradual progress, nothing unusual has happened.

"This is the area covered by the 'Xuanjing Demonic Wind'. It really is bottomless, but the situation here seems to be different from what Master Sun said!"

I don't know how long it has passed, and the two walked into the deeper part of the cave without incident. Although they are in the same mountain, the scene before them is very different from before.

Wang Yi has been walking carefully behind Luo Yu, but after seeing the large and small swirls of crystal mist on the road ahead from a distance, his face suddenly changed and he said in a surprised voice.

Walking here, there is basically no trace of free water mist in the passage, but the passage further ahead is shrouded in boundless gray, crystalline particles similar to tidal air.

Everything in contact with these gray crystal mist seems to be infected by it, very different, the most obvious is that the original brownish-yellow stone wall is covered with a layer of faint gray stains, dark and bright, it looks very unusual.

As soon as the two of Luo Yu approached this place, they heard the whistling sound of a violent hurricane coming from the gray crystal mist, and there was a faint aura that made them extremely uncomfortable mixed in it!

But neither Luo Yu nor Wang Yi was too surprised by this aura. Both of them had dealt with a lot of monks of the magic way, so they were no strangers to the "magic energy" that the monks of the magic way flocked to!

The only strange thing is that Luo Yu remembered that when Grand Master Sun mentioned the mysterious crystal magic wind, he described it emphatically. It seems that the mysterious crystal magic wind gathers together in this cave in a "big whirlpool". The denser and thicker the distribution of the magic wind, the stronger the magic energy. For the monks who want to pass through this place, the road ahead is not very difficult. It is the place where the magic wind ravages most fiercely. Dan's mid-stage cultivation base can't resist a few breaths.

In front of Luo Yu, it is clear that he is not mistaken. This place is indeed covered by the crystal mist, and the demonic energy is strong, but it does not gather together like a maelstrom. The gray vortexes are chaotically floating around the passage!

The mysterious crystal magic wind is not all in one piece, so without the large vortex-like gathering boost, wouldn't the power be greatly weakened.

This is weird!

Master Sun would not deceive himself on this point, otherwise, according to the current situation, those old monsters would not need Luo Yu's help at all, relying on their own strength, they would not be afraid of the obstacles in front of them.

Could it be because after the Octopus Gate Formation was broken, the magic wind here also changed?

"The power of the mysterious magic wind has indeed weakened a lot. What do you think, Fellow Daoist Wang? Although it is a bit unexpected, it is very beneficial for us to steal the colorful spirit tree."

After Luo Yu stared at the vortex crystal mist area motionlessly for a long time, he asked Wang Yi calmly.

Since it is a beneficial and harmless change, Luo Yu will not worry about it for nothing. He means, of course, that he wants to make a breakthrough.

"Oh? From Fellow Daoist Luo's point of view, if you think there is nothing unusual about it, then it seems that Mr. Wang was overthinking just now. After all, it is related to the important matters of the two masters, so I have to be more cautious."

Seeing that Luo Yu's expression was normal, and he didn't seem to be worried about accidents, Wang Yi rolled his eyes slightly, and immediately said seriously——

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