Unparalleled Ghosts

43. Night Howl

()Wang Dan stuck out his tongue, looking very lively, and immediately laughed, his eyebrows curved like crescent moons.

I was infected by Wang Dan's fresh breath, and I felt a little more relaxed. It is rare to have such an atmosphere in the dark training camp.

Wang Dan seems to like chatting with me very much, until the time is almost up, and other people will come here to train, and then he regretfully waved me goodbye.

I watched the girl leave, and found a place near the corner to sit down and close my eyes.

After about half an hour, people began to enter the fighting training ground, and after a while, I saw the instructor.

The instructor is still in the old style, he gave the group of animals a hard lesson, and after assigning today's tasks, he left Shi Shiran, and I chased after them silently.The instructor didn't go far. Before I asked about the actual combat training, he threw a mobile phone over without even looking back.

I caught the phone with both hands, and pressed the power button casually. Seeing that there were only two apps on the main screen, I couldn't help but feel a little strange.Because my family background is not very good, I don’t have much research on mobile phones. Judging by the logo, this mobile phone should be a Samsung flagship. The screen is large enough to be a brick, but there are only two pre-installed apps, which is not the style of Samsung manufacturers.

"There are two apps on this phone: one is for entering and exiting the gap in time and space. If you want to enter the gap in time and space, you just tap it, and if you want to get out, tap it again. This app is only useful in the training camp. If you leave the range of the training camp, The space channel it opens is very unstable, and the farther you go, the more unstable it becomes, and if it exceeds fifty kilometers, it can only summon space storms and grind you to pieces."

"Another app can record battles. You'd better keep it open all the time. It will record the process of killing monsters in time and space gaps. If you accidentally close this app, or forget to open it, then the battle will not be recorded. Record it, and your hard work will be in vain."

"This mobile phone is not a free gift. You must return it after killing ten monsters and completing the task. If it is broken or lost, your actual combat training will fail." Just about to ask what to do if you fail, the instructor Just turned around and left coolly, without giving me any chance to ask questions.

I had no choice but to put the phone away, went back to the room and took all the weapons with me, checked my equipment, then slid the screen unlock button, and pointed my finger on the app on the screen.

My mind can see that the level of the world has suddenly increased, and a strange crack has opened in the third level of the world, which was still unobservable.

Countless colorful halos slowly float down, of course I won't have any resistance...

The moment I entered the space-time gap, I felt as if my body had been hit by a truck, and my internal organs were shaken extremely uncomfortable. After about a quarter of an hour, I was thrown out by the irresponsible space-time channel.

Although I immediately activated the two gravity daggers to reduce my weight, I was still thrown in a mess, and it was very difficult for me to regain my sight.

I looked left and right, but saw that I was in an extremely desolate plain.

This great plain is full of stone pillars everywhere, and there are also deep pits that have collapsed inexplicably. The whole is shrouded in a cloud of smog, and nothing can be seen clearly from 30 meters away.

"In this environment, it is easy to be attacked by surprise!"

I expanded the scope of my mind eyes to the maximum, devoured the soul of life "Yanjia", and succeeded in forming a pill. The maximum range of my mind eyes peeped almost expanded to nearly [-] square meters, which was larger than the observation range of the naked eye.

The observation range of the naked eye is a fan, and the observation range of the mind eye is a sphere. The naked eye can see farther but there are dead ends. Although the mind eye is perfect, it is not enough to see farther than the naked eye, so I did not let the eyes see any suspicious targets.

I activated two gravity daggers, reducing my weight to one-ninth, increasing my speed, and at the same time activated the soul of life "Killing" and "Rock Armor".

These two groups of souls have different abilities, but almost all souls can increase physical strength.

The "killing" of the soul of life can also increase the reaction speed by more than [-]%.The soul of life "Rock Armor" can not only give birth to blue scale armor to enhance defense, but also increase the strength of the physical body.

After the activation of these two life souls, my combat effectiveness has once again increased by a level.

Although there were two groups of souls and gravity daggers, I was still very cautious, took a deep breath, and drew out the two guns.

These two pistols were chosen by Shana for me. I don’t know the model, but I am only satisfied with the 25-round magazine of this pistol.

I brought twenty clips this time, plus the two on the pistol, enough for a few rough fights.

According to the posture pointed by Shana, I rushed down the muzzles of the dual guns, turned my wrists slightly, and sneaked for 50 meters with sliding steps, and then heard the rustling sound.

I couldn't tell whether it was the sound made by a monster or a student in the dark training camp like me, and I just shot it.In this kind of place, the one who hesitates to die is himself, who cares about other people's lives.

There was a violent howl, and following the howl, a werewolf-like monster rushed out of the haze.

My shot was very accurate and hit its shoulder, but for this kind of rough-skinned and thick-skinned monster, the lethality of the bullet is too low, even if it hits a vital point, it is difficult to kill it with one shot, let alone Hitting a place like the shoulder can only enrage the other party even more ferociously.

"This is the Night Howl!"

I staggered my steps and slid back a few meters, avoiding the pounce of this monster, and even fired six or seven shots in the chest of this monster.After suffering so many bullets, the Night Howling Beast seemed to be fine. Although the blood was constantly pouring out of its body, its mobility remained undiminished.

"This monster is so fierce! Bullets can hardly deal with it at all."

I also know that my marksmanship is poor, and I missed a few shots.He couldn't open the distance between him and this monster simply by speed, and the firearms couldn't exert their maximum power without distance. On the spur of the moment, I inserted the two guns into my waist, and it was an iron door bolt that sealed it.

Even the weakest monsters are several times stronger than humans. My choice was a bit bold, but it turned out that this adventure choice was very correct.

As soon as my arms touched the paws of this night howling beast, I knew that although the strength of this night howling beast was still higher than mine, and its fighting instinct was strong, it was not invincible.

I was slid back half a meter by the night howling beast, but I finally caught its pounce firmly.

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