fairy flame

Chapter 96 Fighting the Black-robed Man

Luo Yu's attack was extremely fast, and the whole process took only a split second. With Luo Yu's current high-level Qi training, both the casting speed and mana strength are much faster than before. In Luo Yu's mind, so much Attacks, even in the heyday of the black robe man, would never dare to take it hard, and now the black robe man is retreating to a critical juncture.

"how is this possible!"

To Luo Yu's surprise, the man in black sat there motionless, as if he hadn't noticed these attacks. When the Golden Thunder Sword was close to him, he threw up the giant white skull in his hand, and the skull immediately With a flash of gray light in the eyes, it turned into a white light that was not weaker than the Golden Thunder Sword at all, blocking the Golden Thunder Sword from the front.

"Ding" The golden sword collided with the skull, making a metal-like friction sound, the skull is so hard!Dare to challenge Luo Yu's mid-level magic weapon, the Golden Thunder Sword!

And the sky-filled talisman following the Golden Thunder Sword made the man in black a little surprised, but then he snorted coldly, pointed at the black cloud above his head and made a tactic, his lips moved slightly and muttered something silently. The large black cloud floating quietly above the head of the black robed man instantly flew in front of the black robed man, firmly blocking the flying talisman.

"Boom! Boom..." Fu Xun hit the black cloud, and there were bursts of muffled bangs, and the ghost faces that were still struggling in the black cloud just now stared at Fu Xun with fierce expressions. After roaring, bursts of black mist spewed out from Grimace's mouth, and I saw those ice and fire talismans hitting the black mist, not only failed to disperse the black mist, but were continuously eroded and melted in the black mist. Not afraid of basic magic attacks!

But after a while, Luo Yu immediately felt relieved, and saw that after the black mist had eroded most of the talisman, his own color began to gradually fade, not as jet black as before. It seemed that there were so many talisman attacks , this black mist is also a bit too much, if the black mist really does not react at all, Luo Yu may just turn around and leave, and will not fight this person at all.

"Hey! Junior, before you came in, the old man has already found you and has been waiting for you for a long time. Although your method of restraining breath is quite amazing, in front of the impermanent ghost corpse of this deity, the smell of any living person within a hundred meters You can’t be satisfied, so you just suffer and die!” The black-robed monk seemed to have been prepared, and after a confident smile, he pointed lightly at the torches hanging on the walls around him, and immediately dozens of torches burst into flames. When it opened, it turned into dark gray crystalline particles like mist and sand that filled the entire stone room in an instant.

"Hey! I'll let you taste the power of my newly refined black soul essence!"

'Not good' Luo Yu secretly said in his heart, when the 'black soul spirit' appeared all over the sky, Luo Yu knew that he had been plotted by the other party. Also restrained at the same time, no wonder the other party can find himself.

But it's useless to think about regretting at this moment, I saw that the black sand in the sky was divided into two waves, half of which turned into several roaring evil dragons rushing towards Luo Yu, while the other half rushed into the black clouds, as if Merging with the black cloud, the color of the black cloud supplemented by the black sand suddenly deepened a little. After those ghost-faced ghosts took a few mouthfuls of black sand, they immediately swept away the fatigue just now, and the illusory ghost-headed figures became more solid .

Although Luo Yu had a lot of talismans, they were all the ones that would disappear after one use, unlike the black clouds that lasted as long as the sea of ​​fire and ice cones were blown away by the black air protruding from the evil ghost in an instant after the impact of the explosion.

At this time, the other half of the black sand had already arrived in front of Luo Yu. Without thinking about it, Luo Yu instantly released the middle-level magic weapon 'Ziyang pocket', and the purple net flew into the air with a 'swish', spinning sharply and becoming bigger. After reaching the limit, with a slight trembling, it turned into a cloak of shimmering purple light and covered Luo Yu's body, but Luo Yu who released the Ziyang pocket for defense was still not at ease, and took out the 'Black Turtle Shield' from his arms, After a burst of spiritual power was infused, the iron shield instantly flew in front of Luo Yu, turning into a thick iron wall to protect Luo Yu tightly, and under the double protection, Luo Yu looked out with confidence.

"Bang bang..." The black sand in the front collided with Luo Yu's black iron shield first, making a loud noise. Not only did the iron shield shake when it hit, but it couldn't even break through the iron shield's defense!

The black-robed monk saw that the two defenses released by Luo Yu were dazzling, and they were not ordinary things at first glance, and his heart suddenly became greedy, but he did not panic when he saw the iron shield blocking his own black sand. But not only this method, but also my own cultivation base is two layers higher than this kid, and I have already prepared, if I can't deal with this person, then I am too ashamed!

After making a silent gesture, he moved his lips, and the black sand that collided fiercely with Luo Yu suddenly turned around and separated into two strands of finer black sand, and swayed left and right to avoid Luo Yu's black turtle shield , like two poisonous snakes rushing towards Luo Yu's back.

"Hiss!" Heisha immediately collided with the purple cloak on Luo Yu's back, and a strange sound came out, but after Luo Yu replenished his spiritual power to Ziwang with a serious face, the light of Ziwang was shining, and instantly The black sand flew away with a flick.

Luo Yu had the defense of the purple cloak, so it was impossible to sneak attack from behind, but it was strange that Heisha made a hissing melting sound during the battle with the purple cloak!But those black sands that were not bounced away were unexpectedly melted away by the purple shield!

It turns out that this black sand is afraid of the attack of the magic weapon of fire attribute!

"How dare you destroy my magic weapon! I want you to pay it back with your life!" Seeing that Heisha kept decreasing, the black-robed monk was furious in his heart, but Heisha killed many immortal cultivators and spent a lot of effort to use Their souls were cultivated, and Luo Yu's destruction would be less, how could he not feel heartbroken!

The black-robed cultivator's complexion sank immediately. He never imagined that this ninth-level immortal cultivator in the qi training period would be so difficult to deal with. Not only did the talisman smash out of his body, but even the defensive methods were perfect. The little golden sword did not show the slightest disadvantage under the attack of the impermanent ghost, and even shot out a thin golden arc from time to time, which made the ghost howl and dare not approach easily!

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