Unparalleled Ghosts

9. Gravity Dagger

Although the sweeping kick by the red-haired girl didn't hit me hard, it woke me up. My blood was a little bit colder because of the battle just now, and I couldn't help laughing at myself.

"Why did I also become an impatient satyr? I was forced to join the battle, not to fight this chick." Under the watchful eyes of everyone, I wanted to retreat a little bit, but I couldn't show my face, and I was gloomy With a sneer, he grabbed the red-haired girl by the hair and picked her up.

The red-haired girl is a little taller than me, so when I grabbed her, I lifted her up high, she refused to give in, her legs suddenly lifted up and pinched my head, but in the next moment, I was Suddenly it disappeared from her eyes.

The horrified look on the red-haired girl's face revealed the shock and disbelief in her heart.

This move is an extremely powerful killer in the boxing techniques Zhou Jin taught me. It is called "Wang Ba Shrinks His Head" or "Old Turtle Hiding". It is a unique move to turn defeat into victory. When a boxer encounters this move, [-]% out of [-] will be angry on the spot.

Although the red-haired girl is very skilled, she can't break this move, but I didn't intend to kill anyone, I just used the capture technique behind her, twisted the red-haired girl's arms, carried it on her shoulders, and left proudly Fighting training ground.

This hot and sexy red-haired girl struggled desperately on my shoulders. She obviously didn't want to be taken back to the hotel room by me. She was a little taller than me and had amazing strength, which caused me a little trouble. .

"If you don't want to be beaten to death by me, be good. I don't mean anything to you, but everyone is watching. If you don't take you back to the room, you will lose face."

My explanation worked, and the red-haired girl soon stopped struggling, and her bulging breasts pressed against her back was another kind of excitement for me.

After I stepped into my room, I threw the red-haired girl on the bed roughly, and I was quite embarrassed and didn't know what to do.

But the red-haired girl was much bolder than me. She stretched out her arms on my bed, turned over and sat up lightly, rubbed her calves, took off her little boots, and rolled up her trouser legs.

Her calf is already bruised and swollen, which was caused by a head-on encounter with me.

"My name is Shana! What's your name? You are very powerful. I knocked down a lot of big men over two meters tall with that move just now. I kicked you in the leg, but it seemed to hit a concrete pillar. You Can you help me find some traumatizing medicine?"

The red-haired girl frowned, looked around the room, and seemed to be looking for some medical supplies, how can I have this in my room?I have a golden shroud in my hand, and I can recover from any injury in an instant, and of course I don't need any bruises.

"I don't have any traumatic medicine here, but... I can help you treat it."

I was also very curious about this foreign girl, who not only speaks fluent Chinese, but also knows about bruises, but I didn't explore the secrets at all to satisfy my curiosity.

I reached out and pressed the red-haired girl's calf, the smooth and delicate touch made my heart flutter slightly, but I quickly collected my mind and mobilized the vitality accumulated in the golden shroud.With the nourishment of vitality, the bruises on the red-haired girl's calf quickly dissipated, and the original whiteness was restored at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Is this the magical Chinese Kung Fu? I have also learned it for many years, and I usually claim to be an expert, but now it seems that I only understand the superficial level, which is far behind the real Chinese." Shana's voice said It's sweet and sweet, she pouted her mouth when she spoke, she looked so cute, I almost ignored all the doubts about this red-haired chick.

I didn't want to answer this question, but I just spread my hands casually and said indifferently: "If you feel better, you can leave."

Shana put down the rolled trouser legs, put on her boots again, and then lowered her voice and said, "How many days will you have to leave here?"

I snorted softly and said coldly: "Ten days! I missed the afternoon training and have to start over from the beginning." There is no need to lie about this kind of thing, so I told the truth.

Shana brushed her fiery red hair, chuckled lightly, and said, "Then please slow down a bit, and leave here after I pass the combat training, okay?"


"Without you, I'd be eaten by these garbage!"

Even though Xia Na softly begged for it, I still said coldly: "Then it's none of my business?"

Shana is not a delicate girl who needs to be protected by others. The leg sweep she gave me just now is enough to break a concrete pillar with the thickness of a human leg. The bottom is a piece of muscle, even in the dark training camp with herds of cattle, there are not many people who can compete with her in strength.The girl's hands and feet showed traces of martial arts training, and her strength was unfathomable.

If I hadn't broken through the key point of "Fa Jin" in boxing in the melee and practiced the Fan Lang Jin of Xingyi Quan, Shana's strength might still be higher than mine.If I didn't come to disrupt the situation, she might be able to sweep the dark training camp by herself. What qualifications do I have to protect her?

Shana shrugged her shoulders and said helplessly, "Okay! Then 1000 million!"

"go with!"

When I spit out this word, I don’t know whether it’s emotion or surprise. This amount is enough to own several very luxurious houses in any city in China.You must know that my parents have never fulfilled this dream all their lives. They have lived in the old house for most of their lives, and it was passed down from my grandpa nainai. Therefore, my grandpa nainai had to rent a house far away in the countryside. The house is for parents to get married.

1000 million is really a lot of money, enough for ordinary people to live a lifetime of wealth.

Whether Xu Fu or Shana, they didn't take this number to heart, and they could give it away casually.I really don't understand, these guys are already so rich, why would they risk their life and death to hang out in the dark world?

I have always thought that going to the dark world is some unlucky guy who is unwilling, even forced, or kidnapped, or he is such a hard-working guy who wants to avenge his parents.But now I have some doubts about my judgment, especially when I think that this hotel is so expensive that every time I eat, I want to scold their ancestors for eighteen generations of food. He found that he seems to have a little misunderstanding about the dark world and the people who want to go there .

My silence made Shana think that she was dissatisfied with the reward. She took out a bony dagger from the shaft of her boot and said, "Well, I know that money is not important to people who are about to enter the dark world, so add How about this gravity dagger?"

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