Guan Xiong

Chapter 36 Game Standing Committee

Under these posts that slandered Li Xiaoning to the utmost extent, some people supported and others scolded. The chaos of Chinese online forums is undoubtedly revealed.

Li Xiaoning thought that his official career would not be smooth sailing, but he did not expect that he would be so targeted, and the opponent would dispatch a professional navy.These posts are clearly planned and arranged uniformly.

Li Xiaoning had no experience with the Navy PR Company, but as a government secretary, he had a certain understanding of this industry.These public relations companies have a large number of trolls in their hands. After the posts are planned by a special copywriter, they will post a large number of posts on Weibo, Tieba, Maopu, Tianya, and Renren through thousands of trolls. Each post costs [-] cents. Money is commonly known as fifty cents.What they use is that there are a large number of blind followers with negative IQs on Weibo, Tieba, and Maopu. They believe whoever has a loud voice and is confident.

The copywriting and planning of these naval public relations companies are especially good at trying to figure out the thoughts of many netizens, and they are especially good at catching the attention of netizens.Not only did they spread rumors that the rescued young woman was Li Xiaoning's mistress, but they also pointed out that the car driven by the young woman was a Japanese Camry.This trick really worked, and the public opinion on the Internet quickly became one-sided, and the vacillating masses were all stimulated by the "Camry". It doesn't matter that you, Li Xiaoning, have a corrupt life style, but your mistress actually drives a Japanese car!That's okay?Proper traitor!

Li Xiaoning sighed involuntarily. He thought that his heroic saving of people would help him in his career, but now it seems that it will have a counterproductive effect.It's just that Xue Guoping and his gang really made a big fuss, right?I am just a pawn, even if I can successfully get to the official rank, it is just a sesame mung bean in front of Xue Guoping. Is it worth spending three to five million yuan to hire this kind of naval public relations company?

Li Xiaoning still has a certain understanding of the asking prices of these naval public relations companies. It is very difficult to clean up a life-saving deed like mine with so many witnesses. Ordinary companies may not be willing to accept recruitment. As long as they accept recruitment, The asking price will definitely not be lower.

In fact, what Li Xiaoning didn't know was that if it was really to compete with Liu Qifeng, Xue Guoping really wouldn't have to spend so much thought on it.After all, Li Xiaoning is still too young and his position is too low to have any real impact on the political situation of Binhai City. Xue Guoping really wanted to push the boat along the way and let Li Xiaoning take the position at the beginning, which would be equivalent to selling Li Xiaoning's favor. Maybe they can take the opportunity to win Li Xiaoning over.

However, the development of things often does not change according to people's wishes.Tang Wei asked the media to interview Li Xiaoning in order to create momentum for Li Xiaoning, but when Li Xiaoning's image appeared on TV, it was naturally seen by some people who did not want him to develop in a good direction.This included the Young Master Xue who was beaten by Li Xiaoning, whose mother didn't even know him.

This First Young Master Xue was none other than Xue Guoping's only son, who had always been spoiled.

Although Xue Guoping was unhappy about his son not doing his job properly, but after all, he was his son, he could scold and beat him, but no one else could touch him.

As the saying goes, hit the son, come out Lao Tzu.As the father of Xue Dashao Xue Bin, Xue Guoping called Hu Zhongqiang, the director of the Binhai Public Security Bureau, and scolded him as soon as he learned that his son was beaten: "Tell me, is there any law in Binhai? This is still not the world of the party!"

Hu Zhongqiang had heard about Xue Bin's second-generation ancestor's actions for a long time, and he knew that this kid deserved to be beaten, but the first-level official crushed him to death. Although Xue Guoping was not his direct superior, he was a real leader of the Binhai City Government. , A lot of funds of the Public Security Bureau are still counting on Mayor Xue to take care of it.I had no choice but to promise to go back and investigate strictly immediately.

However, the director of the police station Luo Guangguang and the policeman Zhang Siyu insisted that they encountered a traffic jam on the way to the police. When they arrived at the scene, the incident was over and they saw nothing.

In fact, the two policemen, the old and the young, watched the whole fight at the gate of Bai Yadan's residential area, but they never got out of the car, nor sounded the alarm.Luo Guangguang has been a veteran policeman for decades, and he knows everything. He knew what happened as soon as he arrived at the scene: a group of rich second-generation gangsters bumped into the sanitation worker and beat others.Li Xiaoning saw a rough road and offered to help.If the police come forward, they will arrest everyone, but which of these rich second generations has no background?Who was sanctioned in the end?Could it be these rich second generations?Certainly not!So he just pretended he didn't see anything, how good it is now!Everyone is happy.

Hu Zhongqiang had nothing to do with Luo Guangguang, an old man, and he really didn't want to do this job in his heart, so he put off doing it.Xue Guo usually cares about tens of thousands of chickens, but he will forget about it after a few days.

Unexpectedly, because of saving lives, Li Xiaoning's image appeared on the TV, and Xue Bin recognized him. This time, Xue Guoping's Ni Lin, which had been smoothed, was raised again.

However, after all, Li Xiaoning is a person Liu Qifeng puts in his place, and now he is a great hero who saves lives. Even though Xue Guoping is the mayor, it is impossible to completely defeat Li Xiaoning with a single sentence. He must first ruin Li Xiaoning's reputation. , That's why the incident that the navy public relations company stirred up inside happened.

Of course, while Xue Guoping was acting secretly, Liu Qifeng was also fighting for Li Xiaoning's interests. He now regarded Li Xiaoning as his real confidant, and seeking benefits for Li Xiaoning was to strengthen his own wings.Therefore, at the Standing Committee meeting discussing the typhoon relief work, Liu Qifeng took the opportunity to raise the issue of Li Xiaoning's treatment: "Dear comrades, what do you think of Li Xiaoning's heroic rescue performance this time?"

According to Liu Qifeng's idea, he would first raise this issue at the Standing Committee, and then the Organization Minister Hou Weijun suggested that Li Xiaoning be promoted to the official rank in an extraordinary way. He has a great contribution to saving lives. It is estimated that Xue Guoping also said No strong objection came out.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Liu Qifeng finished speaking, before Hou Weijun could speak, Xue Guoping spoke first: "Li Xiaoning is of course credited for saving people."

Liu Qifeng didn't expect that Xue Guoping would take the initiative to talk to his own people, but he was taken aback for a moment, couldn't help but glanced at Xue Guoping, and said to himself: "Old Xue, what are you doing here?"I, Liu Qifeng, are not so easy to fool.

Sure enough, Xue Guoping immediately changed the topic: "However, it is not easy for the country to train a cadre and a talent. His reckless and impulsive behavior, in case, I mean in case, in case no one is rescued , I also lost my life. First of all, I am sorry for the cultivation of the country, and most importantly, it will directly affect the reputation of our city. Moreover, at that time, the on-site command had clearly issued an order not to go forward, but he turned a deaf ear to it. It is simply disorganized and undisciplined to go his own way. Therefore, for his personal heroism, I think he should be given serious criticism and education."

As soon as he finished speaking, Song Gaoshan, the executive deputy mayor who has always followed him closely, interjected: "Mayor Xue just said well. After all, we are all party members and talents trained by the party. Before doing anything, you must first think about whether doing so is beneficial or harmful to the party, the country, and the government, and you should not only consider your own interests."

Organization Minister Hou Weijun objected: "Isn't it appropriate to say that? What are the interests of the party and what are the interests of individuals? In the final analysis, we all want to seek the interests of the people. At the critical moment, Li Xiaoning rushed up and rescued the living three Human life, I think this represents the interests of the people. If such comrades are not rewarded, but criticized instead, it will dampen the enthusiasm of our cadres!".

Fan Pingyuan, Secretary of the Disciplinary Committee, and Xue Guoping were classmates at the party school. The two had always been very close. He immediately retorted: "I disagree with Minister of the Guards. It is true that Li Xiaoning saved someone, but it was his luck. Not good, not only can people not be rescued, but his own life will also be taken. At that time, it will have a great adverse effect on the reputation of our Binhai City. Therefore, his behavior of this kind must not be rewarded or encouraged , once this hole is opened, it will be difficult to lead the team."

Propaganda Minister Ma Minghai is also a member of Xue Guoping, and he continued to express his position: "Secretary Fan is right. Li Xiaoning's actions are outright personal heroism plus opportunism. It is unacceptable. Everything must be considered in the overall situation. A chopstick is easy to break. A pair of chopsticks is strong enough. Only when subordinates obey their superiors, and individuals obey the organization, can they play a greater role and better seek the greatest benefits for the party, the country, and the people!"

The scene was one-sided, with a total of nine members of the Standing Committee present (note: there were originally eleven members of the Standing Committee, the former Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee has retired, and the new Director of Public Security, Hu Zhongqiang, has not been able to fill in the vacancy. ), Xue Guoping already occupied four people, so Liu Qifeng turned his attention to Geng Weimin, the always neutral United Front Work Minister, and Nie Dahai, the political commissar of the garrison area. He is a member of the municipal party committee, but he is on Xue Guoping's side. If he is asked to express his opinion first, his side will probably lose on the spot.

Geng Weimin, head of the United Front Work Department, is considered a roly-poly in Binhai official circles, but also an old cunning man. He has always believed in the principle of being wise and protecting his life, and he is about to retire, so he doesn't want to get involved in the struggle between Liu Qifeng and Xue Guoping; People, of course, don't want to join in the fun.Therefore, the two abstained very cleanly.

Xue Guoping showed a smile that the overall situation has been decided.

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