Guan Xiong

Chapter 38

After some conversation, Zhao Xiaohu frowned, the guy in front of him didn't look like a drug dealer at all, he looked like a spoiled rich second generation, did he arrest the wrong person?No, this gun and drugs cannot be faked.

Thinking of this, Zhao Xiaohu picked up the plastic bag on the table in front of him and said, "Xue Bin, do you know what this is?"

Xue Bin hesitated and replied, "I don't know."

Zhao Xiaohu sneered and shouted: "This pack is a methamphetamine product, Magu, with a total of 240 pills. Do you know what methamphetamine is? The average net weight of each pill of these methamphetamines is 0.1 grams, and the total weight of 240 pills is 24 grams. 24 grams of drugs are sold. The above can be shot, how many years do you think [-] grams can be sentenced to?"

Xue Bin cried out: "I didn't sell it, I used it myself!"

"You used it yourself! You used it so much! Where did you buy it from, and who did you sell it to!" Zhao Xiaohu slapped the table and shouted sharply.

Xue Bin broke out in a cold sweat, and he began to quibble: "This is not my product, so stop framing me."

Zhao Xiaohu pointed to the camera next to him: "Answer after you think about it, don't slap yourself in the face anymore. These drugs were searched from your car, with your fingerprints on them, you know this, and I also Yes. And we've got your accomplices, and they've sold you out, saying you're selling them drugs."

Xue Bin gritted his teeth and said, "I want to see a lawyer, and I want to call my father."

Zhao Xiaohu secretly laughed in his heart, before this happened, he started looking for his father.He said solemnly: "We will guarantee your rights. Tell me, what is your father's name, and we will contact him."

"My father is the mayor Xue Guoping!" Xue Bin replied timidly.

Zhao Xiaohu frowned immediately, because he could feel that Xue Bin was telling the truth, he immediately stood up, walked out the door, and called Hu Zhongqiang.

Hu Zhongqiang had already rushed back to Binhai City, and when he heard that the arrested drug dealer was the son of Mayor Xue, his head immediately grew three times bigger.

After rushing to the anti-narcotics brigade and confirming Xue Bin's identity through the camera, Hu Zhongqiang fell into deep thought.He does not believe that Xue Bin is really a drug dealer, but the double-barreled shotguns and 240 crystals of methamphetamine seized by the police are solid evidence.

Hu Zhongqiang is also a newcomer in the Binhai municipal arena. He is only the director of the Public Security Bureau. He does not concurrently serve as the secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, nor is he a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Committee. However, according to the usual practice, he will definitely join the Standing Committee.In fact, both Liu Qifeng and Xue Guoping are fighting for him, and he has been making choices in his heart.

Hu Zhongqiang is actually not very interested in political struggles, but this does not mean that he does not have a keen political sense. On the surface, Liu Qifeng looks like a modest gentleman, and he gives Xue Guoping a little bit in everything, but he can see that, Liu Qifeng was actually a man with a hidden needle in his mouth. In the political arena, this kind of person is often the real ruthless character. Xue Guoping is too strong, but he is easy to break when he is strong. It is estimated that he cannot beat Liu Qifeng.

Hu Zhongqiang originally planned to observe the situation for a while, and then moved with his camera.Now the situation is pressing, and I have to make a choice immediately. No matter what the truth of the matter is, one thing is certain, that is, I have offended Mayor Xue Guoping, even if I release Xue Bin now, Can't change this fact.

After some contemplation, Hu Zhongqiang finally chose to report to Liu Qifeng, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee.

These were all things that happened the day before the Standing Committee meeting, so Liu Qifeng was so calm at the Standing Committee meeting, because he was holding Xue Guoping's pigtails in his hands.And Xue Guoping was kept in the dark until he received the call, because it was normal for Xue Bin not to return home at night, in fact, Xue Guoping often did not go home.

After Xue Guoping left the venue, he didn't go far. He knew that it was useless to talk to anyone about Xue Bin, so he had to find Liu Qifeng.

After Liu Qifeng went out, he didn't say much, but went back to the office. He knew that Xue Guoping would definitely follow.

When Xue Guoping walked into Liu Qifeng's office, he found that Hu Zhongqiang was already inside. He didn't say hello, and sat on the sofa with a cold face. Although his son was in the other party's hands, the mayor Xue still had to take care of it. , the face that should be shaken is also the same.

Liu Qifeng also acted as if he hadn't seen Xue Guoping, and said to Hu Zhongqiang, "You have to know that the relationship between the cadres and the masses is very tense now, and the thoughts of hating officials and the rich are spreading rapidly among the common people. When lawbreakers get in the way, it is easier for ordinary people to seize a matter and magnify it infinitely.

Of course, the main reason for this situation is that some of our cadres and comrades have lax party spirit and corruption.It is precisely because of corruption that the masses have suffered greatly, so they complain.I heard that many people in today's society miss the era led by Chairman Mao, saying: Although it was a bit poor and difficult at that time, how could there be so much and such severe corruption?Most of the people's hearts are still in good spirits.Many taxis had portraits of Chairman Mao on them, and some people's homes had the portraits of Chairman Mao on them again. What does this reflect?It reflects that everyone is expressing dissatisfaction with certain phenomena in reality through nostalgia.

As the saying goes, don’t worry about scarcity but inequality. Now life is better, the material is rich, and income has increased, but social injustice is serious, and the gap between rich and poor has widened sharply. The rich are really rich, and the poor are too poor. Not good, the mood of the masses is very strong, and social stability is also a big problem.

But as a policeman, we must enforce the law impartially and not be swayed by certain people or certain public opinions.I know that all kinds of evidence point to Xue Bin being a drug dealer, but that is superficial evidence.Xue Bin is Comrade Guoping’s child, and his family has no shortage of money. He drives BMW and Land Rover, and wears Armani. He doesn’t need to deal drugs at all. Some public opinion unanimously punished him severely. "

"Understood!" Hu Zhongqiang nodded and said, "We have already sent Mr. Xue to the drug rehabilitation center, and have not transferred the case to the procuratorate."

Xue Guoping sat on the sofa without saying a word. He understood that Liu Qifeng had talked a lot in front of him. On the surface, he was educating Hu Zhongqiang. Is there any speech accusing Li Xiaoning?Now that your son has an accident, there are also more speeches demanding strict handling.

In addition, Liu Qifeng deliberately mentioned corruption, mentioned that he did not worry about the few but the uneven, and deliberately pointed out that Xue Bin drove BMW and Land Rover, and wore Armani. All these were actually telling him that Xue Guoping did not know you Xue The mayor's corruption is just because he doesn't want to worry about it, but don't take it too seriously. The tension between the cadres and the masses is all caused by people like you.Water can carry a boat and capsize it. Be careful to drive the common people into a hurry and rise up to rebel again.

Xue Guoping heard and understood Liu Qifeng's words, but he didn't take them to heart.

Under the current political system, there is a serious lack of supervision over the main leading cadres of the party and government. They have huge power, but they receive very little supervision. Sometimes, it is difficult not to be greedy.Xue Guoping is now a high-ranking official at the deputy provincial level. If an official reaches his level, there will be basically no one to care about him.Supervision is useless, because lower-level supervision dare not, peer supervision is weak, and superior supervision is too far away.

Therefore, Xue Guoping didn't care about his own situation at all. He was more concerned about his son's fate. When he heard that his son was not regarded as a drug dealer, but was only sent to a drug rehabilitation center, his heart was relieved. .Of course, he also understood that Liu Qifeng had given him a huge favor. People in the officialdom were actually businessmen, and they paid attention to the exchange of benefits. Liu Qifeng was so righteous, if he didn't reciprocate, he would be violating the precept.

Thinking of this, Xue Guoping said calmly: "Comrade Qifeng is right. We are all party members. We cannot make wrong decisions because of some bad public opinion in society. This time, Comrade Li Xiaoning bravely saved lives. His deeds must be publicized as a model. In my opinion, this comrade is worth cultivating, and we can consider adding another burden to him."

Liu Qifeng said with a chuckle: "The matter of Li Xiaoning is a matter for discussion by the Standing Committee, so let's leave it to the Standing Committee for discussion. I think we can discuss the matter of nominating Comrade Zhongqiang to the Standing Committee next time at the Standing Committee, otherwise ten The Standing Committee is also not conducive to voting."

Xue Guoping nodded and said, "I don't have any objections. Comrade Zhongqiang is also an excellent party member and cadre who has been tested for a long time. If you want to come, your superiors will not object."

At this point in the conversation, Liu Qifeng felt that he had won a substantial victory, so he stopped talking, and Xue Guoping simply got up and left.

After leaving Liu Qifeng's office, Zhang Hui, Xue Guoping's secretary, came up to him and said, "I've already called the drug rehabilitation center. I'll go through the formalities in the afternoon, and Young Master Xue can come out."

Xue Guoping waved his hand and said: "Leave him alone, let him detoxify my drug addiction in the drug rehabilitation center! Damn it, this brat can really cheat his father, can drugs be touched?"

Zhang Hui said: "Drug addiction must be quit, but the conditions of the drug rehabilitation center are very limited. It is better to detoxify at home, find a few doctors to formulate a plan, and quit step by step."

Xue Guoping thought for a while, then shook his head and said: "No, let him be locked up in the drug rehabilitation center. I am a wise man, how did I give birth to such a son, and how will he inherit my career in the future."

Zhang Hui said: "Boss, this will be a pain for Young Master Xue."

Xue Guoping waved his hand: "Don't care about this stinky boy, you can let the navy company stop first, that Li Xiaoning, don't mess with him first, let's talk about it later."

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