fairy flame

Chapter 983

The Sky Umbrella has been with Luo Yu for many years, and he has saved Luo Yu's life many times at critical moments. For a monk like Luo Yu who values ​​life all the time, this treasure is far more valuable. It is better than any attacking treasure of any rank. After all, no matter how good other treasures are, if they lose their lives, everything is empty talk.

Seeing that the umbrella was taken away, Luo Yu's spiritual sense could not be deployed, and he had nothing to do with the ghost king of the corpse lotus. Similarly, the seven golden beads that lost their targets could not be locked with the spiritual sense of the ghost king of the corpse lotus, and immediately turned into seven golden lights It was spinning around in the black mist, but before Luo Yu could recall the Zanjindaowan, which were like headless flies, suddenly, under the flash of light above the black mist, that beautiful purple color appeared again. The crescent moon, and with the repeated changes of the crescent moon filling up the gap and forming a circle, the power of the void formation suddenly boiled and rolled again, and made hundreds of purple moons rush out around the black mist, all of them poured into the black mist go in!

Even though Luo Yu's Zhanjin Daowan is powerful, he knows the reason why ants kill elephants more than anyone else, even if he himself is surrounded by purple torrents in all directions, he will only end up dead end.

Thinking of this, with a sudden movement of his consciousness, a blue light quickly fixed on Luo Yu's feet from far to near, and the light flashed into a small green boat.

At the same time, the seven-star Yinhuo blade that cut a way out also hovered in front of Luo Yu, but it could only keep flashing wildly in the space around Zhang Xu, and a little further away was covered by the strange floating soul silk. scope!

For the existence of soul silk alone, Luo Yu thought about all the supernatural powers, but there was nothing to do. In this way, Luo Yu had to control the Seven Star Yinhuo Blade instead of the sky umbrella to defend the surroundings, and at the same time be vigilant against the soul silk. The movement of the body, always keep a certain distance between the position of oneself and the soul silk.

It's just that if you don't remove these soul threads first, you can't use the magic weapon at a long distance. The corpse lotus ghost king is also seeing this, so he can be so arrogant and unscrupulous.

Understanding this level of truth, Luo Yu's mind suddenly had a flash of inspiration, thinking of a way to break through the current predicament.

These soul threads are certainly too difficult to deal with, but confronting them head-on is tantamount to a bad strategy, and it is better to catch the thief first and catch the king first!

Luo Yu suddenly turned his gaze, and stared at the demon corpse with vertical eyes, his expression turned cold.

With a momentary turning of his thoughts, Luo Yu's mana, which had been consumed a lot, was mobilized crazily. At the same time, with a slight sway of his hands, different auras quietly appeared.

One of the palms was spread out, revealing a light black mysterious talisman. Upon closer inspection, there was actually a virtual image of a giant black frog engraved on this inconspicuous talisman, which was lifelike. There was a vague and faint breath.

After Luo Yu took out the talisman, he looked deeply at all parts of the talisman, the hesitation on his face was fleeting, and then he stuck the talisman towards himself without hesitation.

With a low sound of 'hiss', a ball of black light exploded on Luo Yu's chest, except that it transformed into a light black mask as thin as a cicada's wings, covering Luo Yu from head to toe. Looks like there's nothing else magical about it.

As for the treasure in the other hand, it was thrown out by Luo Yu's arm trembling twice in a row, and the object in his hand shot towards the vertical-eyed demon corpse with a flash of light!

However, when Luo Yu's divine sense was activated, there were clearly two strange fluctuations emanating out, but at this moment, there were only five slender blood rays flying towards the distant demon corpse!

Also at this moment, when Luo Yucai finished casting the spell, there was a small but disturbing piercing sneer spreading from behind Luo Yu more than ten feet away. An imperceptible black light flashed, then disappeared into the void again.

This change was so fast that after Luo Yu noticed it, there was no trace at all. He laughed bitterly in his heart. He never thought that if he couldn't use his divine sense on a large scale, he would suffer such a disadvantage in the battle with others!

What Luo Yu didn't know was that the corpse lotus ghost king had turned into a shadow that was sneaking closer and closer to him without a trace.

Luo Yu's spell-casting actions just now fell into the eyes of the corpse lotus ghost king. Perhaps ordinary monks still don't know what kind of tricks Luo Yu is playing, but with the corpse lotus ghost king's tyrannical divine sense, he has already gained insight. Wei Wei, naturally captured the second disappearing divine sense, which turned out to be two flying needles that looked graceful, faintly trailing behind the five bloody flying needles in front!

This kind of small blinding method, not to mention that it cannot hide the spiritual thoughts of ordinary monks in the alchemy stage, just the vertical-eyed demon corpse of the original corpse lotus ghost king, also has a certain strange ability to perceive the fluctuation of soul power, even if the corpse lotus ghost king does not No matter what you do, the vertical-eyed demon corpse will not be easily fooled!

Sure enough, the vertical-eyed demon corpse that was locked by Luo Yu's divine sense seemed to have three magical eyes with great spirituality. When the three magical eyes turned around, black light flashed in the eyes under the eyebrows, and immediately landed on the five spurting eyes. The blood-colored flying needle landed, but the blood-colored vertical eyes between his brows looked at the empty space on the other side without any movement.

The vertical-eyed demon corpse was extremely vigilant as soon as it started, and it really discovered Luo Yu's hidden backhand!

But at this moment, it has to be said that Luo Yu didn't notice this at all. At this time, his face was calm, but his heart became a little uncontrollably excited.

Because through the thin black light shield in front of him, he could clearly see everything in the outside world, bright and dark, as if through a mirror, and the light that entered his eyes was slightly distorted. And the naked eye is clear how many times!

Although this 'Heavenly Ghost Talisman', which has never been used since it was refined, is still unable to see through the weakness of the formation here, but when this talisman was refined out of curiosity by Luo Yu, he never thought of using it. In this aspect of breaking the formation, on the contrary, the reason why he likes it is that after the activation of this talisman, there is a great chance to find ghosts and ghosts in stealth!

It's just that there aren't many records of yin spirit beasts such as ghost frogs in the world of cultivating immortals, so Luo Yu is not sure whether this talisman is really as magical as it says in "Sura Bone Path" after it is refined.

After all, when the refining was successful back then, Luo Yu really did not expect that it would be useful one day, and it was a coincidence to meet the Yinling Beast in the distant Rongzhou. Suddenly remembering, Luo Yu almost forgot about it.

But at the moment when the 'Heavenly Ghost Talisman' was pasted just now, its effect really appeared. If Luo Yu read it correctly, a few feet away from him, two shadows, one black and one red, were appearing on both sides of his back. Slowly approaching, although the two shadows were extremely cautious and kept changing their positions, never hiding in the same place for too long, every move was clearly presented in front of Luo Yu.

It can really be seen that Luo Yu was overjoyed for a while, but his face was always showing a nervous look that was so sophisticated.

At the moment when Luo Yu was stunned, the five-tone bone-penetrating needle activated by his divine sense flew a lot closer, but the vertical-eyed demon corpse just stared at the flying needle and did not make any movement!

At the same time, seeing Luo Yu looking around with a gloomy expression, among them, the shadow cast by the corpse lotus ghost king naturally thought that Luo Yu could not find its trace, and the extra dark shield outside his body was just used for defense.

Thinking this way in his heart, the ghost king of corpse lotus grinned slightly. After stopping his figure, he flew to Luo Yu's right side without probing anything. At the same time, another petite demon corpse emitting red light was also controlled by him. , slowly flew towards Luo Yu's left side in a calm and unhurried manner, but this time, the petite demon corpse and the corpse lotus ghost king did not plan to make a fuss like they did before.

On the contrary, under Luo Yu's seemingly unremarkable eyes, the petite demon corpse stopped four or five feet away from him, looking like he was waiting for a rabbit!

Seeing this scene, Luo Yu sneered secretly in his heart, this corpse lotus ghost king is old and cunning, obviously worried that Luo Yu would use that kind of teleportation body training technique to escape at a critical moment, so he set up an ambush in advance behind his attack !

If Luo Yu can't discover these things, I'm afraid he will really be slapped by him again, but now the corpse lotus ghost king is smart but he was mistaken by his cleverness!

In that instant, the Ghost King of the Corpse Lotus had detoured about two feet in front of Luo Yu's body with a black gold giant axe in his hand, and further ahead was the coverage area of ​​Luo Yu's external sand cover and body protection aura.

Seeing Luo Yu's eyes sweeping over where he was, he passed by without stopping for a long time. The blood in the ghost king's eyes lit up, and he increased his speed without any hesitation. His whole body turned into a black sharp arrow, thundering He rushed into Luo Yu's sand cover like lightning!

But the unique defensive power of the sand cover immediately shocked the malicious corpse lotus ghost king!

Even though the corpse lotus ghost king is a monk in the alchemy stage, he can't help but stagnate in such a rare elemental force defense.

However, the Corpse Lotus Ghost King seemed to have expected this situation. When it was exposed, he raised the black gold giant ax in his hand high. The dazzling black-gold edge shot out, and the hurricane-like aura was full of indomitable and desperate momentum. The body of the giant ax also surged to the height of Zhang Xu in the sudden change of aura, and then it slashed at the top of Luo Yu's head in an instant like riding the wind and waves. And down!

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