I have a date with an NPC

Chapter 039 Operation Flow Fighting

I bent my feet, knelt down, and dodged on my back from under the edge of his sword. At the same time, I handed over the blunt knife with my right hand to my left, and swiped across.


After a successful blow, I walked around and got up smartly, clinging to Crazy Joe like a snake, and jumped up from behind him.

"What a powerful operation!" Even Jiang Xiaoyu, who was watching the battle, had to sigh, "If it was me, I'm afraid I would have died a long time ago!"

But Crazy Qiao is Crazy Qiao, and his title of Crazy back then was not in vain.

Crazy Qiao's giant sword was aimed at me after turning around just now, but I dodged it. Instead of closing the sword, Crazy Qiao turned the giant sword towards his own in the face of the danger of being attacked by me once. The back was chopped off.

This guy sometimes even admires me. He is like this, and he is completely reckless.

There is no way, if the giant sword turns and sweeps like this, my intention of trying to sneak attack with my back will be completely exposed to the edge of the sword. I am afraid that if I succeed, I will follow to the underworld.

So he slipped and exited the range of his giant sword.

The giant sword swung a large distance and slashed at Crazy Qiao's own back. Just as he was about to cut himself, Crazy Qiao suddenly stretched out his left hand and caught the giant very accurately. sword.

Everyone present was dumbfounded by the fierce attack.

"It's too powerful! Is this the pk of the purely operational flow in the legend?"

"What is the origin of that Carmen 03, who can survive three moves under the sword of the gang leader!"

"This Carmen 03 should also be a cgl celebrity player, otherwise how could he be so strong? Even without wearing equipment, he was able to draw with the gang leader!"


Crazy Qiao also looked at me suspiciously, "Who are you? Tell me your name!"

Maybe it's because my skills are a little rusty after quitting in the past two years, so Crazy Qiao obviously suspected that it was me, but now he's not sure anymore.Sure enough, there is still a certain gap between me and my peak period.

I didn't say much, the anger in my heart has not been calmed down until now.

I didn't even make any stops. After sliding out a safe distance, I turned back and rushed up in a near-death manner.

Crazy Joe hesitated for a moment, and finally he shook off the lingering thought in his mind, "You can't be him! Absolutely not!"

The blunt knife and the giant sword collided violently again, and sparks flew everywhere.

As soon as I touched it, I immediately slid close to his giant sword like a dragon snake.

The giant sword, as the name suggests, is wider and longer than ordinary swords. Apart from the fact that the attack power is 30% higher than that of ordinary one-handed swords, the more important thing is the extension of the attack distance. double the attack range.

If you are just cruising around the periphery, once you are attacked, the damage will be huge. The only thing I can do is to fight as close as possible to eliminate the advantage that his attack distance is longer than mine, and at the same time use the giant sword to maneuver The inconvenient factor attacks violently at close quarters.

Crazy Joe is an expert in using giant swords, so he naturally knows the weaknesses of giant swords better than me.As soon as he saw that I was going to fight close to him, he consciously opened a certain distance from me. Only such a distance can ensure that the giant sword has enough room to play, otherwise, the giant sword is not as solid as a dagger.

"It's the first time I've seen a fight like this!" Jiang Xiaoyu said with a sigh of relief, "If this Carmen 03 is an assassin, he will be a shining new star in China! It's a pity , He actually took office as a pastor!"

Cao Nima said nonchalantly: "Brother Yu, what a pity! This Carmen 03 killed hundreds of my brothers, so death is not a pity!"

Jiang Xiaoyu shook his head helplessly, and could only sigh, and said resentfully: "I hope this battle can set an example for everyone! It's not that the better the equipment, the more skills you have, the stronger you are. Operations are always the key to winning or losing!"

From the beginning to the present, Crazy Joe and I have never used our respective skills.I don't use any skills because I don't have any skills, and Crazy Joe doesn't use those low-level skills because the delay is too long.

"Our Green Gang has people like you, Brother Yu, so there is nothing to be afraid of!" Cao Nima said arrogantly, "Even the Moon God Guild dare not openly challenge us!"

Jiang Xiaoyu just pouted dryly and didn't say much.

But on this end, Crazy Joe and I are still inseparable from each other.

All I can say is that Crazy Joe is not at all inferior to me in the past. In terms of operation, he can indeed be regarded as the backbone of players in China. There are almost no people who can beat him in heads-up.

It is still a bit difficult for me to defeat him without any suspense.After all, I haven't touched the game for two years, and the technology is rusty, and the operation is no longer the same as before.I always feel that there are things going wrong everywhere, and I can't achieve a perfect attack effect.

As I struggled with Crazy Joe, the time for my task finally came.

The figure of the Canglang King appeared on a huge boulder in the distance, with a gray and fragmented question mark on its head, which indicated that my mission had failed.

"The Wolf King has appeared!"

"It's the boss!"

"Hey, why is there a question mark on the boss's head? That's the sign of the mission!"

"The boss still has a mission to pick up? What kind of world is this?"

"Don't be stupid! The boss is coming!"

After the Canglang King glanced at me indifferently, he jumped off the boulder with an "ooohoo" sound, and rushed into the crowd behind the Green Gang.

"Everyone, don't panic! The knights quickly encircled the boss and trapped the boss in the middle! Even if it is invisible, it can't penetrate our human wall!" Jiang Xiaoyu dispatched calmly.

As a boss, the Canglang King is indeed cunning. After a successful attack, he immediately hides and escapes to wait for the next sneak attack opportunity.

It was not easy to deal with this kind of boss, but Jiang Xiaoyu was keen to find out the flaw.The Canglang King is just invisible, not disappearing from this world. Invisibility means escaping from the cracks of the player's encirclement. As long as the crowd is crowded tightly, even the invisible Canglang King cannot fly into the sky He fled out of the ground, and the blood volume of the wolf was really not enough for two rounds of concentrated fire attacks.

But the Wolf King is cunning!

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