Unparalleled Ghosts

2. Splashing the Great Vengeance

"Are you waiting for your siblings again?"

"What do you want to say? I warn you! Don't ruin my business, or even relatives won't be able to talk about it."

I glanced at him very vigilantly, Cousin Ning Yue smiled and said, "I won't care about your puppy love, I have another matter for you! Do you remember sending group text messages on my mobile phone not long ago?" something?"

"What do you want?"

A few days ago, I took Cousin Ning Yue's mobile phone and sent a group confession message to all the girls in his class, including the most beautiful English teacher.My cousin hasn't troubled me for several days, but I believe he won't let me go. With this guy's bad personality, the longer the time drags on, the stronger his counterattack will be.

I looked at this cousin with some vigilance, but I didn't find any signs of gnashing his teeth, but he looked very happy instead.

This means that most of the time, he has thought of some horrible idea that is beyond the limit of my imagination, and he wants to play me so desperately that he regrets the stupid thing of using his mobile phone to send out text messages for the rest of his life.

When Cousin Ning Yue and I were confronting each other, suddenly there was a dull bang, the ground trembled suddenly, and the whole teaching building shook.

"It seems that something big has happened!"

"It's so loud, did something explode?"

"It seems to be in the direction of the central shopping mall..."

"Could it be an earthquake?"

Cousin Ning Yue and I were stunned for a while, I reacted a little faster, and immediately yelled: "It seems to be in the direction of my home, I will take a step first, cousin Ning Yue, tell Xu Liang, I won't wait for her It's..."

Before I finished speaking, I had already run out for more than ten meters. I would rather release Xu Liang's pigeons than stay with this devil cousin. Cousin Ning Yue called me several times behind my back, but I didn't dare to turn back .

At this time, the teaching building was already full of howling ghosts and howling wolves. All the students and the teacher ran out of the classroom at the fastest speed.

earthquake!Explosion!Help... All kinds of cries for help resounded through the sky.

"It seems to be the direction of my home!"

For some reason, I suddenly felt panicked.

My home is very close to the school, and it usually takes only 10 minutes to walk slowly.After running with all my strength, I saw my five-story old building in only two or three minutes.

Our home is not even a residential area, just an old building with a lifespan of more than 25 years.Because this piece of land is too small, surrounded by several high-end properties and not facing the street, it can hardly build anything, and has little commercial value, so it is not favored by developers.

"Why is the building gone?"

When I saw the old building in my house, my eyes immediately became bloodshot, and my whole body trembled.As far as I can see, several high-end properties around my house are unscathed, except for the old building of my house... half of it is gone, and my house happens to be in that half.

Although the old buildings in my house are not gone, but to me, what difference does it make?But even if my eyes are broken, what I see will still not change. The old building in my house has collapsed!

Today...is Saturday, parents should be at home.

I was almost crazy, I didn't even care about the red light on the road, I took two steps on three feet, and appeared downstairs in my house almost in the next second.I covered my knees and panted heavily. I wouldn't have run like this even if I ran [-] meters, but now my mood was too turbulent and I couldn't calm down at all.The old building in my house is half gone. It looks like someone punched the ground from the sky and knocked out half of the building.

"Damn! What's going on here? I've never heard that this building is going to be demolished. Besides, even if it is demolished, our family can't be a nail household. We'll just move happily!"

I couldn't believe my eyes at all, and went straight to the... old site of that old building!When I rushed to the place where an obvious big pit had formed, I saw a person lying on his back at the bottom of the pit.I didn't care about the crumbling half of the old building next to me, so I jumped down quickly.Although the person lying at the bottom of the pit is not my parents, but I want to know what happened just now, at least he is a witness.

When I tried my best to carry the person at the bottom of the pit out, the half of the old building shook and fell down with a bang, and now there was really no hope.I almost forgot that there was another person on my back, and was about to rush down to find someone, when the person behind said weakly: "There is no need to go down, no life can survive under the Great Disintegration Technique. Even I was also shattered, at least half of my life and soul were shattered, and my strength fell to less than [-]%."

"The Great Disintegration Technique? Do you think you are playing a game? Or are you reading an online novel? I am going to save my parents!"

I couldn't restrain my irritability and fear, and roared loudly, but then my eyes went dark, and then I lost all consciousness.


"Are you awake? You are really brave, you dare to rush down to save people like that."

I opened my eyes and was still slightly dizzy. When the memories before I fainted flooded my mind, I suddenly jumped up and shouted: "I'm going to save my parents!" Before I took the first step , he smiled slightly, stretched out a finger a little farther away, and my body could not move.

I finally noticed that there was another person in the room, the one I had rescued.

I struggled angrily a few times, but there was nothing I could do. Under the extreme anger, I didn't notice that the person I rescued used to fix me was almost magical, miraculous and unimaginable.

I just wanted to save my parents, and shouted: "Let me go!"

He looked very bad, his face was terribly gray, he couldn't stop coughing, his chest was covered in blood, he obviously vomited blood a few times just now, it took him a lot of effort to stop me, and he coughed a few more times .Although he looked very weak, he was still very "stylish", as if he was born different from everyone else, aloof and had a very special temperament.

"You don't have to go, because your parents..."

He suddenly smiled, pointed at the TV, and without using the remote control, the news began to play on the TV. The content of the news was about the collapse of our old building.

In the news, the cause of the collapse of the old building was a gas leak, but the number of casualties was only nine.The host said in his usual indifferent tone: "Because it is Saturday, most people have to work overtime, and not many people stayed at home when the explosion occurred." He hooked his fingers and gave me a slight signal.

The screen switched to another scene. In a certain mortuary, there were countless horrific dead bodies lying densely. The number definitely exceeded one hundred, which made people's scalp numb.

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