Physician Huhua

Chapter 93 Who Has No Quality?

()Chapter 93 Who has no quality?

Xie Changhe sent Long Han and Ji Wen away, and just returned to the office to sit down when Jia Qiang knocked on the door and came over.

"Director, Ruan Hong still doesn't speak." Jia Qiang said.

"Hiss~" Xie Changhe seemed to have forgotten about this matter. He originally wanted Jia Qiang to find Lin Tian to try silver needle hypnosis, but when Lin Tian was in the Public Security Bureau, he forgot about it. .

"Since he won't recruit, then lock him up first." Xie Changhe ordered.

"Yes, Director!" Jia Qiang responded, turned around and wanted to leave, but suddenly remembered what Xie Changhe ordered, and turned around and asked, "Director, do you still want Lin Tianna?"

Xie Changhe pondered for a while, and said: "Don't look for him for the time being, you should pay more attention to the case of the Anchor mercenary recently, the railway station, the airport, and the toll gates to the city, let them investigate more Be careful, if you find anyone with black, blue and purple iron anchor tattoos, notify me immediately, first stabilize the person, don't startle the snake."

"Yes!" Jia Qiang straightened his back and replied.

Xie Changhe nodded in satisfaction, then suddenly remembered the bank sniping case, and asked casually, "Is there any progress in the bank sniping case?"

Jia Qiang shook his head and said: "There is no progress yet, the sniper fell too loosely, and there is no mark on his clothes, nor does the sniper rifle, sniper bullets, and his bag have anything to prove his identity. "

Xie Changhe frowned, "Have you done a DNA comparison to confirm your identity?"

"I've compared it, but I can't find this person in the system library." Jia Qiang said truthfully.

"Hiss~" Xie Changhe sucked in a breath of air. He felt that things might be troublesome. Obviously, there shouldn't be any enmity between the sniper and Ji Qiuyun. A hired killer.

If it doesn't work this time, what about next time?

He had communicated with Ji Wen about this matter just now, and he didn't have any enemies in Haicheng, if it had to be counted, it would just be that Chang Baisheng's marriage proposal was rejected, which refuted the face of the Chang family.

According to what Ji reported, Chang Baisheng was not discouraged, and was still pursuing Ji Qiuyun. Judging from this situation, it was impossible for Chang Baisheng to hire an assassin to kill Ji Qiuyun!

"Don't worry that Ji Wen didn't tell the truth, that means there is something hidden." Xie Changhe thought to himself, and waved to Jia Qiang, "You go out first."

"Yes, Director!" After Jia Qiang finished speaking, he turned and left the office.

Xie Changhe took out his mobile phone and walked into the small room in the office.

"I'm Xie Changhe, I have something to report."

"What's the matter?" A cold, emotionless voice came from the phone.

Xie Changhe said briefly: "Two things, one is that can you reveal the identity of Ji Zhi? The second thing is that Lin Tian's master and wife's code names have been asked."

"You don't need to know Ji Zhi's identity. I will let someone take over and thoroughly investigate the matter of her daughter. You don't need to waste any more time." Qiu Xueyan paused at this point, and asked, "What's the code name?"

"The combination of five people is a 'fairy, demon and devil'." Xie Changhe said.

The voice fell to the ground, and there was no sound on the phone.

After a while, Qiu Xueyan's voice sounded, "Continue to investigate."

Xie Changhe was a little surprised, "Uh...Lin Tian said that people who are at the same level as his master and wife should know what this code name means."

"That's what he said?"


"You continue to investigate." Qiu Xueyan finished speaking and hung up the phone.

Xie Changhe was a little puzzled by Monk Zhang Er. Could it be that the instructor didn't know what this code name meant?

*** ***

In the dense forest hundreds of miles away, Qiu Xueyan, who was dressed in black and tightly wrapped her seductive body, frowned after she put away her mobile phone.

Immediately, she took out another mobile phone and dialed the number: "Yaya, help me search for the code names of gods, demons and devils. There are five people in total."

"Oh, I got it!" Yaya responded, and then there was a crackling sound of typing on the keyboard.

"Well, what did you find?" Qiu Xueyan asked.

"Sister Xueyan, there are records in the system. In the past 50 years, there have been more than 40 people with code names with god characters, 35 people with fairy characters, 79 people with demon characters, 22 magic characters, and 56 ghost characters..."

Qiu Xueyan did not expect that there would be so many people, "One man and four women, please screen."

"Half less."

"Send all the information above to my mobile phone." Qiu Xueyan ordered.

"Okay, sister Xueyan, take it!"

Soon, Qiu Xueyan saw a series of messages pop up on the mobile phone, looking at the dense information on it, he didn't know where to start.

"Print a copy of the list and give it to the team leader, and ask him to help with the screening," Qiu Xueyan said.

"Oh, I'll go find Uncle Weird right away."

After doing this, Qiu Xueyan hung up the phone, but before he put the phone away, the message indicator light came on again.

"What's the matter?" Qiu Xueyan answered the phone and asked.

"Captain, the stone is dead!" A man's voice sounded, with a hint of sobs in his tone.

"What's going on?" Qiu Xueyan frowned immediately.

"It must have been done by Dark Sword's people. Their people have nothing to do, so they died." The voice on the other side of the phone became angry.

Qiu Xueyan's face darkened, "You comfort the team, I'll go back and deal with it right away."

"I will appease the brothers, Captain, Dabi will be here soon, our people are injured and dead, the situation is not optimistic!"

How could Qiu Xueyan not know, "The tasks that should be performed must be carried out seriously!"

"But, if..."

"No, but, the existence of the Dragon Soul is not for Dabi, but to protect the stability of the country and eliminate all spies infiltrated from abroad." Qiu Xueyan's tone was very severe.

"I know the captain!" The voice on the other side of the phone was a little lonely.

Qiu Xueyan hung up the phone, and disappeared into the depths of the dense forest in a flash.

*** ***

Ji Qiuyun took Lin Tian's arm and entered the western restaurant, followed by Zhao Yuyao and Ke Keaiai.

As soon as the five entered the restaurant, they immediately became the focus of everyone, even the lobby manager, who was used to seeing ladies, was impressed.

Everyone's eyes first fell on Ji Qiuyun, and then reluctantly moved to Zhao Yuyao...

"Sir, how many are you?" The polite lobby manager stepped forward and asked in a gentlemanly manner.

"Five!" Ji Qiuyun said gracefully.

"This way please!" The lobby manager said, making a gesture of please.

At this time, the eyes of the customers dining in the hall fell on Lin Tian. When they saw that the person surrounded by so many beauties was actually an ordinary boy with no taste in his clothes, there were boos in the hall , Many men who think they are countless times stronger than Lin Tian are full of envy and jealousy...

Under the leadership of the lobby manager, Lin Tian and the others quickly took their seats.

"Excuse me, what dishes do you want to eat?" the lobby manager asked.

"I want a seven-ripe steak, thank you!" Ji Qiuyun said, leaning on Lin Tian's shoulder.

Zhao Yuyao glanced at the menu and said, "One serving of corn soup and one serving of toast with jam."

"I want a foie gras..." Coco said.

"Marseille fish soup, Parisian lobster..." Aiai licked her red lips like a greedy cat.

The lobby manager wrote down one by one, looked up at Lin Tian, ​​and said, "What does this gentleman order?"

Lin Tian has never been to a western restaurant, how would he know what to eat here?When he was depressed, Zhao Yuyao knowingly handed the recipe to him.

When he opened the menu, Lin Tian became even more depressed. He didn't know any English on it.

After casually flipping through a few pages, Lin Tian pointed at the picture and turned to Ji Qiuyun and asked, "Beautiful wife, what is this?" <, kfc for short. "Ji Qiuyun said sweetly.

Pfft... The customers in the hall covered their mouths and snickered. They looked at Lin Tian with contempt. They even knew KFC and brought beautiful women to the western restaurant for dinner...

"Pretty wife, what are you talking about? I can't understand a word." Lin Tian became depressed, raised his head and said to the lobby manager: "What kind of recipe are you talking about? Why are all the characters in a mess? Is there no Chinese? ?”

Poof... At this time, many customers who covered their mouths couldn't help laughing out loud, and the hall that was still quiet for a while suddenly laughed mockingly.

"It's really unqualified!" A lady looked at Lin Tian contemptuously and said angrily.

"You have no quality!" Lin Tian turned his head and looked at the lady who scolded him very unhappy. Although the laughter in the hall was noisy, he could hear it very clearly.

"Whoever has no quality knows, no noise is allowed in the western restaurant." The noble lady glanced at her mouth, her face full of bitter mockery.

When Lin Tianzheng wanted to retaliate, Ji Qiuyun gently pulled him, "Husband, don't pay attention to her, only people who have no quality will open their mouths and keep saying that others have no quality."

"Well... what the beautiful wife said makes sense, so I don't understand that ugly monster." Lin Tian said.

"Who are you calling ugly?" When the lady heard this, she became furious, her eyes widened, and she said angrily to Lin Tian.

Upon seeing this, the lobby manager immediately stood between the two of them, persuading him, "Sorry, no noise is allowed in the restaurant, please don't disturb other customers' dining..."

The lady glared at Lin Tian viciously, and said relentlessly, "Didn't you hear that? He called me ugly just now, why would you let such a person in your restaurant? You should immediately drive out this kind of unqualified poor ghost." Get out of the restaurant!"

"Who do you say is a poor ghost, an ugly monster?" Lin Tian became upset.

"Humph... aren't you?" The lady said arrogantly, while puffing out the jade pendant on her chest and her sense of grace.

"Idiot, I can see the glasses you wear without puffing your sagging chest." Lin Tian said.

The lady laughed mockingly: "You said it's not a poor ghost, do you know that it's jade? I guess you're not allowed to see such a thing..."

"Emerald?" While Lin Tian was speaking, his figure flashed in front of the lady, and he clamped the jade pendant with his index finger and middle finger, and then clamped it firmly with both fingers.

Snapped!There was a crisp sound.

The emerald jade pendant worn by the noble lady was instantly crushed by Lin Tian's two fingers, and the torn jade pendant fell to the carpet with a clatter, and there was fine dust at the break as if it had been crushed by a heavy object.

"I'll just say it's glass, it'll break if you pinch it hard, and you dare to show off even if you wear a fake." Lin Tian smacked, turned around and walked to his seat as if he hadn't done anything.

Silence, the audience is silent!Even the noble lady didn't react and was stunned.

. .

. .

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