Guan Xiong

Chapter 13 The Bet Was Right This Time

"Secretary Liu, don't worry! I will definitely finish it." Li Xiaoning took the paper and said steadily.

"You're quite confident!" Liu Qifeng didn't expect that Li Xiaoning would take the paper without hesitation. While admiring, he felt a little more suspicious, that is, at this moment, he gave birth to the paper again. To further test Li Xiaoning's ideas.

Standing up with a smile, Liu Qifeng continued, "Go back to the office and get ready, then call the driver Xiao Tang and ask him to wait for me downstairs at 04:30."

"Okay!" Li Xiaoning replied respectfully, and then planned to leave. He had to go back quickly and think about how to write his first leadership speech to satisfy Liu Qifeng.

"Wait a minute, Li." Liu Qifeng called Li Xiaoning again, then walked into the room, and when he came out, he already had a blue floral tie in his hand, and said with a smile, "Going to the dinner party, you have to pretend Gentleman, this tie is for you first."

"I'm going too?" Li Xiaoning couldn't believe what he heard.

"Is there any problem?" Liu Qifeng asked with a smile.

"No problem!" Li Xiaoning replied as soon as he stood up.Just kidding, what a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to accompany the leader to attend the dinner, where can there be any problems?

"That's good, let's go!" Liu Qifeng nodded and waved to Li Xiaoning.

Looking at Li Xiaoning's back, Liu Qifeng suddenly became childish: "I don't know if it's right for me to do this, I hope this young man is a good piece of steel, so that I can have an extra helper and sell Secretary Lin's favor." .Hey, even good steel can’t withstand a heavy hammer, let’s observe first!”

When Li Xiaoning went out, he put the piece of paper and the tie into his pocket, then took out his mobile phone and called the driver Xiao Tang.It was one of the preparations he had made in advance to store the phone numbers of people who might have a relationship with the municipal party committee compound in his mobile phone.

After entering the office, Li Xiaoning didn't say anything, but said that Secretary Liu asked him to write an inspection, and then sat down in front of the computer to use his brain.He knew in his heart that although he had encountered a very good opportunity now, he must not get carried away in the slightest.As a person around the leader, the most basic thing to pay attention to is to learn how to say what should be said, and not to say a word that should not be said.If I talk too much and talk nonsense as soon as I go out, Secretary Liu will never want me to stay by my side. The most taboo thing for a leader is that people around him can't control their mouths.

Before today, the secretary of the municipal party committee of a sub-provincial city was still a distant figure for Li Xiaoning, but today he was able to write a speech for him, and Li Xiaoning was both excited and nervous.

After sitting in front of the computer for a few minutes, Li Xiaoning stood up and went to the toilet. He didn't want to be convenient, but to calm down, because he knew that if he was so nervous all the time, it would be impossible to write something that satisfied Liu Qifeng. something came.

Li Xiaoning always had a cigarette on his body, and usually he rarely smoked, but when he got to the toilet, he couldn't wait to light one.

As Liu Qifeng said, Li Xiaoning came from a major, so it was not difficult for him to write official speeches.In fact, Li Xiaoning is also fully confident in her writing ability, but everyone has different speaking habits, so how to write to satisfy Liu Qifeng is a difficult problem.

The general practice of secretaries is to add standard official language to the content that the leader wants to express, and then a speech is released. There is nothing wrong with doing this, but there is a common problem with such manuscripts, that is, it is impossible to tell who wrote it.There is a well-told joke that the leader’s speeches look like pornographic novels, because the whole text is "Don't...don't...don't,, vigorously...deeply...deeply, deeply...deeply...deeply, also To... still... still, hold high... advance... speed up... explore... persevere... grasp with both hands... be firm... hold hard... work hard" are very discordant words.

Therefore, although 90.00% of the secretaries write the same manuscripts, it is difficult for these secretaries to achieve anything in their lifetime, because the level of official speaking of leaders is always higher than that of ordinary secretaries. Things can only be as the leader wants, and only when the leader is doing what he wants, can he turn around and take a closer look at you.

Li Xiaoning opened the piece of paper that Liu Qifeng gave him again, and found that there was actually not much to say this time, only three points, and they were all clichés such as carrying forward fine traditions and being brave in innovation.To be honest, this kind of manuscript is not difficult for Li Xiaoning. With his basic skills and his understanding of various documents since entering the secretary's office, he can write tens of thousands of words eloquently with a little effort.

It can be said that there will be no problems with the manuscript written in this way, but it is unlikely to attract Liu Qifeng's attention. He has to find another way.

Li Xiaoning tried hard to carefully recall the content of the three short meetings between himself and Liu Qifeng in his mind, trying to find out Liu Qifeng's speech habits and personality traits...

Judging from the three meetings, Liu Qifeng is not the kind of leader who likes to boast. His speech rarely contains the kind of stereotypes and empty words that ordinary leaders say about the past, but he likes to quote ancient Chinese poems; Also very strong...

After thinking about it, Li Xiaoning decided to take a gamble. He returned to the office and sat down at the desk, typing on the keyboard...

At ten past four, Li Xiaoning knocked on the door of Liu Qifeng's room with a printed speech.

"Is it finished?" Liu Qifeng asked Li Xiaoning with a smile.

"Yes!" Li Xiaoning didn't talk nonsense, and handed over the document with both hands respectfully.

Seeing Liu Qifeng start to read the speech, Li Xiaoning didn't know whether he should leave or stay.From the bottom of his heart, of course he wants to keep it. If he stays here for an extra minute, maybe the leader will have a deeper impression of him, but Li Xiaoning knows that the leader doesn't like people who don't know how to advance or retreat.

In order not to give Liu Qifeng the impression that he didn't know how to advance or retreat, Li Xiaoning bent over and said, "Secretary Liu, I'm going out without any orders."

There is a reason why Li Xiaoning worked hard to show respect in front of Liu Qifeng.Because as the leader of a sub-provincial city, Liu Qifeng has long been accustomed to being humbled by others.If you are respectful to him, he may not think you are special, but if you show a little bit of disrespect, he will definitely remember you, but this remembering is not what it is Good thing.

"Oh? Did I make you nervous in such a hurry to go out?" Liu Qifeng said without raising his head.

"It would be a lie to say that you are not nervous." Li Xiaoning simply decided to take another gamble, and smiled and expressed his true thoughts, "Actually, I want to stay in front of you for a while, after all, who doesn't want the leader to pay more attention to you?" Myself? But to be honest, I am really nervous in front of you."

"Hahaha..." Liu Qifeng laughed loudly at Li Xiaoning's frankness, "You are really serious, Li Xiaoning. But, don't be nervous. I'm not a monster, just like you. They all have two arms and two legs, with a head on top, so there's nothing to be nervous about."

After hearing Liu Qifeng's words, a stone that had been hanging in Li Xiaoning's heart fell temporarily, because he knew very well that even if a leader at Liu Qifeng's level is not a serious person, he still has to pretend to be serious. Come, because this is a kind of art of imperial subordinates-a leader who is not serious is often difficult to deter subordinates.And now that Liu Qifeng was able to say such a light-hearted joke in front of him, it meant that at least at this moment, he didn't regard himself as an outsider.

Before Li Xiaoning recovered from his joy, Liu Qifeng raised his head again and asked with a serious expression, "What were you thinking when you wrote this manuscript?"

Li Xiaoning felt a "thump" in his heart, did he make a wrong bet?Although he was worried in his heart, he still asked respectfully: "What is Secretary Liu referring to?"

"Why is there only three sheets of paper for this speech? Are you going to let me talk for a few minutes with such a small amount of content? Do you know that the investment promotion dinner tonight is a very important event?" Liu Qifeng's tone was very serious, looking very angry.

Seeing Liu Qifeng's expression, Li Xiaoning couldn't help becoming nervous again. He secretly blamed himself for being too eager and taking it for granted. Most of the time, the leader still likes the kind of high-level speeches. He slightly lowered his head, He said with a little frustration: "I'm sorry, Secretary Liu, I didn't write it well, and I was too self-righteous."

"Self-righteous? Hmph, I want to hear how self-righteous you are!" Liu Qifeng angrily threw the speech on the table.

Looking at Liu Qifeng's stern appearance, Li Xiaoning really felt a little regretful now, but he still expressed his true thoughts: "Secretary Liu, although I have only met you three times and heard you speak once, but I think you are a practical leader, and you speak directly to the point. So I did not write the empty words and stereotypes that are often used in general speeches on my own initiative. Sorry, Secretary Liu, I did not do my job Well, you are right to criticize."

"Did I criticize you?" Liu Qifeng asked blankly.

"Huh?" Li Xiaoning didn't understand for a moment.

"You said I was right to criticize, what did I criticize you for?" Liu Qifeng asked with a smile.

Only then did Li Xiaoning come to his senses. He turned back to think about the conversation between the two of them, and found that Liu Qifeng did not criticize him at all. Looking at the smile on Liu Qifeng's face, he suddenly understood that Liu Qifeng was just testing him just now.

Sure enough, Liu Qifeng continued to smile and said: "Xiao Li, you are too nervous. I was just testing you just now to see if you would tell the truth. It turns out that you are an honest and good comrade. This speech The manuscript is well written, the language is concise, the words are meaningful, and it accurately summarizes what I want to express. It is very good. Also, your quotations from these ancient poems are also very appropriate, especially this The saying, "If you want to benefit the country, don't avoid it because of misfortune and good fortune", is well said. We are the public servants of the people, so we must have the awareness that we can give our lives to benefit the country.

It seems that I read you right, you are talented in writing, you can see that you are quite thoughtful, and you have studied history and political reality quite deeply. You are a talent, a child can be taught, and you will have a bright future. "

"Thank you Secretary Liu for the compliment, thank you Secretary Liu for the compliment!" Li Xiaoning was a little overwhelmed with excitement—Liu Qifeng's words had clearly expressed his appreciation for him, and how could Li Xiaoning not understand what this appreciation represented?This time, he bet right.

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