Unparalleled Ghosts

4. Darkness and death

Because of the laws of ghosts and gods, when humans in the main world cross the border between the two worlds, they will "degenerate".

Deterioration is the process of human beings traveling to the dark world, taking the soul as the core, and constructing a new body that adapts to the dark world.

Deteriorated human beings will release a small part of the power of the soul because the soul is temporarily freed from the body, thus possessing the power of the soul, and can practice in the dark world.After deteriorating, human beings have a strong soul power to a certain extent, and they can also develop souls like intelligent life in the dark world, and master various mysterious powers.

The body after the deterioration of human beings is ugly, like ghosts and monsters. In the early days of contact with the dark world, there were often guys among human beings who could not accept such an ugly body and committed suicide in despair. At that time, human beings did not know how to restore their human body .Until later, some of the strong human beings in the main world also possessed the virtual form, and after discovering the condensed virtual form, they could regain their human appearance in the dark world. This kind of incident of committing suicide because they couldn't accept that they had become too ugly has since disappeared. .

It is precisely because of the emergence of a phantom powerhouse among the humans in the main world that can rival the aborigines of the dark world, the power of human beings can gradually gain a foothold in the dark world, from being slaughtered to becoming an enemy of the aborigines of the dark world, and even Going one step further, they gradually regard the dark world as a source of great wealth and a place to gain power, and become predators of this world.

Whether it's creatures from the dark world coming to the main world, or humans going to the dark world, the weaker side is often the target of massacres.There was even a tyrannical existence in the dark world, which came to the main world on its own initiative, trying to destroy everything in the main world and clear the "source of all evil".

If it wasn't for the fact that the main world couldn't fully accommodate the power of the dark world, our world would have been destroyed by various monsters from the dark world long ago.

The inhabitants of the two worlds have never formed any friendships, and their relationship with each other is very... bad!

With the emergence of the virtual powerhouses, the governments of various countries intervened in the development of the dark world in [-], and then various financial groups and underground forces also joined the ranks of robbing wealth and power.

Since then, the power of human beings in the dark world has expanded rapidly, and the large-scale development of the dark world has also entered a stage of development.Now humans have 53 large and small strongholds in the dark world, and the population of the six largest strongholds has exceeded 47. These six largest strongholds are more than the total population of the remaining [-] small and medium strongholds combined.

Since then, battles have also happened every day!People die every day.

Since then, the number of people who died in the dark world began to rise rapidly.

In recent years, the number of deaths in the dark world has exceeded the [-] mark every year, which is more than the active population of the dark world.

Since then, the relationship between human beings and the dark world has dropped to the freezing point, and there is no more warmth. The shallow diplomacy between human beings and the dark world has been torn to pieces.

Since then, human beings have entered the dark world for the naked benefit...

Although mankind's exploration of the dark world is getting deeper and deeper, so far human beings have not been able to explore the entire dark world, and they still don't know much about this world.The territory that human beings can occupy in the dark world is less than one ten-thousandth of this world, only hundreds of thousands of square kilometers, and is limited to a corner of the entire world by the power of the dark world.

But just this occupied area is enough for human beings to obtain a huge wealth of more than 20 trillion U.S. dollars in the dark world every year, even surpassing the GDP of the United States, the most powerful country on earth.

People who have gained great power in the dark world, every time they return to the main world, they will recede from deterioration and return to the appearance of normal human beings.They are the same as the creatures in the dark world. Returning to the main world will also lead to a sharp drop in strength. Even if they enter the dark world again, the dropped power will not recover. Therefore, unless people who enter the dark world want to leave there completely, there are very few people. willing to return.

In the information Zhou Jin gave me, there is also a detailed data list of hundreds of life souls known to mankind, as well as information on common monsters and aborigines in the dark world.Research institutes in various countries divide fate souls into ten grades, and according to the rank of the main fate soul that constitutes the virtual appearance, the virtual appearance is also divided into ten grades.

I spent most of the night reading all the materials on my phone, full of curiosity and longing for the mysterious dark world, which has the power that people dream of.

The more I understand the dark world, the more I long to be able to go to that world.

I have to gain enough strength to kill Loki to avenge his parents. As for whether I will die in that world, it is a matter that does not need to be considered.

I also deliberately compared the database of souls in Zhou Jin's information, and the final conclusion was quite disappointing.

Baimao's life soul is not complete, because it is too broken, it has lost the most essential characteristics of life soul.To put it simply, it is just a group of "soul power" that can barely be called condensed.With this group of soul power, my soul power has increased significantly, but there is still a long way to go before opening up the soul of life.

"The broken Fate Soul is already so strange, I don't know what the real Fate Soul looks like?"

I lay on the bed and let my thoughts wander for a long time before I murmured to myself, "No matter how powerful Loki is, one day I will catch up with him and kill him. Loki, wait for me , wait for me to seek revenge on you."

Talking to myself is like hypnotic power, and I fell into a deep sleep before I knew it...

On the third day of the dark training camp, I spent the whole morning studying souls, so I didn't focus on training at all.

After absorbing Baimao's broken life soul, whenever I condense my consciousness, I can temporarily break free from the shackles of the physical body and perceive a higher level of the world.In this state, I can "see" many things that the five senses cannot perceive, and I can more perfectly control every potential of the body.

After many experiments, I roughly calculated that the maximum limit that my body can withstand is 70.00% of the stimulation potential, and the body will be hurt if more stimulation potential is reached.

When I was at 70.00% of my potential, I was almost five times stronger than my normal state, and I was able to knock out a little life from the wall with a single punch.It's just that this level can't be sustained for too long, and you have to take a break every ten minutes, or swallow your life force to continue.

(Just read the novel)

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