Guan Xiong

Chapter 48

"Secretary-General Duan?" Kong Xiangrong rolled his eyes and said with a cold snort, "Secretary-General Duan only has eyes for women like Bai Yadan, so why would he look up to us men?"

Speaking of Bai Yadan, Li Xiaoning remembered the scene in the hospital again, so he took the opportunity to ask: "Speaking of which, Bai Yadan is also an old man in the secretary's department, and he has never seen much, why did he suddenly fall into the eyes of Secretary-General Duan? "

Kong Xiangrong was already half drunk at this time, and he couldn't hide his words. When he heard Li Xiaoning's question, not only did he not hide it, but his eyes lit up, he leaned forward and said, "You were hospitalized a while ago, I don’t know the story inside, let me tell you, don’t go out and tell others.”

"Where can it be?" Li Xiaoning patted her chest and said, "Brother, can you still believe me? Am I the kind of master who doesn't know what to say?"

"I believe you." Kong Xiangrong nodded and said, "Although Bai Yadan is an old man in the secretary's department, she usually has no chance to get close to the secretary-general's level of leadership. So, even if she wants to climb up, she has no chance.

Duan Yonghong didn't come to the secretary's place at all, and he didn't know why his head got wet that day, so he ran to the secretary's place for a meeting, saying that he was conveying the spirit of implementing the instructions of the municipal party committee. "

Li Xiaoning smiled in his heart, he knew why Duan Yonghong did this, because Duan Yonghong was trained by Liu Qifeng in the hospital that day, and he went to wear Bai Yadan's little shoes, but why did it turn out to be the opposite?He filled another glass of wine for Kong Xiangrong and motioned him to continue.

Kong Xiangrong raised his head to finish off the wine in the glass, wiped his mouth, and then said: "That day, Secretary-General Duan was very stern, and seriously criticized some comrades for lax attendance and discipline, being late and leaving early, and having a free and undisciplined style. Emphasize that we must pay close attention to this problem, otherwise, it will affect the image of our government agencies, affect our work efficiency, and also affect the healthy growth of our cadres.

At first, I thought Duan Yonghong was talking about me, because I often arrive late and leave early, but I didn't expect that he directly called Bai Yadan's name, and asked Bai Yadan to make a thorough written inspection! "

Hearing this, Li Xiaoning frowned and said: "This is obviously a rhythm to punish Bai Yadan, how did it become a praise for Bai Yadan?"

Kong Xiangrong sneered, and said, "You look down on our sister Yadan too much. If you let it go to ordinary people, you won't hide away after being reprimanded by the leader in front of everyone? But she doesn't do that. This opportunity knocked on the door of the secretary-general's office and went to report on ideological work alone. Moreover, I went there for three consecutive days.

As for what happened in the secretary's office during these three days, no one saw it, but Bai Yadan was blessed by misfortune. Not only was he not punished, but he became the de facto leader of the secretary's office. "

After saying this, Kong Xiangrong drank another glass of wine, straightened his eyes and said: "Xiaoning, I really feel worthless for you. Like me, if you don't pay much attention, it's fine if you don't get promoted. I didn't do it myself. How long do I plan to stay here? Sooner or later, I will go to the province. But you are different. We can all see how much work you have done, especially this time to save people. You are putting your life on the line Ah, what have you got? You haven't been promoted by half a level. Bai Yadan just lay down and spread his legs, and immediately one person is inferior to ten thousand. It's not fair!

Don't think that Secretary Liu treats you well, he treats you well, why don't you take advantage of this opportunity to promote you?But I heard that even Mayor Xue agreed to make an exception to promote you to be an official, but Secretary Liu suppressed you.Brother, listen to my words, know people, face but not heart, you must not have the heart to harm others, and you must not have the heart to guard against others.Don't give up all your heart when you talk to people..." Kong Xiangrong was obviously drunk, and he couldn't stop the car when he spoke slang.

Li Xiaoning was also talked about by Kong Xiangrong. He is also a normal person, and he also has the mentality of going to a higher place. This time he sacrificed his life to save others and only received a material reward of 5000 yuan. He didn't say anything, but he actually felt a little bit Not happy.Now that the scar in my heart was brought up by Kong Xiangrong, I felt a little emotional for a while, picked up the wine glass and killed it, and said with a sigh: "Xiang Rong, have you heard of the twelve techniques of climbing a dragon in officialdom?"

"What tree?" Kong Xiangrong asked with his tongue out.

"The Twelve Techniques of Climbing the Dragon!" Li Xiaoning said indifferently, "It's about the way to get promoted in the officialdom. It can be roughly divided into two categories, one is for licking hemorrhoids, and the other is for selling unruly hand medicine."

Kong Xiangrong is also a high-achieving student at Renmin University, and he probably read a lot at ordinary times, so he came to his senses when he heard it, "You're talking about an allusion in "Zhuangzi", but I didn't expect it to be carried forward and used in officialdom. You should listen carefully. .We are now in the officialdom, so of course we have to study hard to get promoted."

Li Xiaoning nodded and said: "That's right. These two stories are from "Zhuangzi". Someone offered a prescription for the king of Chu. The weather in the north is very cold, and the soldiers' hands don't crack. That's why it's called 'Selling Unable to Buy Hand Medicine'."

Kong Xiangrong said with a smile: "Don't tell me about licking hemorrhoids again, my stomach is already turning upside down, if you talk about it again, I'm going to vomit... But, I know these two allusions, and I don't know what to say. What does it have to do with the officialdom?"

Li Xiaoning sneered, and said, "Why doesn't it matter? Let me ask you, what kind of rewards did the ones who don't sell turtle hand medicine and those who lick moles get respectively?"

Kong Xiangrong thought for a while and said: "I remember this. Those who can't sell turtle hand medicine, the king of Chu will reward five rides; those who lick hemorrhoids for the king of Chu will get a hundred rides."

Li Xiaoning spread his hands and said, "That's it. Although Buguishou medicine is good, it is useless to the King of Chu, so I will give you five rides; if you lick your butt, he will be very useful. You will give one hundred rides, you must take it!"

Kong Xiangrong rolled his eyes, thought for a while, and said, "I understand what you mean, you mean, it's better to be flattering than to do practical things."

Li Xiaoning shook his head and said: "This is just one aspect. In fact, there are three meanings in it.

First, whether it's the one who sells the hand medicine or the one who licks the ass, they are all useful to the King of Chu, and if they are useful to the King of Chu, they will be rewarded.

Second, although no turtle hand medicine is beneficial to the country, it is not beneficial to the king of Chu himself. Licking hemorrhoids is the opposite, not beneficial to the country, but to the king of Chu himself. more affordable.

Thirdly, if a person not only knows how to make black and white medicine, but also has the cheek to lick moles, then the future is really limitless. "

Kong Xiangrong nodded, and said: "Yes. Like Xiaoning, you sacrificed your life to save people before, that is, you can't sell medicines, and Bai Yadan, who sacrificed your life to flatter Duan Yonghong, is licking hemorrhoids. Listening to Jun's words today is better than reading ten years of books ah."

Li Xiaoning drank another glass of wine and said: "Although I have just stepped into the officialdom, I can understand that the current situation in the officialdom is: if you say you can do it, you can do it, and if you say you can't, you can do it or not. Officials depend on what their superiors say. As for what democratic centralism is actually a form of, isn’t there just two people on the Standing Committee who have the final say? Only those who have no talent will run all the way up, and those who are talented will stay where they are.”

"Don't you understand that?" Kong Xiangrong touched Li Xiaoning with his wine glass, and said, "Actually, our country is not the only one that is so dark, politics is like this. A famous person once said that politics is a **** , everyone wants to have an affair with her, and no one wants to admit it.

Xiaoning, don't be unwilling to listen to me when I say something.Society is society, it is rich when it comes to writing, but it is complicated when it is straightforward, especially in officialdom.In society, you have to learn to adapt to society and enhance your ability to adapt to society. In officialdom, you have to adapt even more to officialdom, and understand and follow the rules of the game here.Otherwise, you will suffer a loss after all. "

Hearing Kong Xiangrong's words, Li Xiaoning was startled, and blamed herself for saying so much in a flash of brain fever, and hurriedly said with a smile: "A person like me can only sell or sell medicines." Well, things like licking moles are absolutely impossible. Moreover, these so-called truths are actually the same as those chicken soup for the soul, which cannot be believed at all.

I also heard a joke, which can also be summed up to the point, let me tell you.It was said that three people were going to propose marriage, and the woman's parents asked them to introduce themselves.A said: I have 1000 million; B said: I have a mansion worth 2000 million.Parents are very satisfied.Just ask C, what do you have at home?C answered: I have nothing, only one child in your daughter's belly.Both A and B were speechless and left.The important revelation of this story: the core competitiveness is not money and houses, but people who have themselves in key positions. "

After Li Xiaoning changed the subject in this way, Kong Xiangrong immediately forgot the serious topic they were discussing just now, and said, "I'll say one more thing. This is called the officialdom's ignorance. If you say it's a toast from the leader, don't you drink it, Miss Leader You touch first, the leader walks and rides in the car, the leader talks nonsense, the leader talks nonsense about private affairs, the leader takes off the shower first, the leader takes the food and you turn the table, the leader listens to the cards and you fuck."

The two were talking nonsense, when Tang Fei knocked on the door and came in, he insisted on toasting the two of them for two glasses of wine, so the topic naturally turned to romance again, and they drank until nearly ten o'clock before getting up and leaving.

Kong Xiangrong was already drunk, so Li Xiaoning had no choice but to pay the bill by himself, but Tang Fei was terrified, "Brother, are you slapping me in the face? Let alone today, as long as you come here from now on, all consumption will be free."

Li Xiaoning waved his hand and said, "Brother, I settle accounts. I don't like to owe favors to others. I won't pay for your private room fee. The money for drinks and meals must be settled, otherwise we two friends don't Done."

Tang Fei had no choice but to ask the waiter to pay the bill.For this meal, although the two of them didn't order any expensive dishes, and the private room fee was waived, they still spent nearly 2000 yuan, which made Li Xiaoning feel pained for a while, but if the bill was not settled, he would feel distressed.

When the two of Li Xiaoning went out, the waiter came up and asked, "Young Master Fei, who is that man? Do you respect him so much?"

"Young Master Xue is awesome, right? Let him be beaten into a pig's head. Not only is he fine, but Young Master Xue has also entered a drug rehabilitation center; two days ago, he beat up the Japanese guest invited by Mayor Xue. The boss didn't dare to say a word; what kind of status is Fourth Master Nie in Binhai, and he calls him brother and brother..."

The waiter opened his mouth wide and couldn't close it for a long time.

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