fairy flame

Chapter 950 Fierce Battle

Spiritual Transformation Technique is just a general supernatural power that can cast the shortest spells and consume the least mana for alchemy cultivators in the alchemy stage. It is naturally invincible when used against ordinary monks in the early stage of foundation establishment, but it is not enough to face Luo Yu today. up.

The two groups of dark green auras that were entangled with each other were in a stalemate for a moment, and the spiritual power in the two giant hands was the first to dissipate unbearably, and most of the palms gradually changed from the essence of the previous moment to translucent. Obviously, the phantom will completely dissipate in a short time.

But even though Luo Yu's seven-star giant knife is like a rainbow frightening from the sky, it is unstoppable, but Xiaocui is also unwilling to give up halfway at this moment. After a moment of concentration, as his spiritual control continues to strengthen, the ghost king in silver also roared, saying He spewed out the essence of the alchemy one after another, pouring all the mana into those two giant hands regardless of the loss!

I saw streaks of colorful green light scrambling to overflow from the mouth of the silver-clothed ghost king's body, but under the waving of his jade-like hands, they all turned rapidly and slowly according to a certain law!

Just with the naked eye, it's still inconceivable. If you use your spiritual sense to observe carefully, you will find that the moving speed of the green light mist seems to be slow but fast. In an instant, with the endless stream of green corpse mist With the continuous influx, the aura of the two giant hands that were tottering lit up again, and became stable again.

At the same time, the two giant hands moved forward instead of retreating, and unexpectedly produced a force out of thin air, and suddenly moved towards the middle together!

Hearing the 'cracking' sound of gold and iron rubbing together, the fingers of the two green hands were spread wide open, each knuckle was tightly fastened to a certain part of the seven-star giant blade, and it was about to lock the blade with all its might!

These two giant hands were originally condensed from the real magic power of the alchemy period, and now they are supported by uninterrupted magic power. Even the most common spells will have a certain magical effect!

But right now, the Silver-clothed Ghost King is obviously putting all his energy on the giant sword in order to restrain the seven-star giant sword, and squanders his mana unrestrainedly. Put it all on Luo Yu!

As for the two stone elephant demons that were instantly destroyed by Luo Yu, Xiao Cry didn't feel bad at all. For them, if they could get treasures such as the blood demon in Luo Yu's hands, it would naturally be worthless in comparison. .

But except for Luo Yu himself, no one knew that he let Xiaokui gain the upper hand for this moment!

In the silver river of light, on the palm of the bloody bone claw that was tightly trapped by black fire and silver threads, the bloody thunder pattern flickered, but it was almost faint and undetectable. At the same time, a slender electric arc shot out like a thunderbolt, and suddenly hit the silver wire around the bone claw!

Wherever the flash of blood passed, the silver thread melted away like paper paste.

No matter how indestructible these silver threads are, in the final analysis, they are still condensed by the power of evil spirits. Once they encounter Luo Yu's blood evil thunder, they will naturally be shocked by the light of the arc light, covering the bloody bone claws. Black smoke billowed up from a small part of the silver threads, and they all melted away like burning spider webs!

But even so, the silver threads in the river of silver light are almost endless, and the dozens of threads that have just been eroded away will immediately have hundreds of threads rushing in one after another.

Sure enough, the area where the bloody thunder light exploded was covered by more silver light in the blink of an eye. To Xiaokui, he still felt that such a scene was not surprising. This was just the dying struggle of Bone Claw That's all!

But at the moment when the scorched black area was about to shrink into a thin slit, and Xiao Xiao cried and relaxed, a sudden change occurred!

Originally near the Yinse River of Light, the blood fiend who constantly controlled the intertwining and rolling of the mysterious black mist and the Silver River of Light has been controlling several treasures from a distance since the war. It seems that it has reached the limit it can bear. The black mist outside its body It has always been intertwined with the sea of ​​silver silk, and no one can do anything to the other, so it is naturally ignored by Xiao Cry.

But at this moment, after a flash of blood on the ghost's face, the black air rolled down from his face, and a cloud of black flames spewed out from a distance towards the bone claw!

Coincidentally, this fire is also as black as ink, and has the same evil spirit!

This is exactly Luo Yu's Shagu Demonic Flame that he has cultivated for many years!

At the same moment, at the stalemate between the thunder arc and the silver thread on the surface of the bone claw, a dense invisible purple light, when the thunder arc is about to be dispersed by a large piece of silver thread, is like a purple horse, like a long rainbow penetrating the sun At the moment when the slit struck by the lightning arc was about to close, it burst out from the palm of the bone claw!

The speed of the purple light is as fast as a thunderbolt. As soon as it flew out, it just rightly intertwined with the flying black flames from Xuesha's mouth. After the two touched, there was a palpitating black purple color The tail light slashed fiercely towards the silver-clothed ghost king who was not far from the bone claw!

But at this time, the silver-clothed ghost king breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the bloody thunder arc being gradually swallowed up by the sea of ​​silver threads. .

The light of this moment is too fast!He couldn't even see clearly what treasure Ziguang was even after crying, but his expression was almost frozen at the moment!

Even my heart is full of amazement!

The same magic fire, the same desperate plan, whether it is himself or the silver-clothed ghost king, under normal and prepared conditions, there are ways to deal with the immediate crisis, but at this moment, this moment, we can only watch helplessly!

After brewing for a long time, Xue Fiend's attack is not perfect!

Luo Yu actually set up a set of layouts in every step that seemed to be common sense, one link after another, until now he accurately grasped this just right point!

This kind of scheming against the enemy really made him amazed!

And what happened next, even Xiaocui was shocked at this moment, even he himself felt in his heart that he would follow Luo Yu's predetermined step by step!

The black-purple rays of light ravaged the sea of ​​silver threads like a broken bamboo, and didn't seem to encounter any obstacles. However, the silver-clothed ghost king had only three layers of defense, intertwined with silver, black, and green scattered rays of light!

The outermost layer is the defense of the silver silk sea. Although it has continuous power, but because the distance between the two is too close, it cannot quench the near thirst, and is easily penetrated by the black and purple light. The second layer of defense is the bone demon flame defense cast on the streamer refined by Xiaokui's blood. Logically speaking, Xiaokui is confident in the fire wave transformed by the magic flame.

But when he saw that Luo Yu also had Shagu Demonic Flame and attached it to the purple light, Xiaokui was dumbfounded!

After the black-purple light rushed into the raging magic fire violently, its speed did not decrease at all. It was like entering a land of no one, and the layers of fire waves arranged by myself couldn't set off the slightest reaction!

Although the two are formed without cultivating monks, they lead to the same goal by different routes and have the same essence, which makes the black and purple stern glow more like a fish in water, wrapped in the flame of the purple light that looks exactly the same, it seems to have entered the land of no one!

This should be the strongest defense, but now it has become a fatal weakness!

As for the last layer of green light wall defense, it is formed by the gathering of corpse energy. Its power is indeed astonishing at the beginning, and it can be said to be solid, but coincidentally, as the silver-clothed ghost king fully copes with the seven-star yin fire blade, he mobilizes regardless of gains and losses. After the power of the corpse pill in the body, there is nothing around that can threaten its existence, so naturally it will not waste so much energy on the wall of corpse aura light like it usually does when the mana is sufficient.

Therefore, the green light wall, which seemed to be strong on the outside but dry in the middle, was slammed on it by the sharp black and purple light in an instant, and the crisp cracking sound spread immediately!

From the time when the silver thread was restrained, to the interpenetration of the magic fire, and finally to the lack of mana in the light wall of corpse aura, the three overlapped almost by coincidence, and seemed to be destined by fate, and they all merged into one at this time!

"you dare!"

At this time, seeing the silver-white ghost king's figure being engulfed by the black-purple light, a voice of shock and anger suddenly came from Xiaokui who woke up, and at the same time, the voice that had been floating in the sky The blood refining banner above Xiaokui's head was even more black and bright, and he rushed towards the silver-clothed ghost king like lightning, but it was too late. g! .

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