Physician Huhua

Chapter 28 Lin Tian of Lying Chapter

()Chapter 28 Lin Tian the Lie

Lin Tian ran all the way back to Zhao Yuyao's beauty care shop with the code number 72. Before entering the door, he saw that the messy care shop had been tidied up when the muscular man fell and flew. Qin Bingbing and Zhao Yuyao were sitting side by side on the sofa , the faces are not very good-looking, especially Zhao Yuyao, his face is full of worry, and his white and smooth hands are rubbed together, feeling very uneasy.

"Sister Jinghua, sister beauty, I'm back!" Lin Tian shouted excitedly, threw the code number 72 by the door of the nursing shop, and appeared in front of Qin Bingbing and Zhao Yuyao in a flash.

"Lin Tian..." Seeing Lin Tian, ​​the worried look on Zhao Yuyao's pretty face suddenly eased, and her restless and nervous mood also calmed down a lot.

"Where have you been?" Qin Bing asked coldly.

"Sister Jinghua, I'm going to arrest someone." Lin Tian replied truthfully.

"Arrest? Arrest who?" Qin Bingbing asked, and then she got back to the topic and asked, "There is a person tied to a telegraph pole. Did you do it?"

"Yeah..." Lin Tian said, ran to the door and glanced at the electric pole, the muscular man above the electric pole was gone, "Sister Jinghua, did that guy run away?"

Hearing these words, Qin Bingbing thought to herself that she had guessed correctly, and it really was a good thing that the wolf did. She didn't answer Lin Tian's words, but continued to ask: "Who is that? What's his name?"

"Uh, I forgot to ask." Lin Tian thought for a while, as if it really wasn't who that guy was.

"You..." Qin Bingbing was so angry that she almost slapped the table, "You tied someone to a pole without asking?"

"Sister Jinghua, do you really want to know his name?" Lin Tian asked.

"Nonsense!" Qin Bingbing glared at Lin Tian angrily, this lecherous wolf knew how to make trouble.

"I have a way!" Lin Tian said with a smile.

"You, do you have a solution? What solution?" Qin Bingbing asked eagerly upon hearing this.

In a blink of an eye, Lin Tian carried the code number 72, which was left outside, into the beauty care shop, "Just ask him!"

"Who is he?" Qin Bingbing was a little confused.

"Well... this idiot is code-named 72 and the idiot who ran away are both members of the Iron Anchor Mercenary Group. They came to Haicheng to kidnap Ke Keaiai." Lin Tian said, raising his hand to release the sleeping hole of code-named 72 , Throwing him to the ground, Jing warned: "Hey, the idiot is awake, sister Jinghua wants to ask you something, answer honestly, or you will die!"

Zhao Yuyao was excited and nervous when she heard that the mastermind who wanted to kidnap Keaiai had been caught.

Code 72 opened his eyes and got used to the light. When he saw Zhao Yuyao standing in front of him who had been following him, and a heroic female Jing beside him, his first reaction was to be exposed, but how did he expose it? Not sure.

"Me, why am I here? Where is this place?" Code 72 reacted quickly, although he was already very shocked in his heart, but his face showed the panic and nervousness of a petty citizen.

"Code name 72, what's your name? What is the purpose of kidnapping Kawaii?" Qin Bing asked coldly.

"What code name 72?" Code name 72 was full of doubts, and then his face turned into panic, "You won't call me a police officer again? I'm wronged. I was going to sleep in the hotel, and someone hit me in the back. When I woke up, I woke up. Now that I'm here, I'm really not code-named 72..."

Qin Bingbing has been observing his expression and reaction, and it can be said that there are no flaws from the beginning to the end. Isn't he code-named 72?

Thinking of this, Qin Bingyang subconsciously turned his head and looked at Lin Tian.

"You idiot, do you have to let me catch the idiot with muscles all over, and you two idiots meet?" Lin Tian was questioned by Qin Bingbing again, feeling very upset.

"Muscles all over" heard Code 72's ears, his eyes fluctuated slightly, but there was no anxiety or tension on his face, "I don't know what you're talking about..."

"Come here!" Qin Bingbing said to Lin Tian, ​​and then walked aside.

Lin Tian ran to Qin Bingbing's side and asked, "Sister Jinghua, why don't I kill that idiot..."

"Shut up!" Qin Bingbing reprimanded angrily, "What's going on with the people on the ground?"

"Sister Jinghua, don't listen to what he said, he is lying to you!" Lin Tian said seriously.

"Lying to me? How do you know he's lying to me? I trust my eyes and judgment!" Qin Bingbing said.

Lin Tian smacked his lips and said: "Sister Jinghua, the master said not to believe too much in what you see, there are many things that you see may not be true, even if it is true, you may be wrong..."

"Don't tell me your nonsense, what's going on, tell me from the beginning!" Qin Bingbing obviously lost much patience with Lin Tian.

"Well... I was sleeping at night..."

Lin Tian started from the beginning, but was interrupted by Qin Bingbing as soon as he opened his mouth: "Say the key point!"

"Sleep is the key point, sister Jinghua." Lin Tian explained.

Qin Bingbing is so angry that sleep is the key point, are you a fucking wolf or a pig?

"Go on!"

"Well, I couldn't sleep at first, and I just thought about sister Jinghua and sister beauty, and I got sleepy after thinking about it..." Lin Tian started from the beginning slowly.

But in Qin Bingbing's ears, the words were tantamount to flirting, while Zhao Yuyao was speechless, what was this little coward thinking about if he didn't sleep well?

"What did you do downstairs? Why is the nursing shop not locked in such a mess?" Qin Bingbing interrupted Lin Tian again. She found out how to let this slut go on talking, God knows if the dirty dream she had would be revealed Tell it all...

"I was about to say, Sister Jinghua, don't worry." Lin Tian reminded him kindly, and continued: "When I was sleepy and about to sleep, an idiot came in, and I beat him up. , I found out that he was a member of the Iron Anchor mercenary, and then that idiot was afraid of death, so he sold the code name 72, so I went to catch him, but unfortunately I went the wrong way at first."

"Going the wrong way? Then who was caught?" Qin Bingbing was stunned when he heard it. Couldn't this lecherous wolf do something more reliable?

"However, I was lucky to meet Bao'er's wife..."

When Lin Tian said this, Qin Bingbing interrupted for the third time, "What is Bao'er's wife?"

"Bao'er's wife is the wife I just found, Sister Jinghua..." Lin Tian said.

"What are you talking about?" Qin Bingbing said angrily.

"I'm not talking nonsense, it's the real sister Jinghua." Lin Tian said seriously.

"Then what's the name of your Bao'er wife? Where does she live? Don't tell me you don't know!" Qin Bingbing stared at Lin Tian and asked.

Lin Tian said solemnly: "Of course I know, Bao'er's wife is called Long Bao'er, home, uh... Originally, I planned to go home with her, but when I received a call from Sister Jinghua, I rushed over immediately Already!"

Although he has always promised himself that he would never lie, it seems that he really doesn't know where Bao'er's wife is. In order not to be looked down upon by Jinghua's sister, he decided to tell a lie—a man who cheats his wife is not a good man, but The man who lied to his wife was not a man, and he himself did not lie to Sister Jinghua, it was just that he didn't have enough time to do it. Of course, the main reason was that he forgot to ask.

"Long Bao'er?" Qin Bingbing asked in surprise.

"Hey, sister Jinghua, do you know Bao'er's wife?" Lin Tian said excitedly.

Qin Bingbing rubbed her forehead, why didn't she know Long Baoer, not only her, but also Zhao Yuyao, Long Baoer often went to the nursing shop for maintenance.

But at this time, she obviously didn't want to discuss these things with Lin Tian. Qin Bingbing rolled her eyes at Lin Tian and said, "And then? How did this person get caught?"

"That muscular idiot told me the idiot's room number, I went in and caught him!" Lin Tian suddenly found that sister Jinghua's breasts were also a little big, which slightly affected her IQ and made her stupid.

"Idiot, idiot, everyone is an idiot, but you are not an idiot!" Qin Bingbing cursed inwardly, "Then how do you know that person didn't lie to you?"

"Of course I know, I am the number one genius doctor in the world, I have to be aware of lies!" Lin Tian said calmly.

Qin Bingbing rolled his eyes at Lin Tian, ​​turned his head to the man on the ground and said, "Are you from the Iron Anchor mercenary?"

When Code 72 learned that Code 35 had betrayed him, he felt annoyed and a little flustered. Of course, he still had a little luck, that is, Code 35 did not disclose his status in detail, so he might be able to deceive the past.

"What anchor mercenary? I really don't know what you are talking about, you must have caught the wrong person..." Code 72 said in a panic.

"You idiot, isn't the black iron anchor on your neck the symbol of your mercenaries? Well... that idiot who ran away has a blue iron anchor. It seems that he is one level higher than you..." Lin Tian pointed to Code 72 and said.

When Code 72 heard this remark, his eyebrows trembled. This abnormal reaction was immediately noticed by Qin Bingbing, and there was indeed a problem!

"Code 72, you don't have to pretend anymore, you can get a chance for leniency if you tell me the truth." Qin Bing said coldly.

Code 72 is silent, his identity has been exposed, what else is there to say?

Qin Bingbing was used to such silent criminals, "Don't want to say yes?"

At this time, Lin Tian interjected: "Sister Jinghua, do you want me to help?"

"No!" Qin Bingbing resolutely refused. Although Lin Tian had caught all the kidnappers who kidnapped cute and lovely people, but because of this, she felt relieved and a little upset. It was very fast, but since she met this wolf, not only could she not catch the kidnapper, she couldn't even interrogate the kidnapper's information. She was busy screening the range of criminals in the bureau, and Lin Tian had already caught everyone. It made her feel a little uncomfortable. It's better to be a policeman by yourself than he is to do nothing.

"Sister Jinghua, Iron Anchor mercenaries usually only catch shrimps at sea. This time they came to land to pick up the mission. The people behind them must not be simple..." Lin Tian kindly reminded.

"How do you know?" Qin Bingbing asked in surprise.

"My master said so!"

"Master? What exactly does your master do?" Qin Bingbing asked.

Lin Tian smiled and said, "Sister Jinghua, do you want to know?"

"Say it or not!" Qin Bingbing said angrily.

Lin Tian was not annoyed at all, and Yi smiled and said: "Sister Jinghua, only my wife can know the name of the master and what he did before. If you want to know, promise to be my wife!"

"Hmph!" Qin Bingbing snorted coldly, this pervert is really stubborn.

"Yuyao, I'll take her back first!" Qin Bingbing said as she walked up to Code 72, took out a handcuff and handcuffed him, and walked out of the beauty care shop with Code 72 on one arm.

Looking at Qin Bingbing who left, Zhao Yuyao felt a little scared. At first, she thought that Ke Keai's kidnapping might be just an accident, but now it seems that someone really moved her mind, but who is this person?Could it be them?I have already left that place, and I won't go back to fight for anything anymore, why don't I let myself and my sister go?

Thinking about it, Zhao Yuyao's beautiful eyes became moist...

Lin Tian originally wanted to accompany Qin Bingbing, but after seeing Zhao Yuyao's helpless beautiful eyes, he immediately decided to stay with the beautiful sister!

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