The page that Shana called up was similar to a shopping site, except that the goods for sale were all kinds of weapons.

Some weapons are high-end products that can be seen in military magazines and websites, and some are new weapons that I have never heard of, and they look very high-tech.

I've never used a mobile phone before. In fact, because of my family background, I don't even have my own computer. Thanks to Xia Na's patient guidance on the phone, it took me more than half an hour to figure it out. How to buy weapons.

I'm just a junior high school student and I don't have any idea about all kinds of weapons, so I followed the expert's advice and placed an order based on the weapons Shana had chosen for me.After a while, the waiter of the hotel pushed the trolley in, as calmly as ordering food, and left the cart full of weapons after I swiped the card.

Shana introduced me how to use these weapons, and then hung up the phone. I can only guess from the noise on her phone that this red-haired girl is very busy now. Talking with others in a foreign language that I don't understand, the speech speed is very fast.

Zhou Jin warned me just now, and I also know how embarrassed Shana and her team are. Logically speaking, I should make a wise choice, but I put down the phone, and after a few minutes of silence, I called Shana again and asked : "Which room are you in now?"

Shana was silent for a moment, then announced the room number, I put the phone down and left the room.

When I knocked on the door, Shana's computer was on. She didn't speak to me. After opening the door, she continued to sit in front of the computer and worked. Reconnaissance satellites, locating the monsters to be hunted, couldn't help asking curiously: "What is your goal now?"

"It's a floating beast!"

Seeing that I was interested, Xia Na pulled out the information on the twelve monsters that their team was going to hunt down, and gave me a detailed introduction.

Of the twelve monsters Shana's team wanted to hunt down, seven were first-tier monsters and five were second-tier monsters.The ranks of monsters are determined according to the rank of the strongest life soul in the body, so the strength of monsters of the same rank is very different. Of course, the strength of monsters with multiple souls is much stronger than ordinary monsters of the same rank. many.

Even the weakest Tier [-] monsters still possess life souls. If they hadn't suffered a severe decline in strength after entering the main world, these training camp students would not be able to handle them at all.

The two monsters that Shana's team killed were already the weakest among the twelve monsters, but they still cost their team a team member. This shows that even though their strength has declined, these monsters are still extremely dangerous .

After listening to Shana's introduction for a while, an extremely bold idea suddenly popped up in my heart. I pointed to the profile of a monster on the screen and said, "Let me know when you hunt it down, and I'll go and see what's going on."

Xia Na was slightly taken aback, then smiled and said: "Yes! But hunting high-level monsters is very dangerous, you are not our team member, even if you kill this monster, you can't get any benefits, let alone count as your hunting Target."

I smiled and said in a low voice: "Maybe I can get more benefits, even beyond my expectations."

My relationship with Shana is not close enough to tell my biggest secret, so Shana didn't even know that I planned to use the golden shroud to steal the soul from this monster.

This monster is called Chuanshan Beast, and its life soul is "Rock Armor", which happens to be one of the eight life souls needed for the mountain giant ape's life and soul map.

Shana smiled and didn't continue to ask about it.The red-haired girl only thinks that the previous wooing has had an effect, so I will do this kind of thankless thing.

She has only four team members in total, and one of them was killed in the last battle to hunt down monsters. Now is the time when she is in urgent need of manpower.My temporary joining relieved her current most embarrassing predicament.

After getting my promise, Shana slightly adjusted the combat goal, gave up the pursuit of the wandering beast, transferred the mountain-crossing beast to the next mission, tapped the screen and said: "This mountain-crossing beast is trapped in this An abandoned factory in the city, the three of us couldn’t snipe it, but it will be different with you joining. You will continue the driving training for the last day tomorrow, and we will start the day after tomorrow, what do you think?”

Hunting training is easier to complete with more people, but unfortunately the success rate of the dark training camp is too low, and every team is also facing the problem of manpower shortage.

Zhou Jin still has the support of the military force behind her, but Xia Na has almost no strong support. The Locke company behind her is now a mess.Shana didn't say these things, but such a simple fact doesn't need her to say it, I can deduce it myself.I'm afraid that these factors were mixed in her wooing me.

I have no opinion on Shana's battle plan, and I agree with the battle the day after tomorrow.

On the third day of driving training, the instructor brought me in front of a sixteen-legged armored beast.

No matter how I look at it, this thing doesn't look like a spider, but there is no comparable creature on the earth. If I insist on making a metaphor, this thing is like two male crabs who are stirring, chrysanthemum to chrysanthemum. That's exactly sixteen legs.

I really have no intention of driving this disgusting armored beast. After the instructor left, I put a golden shroud on the armored beast.Peeping with my mind, I found that the life soul in this spider-shaped armored beast was more damaged than the life soul in Baimao and the first armored beast. Obviously, my good luck was all used up.

"Anyway, mosquito legs are considered meat! I don't want to pick fat and thin." I comforted myself, and the golden shroud fully exerted its power.

The life soul in the spider-shaped armored beast couldn't resist the theft of the golden shroud at all, but in the next moment, the life soul in its body turned into a mass of pure soul power, which was added to the "killing" of the life soul.

Even for the aborigines of the dark world, the method of high-level soul art is extremely rare.

The major forces in the main world have only mastered two or three high-end soul arts at present, and they are all regarded as top secret by the acquired forces, and they will not spread them at all.The eight life souls of the mountain giant ape are all first-order life souls, and the soul skills to develop these eight life souls are also common, so the eight soul skills recorded in the mountain giant ape life soul map that Zhou Jin gave me are very complete.

According to the records in the mountain giant ape's life and soul map, the development of life and soul is divided into five stages: birth, restraint, punishment, rush, and combination!

This saying comes from the dark world, and it is difficult to understand. Among the humans in the main world, these five stages are called: the initial stage, the infant stage, the growth stage, the mature stage and the advanced stage!

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