fairy flame

Chapter 9952 Fierce Battle

"Huh! Those people below, as long as they show some color, they naturally dare not talk too much. Besides, as long as they can catch Luo Yu, not only can they make Luo Yu

I am expected to ascend Jindan Avenue, and I will naturally become famous! "

There was a stern look on the face of the young lady in palace costume, and she said with narrowed eyes.

To her, Luo Yu is Muxiu Yulin, who has already stood at the top of the foundation-building stage. If she captures him, won't her reputation be even better?

one floor.

"That being said, the strength of 'Luo Yu' is rumored to be comparable to that of Jin Wentian. I'm afraid it's just a fellow daoist alone."

The red-faced old man hesitated to speak, but the meaning of his hesitation couldn't be more obvious. Maybe others have never seen Luo Yu's magical powers with their own eyes, but the two of them

Old is obvious to all.

Generally, late-stage foundation-building monks are no match for Luo Yu at all.

"What? You two really thought that the concubine could not do it alone. This time, among the six major factions, the 'Xiahuangjian' and 'Jinxiadan' were moved.

There are not a hundred monks in the later stage, but dozens. There are so many like-minded people, how can I take the risk to deal with Luo Yu alone, and there will be three other descendants at that time.

Fellow Daoist Qi assisted from the side. I believe that facing the siege of four monks of the same rank, even though Luo Yu has three heads and six arms, it will be difficult to fly! "

"This time, as long as you two ask your subordinates to pay more attention to the presence and absence of monks nearby, after the matter is completed, I will not treat you badly."

The young lady explained with a chuckle, as if everything was in place, and she was just waiting for Luo Yu to take the bait.

These words made Zhang's two elders feel no excitement in their hearts, but the bitter taste was stronger.

The two elders are both very old, and they have long since cut off the hope of being promoted in their cultivation base, and they have not moved a little bit about the 'Jinxiadan' and 'Xiahuangjian'

The meaning of the heart, and it is true that Luo Yu is the savior of the second elder.

When a person reaches the end of the year, he sees many things lightly and calmly. He doesn't have so many pursuits other than saving his life. He can enjoy his old age in peace and harmony.

, even if they do something against their will, it’s okay, but before they are about to die, they are ungrateful and betray their friends in exchange for that life without love.

Come, I feel a little bit sorry for the benefits of not taking away.

But because of the coercion of the rich man in the palace costume and some kindness in the early years, the second elder really couldn't refuse, but if he refused, he would still

It makes people wonder whether the two elders have any collusion with Luo Yu.

Who would have thought that Luo Yu's reputation for integrity would plummet like this at its highest point.

While the sea of ​​blood was tumbling, in a hidden cave far away near the Valley of Sacred Fire, there was a sudden, earth-shattering loud noise.

I saw that the huge gray mountain suddenly burst open, and a giant cloud as black as ink rose into the sky like a black sun.

After rolling a bit, a mass of dark red light slowly emerged from the black cloud.

In the radiance, a dark red 'four-legged tripod' surrounded by clusters of dark red will-o'-the-wisps was turning around!

This huge dark red tripod is about one foot high and half as wide as it is.

Such ferocious pictures make people dare not look directly outside. The most eye-catching thing is the two tripod ears, which seem to be inlaid by the head of a dragon, looking up to the sky.

Roaring, the fierce appearance is lifelike!

After the giant cauldron appeared in the black clouds, a black-robed monk with wolf claws and a scarlet face walked slowly in the air, and stepped on the cauldron in a blink of an eye.


The black-robed weirdo glanced at the direction of the Black Bird Mountain Range, his eyes were bloodshot, but after seeing the black-robed weirdo wave his sleeves, his huge

The dark red fire waves on the surface of the tripod dissipated with a 'chili' sound, and instantly mixed with the black clouds, turning into a long black and red cloud!

In the sky, I saw the black and red light clouds rolled down a little bit, and there was a faint sound of dragon roaring, and the giant cloud was like a sky-rising

The evil dragon, shaking its head and tail, shot out towards the distance.

In the blink of an eye, the giant cloud and the sound of the dragon's chant moved farther and farther away until it turned into a black spot and disappeared.

But far away, there was a sound that seemed to penetrate the sky and lasted for a long time.

"The dark mist finally appeared again, this time! This king will definitely smash your corpse into thousands of pieces!"

At the same moment, Xiao Cry was being surrounded by thick and almost viscous blood light, and the aura it emitted was rising steadily, as if possessed by a demon.

The body is the same!

"Since you can see the kung fu performed by Xiao at a glance, it seems that four years ago, Junior Brother Xue was indeed killed by you, but "Bone and Blood Dark Kung Fu"

"There are three layers of changes. Back then, Junior Brother Xue only learned the first layer of changes. Today, I will let you experience the complete first layer of changes.

Emphasis on the power of 'Blood Spirit Transformation'! "

At this time Xiao Cry, his whole body was covered by a thick blood film, and even his ears, nose, eyebrows and eyes became blurred, but Luo Yu always had a kind of

The feeling of being stared at by poisonous snake eyes!

And Xiaokui was not surprised when Luo Yu revealed the secrets of his skills, on the contrary, he said in a cold voice with deep meaning.

Upon hearing this, Luo Yu snorted coldly and did not answer.

But since he had experienced this set of exercises four years ago, he naturally knew how amazing its power was.

The power is activated to the maximum.

The yellow awns on the light glow are bright, and they gather and thicken. When it is a full foot deep, it seems that there are pieces of nepheline stones surrounding Luo Yu, which are extremely firm.

This was not enough, Luo Yu cast the sand element shield technique around his body again, and turned the Seven Star Yin Fire Blade back with one move, turning into a green cloud floating above his head


And after doing all this, on Luo Yu's hands hidden in his sleeves, there were faint golden and green glows hesitating, ready to send out at any time!

When Luo Yu was defending with all his strength, he also prepared for the worst in his heart. Once he showed a little bit of helplessness, he would instantly trigger a panic attack.

Rizhou escaped from here at the maximum speed, causing the owl to cry and kill it in the "Xuanmei Huanhua formation".

This array has been set up, and it is said that it is not a problem to trap and kill many immortal cultivators in the alchemy stage. If you want to come to Xiaokui, after performing the "Bone Blood Dark Art"

No matter how against the sky, it is impossible to defeat the joint efforts of several alchemy cultivators!

And no matter how bad it is, I still have the 'Green Zhadi' and a drop of 'Golden Elixir' that I haven't used. If I use these two things, plus their refining

Luo Yu couldn't believe that he couldn't deal with Xiao Cry!

Thinking of this in his heart, Luo Yu became more confident, and most of the timidity was dispelled at once!

While Luo Yu was carefully arranging various defensive methods, Xiaokui on the opposite side was in the final stage of casting a spell, and the sea of ​​blood in the sky seemed to be absorbing spiritual energy.

Almost at the point of saturation, a deep and hoarse roar suddenly echoed everywhere in the sea of ​​blood.

At the same time, the entire sea of ​​blood also set off monstrous waves, as if it was pouring back, endless blood was poured into the bloody light that wrapped Xiao Xiao's cry

The column poured down!

In the blink of an eye, this beam of light was poured with blood all over the sky, and the Blood Phantom twisted crazily, and the deformed blood-colored beam of light

It gradually turned into a blood-colored giant with three eyes and four arms!

It's just that only the body part below the head of this giant is still slightly clear, and the face is still blurred, but in the hazy phantom, one can vaguely see

I saw a third vertical eye growing between the brows, glowing with a strange red light!

And the four arms are even more weird, like the forelimbs of a spider, they don't grow on the shoulders, but between the chest and the waist, and the upper ones

Although the two arms are red and radiant all over, they can still distinguish features such as ten fingers and wrists, but the other two arms are quite different!

Luo Yu couldn't help being a little dazed, but he was definitely not dazzled. At the front of these two arms, there were actually two lifelike and ferocious snake heads.

Both the bloodthirsty eyes and the scarlet snake letter have sharp edges and corners!

On the head of one of the snakes, the corner of its mouth exhaled slightly, and a strange mist like black ice crystals scattered in all directions, while the other snake was several feet away.

From the giant snake's mouth, bursts of lava-like strange poisonous gas are spewing out, dark red and terrifying!

Whether it's black ice crystals or red lava, they all turn the nearby rocks, flowers and plants into foul-smelling pus in an instant, which is really frightening!

These two snake heads obviously have a certain degree of poisonous supernatural powers!

No wonder Xiao Cry dared to say that Xue Yinyang back then was just a half-baked "Bone and Blood Dark Art", at least that time when Luo Yu saw this magic art, Luo Yu

The two snake arms and the third scarlet vertical eye between the eyebrows were not found on the phantom of the blood demon summoned by Yang!

But at this time, it was not Luo Yu who could be distracted and think too much. He didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately pushed behind the green cloud above his head, the seven-handed cold light shone

The flying knives filed out amidst bursts of clear sounds!

"Seven stars unite!"

The sound of the spiritual tactic and the incantation was fired in no particular order, and the seven emerald green flying knives gathered towards a certain place high in the sky again, black and green rays of light

After tumbling for a while, the seven-star giant sword more than ten feet long aimed at the huge blood-colored phantom and slashed head-on!

"Haha! Do you think that these vulgar objects, which are not even called magic weapons, can compete against Lord Shengmo's avatar?"

Suddenly, within the tall phantom, from nowhere came the sound of Xiao Xiao crying and laughing, his tone extremely contemptuous!

"Tips for carving insects!"

As soon as Xiaoxiao's cry fell, suddenly there was another loud voice like the ringing of a bell, coming from the phantom mouth of the blood-colored holy demon,

It resounded through the sky at once!

The next moment, I saw the vertical eye between the brows of Saint Demon Xuying, looking at the seven-star giant knife with his pupils shrinking like an understatement!

A slender red blade light was drawn out quickly, it seemed that the speed was not fast, but the space that Li Mang flew through vibrated like ripples, as if it was about to break open

This piece of sky bound!

The brilliant red light burst from the blade of the seven-star giant knife, and where the red light passed, the two colors of aura disintegrated in an instant!

A slender black crack suddenly extended down from the seven-star giant knife, and the sound of mourning rose loudly, as if it would be completely broken in the next moment!


Luo Yu, who was tens of feet away, unexpectedly spit out a big mouthful of painstaking effort at the moment when the red light cut on the blade!

It was as if Luo Yu was seriously injured after just meeting each other!

"Seven Star Disk, Tu Ling Black Light!"

After his expression turned white, he saw the seven-handed emerald green flying knives looming in the seven-star giant knife trembled wildly, and wailed together, as if they were going to follow the giant knife

The body is broken and everything is damaged! g! .

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