Guan Xiong

Chapter 42

"Sister, haven't you thought about remarrying?" Li Xiaoning asked bitterly.

"It's not that I haven't thought about it. But who would want me from a good man? Those who want to follow me are all for my beauty or money." Tang Wei said with a wry smile.

Li Xiaoning really wanted to say to Tang Wei, "I want you!", but the fact that Tang Wei couldn't have children pressed his tongue like a mountain. After a long while, he said apologetically, "Sister, although I can't give you I promise to marry you, but I will never dislike you, as long as you don't bother me, I will always be with you."

Tang Wei also understood that with Li Xiaoning's situation, this was the best he could do. Although she was also very disappointed, she still forced a smile and said, "My sister originally planned to let this go for the rest of my life. I didn't expect to It's my sister's fortune to meet you, as long as you don't dislike me and can see me occasionally, I'll be content."

"Sister, don't worry." Li Xiaoning didn't know what to worry about Tang Wei, but he said this very sincerely.

"My sister is assured of you, and so are you." Tang Wei said with a smile.She didn't see any hypocrisy in Li Xiaoning's eyes, but saw sincerity and love. She believed in her own feelings and also believed in what Li Xiaoning said.

"By the way, Xiaoning, where is your home?" Tang Wei changed the subject.

"Pingchuan City, Jiangnan Province." Li Xiaoning replied.

"Is everyone in the family okay?" Tang Wei continued to talk about the family.

"My father has passed away, and my mother is the only one in the family. I am the only child in the family." Li Xiaoning took the opportunity to explain, but he still felt guilty for not being able to promise Tang Wei marriage.

"Then your mother must be very anxious, right? The old man wants to have a grandson the most! You should get married early." Tang Wei said sincerely.

"My mother is quite anxious, but besides sister Wei, I don't have any other girlfriends, and I'm so young, so there's no need to worry about this matter!" Li Xiaoning said with a smile.

Tang Wei bit her lip and said, "Xiaoning, you are in the officialdom now. It's better to get married as soon as possible."

"Why?" Li Xiaoning was a little surprised, he didn't expect Tang Wei to urge him to get married.

Tang Wei said: "People tend to feel more mature when they are married. If you are not married, no matter how old you are or how capable you are, in the hearts of ordinary people, you will always feel that you are still a young man, immature, unreliable, and difficult to take responsibility." Great responsibility. But it’s different when you get married. People generally think that you are mature, an adult, worthy of respect and entrusted with things.

And, moreover, although no one knows about the matter between you and your sister now, there is no guarantee that people will not notice the clues, and you are in the compound of the municipal committee, and there must be beautiful girls around you.It would be rather annoying if people with ulterior motives take advantage of your unmarried status and spread rumors about your flirtatious nature and problematic style of work. "

"If I'm married, won't there be rumors that I have a problem with my style?" Li Xiaoning asked with a frown. In fact, there is something he hasn't said yet. He is not married now, and being with Tang Wei is fine as long as there is mutual consent. , if you are married and still with Tang Wei, it is an extramarital affair, and it is a matter of life style.

Tang Wei shook her head and said: "That's not the same. Most Chinese people are still very traditional. Sexual behavior without marriage is called driving without a license, and getting married is equivalent to receiving a license to drive. When you are not married, you and The opposite sex holding hands will become news. Maybe you haven’t held hands yet, others will create scandals. After marriage, it’s normal for you to sleep with the opposite sex. It’s not so easy for others to create problems with your style, at least Holding hands and kissing with the opposite sex is difficult to form material, unless it is a story of extramarital affairs, but if you and your husband are in harmony, that kind of scandal will be self-defeating."

Li Xiaoning looked at Tang Wei and said, "But, if I get married, what will you do, sister?"

"It's not good for me to be like this, so you don't have to worry about my sister. As long as you have time to visit my sister, she will be satisfied." Tang Wei said with a smile, "Don't think too much, you have already eaten, you Go take a shower first, you smell of sweat."

Li Xiaoning went into the bathroom. The bathroom in Tang Wei's house was huge. The marble bathtub was extremely luxurious, and it was very comfortable to lie in.

The man took a bath very quickly. In less than 10 minutes, Li Xiaoning came out wrapped in a bath towel. Her short stubble hair was still glistening with water droplets. Under the bath towel, a pair of wheat-colored legs showed strong muscles. Tang Wei looked at it again. My heart is rippling.

"My body is sticky. I'll wash it too. You can watch TV first." Before Tang Wei walked into the bathroom, she glanced at Li Xiaoning coquettishly. Compared with a man, at least physically, he has an advantage.

The sound of water coming from the bathroom made Li Xiaoning's heart involuntarily hot, but Tang Wei's mistress status stuck in his heart like a thorn, and every time he thought about it, he felt a sharp pain in his heart.

Li Xiaoning was sitting on the sofa struggling with thoughts, while Tang Wei had already washed and came out wrapped in a bathrobe, what a lotus blooming!Originally, she had put on makeup, but now that she has washed all the lead, and her face is up to the sky, she looks much better than before. Her hair is wet and dripping, her face is flushed with melon seeds, making her look fresher and more delicious. Under the white bathrobe, there are lines Beautiful calves.

There must be a vacuum under Tang Wei's bathrobe.Thinking of this, Li Xiaoning's lower body involuntarily turned up again, so he had to pick up the remote control and keep changing channels, trying to distract himself.

Tang Wei also knew that the conversation had already been said, Li Xiaoning was not a saint, and it was impossible for her to have no grudges in her heart.Moreover, she became distracted again at random, but she didn't want to have sex with Li Xiaoning too often. Although Li Xiaoning's body is very strong, he is not strong after all. of.

Another point, Tang Wei knew very well in her heart that although Li Xiaoning liked her, the reason was more because of her obsession with her body.Li Xiaoning is still young, she is his first woman, it is normal to be infatuated with herself.But when he has a girlfriend or wife, will he still be so obsessed with himself?I'm afraid it's very doubtful.Beauty is attractive, but to really attract men, it still depends on connotation.Tang Wei has already been hurt once, and she doesn't want to be hurt again.She doesn't want to be Li Xiaoning's lover, she wants to be Li Xiaoning's confidante.

Thinking of this, Tang Wei felt that she should properly control the distance with Li Xiaoning.She lay down on the big soft bed in her bathrobe and clothes, wiped her hair with a towel, and asked casually, "Which school did you say your ex-girlfriend was from last time?"

Hearing Tang Wei mention Lu Xiaomei, Li Xiaoning's wound that was almost healed was opened again, and his heart ached again. He pursed his lips and said, "Communication University."

"That's still my junior sister." Tang Wei said in surprise, "She must be very beautiful, right? Our school is a place that produces beauties."

"That's right. There are quite a lot of beauties in your school, and they don't have to worry about jobs after graduation." There was a hint of irony in Li Xiaoning's words.He didn't know why he just said that, maybe the two women he knew were mistresses.

Tang Wei is so smart, how can she not hear the irony in Li Xiaoning's words, she stopped talking, but hugged her knees and sat up curled up.Thoughts also flew back to the era when Qing Wu was fluttering and white clothes fluttered. At that time, she was still a college student in the art department. Every day, the entrance of the college was crowded with BMWs, Mercedes-Benz Audis and Lexus, all of whom came to pick up girls. From time to time, I slipped into the abyss step by step.

"Let's have a drink." Li Xiaoning also felt that what he said was a bit too much, so he changed the subject.

"Okay. Let's drink whiskey." Tang Wei got up to get the wine with a forced smile.There is a lot of good red wine in her house, but now she just wants to get drunk, so she chooses strong wine.

It can be seen that Tang Wei usually drank a lot, opened the bottle very skillfully, took two glasses, opened the refrigerator, added ice cubes, poured light amber liquor, clinked glasses with Li Xiaoning and said, "cheers!" After speaking, he raised his neck and dried up.

This is not the way to drink whiskey, it is an authentic spirit, Tang Wei was so hot that she burst into tears...

"Sister, drink slowly, this wine is quite strong." Li Xiaoning persuaded.

"It's okay, sister likes to drink like this." Tang Wei raised her hand and wiped her tears, "Sister has done it, you are a man, you have to do it even more."

Li Xiaoning had no choice but to tilt his neck and did it.

Tang Wei had already poured out the wine glass in her hand again, then raised her neck again, and finished it.Li Xiaoning couldn't stop him, so he had to drink with him.It didn't take long for a whole bottle of 43% whiskey to be turned upside down.

Even Li Xiaoning couldn't resist this drinking method, let alone Tang Wei.She was just drinking with stubbornness, but her body had no time to dilute that much alcohol. After finishing the last glass, she also limp on the ground like dough, and the spring was leaking out from the open collar of her bathrobe. .

Looking at Tang Wei who was drunk on the ground, Li Xiaoning suddenly felt that she was back in the business hotel room. On that day, Tang Wei was also as drunk as today, and her body was as seductive as today... the difference Yes, when I faced this perfect body that day, I was only tormented by desire, but now, I am still troubled by feelings.

Li Xiaoning bent down again, hugged Tang Wei from the armpit and moved her to the bed, then turned and walked into the bathroom, first washed his face with cold water, then mixed warm water with a towel, and walked to the bedroom Wipe it carefully for Tang Wei.

After finishing the work, Li Xiaoning pulled the blanket over Tang Wei, and then lay down beside her.

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