Guan Xiong

Chapter 57 You Can Only Rely On Yourself

After a month, the conclusion of the joint investigation team finally came out: Although the Education Bureau has problems such as high fees for individual projects, irregular financial accounts, and insufficient detail and clarity, it has not found any serious violations of discipline or suspicion of economic crimes, bribery, etc. .

The Education Bureau has returned to its former appearance, and everything is going to be what it should be.The relationship between Wu Liangde and Fan Pingyuan, Duan Yonghong, Ruan Peng and others has also become closer.His position has also been strengthened.

The results of the investigation proved that Wu Liangde was fine, so it meant that Li Xiaoning had a problem, and it was a false accusation.Wu Liangde took the opportunity to talk about how he justly refused Yu Xinyun's request to go through the back door. By the way, he mentioned the rumored affair between Li Xiaoning and Yu Xinyun that was uploaded on the Internet a while ago.

Faced with pressure from all sides, Liu Qifeng couldn't speak up for Li Xiaoning too much, otherwise he would appear too partial.So after a brief discussion, the disciplinary decision on Li Xiaoning was made—suspension for self-reflection, pending further investigation.

This result was because Xue Guoping didn't figure out the relationship between Li Xiaoning and Jiangdong Provincial Party Committee Secretary Lin Guodong so he accepted it leniently, otherwise he would have been expelled directly.Xue Guoping has received rumors that Liu Qifeng has recently won the appreciation of Secretary Lin, and has publicly praised Liu Qifeng several times. Some people even predict that Liu Qifeng may be elected to the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee in the coming year.Who knows if there is any credit for Li Xiaoning here?After all, it is obvious to all that Liu Qifeng "cared for" Li Xiaoning so much.

But no matter what, Li Xiaoning must be punished, otherwise he will lose face in front of Liu Qifeng. He wants to firmly control Binhai City in his own hands, and he must not let Liu Qifeng's prestige, reputation and political achievements surpass his own. .

When Mao Qiushi announced the organization's punishment for Li Xiaoning, and Li Xiaoning simply tidied up and left the office, Bai Yadan took the lead and said, "Hmph. I knew that he would have today. Look at how he is usually, he thinks he has a degree and knowledge , a look that no one pays attention to, it should be!"

Wu Bo said with a serious face: "Yes, I also told him earlier that work should be flexible and don't be stubborn. He just doesn't listen. Hey, he's still too young!"

Wang Aimin was still writing and drawing in his small notebook as always, without even raising his head, he said in a neutral tone, "Xiaoning is still talented. He is quick, familiar with scriptures, often uses allusions and fashionable terms when writing materials, and can come up with new ideas, new ideas, and new insights. He is considered a talent. But his personality is too strong and he lacks sophistication. If he is a reporter or editor Maybe it’s not bad, but if you want to be in the officialdom, at least you have to go through some experience.”

Kong Xiangrong didn't speak, but got up silently and left the office.Then I called Li Xiaoning, "Xiaoning, I have booked a seat at the state banquet pier tonight, let's have a drink together?"

Li Xiaoning didn't expect that Kong Xiangrong, who has always been snobby, didn't distance himself from him at this time, but took the initiative to invite him to drink, and his heart suddenly became hot, and he said: "It's okay to drink together, but don't go to the state banquet pier. I invite you to go." How about eating food stalls? Do you dislike it?"

"Okay. You have the final say." Kong Xiangrong answered very neatly.

After work, Kong Xiangrong didn't drive, and went directly with Li Xiaoning to take a taxi.Under Li Xiaoning's command, the taxi twisted around and stopped in front of a messy night market food stall.

This is an old residential area. The buildings were built in the last century. The exterior walls are covered with mosaics in the color of salted duck eggs, which looks very nostalgic.The original residents have already moved out, and now this place has become a concentrated place for migrants. There are small wrought iron processing workshops and jackhammer tire repair downstairs, among which there are several small shops selling fake cigarettes, alcohol and sex products. In the evening, food stalls are set up for cooking and skewers, and [-]-jin barrels of beer are lined up densely, and no one cares about the smog.

Li Xiaoning took Kong Xiangrong to a white plastic round table by the side of the road, and sat down on it.

Kong Xiangrong looked at it helplessly, then took out a tissue and wiped the chair vigorously, and after sitting down, he wiped the table in front of him again and again with the tissue.Then, he took out a new pack of tissues and asked Li Xiaoning, "Do you want it?"

Li Xiaoning laughed and said, "No need."

The proprietress of the food stall came over and asked, "What do you want?"

Li Xiaoning said skillfully: "Ten pieces of pork belly, meat tendon, and plank tendon. Put peanuts on a plate, and then a cucumber. After that, put the wine on it. Let's have two bunches first."

Peanuts and cucumbers were delivered quickly, as were two packs of three-jin bulk beer and two glass cups.Li Xiaoning filled the cup, and said, "Do one first."

After speaking, he raised his neck and finished drinking.

Kong Xiangrong took out a paper towel and wiped the glass vigorously, then poured beer and dried it, grinning his teeth and saying, "Why does this wine taste weird?"

Li Xiaoning smiled slightly and said, "I've mixed it with water. But let me tell you, the wine in this house is pretty good, and the wine is relatively small. Come on, let's have another one." Cup upside down.

"Damn it, I really convinced you." Kong Xiangrong smiled wryly, "You know it's fake wine, but you still drink it so hard, you're not afraid of getting sick?" After all, he drank another glass with him.

"It's a good way to drink like this." Li Xiaoning picked up the disposable chopsticks, broke them and handed them to Kong Xiangrong, "Sipping a glass of red wine like you do, it's not enjoyable at all." After finishing speaking, he filled the wine glass again, "The first Three." He raised his neck and did it again.

Kong Xiangrong hurriedly begged for mercy: "Brother, you are my own brother. Let's take it easy, okay? Well, I haven't eaten a bite of food, so let's go down with a catty of wine first. I can't stand it."

"Then let's slow down and eat the vegetables." Li Xiaoning picked up the skewers and passed them to Kong Xiangrong as if nothing had happened.

Kong Xiangrong still bite the bullet and drank the third glass of wine, and then said: "Xiaoning, I know you feel uncomfortable, but suspension does not mean dismissal, so don't use alcohol to drown your sorrows."

"You underestimate me too much. I still care about such a trivial matter?" Li Xiaoning laughed and said, "Besides, if I want to drink away my worries, will I only need such a small amount of wine?"

Kong Xiangrong said: "As for you, I really admire you. But I'm not talking about you, you are just too straightforward."

Li Xiaoning put a peanut in his mouth and said, "When did being straight-tempered become a shortcoming? Chairman Mao also taught us to learn from Comrade Lei Feng's class standpoint."

Kong Xiangrong sighed and said: "I didn't say that straight temper is a shortcoming. I said that your temper will suffer in the officialdom. I know you can't understand many things, and I can't understand them too, but you can't understand them. How? Many things, many phenomena, many people, let alone you can’t control it, I can’t control it, and even the most powerful officials can’t control it. So what can Secretary Liu do? It’s different, there’s no way, and in the end, even you can’t keep it Do you think that you are the only one who knows about Wu Liangde's corruption, accepting bribes, and misbehavior? Everyone knows it, but they just pretend not to know it. The current environment is like this. There are too many abuses in the officialdom.

Li Xiaoning sneered and said, "Then according to what you say, let these corrupt officials do nothing?"

Kong Xiangrong said: "It's not that we don't care, it's that we can't manage it!"

Li Xiaoning glared at Kong Xiangrong and said, "You are evading responsibility and collaborating with others!"

"I'm not in the same boat." Kong Xiangrong said with a smile, "I'm good at blending in with the environment. You've also read a lot of poetry and books, why don't you understand? The water of the Canglang is clear and can wash my tassels; the water of the Canglang is turbid Come, you can wash my feet."

Li Xiaoning sighed and said: "Maybe what you said is right. Do you know? I am suspended, I am not sad at all, I am chilled. I am chilled by Secretary Liu. I did not expect him to give in so easily. Can't he see that Wu Liangde has a problem?"

Kong Xiangrong took the initiative to pick up the wine glass and said, "That's because you didn't reach his position and didn't understand his difficulties. There is a saying, 'You can't be in charge if you are not deaf or blind'. What does it mean? That is, A leader who manages a group or a unit must be tolerant and self-restraining, and turn a blind eye to some problems. Otherwise, not only will he be tired of living, but he will also offend others. Then the leader can make you Don't you understand such a simple truth as 'When the water is clear, there will be no fish, and when people observe it, there will be no disciples'?"

"I understand what you're saying, but I think these are two different things." Li Xiaoning finished his glass of wine and said, "Leaders can be confused about small things, but they must not be confused about big things. Wu Liangde took bribes and played with women. This is a serious violation of party discipline and state laws. , How can you turn a blind eye to such a thing?"

Kong Xiangrong shook his head and said, "Brother, why haven't you understood? It's not that Secretary Liu doesn't want to do Wu Liangde. If he doesn't want to do Wu Liangde, why make such a big fuss? He can't do it. Don't look at him in name However, the heads of each unit are basically subordinates of that person in the government. Think about it, the joint investigation team composed of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, the Organization Department, the General Office of the Municipal Party Committee and the General Office of the Municipal Government could not find out the problem. What else can I do? This shows that if you want to investigate Wu Liangde, you cannot rely solely on the strength of Binhai City. This is like chopping off your own handle with an axe, and the left hand supervises the right hand. How can the ax hit your own handle? Control the right hand?"

"Then according to your opinion, what should we do next?" Li Xiaoning asked, frowning.

Kong Xiangrong shook his head and said, "Don't think about Wu Liangde anymore. Unless someone from the province comes to investigate him, you won't be able to touch him. You don't have anyone in the province, and you can't even hire people from the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection."

"Hey. Isn't your uncle a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee?" Li Xiaoning's eyes lit up when he heard this, "How about asking him to help?"

"Pull it down!" Kong Xiangrong shook his head again and again and said, "My uncle believes in the golden mean and never does anything that offends others."

"It seems that I can only rely on myself." Li Xiaoning clenched his fists tightly.

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