Unparalleled Ghosts

86. Full Rage Value

Wang Dan and I both pulled out our pistols. Shana helped me choose mine, and Wang Dan's should be a standard pistol equipped by the army. We sneaked all the way cautiously.

Night howls are low-level monsters. Even mature night howls can only develop a group of life souls, and the highest level can only be advanced to the second level. Humans have not yet discovered a third-level night howl.

By the way, monsters like Huo Dou, Night Howling Beast, and Stone Giant are born with too few original life souls, even if they advance to the limit of their talents, they cannot possess virtual phase-level combat power, and there is no corresponding life soul Figure spread.Void-level monsters are also very rare and rare species in the dark world, and few people would encounter them. Otherwise, all the human beings in the main world would have been wiped out long ago, and there would not be hundreds of thousands of dead species left.

On the one hand, I was cautiously on guard, and on the other hand, it was a pity secretly. If I had a rock armor to protect myself, with my thick blood and high defense, I wouldn't have to be afraid of any night howling beasts.

The life soul rock armor I got has already been swallowed by Dan Jie, although later facts proved that this deal is very cost-effective. The value is much larger.

Every ability of the soul of life has its own specificity. Although I think the jet flight ability is better and the applicability is wider, I still can't help but miss the rock armor at this time.

"Or I should ask Wang Dan, how to practice the kung fu practiced horizontally by the [-]th Taibao in the iron cloth shirt with the golden bell cover, and it can also improve the defense power."

This time is obviously not a good time to ask for martial arts lessons. Wang Dan and I dare not even make the slightest movement, so as not to provoke the sneak attack of the night howling beast. Talking and making loud noises must not be done, and I just After a few thoughts, I concentrated on it.

According to the intelligence, this night howling beast sneaked into this office building and never left.But where it is hiding, no one can know, and we can only search room by room.Wang Dan and I searched six or seven offices, and suddenly Wang Dan made a gesture to me, which I immediately understood.

The next target we are looking for is a huge office area, which was temporarily rented by some company as a warehouse, and there are many scattered goods and boxes that no one wants.

This office building has not been put into use at all, so there is no company to rent it for office, and it is not easy for someone to rent it as a warehouse.

Behind a pile of goods, there was a rustling sound, and it was this sound that aroused Wang Dan's vigilance.

Naturally, I can't let Wang Dan lead the fight, even though this girl's boxing skills are still better than mine, but after all, I have a golden shroud, and my blood volume is much thicker.So I made a false stop with my left arm to stop Wang Dan, quietly released the safety of both pistols, and suddenly jumped behind the cargo.

I raised my double guns, but I didn't shoot, because behind this pile of goods was not a night howler, but a mutilated corpse of a little girl, with seven or eight fat mice on her body, what are these beasts doing? Ask to know.

"It must be a good thing done by the Night Howl!"

I lost my anger in an instant, this little girl was either on the way home from school, or under some circumstances, she bumped into the night howling beast we were going to hunt, and was caught by this animal, I don’t know why Morning, noon and evening, the discarded corpses were harmed by these rats again.

I didn't make any moves, and the killing intent surged out. Even an ordinary strong man couldn't bear the killing intent, let alone these rats. These beasts shot their heads one after another, and they died in an instant.

Wang Dan was a step slower than me. When she saw this scene, her face changed drastically, she covered her small mouth, and suppressed the exclamation that she wanted to say.

"This damn beast!"

Wang Dan lowered his voice to a very low level, and cursed fiercely, if it wasn't for his exceptionally good hearing and being so close to her, he wouldn't be able to hear the chick's swearing.Wang Dan has always given me the impression that she is gentle, polite, and very lively. I never thought that she would swear.But this kind of scene, don't say foul language, I have the intention to kill people, fortunately, it is a monster who committed such an inhumane tragedy, no matter how to kill, there is no psychological burden, if the murderer is a human being, I really can't guarantee that I won't Killed the murderer.

"Find this beast first, and then take care of this little girl!"

I lowered my voice and persuaded Wang Dan. She also knew that it was not easy to move the little girl's body at this time. She nodded and we continued to explore.

Wang Dan and I were soon outside the door of an office next door when we heard a slight snoring sound. Wang Dan kicked open the door faster than I did, and fired continuously.The night howling beast hiding inside roared and rushed out like a whirlwind.

This beast has already been punched three or four bloody holes by Wang Dan. Wang Dan's marksmanship is good, but the defensive power of this monster is not worth it.

Facing the Ye Howling Beast that jumped out, Wang Dan threw the gun casually, and with a soft scolding, he leaned close to his body and fell back. On the wall, the wall was shaken down.

Wang Dan took a step forward, and before the monster could get up, she threw another hug, this time she threw the monster towards me.I didn't even think about it, kicked the ground, flew up, kicked the monster back in the air with a volley kick.

Wang Dan embraced Tai Chi with both hands, exerted all his strength, and hit the night howling beast hard on the chest and back.

The night howling beast's body fell limply, without even making a sound, it fell to the ground with a plop.I walked over to take a look, and gave a thumbs up. This little girl Wang Dan was really irritated by this beast, and even beat the night howling beast to death with her bare hands.

I have also killed the howling beast before, and I am not at all surprised that Wang Dan can kill the howling beast with punches.

This little girl's fighting power is really strong. After killing the night howling beast, she was still a little angry. When she walked over, she was kicked violently. In just a few minutes, the night howling beast had been tortured to death, and there was no one left in her body. Flesh and flesh, soft like a noodle pocket.

"Forget it! You've already killed it, no matter how many times you kick it, it won't feel the pain anymore!"

I persuaded Wang Dan, then put my hand on the body of the night howling beast, the golden shroud activated, and immediately absorbed a group of broken life souls and a small part of life force.The existence of the golden shroud cannot be concealed from others, but I wanted to keep the power of the golden shroud as secret as possible, so I didn't absorb too much vitality and made a little false appearance to confuse people.

Wang Dan called and informed Sun Ce, Xu Chu, and Pan Feng to deal with the body of the night howling beast, but she walked to the office area in front, picked up the little girl's body, and did not dislike the fact that the little girl's body had become very serious. appalling.

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