Chapter 52

When Lin Tian saw a man lying on the bed, he felt very appreciative, and even faintly jealous. Of course, he didn't think about the relationship between Qin Bingbing and the man on the bed. He was only jealous because of Qin Bingbing's expression. That's all.

Because, at this time, Qin Bingbing was cold and worried, obviously worried.

"Sister Jinghua, I'm here to accompany you!" Lin Tian said with a smile.

Qin Bingbing didn't notice Lin Tian walking in at first, because she was concentrating on thinking about something, until she was startled by Lin Tian's voice, and then she woke up from the state of contemplation.

The moment she turned her head and saw Lin Tian, ​​she immediately remembered the situation of the man on the bed, and hurriedly said: "Lin Tian, ​​come here quickly and see if you can cure him!"

Because Lin Tian was asking for something, Qin Bingbing's tone was not as cold as before. Of course, there was still a bit of a blunt order.

Lin Tian didn't even look at the man on the bed, but stared at Qin Bingbing with burning eyes and said: "Sister Jinghua, who is this person? Is it your relative?"

"No!" Qin Bingbing replied, then seemed to think of something, glared at Lin Tian, ​​and said coldly: "What are you thinking about? He is the code-named 35 who absconded in fear of crime yesterday."

"Well, it's that idiot." Lin Tian smacked his lips and said, "Sister Jinghua, how did you catch this idiot?"

"He fainted in front of the pharmacy, and the boss called the police and arrested him. Now see if you can wake him up, and there are many things that need to be clarified and implemented." Qin Bingbing quickly explained the cause and effect to Lin Tian, To save him from delaying his work by asking questions.

"Okay." Lin Tian has always been responsive to his wife's requests, even though he wanted to catch the cute code 35 and die by himself, but for Qin Bingbing's sake, he reluctantly agreed to wake him up.

Lin Tian walked up to the muscular man code-named 35, took his pulse, and muttered in confusion: "Hey, why is this idiot so miserable? Three ribs were broken..."

Qin Bingbing frowned. She still had some impressions of the muscular man. At least he didn't have such a serious injury yesterday before he ran away. In just one day, his ribs were broken.

Lin Tian took out a few silver needles from his wrist, and quickly pricked them on the muscular man.

It didn't take long, about 1 minute, Lin Tian put away the silver needle, turned to Qin Bingbing and said, "Sister Jinghua, it has been cured."

"Healed?" Qin Bingbing was a little surprised, but then remembered the scene where he saved Ji Qiuyun, and was relieved, "When will he wake up?"

"He's awake now!" After Lin Tian finished speaking, he turned his head and said to the muscular man lying on the bed with his mouth closed as if in a coma: "Hey, idiot, don't pretend to be dead, Sister Jinghua wants to ask you something, Answer quickly, don't delay my sister Jinghua and I going on a date for dinner, do you hear me? If you play dead again, I will turn you into a vegetable and let you pretend to be dead, believe it or not?"

If, as Lin Tian said, the muscular man was really pretending to be dead, after listening to Lin Tian's words, he immediately opened his eyes in panic, his mouth opened and closed with a tense and frightened expression, as if he wanted to explain something to himself, But no sound came out.

Qin Bingbing rubbed her forehead, and she remembered that this muscular man seemed to be dumb, no, she vaguely remembered that the code name 72 that Lin Tian captured was the result of this "dumb" betrayal, that is to say, he could speak, because at that time He was inexplicably angry when he saw Lin Tian, ​​and completely ignored this point.

Is he still pretending?Thinking of this, Qin Bingbing looked at the muscular man with a bitter chill.

"Forget, you idiot's dumb acupoints haven't been released yet." Lin Tian said to himself, and waved his hand to untie the muscular man's dumb acupoints.

The muscular man looked at Lin Tian with fear on his face, and said in a panic, "I said, I said everything, don't, don't do it?"

Qin Bingbing put on a pretty face, and said to Lin Tian in a tone of refusal to be thousands of miles away: "You go out first, I want to handle the case."

"Sister Jinghua, you handle the case, I won't disturb you by my side." Lin Tian said.

"I can't handle the case with you by my side, so you should go out first." Qin Bingbing said.

"Sister Jinghua, why don't we go on a date for dinner first, and then interrogate this idiot after dinner." Lin Tian kindly suggested.

Qin Bingbing naturally knew that she still owed Lin Tian a meal, but now that she was overwhelmed by various unexpected cases, how could she have any intention of eating?

However, thinking about this stinky hooligan who was called to the police station by himself in the morning, ran to the hospital, caught the robbers, and rescued Long Baoer. It seemed that the water and rice had not been eaten, which made Qin Bingbing want to drive him out for dinner The words were swallowed again.

Turning around, he picked up the office phone on the table and pressed a few numbers: "Order two fast food for me and deliver to 305."

"Fast food?" There was a deep desire in the muscular man's eyes. He hadn't eaten for almost a day. After escaping from the police last night, he stumbled into a somewhat dilapidated and seemingly abandoned yard. In the end, he smashed a few gangsters and women, and was beaten by a group of people. His ribs were also broken by the steel pipe in the hands of the gangsters. He endured the pain and wanted to go to the pharmacy to buy some medicine, but passed out. When he woke up, he saw that The pervert master and the cold policewoman that he never wanted to meet again in his life.

"Yes, can you give me a copy too?" The muscular man hesitated for a while, and said shamelessly.

As far as he is proud and faceless, he deserves what he deserves. For what he committed, he will definitely be thrown into the detention center before being sentenced in court. With more energy, he will be fine in the detention center or prison. As long as you are safe, people will not be killed for themselves, so there is nothing wrong with asking for a meal.

Qin Bingbing was stunned for a moment, glanced at the muscular man, and then ordered to the person on the other end of the phone: "Three copies."

"Qin team, or curry chicken rice bowl?" asked the person on the other side of the phone.

Qin Bingbing turned to Lin Tian and said, "What do you want to eat?"

"Accompanied by sister Jinghua, you can eat anything!" Lin Tian said with a smile.

"Hmph!" Qin Bing snorted coldly, "Three servings of curry chicken and rice."

Afterwards, Qin Bingbing hung up the phone and sat back on the chair. She knew that it would be difficult to drive Lin Tian away, and the case was also indirectly related to Lin Tian. After hearing something that was not a big deal, she decided not to take care of Lin Tian. God, but ask some questions first.

"You are Code 35?"

The muscular man nodded, "Yes!"

"The real name, what is the status of the Iron Anchor mercenaries, how many people were dispatched to kidnap Kawaii? Who is behind the scenes? Also, where is your organization and how many people are there?" Qin Bingbing asked five times in one breath. Six questions.

The muscular man replied happily: "The real name is Gou Wen. He is an elite member of the Iron Anchor Mercenary Army. A total of four people came to kidnap the two girls, and all of them were arrested. The specific tasks were assigned by the superiors. Unclear. Our organization does not have a fixed contact location, and the upper-level contacts are single-line, and the lower-level people will communicate with each other when performing tasks. I am not very clear about the exact number of people."

Asking for a long time is equivalent to asking for nothing!

The muscular man's answer made Qin Bingbing frowned a little. He tapped the table with his slender white fingers a few times and asked, "Your operation failed this time. When will the higher-ups send someone over again? Those people have What kind of special sign?"

"If there is no mission failure feedback, it will take about ten days for the higher-ups to take action. If an elite level like me fails, the higher-ups will send someone who is a level higher than me, an instructor-level person. The specific sign is that there is purple on the body. Anchor tattoo." The muscular man said knowingly.

"Where is the tattoo?" Qin Bingbing continued to ask.

"Any position is possible, but it's usually on the arms or on both sides of the neck." After the muscular man finished speaking, he thought for a while and added: "If someone at the instructor level comes, I can help you lure him out, but I There is one condition."

Qin Bingbing frowned, obviously disgusted by this, but she still held back and did not directly refuse, wanting to hear what the other party's price is, "What conditions?"

The muscular man pointed at Lin Tian, ​​and said, "Before I catch the instructor-level person, I need him to protect me personally!"

Lin Tian got angry when he heard that, it’s okay to protect his wife, but protecting an idiot is simply insulting him, "You idiot want me to protect you? Believe it or not, I will kill you now?"

The muscular man trembled in fright, his face turned pale, he had seen Lin Tian's skills before, and he knew that Lin Tian was not threatening, but really dared to kill him.

"Shut up!" Qin Bingbing scolded Lin Tian, ​​turned to look at the muscular man, pondered for a while, and said: "You are making up for your mistakes by helping us catch the people who will be sent later. The police can provide you with protection, but they Not the police."

The muscular man sighed, looked at Lin Tian fearfully, and muttered to himself, "If he didn't protect me, then he would treat me as..."

Before he finished speaking, Lin Tian said angrily: "Sister Jinghua, don't waste time with this idiot, just kill him directly, and save a fast food. What kind of iron anchor mercenary dares to send someone to arrest him again?" Cutie, just come and kill the other!"

Qin Bingbing rolled her eyes at Lin Tian, ​​when will this pervert be serious?

"I have an idea on how to handle the case, so you don't need to worry about it." Qin Bing said coldly.

"Sister Jinghua, don't you think your method is too troublesome?" Lin Tian asked solemnly.

Qin Bingbing said angrily: "I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you!"

Lin Tian was a little depressed, the method he said was so direct, why didn't Sister Jinghua use it?

At this moment, a bell rang.

Qin Bingbing took out his mobile phone to look at it, and connected the phone: "I'm Qin Bingbing!"

"Captain Qin, a policeman recalled that on the bullet train bound for Shanghai early this morning, two men in suits and sunglasses helped an old man who smelled strongly of traditional Chinese medicine onto the train..."

"Suit, sunglasses, old man, smell of Chinese medicine..."

Qin Bingbing heard a series of key words, and she immediately thought of "Jiuye", "Is there a portrait?"

"Uh... no, according to the marshal's recollection, the old man should be in his sixties, with a sickly pale face, and I can't remember exactly what he looks like."

"Okay, I got it! You continue to investigate and contact me immediately if you find anything." Qin Bingbing finished talking and hung up the phone. The last thing she wanted to see might have happened. That "Ninth Lord" had already escaped from Haicheng .

If this is the case, the clues to the gun case are basically broken.

With this news, Qin Bingbing, who had just figured out the kidnapping case and was a little excited, suddenly lost his joy, and his cold Guazi's face was frowning.

"One thinks, one leaves, one cries, one is sad..." The bell rang again.

Qin Bingbing picked up the phone, saw that it was Xie Changhe's number, and immediately answered the channel: "Director, what's the matter?"

"Bingbing, there will be two people coming to take over the gun case in a while, you sort out all the information and hand them over to them, and they will be fully responsible for this case in the future." Xie Changhe's voice came from the phone, with a hint of excitement in his tone the taste of.

"Why?" Qin Bingbing was very puzzled, and even raised her voice a little.

The armed robbery case is different from the bank robbery case. The identity of the robber is somewhat sensitive. In order to avoid unnecessary public opinion after the identity is announced, it is more appropriate for the military to take over. However, the armed robbery case is still under investigation. After spending a lot of manpower and material resources, why should the case be handed over now?

Qin Bingbing never gives up on the investigation of the case until she finds it out, so the rate of solving the case over the years is extremely high and the efficiency is also fast, but now she has to hand over the gun case, which makes her feel distrusted, or she is The above is questioning their ability to feel.

"Bingbing, there are some things that have gone beyond your and my imagination. This case is handled as I said. It doesn't matter if you don't understand it now. You will naturally understand it later." Xie Changhe hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

What kind of shit reason is this?Qin Bingbing wished she could throw the phone on the ground, her pretty melon-seeded face was covered with frost.

"Sister Jinghua, is there something wrong with you?" Lin Tian asked with concern.

"Shut up!" Qin Bingbing roared.

Before the roar fell, there was a knock on the door of the interrogation room.

Qin Bingbing was in the middle of annoyance, and shouted very bluntly: "Come in!"

The door opened, and two stern, business-like men walked into the interrogation room.

"Who is Qin Bingbing?" One of the men with a crew cut looked around and asked calmly.

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