fairy flame

Chapter 971

Hearing this order, Xue Sha was already full of hostility and did not hesitate at all. Immediately, he shrieked excitedly and collected the blood mist, leaving only the black mist outside his body to wrap himself and the three troll blood palms together, arousing It turned into a cloud of black wind and chased after the eagle-eyed middle-aged man aggressively. [No pop-up novel reading!]

With Xuesha's sense of smell being even sharper than that of an immortal cultivator, Luo Yu doesn't have to worry about accidents once he remembers this person's aura.

In an instant, the black wind transformed by the blood fiend disappeared into the sky.

At this time, Luo Yu did not go directly to chase and kill the escaped young woman in plum skirt. With his evasion technique, he let the young woman in beautiful skirt go for a while, as long as she didn't fly dozens of miles away in one breath to detect her The distance, this woman can't even think of escaping her life in his hands.

As far as Luo Yu is concerned, right now he has something he can't let go of, but the feeling is too deep, and he can't open his mouth because he can't change it for a while.

After a little hesitation, a wry smile appeared on Luo Yu's face, and he looked at Li Yaoruo who was sitting on the dark green pipa with a complicated expression. The stubbornness of being persistent and not turning back, the indescribable and inexplicable Xuan Ni's taste of giving up all kinds of things, really made Luo Yu have mixed feelings about this woman.


The throat just rolled, but the voice was cut off for a long time, and finally forced out a sentence of "wait for me to come back", and then Luo Yu turned into a shrieking blue rainbow without looking back, and the light flickered and flickered towards him. He galloped away in the direction of the young woman in the black dress.

This ordinary sentence, which seemed to have exhausted all of its strength, suddenly made the listener's eyes light up brilliantly.

On the one hand, Li Yaoruo was pleasantly surprised that Luo Yu was unscathed under the siege of those three people. On the other hand, after being ruthlessly rejected by Luo Yu not long ago, he suddenly heard with his own ears that Luo Yu was no longer the same to him as before. Those cold words made her cold heart radiate warmth. Even though she was tired and weak at the moment, Li Yaoruo still pouted and showed a gratifying smile.

The smile on that Qingcheng's charming face was soft and charming, like flowers blooming from a wonderful brush, surpassing Baifang's beauty, and even floating in the air with a hint of sweetness.

Some people say that a woman who has refuge or expectation in her heart, the more she faces the long and endless waiting or suffering, often in the unconscious chasing, it is the most beautiful and moving moment in her life, the love that blooms in the wind and rain. Only flowers can make people look sideways. At this time, Li Yaoruo's knowing smile inadvertently revealed is even more fascinating than the charming Wushuang when he flattered her in the past.

From Li Yaoruo's point of view, with Luo Yu's ability to disintegrate the three of them with a wave of his hand, chasing and killing the fish that slipped through the net should be effortless.

But in fact, after two or three full hours passed, in the woman's eyes full of anticipation because of something, a cyan light spot finally loomed in the distant sky, and it immediately enlarged gradually.

In just one breath, a screaming blue light appeared in front of him like a lightning bolt, and Guanghua withdrew, revealing the figure of Luo Yu inside.

Only then did Li Yaoruo realize that half of the shoulders of the figure in the blue light had become tattered. Obviously, in the process of going back and forth, he had also experienced a lot of danger.

It's just that all of these obviously couldn't conceal the sense of loss, worry and anger on Luo Yu's face, and the changes in his expression.

"Why do you do this just to pass on a message to me, and you don't take your own essence, blood, and essence seriously? You should be very clear that if you don't die like this, the result of losing your vitality will range from regressing mana to falling into a big realm." possible."

"But no matter what, I misunderstood you at first."

The moment Luo Yu came to this woman's side, he had already put aside the things that made him depressed, and his voice had an indescribably bitter, choking taste.

Some things rush into the heart like invisible scourges, and everything is just a fleeting image. It would have been calm, so it should not be avoided artificially, but often those who resist deliberately make the non-existence become real.

After all, there is always such a slight touch that will override principles and rationality. If the vegetation withers, even if you don’t forget to turn mud to protect the flowers, people are not vegetation, more than that.

Luo Yu has never been a cold-blooded person!

"Why are you bothering? Why are you forcing yourself, why are you forcing me!"

Looking at the beautiful and beautiful face, Qi Qiran became a little more shockingly pale, and suddenly he was yelled so loudly that his voice trembled, and his white teeth began to bite lightly.

Even if she doesn't ask, she already knows the answer, as long as she can rush to save herself, she would rather die than regret it!

All of a sudden, for the first time, Luo Yu felt a little guilt and even pity for the other women except Ling'er!

"I didn't want to embarrass you. You said let me stay away from you. After I left, I just wanted to listen to you, stay away from you, and didn't even dare to look back at you once!"

Seeing the complex and changing expression on Luo Yu's face, Li Yaoruo couldn't control it any longer.

Li Yaoruo, who was slowly sobbing, seemed to have endless words and endless suffering. Although the tears in his eyes inadvertently dripped on his crystal-like cheeks, Lihua still didn't ask Luo Yu for money in the rain. With a little bit of care and comfort, she can swallow those sufferings, and she has always been like this.

"No matter what you say, I will listen. But that day, when I disguised myself as a female monk of the Xi Nu Sect and planned to sneak out of the Black Bird Mountain Range, I happened to run into some disciples led by the elders of the Xi Nu Sect , I only learned from those people that you were hunted down by the Cuixia faction. I know that most of you in the Six Righteous Sects are not good people. Since they must harm you, they will use any means, so at that time I I just want to tell you the news!"

"You don't like useless people, so I want to be useful to you, and I only want to be useful to you. This reason is not complicated. You know it well, but you are unwilling to accept things that should be simple."

"The first half of Yaoruo's life has been wasted, because I only knew silly pursuits and vague longings. In retrospect, it was really bitter, but after I fell in love with you, my second half of my life was hard to say. , Maybe I still want to live foolishly in my dreams, but no matter what, it’s my choice, it’s something I’ve been obsessed with since I was a child, and it’s something I’m more reluctant to part with than life.”

"What's more, if you do it, even if your life is gone, there will always be something left behind, which will make people remember, make people recall, and will leave a little bit of eternal light in people's hearts."

When he said this, Li Yaoruo's heart felt empty in an instant, as if everything was enough, and his heart was so clear and ethereal for a moment!

"Is life so important?", "It's not that important!", "Bai Yuncanggou, after a round of reincarnation, who is not lonely!"

In a trance, I forgot what I should write down, and what I shouldn't remember floated out like a wild horse. There were so many confusions that I never dared to think about, and I was snorted by it, as if the infinite curse was caught. Cleansing, all follow one-knowledge and all-knowledge.

Hearing these heart-wrenching and heart-wrenching truths, a wave of unspeakable, but like water breaking through a dike, hit Luo Yu's heart like a copper wall and iron wall, making him feel like "Why don't you let go, one thought becomes a demon, this life In this life, do whatever you want.

The more you care, the more bonds you have, and the more you fight for, the more you have to lose!

Thinking carefully about what I did wrong in my life, I have been working hard to abide by the rules, from the beginning of the Qi training period until now, I don’t know how much face I have earned for the master, so that the master can smile amiably, so that the fellow disciples can feel proud from now on , Can you look back and think about yourself 'reaping something for your hard work'?

In the storage bag, which treasures and exercises were not bought by him from the sea of ​​fire time and time again. During this period, he could not complain about his sufferings, return home, or talk about his wife. Cuixia faction turned a blind eye to everything. , but even so, Luo Yu has never complained!

But this time, since Li Lingyu could remember how she killed Liu Zonglin, Luo Yu didn't believe that she would not be able to remember that he did it when Liu Zonglin was violent and humiliating him.

If this is also a capital offense, then in Luo Yu's view, there is no distinction between right and wrong in the world, and some are just unfair!

"Wrong, so I've been wrong for so many years, it's so wrong!"

At this moment, a wave of unyielding feeling that he had when he faced Xu Laogui's persecution in the Xuanwu Hall of the Holy Fire City surged into Luo Yu's heart again like a demon.

He still remembered the bold words he had said to the ancestor of the Dan Qi period: "This time, I will never be caught without a fight!"

What he said that day, somehow, really confirmed the situation at this time. Since he had no other choice, he would take a road without turning back.

"Follow me, there will be no more peaceful days in the future, you won't regret it?"

Luo Yu thought for a while, then laughed heartily, and slowly stretched out his hands, stroking Li Yaoruo's shoulder-hanging black hair, and said with a smile on his face.

"Never regret it! Little Enemy"

Hearing this, Li Yaoruo's beautiful eyes were as bright as the stars at this moment, and all the charm of the country turned into a stream of joy like a jade jade, and she approached Luo Yu's arms softly and weeping softly.

The scorching sun above his head was slanting to the west, and the figure that he didn't have at all seemed to be stretched infinitely long!

There are always some things that should be unforgettable and unswerving. Perhaps the words Linger left to herself have always been misunderstood.

"Baiyun Canggou is like a dream, so close to the end of the world, a moment of thought" should be more "Baiyun Canggou defies God's will, so close to the end of the world, there is a period of love"!

In the early morning of the second day, in a deep valley filled with morning mist, Luo Yu showed a hint of relief on his face, standing quietly under the shade of a tree in the valley, his eyes seemed to be hazy looking at the dark green light that was gradually fading away in the sky.

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