Physician Huhua

Chapter 98 Attack of the Anchor Elite

()Chapter 98 Iron Anchor Elite Strikes

Lin Tian ate very fast, and swept away all the meat in the restaurant, making the cute girl who couldn't eat a few mouthfuls of anything complain for a while.

"Beautiful sister, beautiful wife, are you full?" Lin Tian burped and asked in concern.

Ask knowingly!The demure and gentle Zhao Yuyao rolled her eyes at Lin Tian, ​​and had a meal with him, and never felt full.

"I'm full!" Ji Qiuyun smiled sweetly at Lin Tian, ​​she wasn't very hungry, and she didn't usually eat much.

"Beautiful sister, my beautiful wife and I are going to move, are you going?" Lin Tian asked.

"I'm not going, the nursing shop can't be left unattended, I'll take Keaiaiai and them home first!" Zhao Yuyao said lightly.

"That's good..." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he turned to Ji Qiuyun and said, "Beautiful wife, let's go!"

"Okay!" Ji Qiuyun responded, glanced at the lobby manager standing beside him and said, "Check out!"

The lobby manager finally let go of his tight strings, tried to squeeze out a smile, and said, "Which one is paying the bill?"

While speaking, the lobby manager looked at Lin Tian. From his point of view, Lin Tian almost beat Chang Baisheng. Presumably, he was the leader of these people, so when it came time to pay the bill, he naturally looked at Lin Tian.

Lin Tian looked a little embarrassed, because the money in his pocket was less than 200 yuan, such as foie gras, snails, Marseille fish soup, Parisian lobster... He didn't know how much these were, but he remembered that the zero displayed on the menu seemed to be Quite a lot...

The lobby manager looked at Lin Tian for a while, and found that Lin Tian hadn't moved at all, and his face couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed.

Ji Qiuyun smiled sweetly, took out a bank card from his pocket, and handed it to the lobby manager, "Swipe the card!"

"Uh, okay..." The lobby manager took the bank card, subconsciously glanced at Lin Tian again, and thought to himself, this kid is so lucky to find a rich family daughter as his wife...

Lin Tian didn't feel very embarrassed. In his opinion, his wife's money is his own money, and it doesn't matter whoever pays.

Not long after, the lobby manager brought over Ji Qiuyun's land card, holding a receipt in his hand, and said, "Hello, the total is [-] yuan. Here is the receipt, please have a look."

Ji Qiuyun took the card and ticket, put them in his pocket without looking at them, turned to Lin Tian and said, "Honey, let's move!"

"Okay!" Lin Tian said, and asked Zhao Yuyao again: "Beautiful sister, are you really not going?"

"No!" Zhao Yuyao refused decisively.

"That's good..." Lin Tian said as he grabbed Ji Qiuyun's slender waist and walked out of the western restaurant.

After leaving the gate of the western restaurant, Lin Tianchao Ji Qiuyun said: "Pretty wife, where is your home?"

Ji Qiuyun casually told Lin Tian the address of his home, but Lin Tian was completely unfamiliar with other places in Haicheng except the Public Security Bureau and the beauty care shop, so he had no idea what Ji Qiuyun was talking about.

"Pretty wife, just tell me where you are, and I'll run with you in my arms!" Lin Tian said.

"Huh? Run?" Ji Qiuyun was a little surprised.

"Of course I ran, so fast." Lin Tian explained.

Ji Qiuyun blinked at Lin Tian with those bright eyes like autumn water, she couldn't figure it out, running could be better than a taxi, but she still believed Lin Tian's words without any doubts.

Looking around and identifying the direction, Ji Qiuyun raised his finger and pointed to the southeast, saying: "It's over there."

"Oh, I know the beautiful wife, hold her tighter!" Lin Tian said to Ji Qiuyun with a smile, bent down and hugged her, and then disappeared at the door of the western restaurant in a flash.

When Zhao Yuyao and Ke Keai came out, they had already disappeared.

"Hey, where's Brother Tian?" Ke Ke looked around, but found no trace of Lin Tian.

"Didn't brother Tian help the little beautiful sister move?" Ai'ai said.

"Idiot, I know, but I didn't see any taxis parked just now, so why didn't they disappear?" Ke Ke questioned.

Aiai thought for a while, and said: "That's right, maybe Brother Tian ran away holding the little beautiful sister..."

"It makes sense..." Ke Ke said with an old-fashioned look.

Zhao Yuyao sighed, rubbed her aching forehead, raised her hand to hail a taxi, took her two daughters into the car and went straight to the beauty care shop.

Since it was noon, the roads in various districts of Haicheng were somewhat congested, and it took Zhao Yuyao and the three of them more than half an hour to return to the nursing shop.

The three of them who had been eating in the restaurant opposite the nursing shop in silence saw Zhao Yuyao getting off the taxi with her cute love. Wipe the corner of his mouth.

"Get ready for action!" the coquettish woman whispered.

"Okay!" The burly man picked up the cucumber on the table and poured it all into his mouth. After sipping on the smell of vinegar and garlic cloves, he got up, picked up his heavy backpack, and walked out of the restaurant.

The bony old man stretched out his dead branch-like fingers and pressed lightly on the plate containing the boiled peanuts. With a crisp sound, the plate flipped violently, and all the peanuts inside bounced towards the old man.

The old man did not rush, and swallowed all the peanuts into his mouth like a dragon sucking water, took out a piece of paper, wiped his mouth, and stepped forward to chase the burly man.

After the burly man and the old man with sunglasses left the restaurant, they stood on both sides in a tacit understanding, waiting for the seductive woman who was still sitting on the chair.

The coquettish woman put the dining room on the table, stood up slowly and walked out.

At this time, the owner of the restaurant hurriedly shouted: "Three, you haven't paid the bill yet."

The coquettish woman didn't even look back, she raised her hand and took out a RMB 20 denomination from her bag, and flicked the money back with her fingers.

With a bang, the 20 yuan was gone in a flash.

Immediately afterwards, there was a crisp sound, and the 20 yuan note was inserted into the wooden table like a sharp knife in an instant.

"You don't need to look for it!" the coquettish woman said lightly, and walked towards the beauty care shop first.

The store owner looked at the 20 yuan on the table, and his originally tense face instantly became extremely shocked. He opened his mouth to say something, but finally swallowed it back, feeling very depressed in his heart. The three of them patted cucumbers together, A plate of boiled peanuts, three bottles of beer, and two yuan less in the end-anyone who has the ability picks it up, but this is too picky...

The three coquettish women didn't take the kung fu show off just now seriously. They have long been accustomed to showing their skills in strange places after making a living overseas, otherwise others will think you are easy to bully!

Although the inland area is different from those bandit dens overseas, the habit has long been formed, and they don't bother to restrain themselves for a while. What's more, in their opinion, the police in the inland area are scumbags, and they don't have any powerful guys. It's no problem for a small bandit den to wipe out hundreds of inland police officers, let alone them with special skills?

The alluring woman soon came to the door of the beauty care shop, and before she could speak, the burly man and the old man with sunglasses stepped forward and opened the door.

Zizz... There was an annoying sound like nails scratching the wall.

Both the burly man and the old man with dark glasses felt that the door should be locked. The old man with dark glasses took out a slender and flat tweezers from his pocket. Just as he was about to do it, the burly man smiled, put his hands on both sides of the middle of the door, and forcefully One push!

Bang... There was a muffled sound, the latch was suddenly bent by a huge force, and the door opened accordingly.

Zhao Yuyao, who was preparing to cook some noodles for Ke Keaiai on the second floor, suddenly heard a muffled sound from downstairs, she hurriedly put down the noodles in her hand, turned around and ran downstairs.

Before she reached the stairs on the second floor, she saw a woman and two men walking up.

The coquettish woman in the lead looked at Zhao Yuyao sideways, with a sneer on her coquettish red lips, "That's right, she's a beauty."

"Sister, I like it!" The burly man smiled silly, the corners of his mouth drooled a little, he raised his hand to wipe it, and stared at Zhao Yuyao with bright eyes.

"Young people should pay attention to restraint, this big nai|big girl is still a virgin, I have to open her buds first." The old man with dark glasses had a sinister look on his face.

"Who are you?" Zhao Yuyao couldn't tell that the person was not kind. Although there was panic on her pretty face, her heart was calm.

The coquettish woman glanced at Zhao Yuyao, ignored her, and ordered to her subordinates on both sides: "This woman is mine, you go and catch those two girls first!"

"Yes, big sister!" The burly man and the old man in the black mirror said respectfully without daring to resist.

Zhao Yuyao was shocked when she heard that, she already knew what these people were here for, so she yelled, "Cute, come on..."

However, before Zhao Yuyao finished her warning, the alluring woman suddenly jumped in front of her and grabbed her fair neck.

"Shh...don't yell loudly, otherwise, your white, tender and smooth neck will never be so beautiful again..." the coquettish woman said in a coquettish voice, her little finger slid twice on Zhao Yuyao's jade neck, and then Slightly raised, the red-painted nails glow with blood like scorpion needles ready to go.

"Who are you guys? Did you know that you broke into a girl's boudoir? Only brother Tian and sister can come in our room. Hurry up and get out, otherwise brother Tian will come back and beat you like a pig's head, do you hear me?"

Keaiai who was in the room suddenly saw a burly man break into the room, and screamed in fright.

"Hey..." The burly man took out the photo and glanced at it, and then compared it with the cute one, "That's right, it's these two girls, the old ghost, one for each of them!"

The old man in sunglasses snorted disdainfully: "The two little girls are easy to catch."

"Old ghost, I kindly asked you to share some of the credit. If you are not willing, I would like to catch both of you alone!" The burly man said, stomping hard on the ground and pounced on Ke Keaiai.

The burly man looked very bulky, but once he moved, he was very fast, like a humanoid tank, and his big hands seemed to be two steel pliers to grab the cutie.

Ke Keai has learned Kung Fu from various masters who know martial arts or not since she was a child. Although her learning is messy, she still learns some Kung Fu in the end.

Seeing that the burly man was coming, the two girls looked at each other, jumped hard, and with the rebound of the bed, they did a backflip to avoid the burly man.

"Want to run?" The burly man stretched out his arms and grabbed the cutie who was still in mid-air.

"Big Stupid Bear, don't grab Ai'ai (Ke Ke)!" The two girls shouted in unison, and at the same time kicked hard at the burly man's open hand with both legs.

boom!There was a muffled sound.

The cute little feet were separated from the burly man's hand as soon as they touched it, and they escaped from the big man's clutches with the help of rebound force.

The burly man saw that he caught the air with one blow, and his face instantly became furious. The two girls were just filming, but they didn't catch it.

"Little devil, don't run!"

"You're the brat, big stupid bear!" Ke Ke used her strength to fall on the cabinet, raised her hand, grabbed the vase and threw it at the burly man.

And because Ai'ai made a mistake when she fell down, she sat down on the flower pot, but fortunately she was light and sat firmly without falling to the ground. The white thing was thrown over.

The burly man pushed aside the vase, and with a loud bang, the vase slammed into the wall and broke into pieces. As for the thing Ai'ai threw, the big man grabbed it with his backhand and slammed it down.

With a chirp, pieces of white rolled sanitary napkins fell to the ground...

"Ah! Idiot Aiai, can't you throw something heavier? My sister's sanitary napkin can't kill him!" Keke said angrily.

"'s so heavy that you can't throw it away. By the way, why is my sister's sanitary napkin behind the flowerpot?" Ai'ai asked.

Ke Ke hesitated and said: "My sister will use this pad when her stomach hurts. I will take it as a spare. In case we also have a stomachache someday, we can use this pad to relieve the pain..."


Hearing the lovely conversation, the burly man and the old man in sunglasses were speechless for a moment. These two girls are a bit too pure. Such a 'clean' child, it is a bit unbearable to hold them. However, taking people's money Doing things for others can only be regarded as what they deserve!

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