Physician Huhua

Chapter 57 Throwing Sandbags

Chapter 57

After Keaiai returned to the second floor, she searched in the toy cabinet for a long time and found the sandbags hidden under the cabinet. The second daughter happily took the sandbags and went downstairs.

Lin Tian stood at the door of the beauty care shop, staring at the distance in a daze, bored.

Ke Keai ran to Lin Tian, ​​pulled his clothes, and said excitedly: "Brother Tian, ​​brother Tian, ​​let's throw sandbags."

Lin Tian looked down at Ke Keaiai, and asked, "What is sandbag throwing?"

"Uh, Brother Tian, ​​didn't you play when you were young?" Ke Ke asked.

"No!" Lin Tian said.

Ke Ke opened her mouth and was about to tell Lin Tian the rules of throwing sandbags, when Aiai next to her spoke out first: "Brother Tian, ​​throwing sandbags is just throwing this..."

As Ai Ai said, she raised the sandbag in her hand excitedly.

"Is this just for throwing?" Lin Tian said as he took the sandbag and looked at it.

"Yes." Ke Ke and Ai Ai nodded together.

"What's so fun about this?" Lin Tian felt a little confused.

"It's very fun, my sister often plays with us!" Ke Keai said in unison.

"Really?" Lin Tian asked, can such a boring game be played by a beautiful sister?

Ke Keai and Ai Qi nodded, "Yeah!"

"Okay then!" Lin Tian said, he weighed the sandbag, raised his hand and threw it into the distance.

With a whoosh, the sandbag turned into a phantom and drifted away until it disappeared from Lin Tian's sight.

Ke Keai watched the sandbag disappear without blinking her big eyes, her chubby little face was covered with black lines.

"Brother Tian, ​​you threw away the sandbag..." Ai'ai said pitifully.

"Throwing sandbags is so boring, why would the beautiful sister play such a boring game with you?" Lin Tian muttered to himself, he didn't think it was fun to throw away the sandbags.

"..." Ke Keai rolled her eyes, "Brother Tian, ​​that's not how you throw sandbags..."

Lin Tian pondered for a while, and said, "No matter how you throw it, it's boring."

"Brother Tian, ​​it's not about throwing the sandbags out."

"Holding is even more boring!"


Ke Ke and Ai Ai looked at each other, and the two girls turned around and ran a few steps in opposite directions. After standing still, they said to Lin Tian: "Brother Tian, ​​don't run when you stand in the middle, I throw sandbags with Ai Ai, you You can’t be hit by sandbags, if you get hit, you have to change places with us, and then you will throw again..."

Only then did Lin Tian understand the rules of throwing sandbags, but he didn't think there was any fun in it, "you should throw each other, I don't move and you can't hit..."

"Brother Tian, ​​why don't you play with us for a while, maybe we can hit it up." Ke Ke said.

"Yeah, Brother Tian, ​​if we hit you, can you invite us to eat chocolate toffee?" Ai'ai licked her red lips, looking like a greedy cat.

"Hey, love love, sometimes you are quite smart, this condition is good, I want to eat Xizhilang jelly..." Ke Ke laughed.

"Hmph... It's the condition I put forward first, you are not allowed to mention it!" Ai'ai exclaimed angrily.

Ke Ke raised her chubby little chin, and said with an unconvinced look: "Why are you only allowed to mention it, and I can also mention it if you can."

"You are not allowed to mention it!" Ai'ai said unwillingly.



The two girls immediately fought over the "fruit of victory", annoyed Lin Tian for a while, "You two continue to argue, I'll go to sleep for a while."

"No! Brother Tian, ​​you haven't played sandbag throwing with us yet!" Ke Keai immediately put down the dispute and said in unison.

"Aren't you arguing?" Lin Tian asked.

The two girls shook their heads together, their little faces said pitifully and apologetically, "Stop arguing! Brother Tian, ​​we really don't quarrel anymore."

"I thought you guys liked to quarrel very much..." Lin Tian said, turning his head and glanced at Zhao Yuyao in the store. Seeing that she was still busy and didn't want to sleep, he had to find something for himself, otherwise I had no choice but to be in a daze, "Okay, you two throw sandbags!"

"Okay!" Ke Keai yelled excitedly, allowing Brother Tian to play with them, which was another step closer to the ideal.

"Brother Tian, ​​don't run too far in the middle of the stand." Ke Ke warned.

"Got it!" Lin Tian said impatiently.

Ke Keai turned her head sideways, looked at each other, and shouted in unison: "action!"

Before the words fell, Ke Ke slammed the sandbag in his hand towards Lin Tian as if throwing a baseball.

Although Ke Ke is still a child, she and Ai Ai, who have been immersed in martial arts for many years, have a lot of strength in their hands. Of course, they are not comparable to adults for the time being, but they do not show off among their peers.

With a whoosh, the sandbag flew out like a snake.

"Don't let the sandbag hit..." Lin Tian wanted to reach out and grab the sandbag, but suddenly thought of the rules for throwing sandbags, he immediately dismissed the idea, instead he took out the silver needle from his waist, shaking his hands for a few silver lights. Now, the three silver needles shot at the flying sandbags in the shape of a square.

In the blink of an eye, the silver needle was shot into the sandbag. Although the silver needle was very thin, under the blessing of Lin Tian's inner strength, the body of the silver needle underwent a great change, like a small flying knife piercing the sandbag directly. With three ding ding ding sounds, the sandbag was nailed to the concrete floor.

"..." Ke Keai loves to look at the sandbags of "unrecognized birth" nailed to death on the concrete floor, and the chubby little face is speechless.

"Brother Tian, ​​you can't touch the sandbag..." Ke Ke said speechlessly.

Lin Tiandao: "I didn't touch it."

"You can't hit it with a silver needle..." Ke Keai said.

"Well... I should have said it earlier!" Lin Tian looked understanding.

"Come again!" The two girls shouted in unison.

"Okay..." Lin Tian said impatiently.

Ke Ke's big eyes rolled around a few times, and then said to Lin Tian, ​​"Brother Tian, ​​I shouted 'ready to start' and started throwing it away."

"You can't hit me!" Lin Tian said confidently.

Ke Ke cast a wink at Ai Ai, picked up a new beanbag, put in a posture of throwing a baseball, and shouted: "It's ready..."

Aiai is also ready to catch the sandbag thrown by Ke Ke at any time, ready to fight back at any time.

"Get ready... let's go!" After Ke Ke finished speaking, she swished the sandbag in her hand towards Lin Tian.

Lin Tian looked at the flying sandbags without moving, until when the sandbags were about to hit his face, he suddenly blew hard on the sandbags.


The very fast sandbag was suspended in mid-air as if being frozen under Lin Tian's breath, but then the sandbag suddenly flew back backwards.

"Ah?" Ke Ke almost dropped her jaw in shock, seeing the sandbag hitting her, she did a backflip to avoid the sandbag.

"Brother Tian, ​​you're cheating!" Ke Ke stood firm and pouted Lao Gao said angrily.

"You're just cheating, and I didn't punch a sandbag!" Lin Tian said.

"Ke Ke, you are too stupid, let me do it!" Ai Ai said.

Ke Ke said unconvinced: "You are stupid!"

"You have thrown it twice, it's time for me!" Ai Ai said.

"Hmph, can you beat Brother Tian?"

"Try it, what if you can hit it, brother Tian?" Aiai said to Lin Tian with a smile.

"You can't hit me either!" Lin Tian said without embarrassment.

Ai'ai pouted her lips, "We have to try, but Brother Tian, ​​you are not allowed to blow the sandbags away, and you can only hide."

"Don't hide!" Lin Tian doesn't like to hide, he likes to attack directly, which is the most enjoyable.

"Brother Tian, ​​this is how this game is played, you have to hide so we can't hit you." Ai'ai tried hard to persuade.

Lin Tian turned to Ke Ke and asked, "Really?"

"Yeah!" Ke Ke hurriedly nodded.

"Okay..." Lin Tian replied unwillingly.

"Get ready~" Ai Ai laughed like a little fox, raised her hand and hit Lin Tian with the sandbag without any sign of preparation.

From the moment the sandbag left Aiai's hand, Lin Tian judged the flight path of the sandbag, and he avoided it early, his eyes moved with the flight of the sandbag until Ke Ke caught the sandbag.

Immediately, Ke Ke hit Lin Tian with the sandbag again, and Lin Tianyi avoided it early, watching the sandbag fall into Ai'ai's hands boredly, and then hit him again.

In this way, Lin Tian was like a bystander, watching Ke Keai love to throw sandbags with great joy.

Back and forth, after dozens of rounds of throwing, Ke Keai was so tired and sweaty, but she just missed Lin Tian, ​​and didn't even touch the corner of his clothes.

Ke Keai gasped and looked at each other, and then started a new round of bombardment.

This time it's not just a sandbag, the two girls used all the sandbags they brought out, and three or four sandbags were constantly rotating back and forth in the hands of the two girls like acrobatics, and the distance between the two girls also changed accordingly. shortened little by little.

Whether it's one sandbag or ten or eight, it's all the same in Lin Tian's eyes, but the speed of cuteness is so slow that Lin Tian falls asleep.

It didn't take long, but Keaiai was only about two meters away from Lin Tian. The sandbag in her hand was thrown up and down like a butterfly wearing flowers, and sometimes even formed a three-dimensional diamond shape.

But Lin Tianyi was able to avoid it with ease.

Ke Keai was anxious and angry, but she didn't believe that she couldn't hit once, so the two girls got closer and closer, and Lin Tian's room to dodge became smaller and smaller.

"Brother Tian, ​​let's see where you hide this time!" When Keaiai was only two or three small steps away from Lin Tian, ​​she suddenly yelled in unison, and the sandbag in her hand threw out a three-dimensional rhombus, occupying up, down, left, and right. And it's hard to hide at such a close distance.

Seeing that Lin Tian didn't move, the second daughter's big eyes suddenly became excited, and finally had a chance to hit.

However, Keaiai's excitement did not last for a second, and Lin Tian disappeared in front of their eyes the next moment.

The second daughter was stunned for a while, where is the person?Where did you go?

Before Ke Keaiai could find Lin Tian, ​​the sandbag thrown was thrown towards Lin Tian.

Bang bang bang... A series of muffled sounds came out, the sandbag hit Ke Ke, forehead and knee respectively, and Ai Ai was also hit in both arms.

"Ouch..." Ke Keai cried out in pain, "Wuuu, it hurts..."

"I'm going to find the beautiful sister, you can throw sandbags at each other for fun!" Lin Tian said after falling from the air, then turned into a phantom and rushed into the beauty care shop.

"Ah? Brother Tian, ​​wait for us!" Seeing that Lin Tian stopped playing with them, Keaiai turned around and chased them, ignoring the pain.

And just when Ke Keaiai ran into the shop, a thief's face poked out from the alley opposite the beauty care shop. His shrewd little eyes stared at the shop for a few moments, and then shrank back.

"Boss, those two girls ran back again." In the alley, a thug man vigilantly pulled out his phone to report.

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