Physician Huhua

Chapter 95 Breakthrough in battle

()Chapter 95 Breakthrough in battle

An Audi A8 slowly stopped in front of the western restaurant, the door opened, a tall man with a charming smile on his lips, Shi Shi suddenly got out of the car.

The man was handsome in appearance, with sword-like eyebrows and star-eyed eyes, and his eyes were full of aggressive spirit. His hair was a little fluffy, but it was combed smoothly. Coupled with that charming smile, he had a natural and approachable charm.

When Ji Qiuyun saw the license plate of the Audi A8, he knew that Chang Baisheng was coming, and his hands holding Lin Tian's arm tightened.

The soft but elastic chest was tightly attached to Lin Tian's arm, which made Lin Tian feel distracted for a while.

When the lobby manager saw Chang Yusheng, he immediately trotted over to greet him.

Who is Chang Yusheng?The grandson of Chang Chang, one of the four major families in Haicheng, and the leader of the three generations.The Chang family is domineering and domineering. When they see the Chang family in well-known hotels, clubs, and entertainment centers, they are careful to serve them, for fear of offending the Chang family and being suppressed.

This is not a joke, because the Chang family has the ability and means to fight them.

"Young Master Chang, you are here!" The lobby manager's gentlemanly demeanor seemed a little humble at this moment.

Chang Baisheng didn't seem to see the lobby manager at all, stepped into the western restaurant, and walked straight towards Ji Qiuyun.

As early as when he entered the door, Chang Baisheng saw Ji Qiuyun holding Lin Tian's arm, but when he approached, he found that Ji Qiuyun hugged Lin Tian even tighter. A faint charming smile, very open-minded.

"Qiuyun, who is this, don't you want to introduce me?" Chang Baisheng narrowed his eyes slightly, and his tone was flat and neither fast nor slow, and he couldn't hear any strange emotions. It seemed to be a very ordinary inquiry to get acquainted.

Lin Tian felt a little upset when he saw Chang Baisheng, and when he was about to speak, Ji Qiuyun beside him said with a sweet voice and a lazy tone: "This is my husband, Lin Tian."

husband?Hearing this title, the faint smile on Chang Baisheng's face froze for a moment, then returned to normal color, and said very gently: "Chang Baisheng, Qiu Yun's suitor."

Chang Baisheng's voice was not loud, but it undoubtedly sounded like a thunderbolt to the ears of everyone around him.

When the suitor sees the woman's real husband, he is still so taxing, his tone is flat but full of contempt, it seems to be tit for tat, and it seems to be provocative!

Lin Tian could feel the agitation in Chang Baisheng's whole body, apparently gentle on the surface, but actually angry in his heart, "Are you trying to rob me of my wife?"

Chang Baisheng squinted his eyes and looked at the ordinary boy in front of him, how could such a scumbag be worthy of Ji Qiuyun, secretly guessing in his heart whether Ji Qiuyun deliberately acted in such a play to get rid of himself?

However, Ye Liancheng saw them going in and out of the Public Security Bureau in pairs with his own eyes, so he probably didn't deliberately act it out for him. Otherwise, how would Ji Qiuyun know that Ye Liancheng was going to the Public Security Bureau?

If she had such a meticulous layout, the Ji family would not have come to this point.

In just a few moments, Chang Baisheng analyzed and judged that the scene in front of him was not fake, and that the boy might really be the husband Ji Qiuyun was looking for.

"Hehe, Qiuyun hasn't married yet, and you haven't had a wedding, so why can't I pursue her?" Chang Baisheng smiled lightly, with an overbearing and arrogant tone in his tone, "What's more, even if you're married, and What's the problem? I like her, and I will tolerate her past, can you?"

These words, on the surface, are Chang Baisheng expressing his determination to Ji Qiuyun to show tolerance, but anyone with emotional intelligence can tell that this is Chang Baisheng's "trick talk" to lure Lin Tian into the urn, if Lin Tian says he doesn't mind , Then Chang Baisheng will have a series of past events to hit Lin Tian, ​​but if Lin Tian minds, it will still be those words, but it is a time bomb between him and Ji Qiuyun, which will explode at any time.

Ji Qiuyun raised her head, looked at Lin Tian quietly with her eyes that shone like autumn water, and looked forward to his answer.

"Idiot! The beautiful wife is mine. If you dare to rob me of your wife, you will either die or die ugly. Which one do you choose?" Lin Tian said very annoyed. There are too many idiots in the Chang family looking for death. To rob his wife.

A stern look flashed across Chang Baisheng's eyes, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised. The kid in front of him didn't get into the trap he had just set up, but threatened him instead. Interesting!

"I admire your courage and guts to not be afraid of death, so it's interesting." Chang Baisheng's expression returned to normal, and he said in a very calm tone.

Hearing this, everyone could not help but shudder, the meaning of Chang Baisheng's words could not be more obvious.

"Hey, Young Master Chang, do you want me to throw out the trash?" A skinny man with parted hair and a wretched face walked in quickly, showing a mouthful of yellow teeth when he spoke, which made people look very unappetizing.

"No, he has to live, and he has to live well. That's interesting." Chang Baisheng said lightly. In his eyes, Lin Tian is just a plaything in the future. Play well.

"Idiot, I'll throw your trash out right now!" Lin Tian said, his figure disappeared in a flash.

The wretched skinny man's pupils shrank sharply, his upper body leaned back sharply, and at the same time he rubbed the blanket on the floor with his heels, and the whole person moved backward several meters away.


Lin Tian suddenly appeared on the spot where the wretched skinny man hadn't retreated, punched out, and a sharp and ear-piercing air explosion suddenly sounded.

Chang Baisheng didn't expect Lin Tian to have such a skill, and he couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat, as if the punch hit him just now, he absolutely couldn't avoid it, he didn't have the keen perception and speed of the big bodyguard Huang Yang beside him .

However, the shock was the shock, but there was still a faint smile on Chang Baisheng's face.

But Huang Yang, who was avoiding him, was also extremely shocked, his expression that was originally careless was already very serious at this moment, and he stared at Lin Tian with all his attention.

He has always been extremely sensitive to danger, and his speed is unmatched by anyone in Haicheng, but if he avoided Lin Tian's fist just now, even if he avoided Lin Tian's fist, the invisible fluctuations generated during the air explosion would also shock him. he.

Huang Yang didn't have the time to think about how Lin Tian's seemingly thin body could throw such a terrifying punch. At this moment, he was fully focused and ready to strike at any time.

"Hey, you idiot dodged very fast! Take another punch from me." Lin Tian was also a little surprised, his speed was already so fast that he was dodged.

Huang Yang fixed his eyes on Lin Tian, ​​and when he saw his body moving slightly, he immediately stared on guard and prepared to fight back.

But Lin Tian's speed was too fast, so fast that he couldn't see the trajectory of his actions at all, and he couldn't help being shocked.

Before Huang Yang found Lin Tian's figure, a strong sense of crisis suddenly came to his mind, and he subconsciously rolled around to avoid it.

And the moment he rolled to the corner of the table, Lin Tian suddenly appeared at the place where he was standing just now, and stomped down fiercely with his right foot, which didn't seem to have much strength.

boom!There was a muffled sound, and the thick carpet in the hall was sunken in an instant, followed by a subtle cracking sound of tiles, which continued to spread around Lin Tian's right foot as the axis. Obviously, Lin Tian The thick concrete floor was cracked with one kick, which shows how powerful it is, and it can be called mighty!

Shocked, horrified, horrified...

The complexions of all the people present changed drastically. How could one person's strength reach such a terrifying level?Chang Yusheng's face became serious and gloomy, because he found that the kid in front of him was not as easy to deal with as he imagined.

Huang Yang's eyes were flickering with astonishment, just now he escaped by chance once again, otherwise his foot would be solid, and he would definitely not be able to resist.

Everyone was shocked by Lin Tian's power, but anger appeared on Lin Tian's slightly green face.

He was angry, really angry!

Just now Lin Tian raised his speed to the limit that he can reach so far. In this case, even the killer who was already very fast last night could not avoid it, but he was dodged today, although he was a little embarrassed , but in his opinion this is a shame, because the beautiful wife and beautiful sister are watching behind him, and he can't hit anyone twice, and he will be looked down upon by his wife's jokes, how can this work?

"Idiot, go to hell!" Lin Tian flashed his figure, raised his fist and blasted towards Huang Yang.

With one punch, it is unparalleled in might!

Before the punch came, strong winds blew up, and even the onlookers who were a little far away felt their skins were tightened by the strong winds, and even felt as if they were about to be cut by a sharp blade...

bang bang bang...

A series of sharp and ear-piercing air explosions suddenly sounded, causing everyone's ears to buzz. They had to cover their ears, or ran out of the restaurant, or hid in places where they could hide, such as upstairs or the bathroom, to avoid accidental injury.

Because everyone can't see where Lin Tian is, they can only see Huang Yang appearing in different places again and again, and he is getting more and more embarrassed, sweat is rolling down his forehead, and the look of horror on his face is getting more and more horrified. thicker and thicker...

At this moment, Huang Yang was afraid. Although he never knew why he was afraid of words after he came to Haicheng from the army, he was indeed afraid today.

In his cognition, even the Tiger Battalion, which can be called the elite special forces, can hardly match Lin Tian, ​​they are not at the same level at all, maybe the secret forces will do.

Lin Tian's skills are definitely superior to him, but he has lived in the depths of the mountains since he was a child, and he is extremely sensitive to dangerous auras. It can be said that his talent is very good at capturing and sensing dangerous auras, so he can avoid them time and time again, otherwise he will soon He was blown away by more and more powerful fists.

Chang Baisheng looked at Huang Yang who was getting more and more embarrassed, his face sank like water, he underestimated Lin Tian, ​​seriously underestimated.

But the shock was the shock, even though he cared about Huang Yang a lot, his heart was awake at this time, and when he returned to Haicheng, his vigilance was relaxed a lot, and at the same time, he didn't really regard Lin Tian as an opponent. A situation that a qualified family successor should not have!

If the people around knew what Chang Baisheng was thinking at this moment, they would immediately have a completely different opinion of him or the Chang family. The family that has always been arrogant and domineering is actually so deep in the city, it can be called terrifying!

"Brother Tian, ​​come on, come on!"

"Hoho, come on, come on..." Ke Keai cheered for Lin Tian.

Before he finished speaking, Lin Tian suddenly appeared about three meters away from Huang Yang, with anger on his slightly green face, and a hint of joy after enlightenment.

Just now he has been maintaining his limit speed, while constantly increasing his strength, but every time before the attack arrives, that wretched idiot dodges ahead of time, as if the opponent can predict where he is going to attack, which made him very annoyed.

But following the attack, he suddenly felt an indescribable wonder in Huang Yang's body, and he had caught something vaguely. In the subsequent attacks, that indescribable perception became more and more clear, and he didn't fully comprehend until he stopped.

Before going down the mountain, he had already reached the peak of the second layer of the Longevity Art, and it was difficult to break through for a while.

The Secret of Longevity is divided into three chapters. The first chapter has three layers. The difference from the middle and lower chapters is that as long as the first three layers are accumulated enough, once you understand it, the breakthrough will come naturally without the slightest obstacle, but Lin Tian has never been able to. He has some insights, so that it is difficult to break through, but just now he finally found a trace of abnormality in Huang Yang's body. It's not that the other party can predict it, but his ability to perceive is extremely strong. Whenever he attacks close, he can see Huang Yang's body. The aura naturally changed, and gradually came a clear understanding.

Cultivation is like this, practicing martial arts for decades is not as good as attaining the Tao once in a while!

Feeling the transformation of strength, as well as a feeling of integration with nature that has never been seen before, as if he can control the world around him, and he can communicate with the world with a transparent and hazy perception. The sky couldn't help but burst into joy.

The third layer of the Longevity Tactic!

Lin Tian's first reaction was that he could finally completely cure sister Jinghua's hidden illness, and his second reaction was to smile at Huang Yang and say, "I'm going to hit you in the stomach next time, let's see how you hide this time..."

. .

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