Guan Xiong

Chapter 53

Li Xiaoning is full of vigor and a sense of justice. Now that he knows Wu Liangde's evil deeds, how can he endure it any longer?But he didn't just report it blindly. Instead, he investigated it himself first. After all, if there is no evidence, the Commission for Discipline Inspection may not file a case for investigation just by catching wind and shadow.

It was only after this investigation that Wu Liangde himself appeared to be very low-key, driving a Nissan Bluebird assigned by the bureau, without even a dedicated driver; the watch on his hand was only a few thousand yuan Fiyta classic series The cigarettes he smokes are only Yuxi, which has become popular; the house he usually lives in is also an old house for more than ten years, with a maximum of [-] square meters, which is estimated to be the welfare housing of the year.

At first, Li Xiaoning thought that Yu Xinyun was lying to him, because this Wu Liangde did not look like a big corrupt official, and according to his position, his current material life was already relatively poor. It is not an exaggeration for a buddy to be an upright official.

For a while, Li Xiaoning was secretly thankful that he didn't directly report to the Commission for Discipline Inspection.But, thinking about it carefully, Yu Xinyun didn't have any reason to lie to her. Could it be that Wu Liangde was just bragging when he said that he was worth tens of millions?Maybe this guy is just lustful and not greedy for money.This is also possible.

Thinking of this, Li Xiaoning changed the direction of the investigation, starting with Wu Liangde's whereabouts after get off work.This time, the problem was found.

This Mr. Wu Daju was tall and suave, and he was absolutely charming among men of his age.Perhaps it is precisely because of this that Wu Liangde's nightlife is absolutely colorful.

Li Xiaoning followed Wu Liangde for more than half a month, and found that this guy never went home after work, but went to bathing centers, nightclubs, leisure clubs and other romantic places, sometimes spending the night there, sometimes going in for two or three hours before coming out, As for what he did inside, he could even think of it with his toes.

What's more, Wu Liangde would bring a young woman to the hotel to open a room every now and then. These women didn't look like prostitutes, and they probably all begged him to do things like Yu Xinyun.

After checking this, it is almost certain that Wu Liangde is at least a person with a corrupt life style.According to the Party's "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions," Wu Liangde is definitely eligible for expulsion from the Party.But the regulations are good, but the implementation is not satisfactory.

Although Li Xiaoning has just entered the officialdom, from the news he usually reads, he can understand that almost every fallen corrupt official has a problem with his life style. Almost no one is spared from having a lover, prostitution, and whoring.But there are no fallen officials, and none of them have problems in this regard. How can this be intriguing?

In fact, it is no news that officials are lustful.Everyone has long been accustomed to the phenomenon of officials keeping mistresses.In the officialdom, if an official reaches a certain level and has no lover or mistress, he will even be regarded as incompetent and looked down upon by people in the circle.

On the one hand, this is because the laws of China are not perfect, and until now there has been no crime of sexual bribery. Officials who accept other people’s property and seek improper benefits for them are regarded as bribes. It was the sex worker hired by the client who provided sexual services and sought improper benefits for the client, but the law does not have clear regulations on punishment.But the biggest reason is that officials' own moral concepts have been crushed and they are addicted to decadent culture.

However, no matter what it is, the status quo is that until corruption or political issues are not investigated, corrupt officials tend to keep mistresses, prostitutes, and prostitutes are often ignored.When the disciplinary committees in many places receive reports in this regard, they will only say one sentence: "It's just a problem with life style. As long as you follow the right path and have excellent professional skills, you are still a good comrade. Men, don't worry. It’s normal to not be able to control your lower body. Didn’t President Clinton not control it? Write a guarantee and don’t do it again next time.”

In reality, there are many officials who are reported for whoring or prostitution, but few of them are investigated and dealt with, and they often get promoted step by step.

Therefore, although Li Xiaoning already had evidence of Wu Liangde's prostitution and playing with good women, he did not naively think that Wu Liangde could be brought down with these evidences alone.It is very possible that with a word from Mayor Xue, Wu Liangde will be safe and sound.

In order to completely sue Wu Liangde, other criminal evidence must be found.Li Xiaoning is also confident about this.As we all know, playing with women is inseparable from money.College students have to eat instant noodles for many days every month to find a girlfriend, not to mention that Wu Liangde often goes to high-end romantic places?All of these require a lot of money, and Wu Liangde's salary cannot afford it anyway, and the reason why he can live so happily is definitely due to illegal income.

Continuing to investigate, it turned out that Wu Liangde still had a sea view villa in the Haiqingyuan high-end community by the sea, where he had a long-term lover, and this mistress was not low-key at all, driving a Mercedes-Benz SLK, A suit of gucci and LV.

After grasping the situation, Li Xiaoning wrote a real-name report letter and handed it over to the Commission for Discipline Inspection.

On the third day after the report letter was sent out, Li Xiaoning received a notice that Duan Yonghong, Secretary General of the Municipal Party Committee Office, wanted to see him.

Li Xiaoning was puzzled, Duan Yonghong had never talked to him alone, what happened today?Is it because of the report letter?No, if it's about the report letter, it should be the comrades from the Disciplinary Committee who asked me to understand the situation.

With doubts, Li Xiaoning walked into Duan Yonghong's office. As soon as he entered the door, he realized that the situation was not good, because there was already a guest in Secretary Duan's office, and this guest was Wu Liangde, the director of the Education Bureau.

It seems that his report letter did not have any effect, on the contrary, it was transferred to Wu Liangde, otherwise he would not have come to the door.

Li Xiaoning was planning to face the violent storm's revenge, but he didn't expect that Duan Yonghong didn't say anything, he just said to him: "Xiao Li is here, wait a moment. Director Wu happened to come to see me for something, let's talk first." After finishing speaking He smiled at Wu Liangde and said, "What wind brought Director Wu here? You are really a rare visitor here!"

Wu Liangde first handed Duan Yonghong a Yuxi cigarette, and then laughed and said: "What can I do? I just came to report to Secretary Liu, and I just stopped by to sit with you."

Holding the Yuxi cigarette, Duan Yonghong also said with a smile, "Why do you still smoke these 20 yuan a pack? It's not worthy of your status, at least you should switch to Su Yan."

Wu Liangde smiled and said, "My chief secretary, you don't know that our Education Bureau is the famous Qingshui Yamen. To tell you the truth, it's this Yuxi, and it hurts me to smoke it!"

Li Xiaoning watched the two acting calmly, and sneered in his heart, he really wanted to see what tricks these two could perform.

Duan Yonghong went on to say: "There are not many comrades who can be as honest as you now. I will tell Secretary Liu later that I should set you up as a model and call on everyone to learn from you. However, I still want to remind you. Take care of your subordinates, don’t make any troubles, it is said that people in your education system collect school selection fees indiscriminately, and there are still life style problems..."

"Which bastard is this suing Lao Tzu?" Wu Liangde deliberately looked at Li Xiaoning, and cursed, "If you have the ability to come face to face, and want to report me behind the scenes, it's a dream!"

This is Wu Liangde's typical accusation and scolding. Li Xiaoning's report letter has already been transferred to his own hands, and he came to demonstrate today.Because Li Xiaoning was more appreciated by Liu Qifeng, he didn't retaliate directly, so he wanted to take the opportunity to scold Li Xiaoning a few times, which can be regarded as venting his anger.

But he obviously underestimated Li Xiaoning's courage and skill. Before all his words fell, Li Xiaoning had already rushed up, only two crisp "papa" sounds were heard, and Wu Liangde's two cheeks had already received a big mouth son.

At this moment, both Wu Liangde and Duan Yonghong were stunned—this is the office of the Secretary-General of the Municipal Party Committee Office, Wu Liangde is the dignified director, and Li Xiaoning is a small staff member. Where did he get the courage?Dare to hit someone directly?

"Wu Liangde, these two mouths are just a reminder! Keep your mouth clean, or I'll spit out all your teeth." Li Xiaoning stared into Wu Liangde's eyes and said coldly.

Wu Liangde was frightened, but Duan Yonghong next to him was furious. Li Xiaoning beat someone in front of him. Although Wu Liangde was beaten, Duan Yonghong's face was swept away.His expression was as straight as a pig's liver, he slapped the table fiercely, glared at Li Xiaoning and said, "Li Xiaoning, you bastard, why don't you have any rules? You are just a small staff member, how dare you hit me Director Wu? Are you fucking educated?"

Secretary-General Duan went to show his authority, he forgot that Wu Liangde was beaten just because his mouth was not clean.He didn't know that Li Xiaoning's father had died young, and he had always lived with his mother. The most intolerable thing was for others to insult his mother.

So, when Duan Yonghong just finished scolding, Li Xiaoning's big mouth slapped over on time. Just now Wu Liangde scolded once and received two slaps, now Duan Yonghong scolded twice, naturally it was four big slaps.

Li Xiaoning glared at Duan Yonghong and said, "Secretary-General Duan, do you not understand Chinese? As I said just now, you need to keep your mouth clean, and you're just spraying shit here. Could it be that just because you are the leader, you can Insulting others unscrupulously? Let me tell you, you may do whatever you want with others, but with me, Li Xiaoning, there is no way!"

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