Physician Huhua

Chapter 116 You Arrested the Police Flower Sister?

() "You want to ask the way?" The stern man looked at Lin Tian, ​​and a huge look of surprise suddenly burst out in his eyes, but he concealed it very well, there was no fluctuation on his face, and his voice was very flat.

Lin Tian nodded and said, "Do you know which department Bao'er is in?"

"Bao'er?" The stern man was startled, and then said with a relieved expression, "I know, I'll take you there, and I happen to be going there too."

"Oh, are you going to look for Bao'er too?" Lin Tian seemed to ask casually, but the expression on his face showed a trace of vigilance. If the man in front of him is also looking for Bao'er, he must ask clearly To prevent someone from robbing him of his wife again, this method seems to be called "precautionary measures".

The stern man hesitated and said, "I'm not looking for her."

"Since you're not looking for Bao'er's wife, then go!" Lin Tian said.

"You go straight ahead first, and I'll take you there after I clean up." The stern man said indifferently.

Without even thinking about it, Lin Tian walked around the stern man and walked deep into the woods ahead.

The stern man bent down and tidied up the scattered clothes on the guitar bag, but his eyes were fixed on Lin Tian's back.

The scattered clothes were pulled away by the stern man in two days, revealing a cold knife hidden in the guitar bag.

There were still some black and red spots on the blade of the knife, as if it had been stained with blood and hadn't been wiped off.

The stern man took out his bag and put it on his back, walking towards Lin Tian cautiously.

Lin Tian didn't seem to notice the strangeness of the man behind him at all, and walked forward very reassuringly.

Passing through a small area with dense foliage, Lin Tian walked into a slightly open place. The surrounding trees were not as dense as before, and there were a few large wooden piles scattered here and there. Obviously, the trees here had been felled before. .

"Okay, here it is." The stern man said suddenly.

"Well... are you planning to die here?" Lin Tian turned his head and asked with a smile.

The stern man's face darkened, his eyes narrowed, and he snorted coldly, and said, "Sure enough, there are two tricks, no wonder the poisonous thorn fell on your hand, and said, how did you recognize me?"

"Idiot, do you really want to know?" Lin Tian asked.

"Hmph, before you die, let you say a few words happily, and save Yin Cao Difu who wants to say it but can't say it." Kuang Dao said.

"Idiot, you can't kill me just because of you, but I can tell you how I recognized it, so that you can rest in peace before you die, um... just treat it as a good deed, so that you won't have to go to Yin Cao Difu after you die Ask Hades." Lin Tian said with a smile.

"The tone is not small!" Crazy Knife clenched the hilt of the knife twice, staring at Lin Tian with sharp eyes, holding his breath and concentrating, ready to strike at any time.

"You have a very strong smell of blood and hostility, which can only be found by professional killers who have killed people and have killed people for many years." Lin Tian talked eloquently: "Don't smell it, you can't smell it yourself , only I can smell it."

"Besides this, your guitar bag smells like blood, and there must be bloody weapons in it, and when you saw me, you felt an inexplicable excitement, so you must be a killer, and you should come here specially Who killed me?" Lin Tian finally came to a conclusion.

Kuang Dao didn't expect that he had so many flaws, and he became more wary of Lin Tian in his heart. He once heard an old Taoist say that his hostility was too heavy. At that time, he didn't pay much attention to it. Later, Faintly noticed that all the animals that passed by him were inexplicably startled and fled in all directions.

From then on, he understood what the old Taoist said, so he made a special visit to the old Taoist, learned a set of internal skills from him to restrain and resolve anger, practiced it for a year or two and found that it has a lot of effect, at least some wandering Dogs, stray cats and the like will no longer scare away and expose themselves.

But the old Taoist had also told him not to use the knife again within five years, otherwise he would be violent when he met a real master, and he would even be murdered.

Thinking of this, Crazy Knife gripped the handle of the knife fiercely again. He didn't believe in fate. When he was surrounded by 34 special forces, he would have been in Bali if he didn't have the knife in his hand. As long as he had the knife in his hand On, he is fearless.

"Lin Tian, ​​you're right. I have a hostility in me." Kuang Dao said, swung the gleaming sword in his hand, and said, "This sword has killed 99 people in ten years. You alone, just a hundred people beheaded..."

"Well... I think you should cut yourself off, so as to save a 'murder weapon'." Lin Tian said.

Kuang Dao raised his head to the sky with a long laugh, and said: "I can't tell, you know the word 'murder weapon' at such a young age, that's right, I'm raising a 'murder weapon', why, are you afraid?"

Lin Tian curled his lips in disdain, "Master has a knife, which has killed thousands of people a long time ago, and it is much more murderous than yours."

"You still have a master?" Kuang Dao turned cautious, yes, the kid in front of him must not be an ordinary person, otherwise how could he know the 'weapon', how could he beat the stinger?

"Nonsense, where is the teacher without a master? You are such an idiot!" Lin Tian said angrily.

Kuang Dao didn't speak, because he suddenly found that Lin Tian was not nervous at all facing him...

This discovery made him shudder involuntarily. He had already released his murderous aura and hostility unreservedly. He even heard some birds on the surrounding trees tremble when he released his murderous aura. It fluttered away in panic.

Kuang Dao frowned, his eyes staring at Lin Tian flashed a sharp light again, and the knife in his hand was slightly lifted up.

This is the way he is accustomed to using the knife. Whether it is a backhand or a horizontal cut or a vertical chop, the tip of the knife is very smooth.

"It's a waste of time to chat with you idiot, hurry up, I will go to find Bao'er's wife after I kill you." Lin Tian said impatiently.

"Are you so sure about killing me?" Frenzy Knife's voice was very calm.

Lin Tian looked at Kuang Dao in puzzlement and said, "Is it difficult to kill you?"

"Huh, see the real chapter under your hand!" Kuang Dao said, kicking the ground with both feet hard, his body turned into an afterimage and rushed towards Lin Tian.

With a flick of the broadsword in his hand, several sharp cold lights with a strong killing aura suddenly appeared.

The bright and complicated cold light intertwined into a big net, facing Lin Tian as a hood.Once the dense knife net was woven, the surrounding air seemed to be stagnated for a while by the killing air of the knife net.

Facing Lin Tian, ​​who doesn't know the depth, Kuang Dao dared not hold back at all, and it was a big killer move when he came up.

This move of "Dense Nets" is a unique skill developed by Kuang Dao painstakingly. Back then, when one person cut down 34 special forces, "Dense Nets" was not as skillful and changeable as it is today. Now it is ten times more powerful than it was back then. , he didn't believe that Lin Tian, ​​a brat, could take over.

Seeing the saber aura all over the sky, Lin Tian's carefree expression became serious, and he avoided the saber net under the hood.

Crazy Sword was not discouraged when he missed a hit. Stinger is very good at speed. Lin Tian can kill Stinger, and his speed is also extraordinary.

With a sudden turn of the blade, Crazy Saber turned around and slashed Huashan with a force.

Lin Tian turned slightly to one side, and a cold light slashed down from the position where he was standing just now. If it was half a second later at night, he would definitely be hit by a big knife.

A sneering smile suddenly appeared on the corner of Kuang Dao's mouth, and the slashing sword suddenly stopped abruptly, and then the blade turned around, sweeping away thousands of troops, and the blade struck Lin Tian's abdomen with a frightening cold light.


Lin Tian's toes slightly touched the ground, and his body disappeared in place with a bang.

"How is it possible?" Seeing this, Kuang Dao's heart skipped a beat. Obviously, Lin Tian's speed exceeded his prediction.

You must know that the distance between the two of them was only a few tens of centimeters just now, he suddenly changed his moves, and coupled with the speed of the knife, it was impossible for Lin Tian to avoid it.

But the fact is that Lin Tian dodged, and he dodged faster than he could have imagined.

"Idiot, I told you a long time ago that you can't kill me." Lin Tian stood aside and said to Kuang Dao calmly.

"Hmph!" Crazy Saber was not willing to stop there, turned around and rushed towards Lin Tian again.

This time, he expanded the scope of the "network" a little, almost involving Lin Tian's whole body.

Lin Tian stood beside him, waiting quietly for the mad knife to pounce, without moving his body.

When Kuang Dao saw this, he was suddenly pleasantly surprised, the kid in front of him was still young, so he underestimated him too much.

"Go to hell!" Kuang Dao roared, and the blade net became denser and denser, and the sharp murderous aura suddenly rose to a higher level, which made people shudder.

There was a smile on Lin Tian's face, and his right hand changed more than a dozen fingerings in a second like a butterfly wearing flowers, and then suddenly pierced into Senhan's terrifying knife net.

Kuang Dao only felt a big hand go through his knife net and grab the big knife in his hand, the speed was fast and accurate, it was as swift and violent as a poisonous snake suddenly attacking.

Looking around, the five fingers completely filled Kuang Dao's eyes.

Sarcasm, an incomparable taste of being ridiculed comes from the heart.

This is simply a shame, a great shame, I am so proud of it, and even used it to promote the stunt, but after only performing it once, the brat in front of me found a flaw that had never been discovered before.

Lin Tian grabbed Kuangdao's right hand holding the knife with his big hand, and the cold knife net disappeared in an instant!

When Crazy Dao was trying to break free, he suddenly felt a sharp pain coming from the tiger's mouth. The pain made his right hand tremble, and his strength in holding the knife also decreased a lot.

Suddenly, Kuang Dao suddenly realized that his right hand lightened, but when he looked down, he saw that the big sword was gone!

In an instant, cold sweat spread all over, and the mad knife was as cold as falling into an ice cave.

Lin Tiantian reached into the white blade, and snatched the big knife of the mad knife.

After taking a few glances at the bloody knife, Lin Tian shook his head and said, "This knife has made you an idiot."

Kuang Dao doesn't know why, but this time is not the time to think about these things at all. The sword has been lost, and he doesn't have the confidence to fight with bare fists. The most important thing is to save his life.

However, just when Crazy Sword was about to run away, Lin Tian swung the big knife in his hand, and in an instant a tighter knife net suddenly appeared.

Lin Tian has only read it once, and he has already grasped the essence and tricks of Crazy Saber's "network".

Crazy Dao was terrified, turned around and ran away without even thinking, and greeted all the eighteen generations of Chang family ancestors who invited him here, tmd, what ordinary master?Obviously a martial arts wizard!

However, just as Crazy Saber stood up, a flying knife suddenly struck.


The flying knife pierced through Crazy Knife's chest without hindrance, and flew out from the back of the heart, bringing out a pool of bright red blood.

Crazy Knife didn't react at all, and his whole body seemed to lose all his strength in an instant, and his body that hadn't reached the apex suddenly collapsed and fell to the ground.

Slowly lowering his stiff neck, Kuang Dao saw a hole in his chest, and a large amount of scarlet blood spewed out like a spring...

"Uh..." Crazy Knife wanted to speak, but his throat seemed to be blocked by something and he made no sound. He twisted his neck stiffly, looked in the direction where the flying knife came, and a face full of people appeared in his pupils. A treacherous man.

"You idiot, why do you meddle? I haven't asked him yet, why did you kill him?"

"It's just a piece of trash, do you like it very much?" The treacherous man snorted, his body suddenly fell to the side of Kuang Dao, his toes reached under Kuang Dao's body, he lifted it slightly, and turned Kuang Dao over .

"Idiot, do you know that you owe a beating?" Lin Tian said very unhappily.

"Beating up? Huh..." The man snorted twice, looked around, and said, "This is not a good place to bury people..."

"Oh, by the way, I heard that you like a prostitute named Qin Bingbing very much. My people should invite her to a place now."

"You caught Sister Jinghua?" Lin Tian was furious when he heard that.

"If you want to see her, come with me!" The treacherous man disdainful of Lin Tian's angry expression, turned around and jumped out of the woods.

"Idiot, no matter if sister Jinghua is fine or not, you are dead!" Lin Tian said, and chased after the treacherous man in a flash.

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