Seeing that Shi Sheng had realized something, Long Shi said again: "Man does not do it for himself, heaven punishes the earth, the law of the jungle preys on the strong, it is fair! Only the weak will clamor for justice, rely on morality, only the weak will abide by the rules, and the strong are often Break the shackles and make rules! Your "Dao Dian" can be described as an unworldly book. The opening sentence clearly states that "the way of heaven is my way". This is the truth. As long as you are strong enough, you can become the supreme ruler of everything. Your way is justice, your way is the rule, if you want to be supreme, you must have the courage to be the only one, since you are the only one, why should you worry about killing small things?"

Long Shi's painstaking teachings, like a drum at dusk and a bell in the morning, are deafening, making Shi Sheng's heart suddenly open, and he understands a lot of truths. His way, Shi Sheng's way, belongs only to him, and Shi Sheng's way is gradually taking root in his heart.

Shi Sheng completely opened up his heart and untied his knots. He felt comfortable all over his body, and the "My Way" in his heart had sprouted. From now on, facing the billions of landscapes in the vast world, no matter what he experienced, no matter how Shi Sheng grew and changed, his heart would always be the same. The essence of it will never change.

Shi Sheng looked into the distance and said with a slight smile: "Long Shi, I was thinking, in fact, most of the people I killed didn't have to die." Long Shi frowned, didn't Shi Sheng figure it out yet?

Shi Sheng said to himself: "If I'm strong enough, if I'm in the Hinayana realm or stronger, they will never dare to attack me, then they won't have to die. If we were strong enough in today's bloody battle, We can capture them alive without taking their lives, but we are not that strong. If we don’t kill them, we will be the ones who die, so we must abide by the cruel rules of the jungle. In fact, no matter who wins the bloody battle, everyone is The loser, loses to the rules."

Long Shi was stunned when he heard this, and stared blankly at Shi Sheng. He never dreamed that Shi Sheng would say such a thing, such a tone, such an argument, and such a way of seeing things, which vaguely symbolized Seeing that Shi Sheng has already found his own "My Way", but this is completely unbelievable!How could it be possible that a 15-year-old boy with only a cultivation level of the Living Spirit Realm possesses the "My Way" that many powerhouses of the Tongxuan Realm have no clue about and dream of!Long Shi couldn't even imagine it!

Shi Sheng raised his head to look at the sky, the setting sun was setting, the fire was burning the clouds, and a ray of golden light leaked out and sprinkled on Shi Sheng's face. At this moment, Shi Sheng's eyes were extremely deep and firm, without any trace of confusion or guilt.

Shi Sheng said again: "You have to be much stronger than others to be eligible to choose to kill or not to kill, otherwise you will only have to fight. The result of fighting is often either you die or I die. I don't want to kill, and I don't want to be killed. I have to be stronger than others, much stronger than others. Now I am too weak and have no ability to realize my own way. I can only abide by the rules set by the strong. Long Shi, don’t worry, I will not be confused again in the future , I, Shi Sheng, acted, I should go forward, I feel ashamed!"

"Shenwu does not kill! This is his 'I Dao'!" Long Shi was inexplicably shocked. Shi Sheng actually found his own "My Dao". , to choose whether to kill or not to kill, but Shi Sheng's "My Way" is only in its infancy, it is still incomplete, very fragile, and needs a lot of life experience to enrich his "My Way", but it can be done at such a young age. , let the "My way" sprout, its aptitude is really terrifying! [

Unexpectedly, a bloody fight would lead Shi Sheng to comprehend his own "My Way" by mistake. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

As dusk fell and the moon appeared at the beginning of the month, everyone lit up a bonfire, put lamb shank and beef on it, and roasted the fragrance. Shi Sheng lay on the grassland and slept for half an hour. He was awakened by the smell of barbecue, and he was just hungry. Then he went forward to fetch meat to eat and drink.

It was night, and everyone was still sleeping on the ground on the grassland, counting the stars and falling asleep, which also had a lot of charm.

The next day, Shi Sheng deliberately let everyone rest for half a day to recover their energy. After lunch at noon, everyone went on the road again.

Time flies, Shi Sheng and his party marched towards the lava peninsula on the misty grassland, and two days passed quickly. Sheng ordered everyone to rest in place and stay vigilant, while he himself took Shen Biyan, Xu Tieshan, and Liu Yanji to check the source of the bloody smell.

The four of them walked out of the ground cautiously, the strong smell of blood came to their nostrils, and they were startled. The four of them knew in their hearts that there must have been a fight in front of them, and they walked tens of feet, and suddenly saw that not far ahead, the ground was full of blood. They were all corpses, broken arms and limbs were scattered everywhere, and the blood had dyed the large grassland red.

The four of Shi Sheng kept vigilant while walking forward to inspect the corpses, but seeing that the clothes of the dead were very familiar, the four of them almost uttered in surprise in unison: "Shenquanmen!" He is a disciple of Shenquan Sect!

The four of Shi Sheng looked at each other, Shenquan Sect is one of the seven giants, and the disciples sent to compete must be the upper limit of 100 people in the teleportation circle. There are as many as 30 to [-] people in the perfect state, and there are even two strong people who have entered the Olympic state. The strength of this team is far stronger than the quasi-junwei team that Shi Sheng and the others encountered. it's here!

Shi Sheng said: "Er Gou, run fast, go back and call the brothers over, Da Niu, Yao Zi, let's count the number of people on the ground."

The three of them answered "OK" and cooperated with each other. Soon, Shi Sheng, Xu Tieshan and Liu Yanji finished counting. The dead on the ground were all disciples of Shenquan Sect. There were 100 people in total. Unable to escape death.

Liu Yanji said: "Brother, which team has such terrifying strength? It actually killed all the disciples of the Shenquan sect."

Shi Sheng pondered and said: "Shenquan Sect is one of the seven giants. Their team of hundreds of people is strong. If we meet, we will have a tough fight. Even if we win, we will suffer heavy losses. But there is only Shenquan Sect on the ground. The disciples, the corpses or stumps of all other teams, even if the other teams took away the corpses when they evacuated, bloodstains should be left behind, but the source of all the bloodstains here can be found, all from the disciples of the Shenquan Sect. Out, could it be said that there is any team, the team of Shenquan Sect that has not suffered any damage?"

Liu Yanji and Xu Tieshan looked at each other in astonishment, Xu Tieshan said: "Is there such a..."

Shi Sheng shook his head and said, "It's unlikely. Although the strength of the Shenquanmen team is in the lower reaches of the seven giants, they are not so weak that they can be bullied. There are two of them who are strong in the Olympic level. Even if two teams from the seven giants join forces, it is impossible to destroy the Shenquan team without any damage! At least three teams from the seven giants must join forces to wipe out the Shenquan team so easily."

Liu Yanji was surprised and said: "Four teams from the seven giants teleported to this blurred grassland!" The Shanwang Boneyard is divided into four areas, and the seven teams from the seven giants teleported randomly, and four teams teleported to the blurred grassland. The possibility is really very low, but other than that, Shi Sheng really can't think of any other reliable possibility. Could there be a master like Xian Yu Su He participating?This probability can be said to be lower. [

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