Guan Xiong

Chapter 81

"Hmm..." Zhang Lu nodded vigorously.There was a mist in her eyes.It is so touching.This moment.Li Xiaoning realized that she had always been so beautiful.It's just that I didn't look at her so closely and carefully before.Because at that time, I only had Lu Xiaomei in my eyes.

"When did you come back?" Zhang Lu shook her long hair.Try to adjust your breathing.

Li Xiaoning's breathing became rapid.Because he found that he was seduced by her uncontrollably.From turning around to now.He couldn't take his eyes off her charming face and her bouncing chest like a bunny.

"What are you looking at..." Zhang Lu saw that he was silent.Just stared at her blankly.I also feel a little strange.Follow his gaze.The pink and pretty face suddenly turned even redder...

"Have you seen enough..." Zhang Lu looked around shyly.Biting his lips lightly, he said coquettishly.

"Oh..." Li Xiaoning came back to his senses.I smiled embarrassedly.Then he boldly added another sentence. "It's beautiful and delicious. How can I see enough of it?"

"How did you be so bad..." She paused and said coquettishly.Although the face is angry.But the heart is sweet.She is the same as Lu Xiaomei.They are all childhood sweethearts who played with Li Xiaoning since childhood.When they were young, the three of them talked about everything.intimate.But from the age of first love.Everything changed.The relationship between Li Xiaoning and her is getting further and further away.Talk less and less.She knew it was all because of Lu Xiaomei's existence.Looking at his own situation obsessively like today.She only saw it in her dreams.There were even more things in the dream that made her blush and heartbeat.But that was just a dream after all.But now Li Xiaoning's words made her really drunk.Although the molestation contained in that sentence is far greater than love.

Looking at Zhang Lu's beautiful eyes that are getting more and more moist.Li Xiaoning realized that he was a little too abrupt.Hastily stepped forward and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Zhang Lu. It's my fault. Don't mind me. I have no other intentions. You are really beautiful..."

"Where did you learn all these sweet words?" Zhang Lu chuckled.He raised his hand and slapped Li Xiaoning who had already walked up to him.Then he said sourly. "Are you coaxing Lu Xiaomei with these words all day long?"

Hearing Lu Xiaomei's name.Li Xiaoning felt a pain in his heart.His face suddenly darkened.

"What's the matter. You guys are having a fight." Zhang Lu's sense of smell is also sensitive.The problem was discovered immediately.

Li Xiaoning gave a wry smile.Said: "Divided."

"Divided." Zhang Lu asked in surprise. "Why." Although she had been hoping that the two could break up.But I was very surprised when I first heard the news.

"There are twists and turns. It doesn't matter if you don't talk about it." Li Xiaoning breathed a sigh of relief.Said. "Don't just talk about me. How are you doing now. Where do you work."

"Working as a salesperson in Limin Supermarket." Zhang Lu bowed her head and said. "I can't get into college. What else can I do."

Li Xiaoning smiled awkwardly.Said: "Don't say that quickly. Whether you are promising or not has nothing to do with whether you can go to college." He knew that "failing to go to college" was a pain in Zhang Lu's heart.What he liked at the time was Lu Xiaomei.But his mother, Wu Yue'e, liked the more simple Zhang Lu.If it wasn't for Zhang Lu not being admitted to university.Maybe he was forced by his mother to break up with Lu Xiaomei at that time.

"You still say. We are all from the same village. But since you went to college, you didn't come to play with me when you came home during the holidays... I thought you were the same as Lu Xiaomei. After becoming a college student, you looked down on us." Zhang Lu said slightly angrily.

"How is it possible? It's really in college. I just thought about studying." Li Xiaoning immediately denied it.But in fact, he felt a little ashamed.Although he didn't look down on Zhang Lu at that time.But it wasn't for studying that he didn't see her.It was because Lu Xiaomei refused.

Looking at Li Xiaoning's slightly flushed face.Zhang Lu also knew that he was ashamed.At that moment, my heart softened again.He changed the subject and said, "How long have you been back?"

"I just arrived at noon today. I had a conversation with my mother...I just came out of the house. I ran into you..." Li Xiaoning glanced at her bicycle.asked again. "Where are you going?"

"Go to your house." Zhang Lu replied smoothly.

"Go to my house." Li Xiaoning asked slightly surprised. "How do you know I'm coming back today?"

Zhang Lu's face flushed slightly.He stamped his feet and said, "I didn't go to your house to see you. I went to help my aunt with housework..."

Only then did Li Xiaoning remember that her mother had mentioned it to herself before: since his father passed away.I went to school outside again.Wu Yue'e was a little powerless when she was alone at home.Zhang Lu ran to Li's house frequently.Not talking with Wu Yue'e.Just to do housework.Zhang Lu even does a lot of crop work in the field.It's as if she respects Wu Yue'e as her own mother.Wu Yue'e told Li Xiaoning several times.Let him break up with Lu Xiaomei.Instead, make friends with Zhang Lu.But Li Xiaoning only had Lu Xiaomei in his eyes at that time.I can't see Zhang Lu's goodness at all.Even the things my mother said.He also basically forgets after listening.

Think here.Li Xiaoning felt guilty at the same time.I feel more and more that Zhang Lu is a truly beautiful woman.He hurriedly said: "No need to go. I'm back. I should do all these jobs."

"Oh..." Zhang Lu replied unconsciously.After a brief pause.Biting his lower lip again, he said, "Then go sit at my house for a while."

"Okay. Go to your house." Li Xiaoning didn't know why he answered so simply.And while accepting this invitation.There was a slight ripple in his heart.He hastily sniffed hard.Drive away distracting thoughts.I secretly blamed myself.My current resistance to beauty is plummeting.This is not a good sign.

Zhang Lu's home is at the south end of the village.It is a two-story building.In the entire Taoyuan Village, it can be regarded as a luxury house.Zhang Lu's father was the first person in the whole village to start a business.He was also the first person in the entire village to become a millionaire.But it also made a lot of mistakes that men are prone to make.When you have money, you start to spend a lot of money.He also raised a mistress outside.In the end, he abandoned his wife.Away from Taoyuan Village to start a new family with Xiaosan.Only the wife and children left the earliest villa-style building in Taoyuan Village.

Zhang Lu's mother was already ill.Plus this hit.It's even worse.He died without even making it through the first winter.Left Zhang Lu and her brother**. **I was never a good boy.Now it's undergoing drastic changes.Simply break the jar.Followed a "big brother".Mixed up the so-called underworld.I didn't expect to mix it up for a few years.It even opened up a piece of sky.

The reason why Zhang Lu invited Li Xiaoning to her home.It is because there is no one at home at this time.It is convenient for two people to communicate with each other.But when she walked to the door.But found that the door was ajar.When she and Li Xiaoning walked into the yard.I heard voices in the house.

Zhang Lu just wanted to ask if her elder brother had returned.But he blushed and closed his mouth.Because what came out of the room was a female voice that kept repeating "um... ah...".Although Zhang Lu is still a big girl.But because of the existence of **.It was not the first time she had heard this voice.Naturally know what's going on.She felt ashamed.My bastard brother brought back some naughty woman.And once again prostitution in the daytime here.She only hopes that Li Xiaoning is still a pure child.Can't hear the movement in the house.But.Li Xiaoning is a person with experience.How could it not be heard.

"My brother must be back. Go to my room." Zhang Lu said in a low voice with a blushing face.

"Yeah. Oh. Okay." Li Xiaoning was also eager to calm his ears down quickly.

But when Li Xiaoning entered Zhang Lu's room.Only then did he realize what a wrong decision it was.Because it's closer to the scene.There is only a wall.And the woman didn't know if it was intentional.After the two entered the room.Not only did he not suppress his cry.Instead, it became louder and louder.More and more ecstasy.

Li Xiaoning found that his breathing was uncontrollably rapid.A certain organ of the lower body is also rapidly becoming larger and harder.Soon to be pitching a tent over pants.To hide embarrassment.He had no choice but to sit down.But in Zhang Lu's bedroom.There is no place to sit but the bed...

After sitting on the small bed with Zhang Lu.Li Xiaoning realized that this decision was even more unwise.Because Zhang Lu's breathing became obviously irregular.His face flushed.The little hand that had grasped his big hand at some point had already seen fine beads of sweat...

Li Xiaoning doesn't know if there is really a so-called ** in this world.But he found that the woman next door's cry was the best temptation at this moment.Although I can't see the specific situation.But this kind of cry is more convincing.And people's fantasies are more beautiful than what they actually see.more out of control.Li Xiaoning and Zhang Lu are normal young men and women.All have normal physical desires.They all have the urge to break through taboos...

Even more frightening.Neither of them hate each other...

Zhang Lu suddenly had the urge to let Li Xiaoning hug her.But his lips moved but he didn't say anything.She was afraid that once their bodies were close to each other.She could no longer resist his temptation.

"Let's go for a walk..." Li Xiaoning also felt that his young body was being burned by a group of blazing flames, which was very painful.He also knew it in his heart.Zhang Lu likes herself.If you take the opportunity to do something at this time.She probably won't say no.But.he can not.I already have Tang Wei.And Cheng Xiaoxi.Zhang Lu is a good girl.I can't do something that both of them regret.

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