Physician Huhua

Chapter 25 Candidate Wife

() Chapter 25 Candidate Wife

Qin Bingbing's name is known to everyone in Haicheng's public security system, and the fire brigade who received the call for help immediately dispatched people to Zhao Yuyao's beauty care shop.

The action speed of the firefighters was very fast. Several firefighters quickly climbed up the electric pole, and were surprised to find a dumb person tied to it.

As a firefighter, I often see corpses or victims of severe burns and falls during the rescue process. It is not a big deal for a person to be tied to a pole. After being surprised, the firefighters quickly moved their muscles The man was rescued safely.

"What happened? Who tied you up?" Qin Bingbing stepped forward and asked coldly.

The muscular man opened and closed his mouth, his expression was excited and painful, but he didn't make any sound.

At this time, the firefighter who rescued the muscular man stepped forward and said, "Captain Qin, this man may be a mute, and the injury is serious, both arms are broken!"

dumb?Qin Bingbing frowned slightly, "Are you dumb? Can you speak sign language?"

The muscular man shook his head again and again. He meant that he was not dumb, but in Qin Bingbing's eyes, he was a bit big-headed. A dumb who can't sign language means that this matter is not so easy to track down...

"Captain Qin, this is the wire that is tied to the dumb, and it is also the cause of the power interruption of the entire street." The fire chief said.

"You mean, someone directly tore off the wire and tied him to it?" Qin Bingbing asked.

"The insulation layer at both ends of this wire and the copper wire inside have traces of elongation to a certain extent, and the copper wires are broken unevenly, which should be caused by someone forcibly pulling them off." The fire chief said through the Wire deduced.

Brutely tear off live wires and tie people up?

Lin Tian's name immediately popped up in Qin Bingbing's mind. In her impression, only this slut could do things that normal people wouldn't do.

"Send this wire to my office and restore power immediately!" Qin Bingbing ordered.

"When we came, we had brought spare wires to temporarily restore the power first, and now we have reconnected."

The voice of the fire chief fell to the ground, and a voice came from the telegraph pole: "It's connected, close the switch!"

Soon, the street lights in front of the beauty shop were turned on, and electricity was also turned on in the store and the community where the lights were not turned off in the distance. The surrounding residents went back home in joy. As for the matter of the muscular man being tied up, no one was interested. Onlookers.

But when the street lights were turned on, Qin Bingbing found that the door of Zhao Yuyao's beauty care shop was open, and the tables, chairs and trolleys inside were overturned. The room was in a mess, as if someone had been burglarized...

"Help me and bring me back to the police station!" Qin Bingbing's pretty face changed slightly, and after giving orders to the fire chief, she turned and rushed into the beauty care shop and went straight to the second floor.

The fire chief was stunned when he heard that, what happened, Captain Qin was so anxious?Uh, bring the mute back to the Public Security Bureau, the firefighters will act as police envoys?

However, for the cold beauty Qin Bingbing, the fire chief can only do as he pleases. Anyway, the help will not cause any trouble with authority. Even if there is trouble, with Qin Bingbing around, the public security system can still settle it properly .

"Close the team and bring the mute back to the City Bureau." The fire chief said and ordered his men to bring the muscular man.

Seeing the firefighter walking towards him unsuspectingly, the muscular man gritted his teeth, his face showing a ruthless look, secretly gathering strength, and when the firefighter bent down to grab him, the muscular man slammed his legs hard Kicked off, and slammed into the firefighter with his shoulder.

There was a muffled bang, and the unsuspecting firefighter snorted in pain, and was knocked to the ground by the muscular man.

The muscular man who got a chance to escape endured the severe pain in his arms and hands, and ran towards the deep and dark alley.

The sudden change stunned the firefighters who were finishing the work. Seeing the muscular man rushing into the alley, the fire chief who reacted first shouted: "Chasing, chase me..."

Where did the firefighters ever work as police officers, they didn't change their role from rescuing people to arresting people for a while, they were in a hurry, and there were even team members who were chasing wildly with a small coil of wires on their shoulders...

The muscular man wandered around the neighborhood countless times in order to squat, and his familiarity with the surrounding alleys is no less than that of the nearby residents, and this is the only time he can avoid that perverted master without falling into the hands of the police. , don't muscular men cherish it?

The alley was dark, and the path was long and narrow, and the muscular man made seven turns and eight turns, and the firefighters behind him disappeared.

And after the fire chief finished yelling, he immediately turned around and rushed into the beauty care shop to inform Qin Bingbing that he couldn't afford this matter!

*** ***

In the office of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, a middle-aged man with a bald head walked back and forth anxiously, turning his head to glance at the phone on the desk from time to time, as if waiting for a call.

This middle-aged man is none other than Xie Changhe, Director of Haicheng Public Security Bureau.

After listening to Qin Bingbing's report, he immediately sent a request to the big shot behind him through a secret channel, and waited for the big shot to call. Normally, there would be a reply in about 3 minutes, but he had waited for more than ten minutes and still hadn't replied. , which made him a little anxious.

Just when Xie Changhe walked to the sofa and was about to sit down, the phone rang suddenly, and he quickly rushed to the desk to pick up the receiver.

"What's the matter?" A woman's indifferent voice came from the phone.

"The underground forces in Haicheng discovered an arms smuggling gang..."

Before Xie Changhe could finish speaking, the indifferent voice sounded again, "Where is it?"

"Uh, the smuggling gang's whereabouts haven't been confirmed yet..." Xie Changhe reported in embarrassment, with faint traces of sweat dripping from his forehead.

"Notify me when confirmed!"

When Xie Changhe heard it, he knew that the other party was going to hang up the phone, he hurriedly said: "In addition to this incident, I also found a very powerful master..."

"Send me the information!"

"Uh, I can't find any information about him. I only know that the boy came down from the mountain, and his purpose seems to be to come to Haicheng to go to university." Xie Changhe's forehead became more sweaty, "I, I want the instructor to see, Can I join Dragon Soul?"

"Where is the person?" The woman's voice did not show the slightest emotion, but was indifferent.

"It should be Zhao Yuyao's beauty care shop where the Zhao family left." Xie Changhe said.

"Understood!" The woman hung up the phone immediately after she finished speaking.

Xie Changhe slowly put down the phone, heaved a sigh of relief, lit a cigarette and sat back on the sofa. He faintly realized that he was a little impatient on the phone call. He immediately reported the two things to his superiors without fully confirming them. ...

As the director of the Public Security Bureau, he shouldn't act so hastily, but recently he feels more and more pressure, not only himself, but even Dragon Soul is under tremendous pressure, talents are withering, and the failure rate of missions is increasing. Dissatisfied, if Dragon Soul continues like this, the military will be furious sooner or later.

In order to maintain the status of the Dragon Soul, all the internal and external members are trying their best to improve the various indicators of the Dragon Soul. Although today's affairs are a bit impatient, I believe the superiors should be able to understand that once the arms smuggling is taken over by others , once that powerful master is snatched away, I will seriously dereliction of duty...

"It is estimated that the superior will arrive in Haicheng tomorrow afternoon. We must check these two things tomorrow so that we can have an explanation!" Xie Changhe muttered to himself, leaned forward, and put the The cigarette butt was pressed hard into the ashtray on the coffee table.

*** ***

It was late at night, and there were few vehicles on the wide road. An open-top red Ferrari roared and sped past on the road, leaving the sound of the roaring engine stirring in the air.

Sitting in the driver's seat of the Ferrari is a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old, with a beautiful and delicate face, long light blue hair fluttering in the wind, very flamboyant, and her whole body is quite attractive fire.

A black skull t-shirt wrapped the majestic and abnormal chest. The whole t-shirt was stretched out of shape, the alluring navel was exposed in the air, the waist was slender and soft, and the slender legs matched with black stockings were infinitely charming.

The Ferrari roared and ran for a while, and the speed gradually slowed down when turning. The girl sitting in the car frowned slightly, and a look of displeasure appeared on her pretty face.

Originally, she had made an appointment with a few younger brothers who often race cars today to go racing on the winding mountain road outside Haicheng, but as soon as she left the city, the younger brother called and was locked up at home, which made her extremely excited to kill the Quartet accurate.

What's the point of nightlife without drag racing?But there was no one to race with, and it was even more boring to run by herself, so she had to plan to go home and sleep.

Just as the Ferrari turned the corner and the beautiful girl was about to speed up, she suddenly saw a person running towards her at high speed from behind the car through the reversing mirror.

He looked down at the speedometer - the turning speed was 60!

How can someone catch up with a 60-mile car?

The beautiful girl was startled, and she turned her head to look behind the car, but at this moment, the boy chasing after the car had already run to the rear of the Ferrari, and overtook her car at a fast speed.

That boy was none other than the lost Lin Tian.

At this time, the beautiful girl was completely shocked, and even forgot to step on the gas pedal, and the distance between Ferrari and Lin Tian gradually widened.

Lin Tian returned to the beauty care shop with all his heart, and didn't care after passing the Ferrari. However, when he caught a glimpse of the beautiful girl driving from the corner of his eye, his speed suddenly slowed down.

Soon, the distance between Ferrari and Lin Tian narrowed a lot, and finally became a situation of going hand in hand.

Lin Tian stared at the dazed beautiful girl for a few times, and when he saw the girl's unusually majestic breasts, the excitement on his face weakened a lot.

"Well... long enough to be my wife, but the breasts are a bit big..." Lin Tian muttered to himself, and said to the beautiful girl, "Hey, let me help you make your breasts smaller, you can be my wife." How is my wife?"

Although the beautiful girl is very beautiful, it is barely acceptable for her to be her own wife, but her figure is not up to the standard, and her figure is not good if her breasts are too big. My wife must look super good!

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