Bing of Nations

Chapter 75 The Test of Strange Words

Everyone cheered loudly, the crowd was full of excitement, and then the host beat the gong frequently to signal everyone to be quiet, and then announced the content of the event, which was divided into three tests.

The first test is called "The pen reveals the strength of character, and one character reads people's heart". Over Chaotianping, a huge white cloth slowly rises, hundreds of feet in length and width, like a full sail, with a number written on it. The strange ink characters with a size of hundreds of feet are surrounded by a word "口" and a character "heart" is in the middle. Everyone has never seen this word before, and they don't know it at all. They looked at each other for a while, thinking it was a typo.

The content of the test is to let all the young talents participating in the meeting write exactly the same word according to the ink on the white cloth. Whoever can write this word within a stick of incense will pass the first test , can accept the second round of testing.

As soon as the host finished speaking, the crowd immediately gathered in an uproar. Even if everyone didn't recognize the word, how difficult would it be to follow the example and write one?This level is simply sent!At that moment, all the young talents took out pens and paper one after another, and began to write according to the ink on the white cloth.

Shi Sheng and Xiao Lanyu huddled among the crowd, looking at the huge strange characters from a distance, Xiao Lanyu smiled slightly: "A Sheng, what do you think?" Some elusive mystery."

Xiao Lanyu smiled slightly and said, "Does it feel familiar?" Shi Sheng couldn't help being startled, nodded, and said, "Yes, how do you know?" Xiao Lanyu smiled slightly, and said, "Because in this word, There is a gag order."

Shi Sheng wondered: "Speaking gag order? Then how can it be written?" Xiao Lanyu said: "Speech gag order can be divided into three categories, namely the law of prohibition, the oath of heaven and the existence of barriers."

"Generally speaking, the forbidden law is the strictest protection measure, which can completely wipe out the possibility of leaking secrets. Asheng, the quality-related cultivation method you have learned is that someone has used the forbidden law, and only you know it. No matter how powerful you are, no matter what method you use, it is impossible to reveal it, and the prohibition law cannot be broken."

"The second type of gag order - Tianzhu Oath. As the name suggests. Tianzhu Oath is a kind of oath-like origin energy technique. The caster sets the content of the oath. Once the caster makes a promise willingly, he must abide by it." Otherwise, it will be destroyed by heaven and earth. There is no place for burial. Brother Ning accepted the inheritance of Zhenjun Yanhua, probably because he swore the oath of heaven and earth."

Having said that, Xiao Lanyu turned her head to look at the white cloth in the air.Said: "The gag order arranged in black and white on this white cloth is the third category-with or without obstacles."

"There is a way that everything in the world is born from being, and being is born from nothing. Being and non-obstructing are obstacles that limit the birth and death of being and non-existence. There are many kinds. For example, if I get a secret book, it records a source energy technique, which I can't learn by myself, but I can memorize the content of the secret book and then pass it on to others. A gag order exists.”

"Many powerful people in ancient times, or some sects with a long history, generally set up knowledge barriers for their own inheritance, or the secret arts of the sect. Only by mastering the secret arts can they pass them on to others, and others must abide by this principle. Obstacles of knowledge and vision, in this way, we can ensure that the secret arts of the sect can be passed down from generation to generation, and will not flow into the hands of outsiders."

"The weird ink characters are arranged in such a way that there are obstacles to knowledge and vision. Only by comprehending the mystery contained in the characters can we write them down, otherwise..." Xiao Lanyu smiled slightly and said: "A Sheng, look at those people next to you."

Shi Sheng turned his head to look, but saw that the young talents around him were all holding pens and paper, trying their best to write, but they just couldn't write!

Every time everyone wrote one or two strokes, they inexplicably forgot how to write the following strokes, and hurriedly raised their heads to watch carefully and memorize them firmly, but when they lowered their heads, their brains lost their memory in an instant, and they forgot how to write. The quarrels made everyone sweat profusely, but they could only write one or two strokes, and they couldn't even finish writing the word "口", let alone the word "heart".

Shi Sheng once comprehended the sword marks on the Ziyuan Stone in the Purple Maple Forest, and understood the principle that all laws are interlinked. Even a simple stroke may hide infinite mysteries. He took out the pen and paper and stared at the sky Black characters, try hard to comprehend the meaning of the words, appreciate the mystery, and soon found some clues, hurriedly searched for clues, followed this fleeting insight, digging for more insights, as if peeling away layers of cocoons Fog, until the mystery in the word.

The moment Shi Sheng realized the mystery of the word "口", the world suddenly spun, and a very familiar voice sounded in his ear: "Little ghost, I haven't seen you in ten years, you have grown up so much..."

Shi Sheng's pupils shrank suddenly, his eye sockets became moist, even his heart was trembling, his voice was already choked up: "Long Shi, Long Shi! Is that you?" Shi Sheng suddenly raised his head, but saw the extremely familiar figure, like the wind Floating in the air like catkins, it is Long Shi who has been away for many years!

Long Shi smiled slightly at Shi Sheng, and said: "You boy, you have finally grown up, and you can stand in front of Yao Xiang and protect her from the wind and rain. Do you still remember what you said ten years ago? You finally did it!" It's here! Shi Sheng, take good care of Yao Xiang, don't miss it, don't try to lose me, the pain of losing Ergou again..."

"Long Shi..." In Shi Sheng's eyes, tears rolled continuously. He clenched his teeth tightly and tried hard to control himself not to cry. Sheng's forehead pierced through, Long Shi smiled wryly, and said: "Look, I'm just a phantom, a fake, this is the first test, boy, don't fall for it, don't lose my face, do you know?"

Shi Sheng couldn't bear it anymore, two lines of hot tears came out of his eyes, he quickly stretched out his hands, and wiped away the tears indiscriminately, Long Shi was just a phantom, which was formed based on Shi Sheng's longing for Long Shi and his understanding of Long Shi. Phantom, just a phantom, just a reflection of Long Shi, a trace of remnants, but they all care about Shi Sheng so much, love Shi Sheng, how much Long Shi himself should love Shi Sheng?How could Shi Sheng not be moved to tears?

Long Shi stretched out his hand, clenched it into a fist, stopped in front of Shi Sheng, and said: "Boy, promise me, take care of yourself, no matter what kind of difficulties you encounter, you must cheer up, face it bravely, and don't be sad and dejected."

Shi Sheng wiped away his tears, stretched out his hand and clenched his fist, and pressed against Long Shi's fist, with red eyes, he said firmly, "I promise you!"

Long Shi smiled gratifiedly, and said: "Boy, time is running out, I'm going to disappear, you have to face the next test by yourself, work hard, and definitely marry Yao Xiang!" After saying that, he turned and floated towards the sky...

Shi Sheng strode forward abruptly, chasing Long Shi's direction, holding back tears and shouting loudly: "Long Shi! You said that only warriors can't think of things, and there is nothing that warriors can't do! It was you who led me to the warriors. The way, I will definitely! I will definitely wake you up! I will definitely..." The voice echoed in the air, and disappeared into the sky together with Long Shi's figure...

After Long Shi disappeared, many hallucinations came one after another. They were all things that Shi Sheng had experienced before, such as the battle of Qingyun against Luo Yunyang, the killing of Luo Qiyun in Sanhe County, the death of Shen Bian in the abandoned ancient city, and the fight in the Demon Heart Cave. Spirit... Scenes of the past reappeared in front of Shi Sheng's eyes one after another. Anger burned Shi Sheng, hatred confused Shi Sheng, grief tortured Shi Sheng, and despair squeezed Shi Sheng. Everything was like a bayonet. , crazily piercing Shi Sheng's heart!

Shi Sheng watched everything with his eyes and felt everything, but his determination was as firm as a rock, and he did not waver at all. Anger made him break through the limit, hatred gave him the motivation to forge ahead, grief made him stronger, and despair made him reborn from the ashes. Everything did not defeat Shi Sheng, and everything that failed to defeat Shi Sheng made Shi Sheng stronger!

When all the illusions disappeared, the blue sky, the free white clouds, and the dazzling sunlight reappeared in Shi Sheng's field of vision, and the black and white words were still floating in the air. Shi Sheng looked down, and on the paper in his hand, it was written Looking at the strange character composed of "heart" and "口", the ink was slightly wet, and several places were slightly blurred due to the wetness of tears. Shi Sheng couldn't help being stunned, not knowing when he wrote this strange character.

Shi Sheng was in a daze when he suddenly heard Xiao Lanyu say: "You have finally finished writing." Shi Sheng was startled, turned to look at Xiao Lanyu, and said, "What about you?"

Xiao Lanyu picked up the paper in her hand and showed it to Shi Sheng. On it was also written a strange character composed of "heart" and "口", and said softly, "It was very difficult to write."

Shi Sheng was quite touched, and couldn't help but let out a long breath, saying: "Yes, it's very difficult." Xiao Lanyu smiled slightly and said: "You cried a lot just now." Shi Sheng couldn't help but blushed, and glanced at Xiao Lanyu With a glance, he laughed and said, "I'm ashamed to say that, your eye sockets are also red."

Xiao Lanyu coughed dryly, quickly changed the topic, and said: "This word... this word should be written by the Duke of Beitian, and the word '口' is actually a trap, which was hidden by the Duke of Beitian with a blind eye. , once we break through the barriers of knowledge and insight, and comprehend the mystery of the word "口", we will be drawn into the trap and fall into memories. Only those who can face their own memories directly and not be influenced by them can understand the word "heart". Finish writing, otherwise, you will be like them." He said and looked at the people next to him.

Shi Sheng looked around, but saw the people around him were crying or laughing, jumping or making noises, they were clearly influenced by his own memories, unable to extricate themselves, unable to write the strange characters composed of "heart" and "口".

Shi Sheng's heart shook, Xiao Lanyu said: "They are not bad, they can break through the barrier of knowledge and perception." He pointed to a few people in the distance, and said: "Look at the people over there, they don't have enough understanding. I can't even break through the barriers of knowledge and perception, and I can't finish writing a word '口'."

Speaking of this, Xiao Lanyu couldn't help sighing, and said: "Even I am deeply involved in this test. It is definitely not something to be taken lightly. It is even more of a test of will, I think that this time Beitian Jianzong is not only as simple as choosing a son-in-law, but also has the intention of choosing the next suzerain." (To be continued...)

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