Guan Xiong

Chapter 5 The Battle at the Table

After Ding Wei vented, he said to Li Xiaoning in a deep voice, "Are you going to leave like this?"

"What? Are you not allowed to leave after winning the money here?" Li Xiaoning raised his eyebrows slightly and said.

"Win money?" Ding Wei said with a sneer, "You came with 100 million and left with only 50. I don't see what winning is! I don't know why you are still so happy?"

Li Xiaoning also returned a sneer and said, "We originally owed you 150 million, but now we have 50 left in our hands, why are you unhappy?"

Ding Wei laughed wildly again and said: "I also feel very happy, because although I lost the round just now, I lost your money."

"What did you say?" Li Xiaoning was slightly taken aback.

"Your money!" Ding Wei said with an indifferent expression, "He lost the 100 million to me in the first place, and it was your money. After all, you have been using your own money to make me happy. !"

Li Xiaoning stopped what he was doing, raised his head and said, "I can hear it, are you not convinced by the loss?"

"In that round just now, you were relying on luck, of course I'm not convinced!" Ding Wei said pressingly.

"Okay!" Li Xiaoning said calmly, "Then let's play another game, and I will convince you to lose!"

"Boss! Don't be impulsive!" Yang Changqing hurriedly grabbed Li Xiaoning's arm to persuade him.

"Don't worry! Everything is up to me!" Li Xiaoning said calmly.

"Hey, don't order! Give him all the chips!" Ding Wei stopped his men and said to Li Xiaoning, "In this game, each person has 200 million chips, and the blind bets are 5000/10000!"

Li Xiaoning shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't care, but it's almost eight o'clock, so don't you rush to get the 150 million?"

"Time is given to you until the end of the game. If you win, you only need to pay me back 150 million. If you lose, you can't lose even a penny with interest! Dare you, kid?" Ding Wei's tone was full of threats.

"Since you are not in a hurry, why should I stop you from giving me money?" Li Xiaoning had a pissed off smile on his face, "Stop talking nonsense, let's get started!"

In this round, Li Xiaoning's tactics were completely different from the previous round. No matter what the starting cards were, he always chose to check, giving Ding Wei the chance to call.Because through the previous game, he knew that Ding Wei really had a very high attainment in Texas Hold'em. The reason why he was able to beat him so quickly was not only because of his superb skills, but also because the opponent underestimated the enemy. It was indeed luck. inside.

The situation is different now. Ding Wei already knows his own strength, and he will definitely fight with [-] points. It is impossible to win as easily as in the previous round.

The reason why he gave up all the bidding opportunities to Ding Wei was to better observe Ding Wei so that he could find out his flaws.

In the final analysis, all poker games are not played with cards, but with people's hearts.This is especially true in Texas Hold'em, where the first thing all good players do when they enter the table is the same - not to bet, but to observe.The key to real winning is - you have to read your opponent's psychology.If you want to keep increasing the chips in front of you, you must have an amazing ability to read cards—through various observations and analysis, you can read your opponent like a god.

Li Xiaoning can also read the opponent's cards, but he is not a character like Gao Xiaotian, the God of Gamblers. He cannot keep a 60.00% correct judgment. In fact, he can't even guarantee a [-]% success rate.Therefore, in order to win the final victory of this gamble, one must first find out Ding Wei's weakness.

Because there are four rounds of cards to be dealt in the no-limit Texas Hold'em game, there are four rounds of calling opportunities. Each round is a test of the intelligence and courage of both parties. Because bidding is an art, you can have a small hole, But bet a lot, trying to scare the opponent away; you can also have a good hole card, but don't bet a lot, expecting the opponent to follow up and be fooled.

Li Xiaoning's current approach is to not take the initiative to bid in each round. Although it is difficult to win money, it also makes it difficult for Ding Wei to see his own flaws. On the contrary, he can observe Ding Wei in all directions.Although Ding Wei is also a master, he is not like Gao Xiaotian, the God of Gamblers. Li Xiaoning can't see through Gao Xiaotian, but he believes that he can see through Ding Wei.

But as time went by, Li Xiaoning found that Ding Wei was not as rough as his appearance showed. On the contrary, his playing skills were very delicate, and every call he made was almost impeccable.

Li Xiaoning slowly realized that not only could he not find out Ding Wei's weakness, but because he had given up the initiative to Ding Wei, his bargaining chips were slowly but constantly decreasing.He knew that he couldn't go on like this anymore, and he had to take some action. Although he hadn't discovered Ding Wei's weakness, he could still win the bet by relying on his bidding skills and card reading ability.

Li Xiaoning's hole cards in this hand are the A of Spades and the Q of Clubs. Four community cards have been dealt on the table, namely the A of Diamonds, the Q of Spades, the 2 of Hearts and the 2 of Diamonds.

In such a game, Li Xiaoning already had two big pairs in his hands, and the chances of winning were very high. He was already thinking about how to get Ding Wei to bet as much as possible.

"You should fucking slap yourself in the face, you should have left with the money, but you made a wrong decision! Bet, 20!" Ding Wei pulled out a cigarette from the cigarette case on the table. Zhonghua, lit the ignition, took a deep breath, and then timidly exhaled a big smoke ring at Li Xiaoning.

"It's exactly what I want!" Li Xiaoning secretly smiled inwardly. He made a hesitant expression on purpose. In fact, he wanted to wait a few seconds before choosing to raise, so that he could win more chips in this hand.

Just when Li Xiaoning's hand had already started reaching for the chips, his eyes suddenly stopped on the Zhonghua cigarette box in front of Ding Wei - that box of cigarettes was newly opened by Ding Wei when the game started. It has been more than two hours now, and only five cigarettes have been smoked out of the cigarette case.

Taking another look at the four cigarettes in the ashtray that had been extinguished but only half-smoked, Li Xiaoning withdrew his hand and said calmly, "I give up!"

Hearing Li Xiaoning say to give up, Ding Wei showed obvious contempt on his face, and said sarcastically: "Boy, aren't you crazy? How can you be scared by just 20?"

Li Xiaoning slowly turned over the hole cards, and said calmly: "I have a pair of aces and a pair of queens! To be honest, this is a good card, and I shouldn't have given up! But your card is even better. You have at least one 2 and one in your hand." A, maybe even two 2s!"

Looking at Li Xiaoning's hole cards, Ding Wei's eyes widened, and he said a little angrily, "You have two big pairs, such a good hand, why did you give up?"

Li Xiaoning smiled slightly and did not speak, but his eyes deliberately glanced at the Zhonghua cigarette case on the table.He has already discovered Ding Wei's weakness, that is, only when he has a card that is almost certain to win, Ding Wei will light a cigarette to smoke, and at the same time make a gesture of bluffing and stealing chickens. Cigarettes have cost Li Xiaoning a lot, but he will not be fooled by this cigarette again.

Ding Wei glanced at Li Xiaoning's gaze, then looked at the cigarette in his hand, suddenly came to his senses, threw the cigarette butt on the ground vigorously, then smashed the cigarette case and ashtray, and kept angrily saying: "FUCK, fuck !..."

Li Xiaoning sat quietly, motionless, until Ding Wei finished venting, then smiled lightly and said, "What? Do you want to quit smoking? It's good to quit, smoking is indeed harmful to health!"

"Shut up! Continue to play cards!" Ding Wei said viciously, and sat down opposite Li Xiaoning again, his strength in dealing cards was obviously much stronger.

Li Xiaoning laughed silently, because he knew that Ding Wei was already angry, and playing cards requires peace of mind, impetuousness is a big taboo, the more angry Ding Wei is, the greater his chance of winning.The reason why Li Xiaoning made Ding Wei realize that he has discovered his weakness is also the main purpose, because Ding Wei's weakness can only make Li Xiaoning win if he does not lose, but it cannot help Li Xiaoning win. It's good to lose your cool.

Although Ding Wei was already furious, the two of them were betting for 200 million yuan after all, and Li Xiaoning still adopted a tactic of not actively bidding, and he did not dare to be too aggressive, so for a long time afterwards, the two The bets are relatively cautious, and the game is a bit boring.

As the game progressed, more and more people gathered around, and everyone gradually became dissatisfied with the dull atmosphere.Finally, one of Ding Wei's subordinates couldn't bear it anymore, and urged beside him: "Boss, don't mess with this kid, kill him quickly!"

"Stay still, this kid is tough, hard to deal with!" Ding Wei was already impatient, and became even more irritable after hearing this.

It was another new round. Li Xiaoning got the 9 of spades and the J of spades, which can make a straight or a flush, but the points of the cards are a little lower, which is not bad.He gently picked up two [-] chips and threw them into the pot.


Now that Li Xiaoning has made a straight flush, this round is almost certain to win, he knows that the opportunity has come.Winning is definitely winning. The key is how to win more. The key to no-limit Texas Hold'em is to force the opponent to go all-in with his chips time and time again. What Li Xiaoning has to do now is how to get rid of Ding Wei in this round. Completely defeated.

Deliberately making a thoughtful expression, Li Xiaoning tapped on the table lightly and said, "Yes!"

"Check again?" Ding Wei did not hide his contempt on his face, grabbed a handful of chips with both hands, raised them high, threw them on the table and said, "Raise! 20!"

Li Xiaoning took a long breath, raised his right hand and rubbed his nose, fell into a long thought, then pretended to be very difficult to grit his teeth and decided: "I'll follow!" After a pause, he deliberately stimulated Ding Wei, " Don't throw chips around, okay. I'm having trouble picking them up."

Ding Wei stared, and said arrogantly: "Shut up, you boy! This is my territory, and I can throw it away as I want! Because the money belongs to me, and you have nothing to do with it!"

Li Xiaoning shrugged helplessly and said, "Okay! You can do whatever you want! Can we continue?"

"Whatever! I'm still defecating everywhere!" Ding Wei cursed and dealt another community card: grass flower 2.

Li Xiaoning's shoulders slumped slightly, and he sighed softly, "Come on!"

"Pass, pass, pass! You fucking know it!" Ding Wei said angrily, then grabbed the chips with both hands and threw them on the stage again, saying, "40!"

Li Xiaoning glanced at the public cards on the table, then at the remaining cards on Ding Wei's left, as if he had made up his mind, he gritted his teeth and said, "Follow!"

"Still not giving up? Do you want to wait for the last card?" Ding Wei mocked Li Xiaoning, and at the same time dealt out the last community card: Ace of Hearts.

Li Xiaoning lowered his body again, swallowed his saliva, and said with difficulty: "Pass!"

"Is it uncomfortable?" Ding Wei had a smile on his face.

Li Xiaoning didn't speak, the expression on his face was full of disappointment and unwillingness, but in his heart he was waiting for the other party to jump into the trap he had already set up.

"The last card is an ace, it's useless to you. Haha!" Ding Wei said with an expression that knew Li Xiaoning's cards clearly, "All in!"

Seeing Ding Wei pushing all the chips in front of him into the pot, Li Xiaoning suddenly smiled, so relaxed and comfortable, "You are right! A is really useless!"

Li Xiaoning stood up, raised all the chips in front of his chest with both hands and slowly put them into the pot, and then said calmly: "All in! Straight flush!"

"Fuck! FUCK! Fuck!" Ding Wei slammed the tables and chairs in a rage, "You spent the whole fucking night there, is this Mao's way of playing? Fuck! Even someone who just learned how to play cards won't do that Play……"

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