Physician Huhua

Chapter 19 Sister Jinghua, do you miss me?

()Chapter 19 Sister Jinghua, do you miss me?

Zhao Yuyao drove a Volvo to go to the nearest Chinese herbal pharmacy, bought some medicinal materials according to Lin Tian's prescription, and tried it out. If it really works, she can buy this prescription and use it as a beauty care shop in the future. , I believe that the business and reputation of the nursing shop will reach another level.

Although Lin Tian repeatedly said that the prescription was given to her, but when he thought that if he accepted the formula with peace of mind, wouldn't it be equivalent to becoming his wife in the future?

However, judging from Lin Tian's reaction, if he bought it with his own money, he probably wouldn't accept it. This little coward wishes she could take it for granted...

"It's such a headache!" Zhao Yuyao, who recovered from the excitement, felt that she was caught in a more entangled matter than beating Chang Wei, which made her feel a little distressed.

On the one hand, it is the beauty ointment that attracts her, and on the other hand, it is to make Lin Tian, ​​a little wolf, a half-grown boy, a wife...

"Forget it, don't think about it, let's study the effect of this prescription first!" Zhao Yuyao bit her red lips lightly and made a decision.

However, just as she looked up, she saw a black Suzuki following her unhurriedly behind the car through the rearview mirror.

After experiencing the kidnapping of Ke Keaiai, Zhao Yuyao also became vigilant. It can't be said that everything is in danger, but some things around her are subconsciously paying attention.

Zhao Yuyao intentionally turned around at the intersection ahead, and while driving back, she paid attention to the black Suzuki behind her.

After driving for a certain distance, Zhao Yuyao found that the black Suzuki behind her was not following her.

"Could it be that you became suspicious because of Ke Keai's being tied up?" Zhao Yuyao murmured in her heart, turned around at the intersection ahead and drove towards the Chinese herbal pharmacy.

The Chinese herbal pharmacy is not far away, and Zhao Yuyao arrived in front of the pharmacy within ten minutes after driving.

After parking the car, Zhao Yuyao got out of the car and entered the big pharmacy.

The receptionist was a young man wearing a white coat. Zhao Yuyao kept an eye out and did not pass the prescription directly to the other party. Instead, he wiped away some medicinal materials in the store before handing the drug to the other party.

After the man took the prescription, he saw that seven or eight places had been smeared on it, looked up at Zhao Yuyao without saying anything, turned around and took the prescription to the pharmacy behind him.

Zhao Yuyao stood at the front desk for a while, feeling a little bored, turned around and looked out the door.

And the moment she turned around, the black Suzuki appeared in her sight again, not only was it close to her Volvo, but the door facing the pharmacy was still slightly open, as if someone would get out of the car at any moment.

Zhao Yuyao's pretty face changed slightly, and without even thinking about it, she took out her mobile phone and called Qin Bingbing. For some reason, she vaguely felt that the black Suzuki had been following her to the pharmacy, thinking of what Qin Bingbing said in the afternoon With those words, she was a little worried that it would be someone sent by Chang Wei.

After Qin Bingbing received the call, she told Zhao Yuyao to stay in the pharmacy and not go anywhere, and she rushed over immediately.

After a short time, the sound of a police whistle came from far and near.

At the same time, the slightly opened door of the black Suzuki slammed shut, and when Qin Bingbing's Hummer appeared in Zhao Yuyao's sight, the black Suzuki slowly started the car and left.

Looking at Suzuki who left, Zhao Yuyao breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly felt a sense of survival after a catastrophe. Although she was not harmed or threatened in any way, the feeling of depressive crisis before Qin Bingbing arrived in his car , but it made her terrified, and at the same time, she became more and more vigilant and worried.

Qin Bingbing stopped the Hummer and jumped out of the car. When she saw Zhao Yuyao, she hurriedly asked, "Is the black Suzuki that passed by just now the one that followed you?"

Zhao Yuyao nodded, "It should be that one!"

"Well, I wrote down the license plate number, but the people in the car didn't do anything to you, and the forced stop was just a temporary check, so there probably won't be any results." Qin Bingbing said bluntly.

Zhao Yuyao seemed to have known that this would be the result, she nodded without the slightest sense of loss on her pretty face, clutching the bag of medicinal materials she bought with both hands, she asked nervously: "Bing Bing, do you think that could be Chang Wei? Sent?"

Qin Bingbing shook his head, "It's hard to say, that wolf beat up so much today, God knows who sent it!"

"Bingbing, let's hurry back to the beauty shop, I'm worried about being cute." Zhao Yuyao's pretty face was a little anxious.

"Well, I'll take you there!" After Qin Bingbing finished speaking, she turned around and left the pharmacy to get on the Hummer.

In fact, she still wanted to say something, but she swallowed it back. In her opinion, there should be nothing wrong with Lin Tian, ​​that slut looking at Ke Keaiai. On the contrary, Ke Keaiai will be worse than Zhao Yuyao. Much safer.But she was too lazy to mention Lin Tian, ​​so she didn't say anything.

Zhao Yuyao put the medicine on the passenger seat, then started the Volvo and drove quickly towards the beauty care shop. Qin Bingbing drove a Hummer and turned on the siren to escort her behind.

"Who would send people here to harm Yuyao?" Qin Bingbing frowned while driving, wondering, "Is it the cute kidnapper? Or Chang Wei?"

Based on her guess and some understanding of both sides, Chang Wei and the kidnapper organization not only have such strength, but also have such motives, but it is hard to draw a conclusion on which side.

"It's all that dead wolf, it's nothing to beat Chang Wei..." Qin Bingbing muttered angrily.

However, before she finished speaking, an abrupt voice suddenly rang in her ear.

"Sister Jinghua, do you miss me?" Lin Tian appeared in the back seat of Qin Bingbing's Hummer at some point.

The sudden sound startled Qin Bingbing, she subconsciously slammed on the brakes, and at the same time quickly took out the gun, turned around and aimed the gun at Lin Tian.

"Sister Jinghua, it's wrong to point a gun at your future husband!" Lin Tian said seriously.

"Smelly rascal, whore, who is your wife?" At this moment, Qin Bingbing had already seen clearly that the person who suddenly appeared was Lin Tian. Although her pretty face was extremely astonished, she quickly calmed down after seeing the magical abilities of this freak. down.

"Sister Jinghua, of course you are my future wife, you still missed me just now!" Lin Tian didn't feel any embarrassment at all.

"Who misses you? You can get out of the car as soon as you get into it, hurry up!" Qin Bingbing scolded coldly.

Lin Tian smacked his lips and said, "Sister Jinghua, you obviously miss me, why don't you admit it?"

"I admit your size, come down quickly, do you hear me?" Qin Bingbing said angrily.

"Sister Jinghua, although you don't admit it, I can tell from your eyes that you miss me!" Lin Tian said seriously.

Qin Bingbing was really annoyed by his words, what could be seen from her eyes?Is there something wrong with this wolf's brain?No, there is a problem with his brain, which is different from normal people!

"I don't care what you want to do, get off the car right now!" Qin Bingbing was too lazy to talk nonsense with Lin Tian, ​​and yelled again coldly.

"Sister Jinghua, did someone upset you? Tell me who it is, and I'll beat him up!" Seeing Qin Bingbing's annoyed face, Lin Tian, ​​who had always taken protecting his wife as his duty, was furious.

Qin Bingbing snorted coldly, "Really? If I say who provoked me, you go beat him up?"

"Of course, sister Jinghua, you are my wife, whoever dares to provoke you, I will definitely vent my anger on you!" Lin Tian said seriously.

Qin Bingbing suppressed his temper and said: "I repeat, I am not your wife, not now, and never will be. If you want to make me happy, then beat yourself up first!"

"Beat yourself? Isn't that self-torture?" Lin Tian said: "Sister Jinghua, my teacher said that people who like to self-torture are crazy. I am not crazy, so I will not self-torture."

"You... Huh, if you don't want to torture yourself, then get out of my car quickly! I still have things to do, don't interfere with my work!" Qin Bingbing felt that this coward was too self-righteous and shameless.

"Sister Jinghua, what are you going to do? I'll help you!" Lin Tian said with a smile.

"You don't care what I do, in short, get down immediately!" Qin Bingbing continued to drive Lin Tian.

"Sister Jinghua, you miss me so much, you keep talking about me while driving, if I don't spend more time with you, spread the word, others will say that I am incompetent as a husband..." Lin Tian said solemnly.

"You... If you don't get off, I'll get off if you don't!" Qin Bingbing couldn't take it anymore, roared angrily, turned around and slammed the door and got out of the car.

However, just after she got out of the car, she saw Lin Tian getting out of the car with her.

"Don't you like being in the car? What are you doing with me?" Qin Bingbing said angrily.

"Sister Jinghua, I don't like being in the car, so I don't like being in the car either." Lin Tian said.

"You..." Qin Bingbing was so angry that she couldn't speak. She felt that she had nothing to do with Lin Tian. If she obstructed the law enforcement and arrested him, I'm afraid this lecherous wolf would like to go to the police station with her...

"Sister Jinghua, you don't seem very happy, then I will come to accompany you next time!" Lin Tian couldn't feel Qin Bingbing's anger, and after thinking about it, he decided to wait for Qin Bingbing to feel better before coming to her—— It is one of the rules of picking up girls that his wife taught him to advance and retreat.

"I'm going to find the beautiful sister. Goodbye, Jinghua sister." After Lin Tian finished speaking, his figure flashed towards Volvo in front of him.

After Lin Tian left, the furious Qin Bingbing turned around and kicked the hummer angrily, scolding Lin Tian while kicking, "Damn wolf, stinking hooligan, shameless, self-righteous..."

After venting for a while, Qin Bingbing, who felt a little out of breath, turned around and got into the Hummer, started the car and drove towards the beauty care shop. Although she was very reluctant to see Lin Tian again at this time, she promised Zhao Yuyao to take her home, yes Things had to be done, and even she had made up her mind that if that pervert dared to pester her again, she would arrest him in the police station and lock him up for a few days.

However, when she was driving close to the beauty care shop, she was startled by the scene in front of the shop. Several men in suits were lying on the ground in disarray, and there were some onlookers pointing at the ground. people say something.

"Has someone been murdered?"

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