After a night of rest, I feel refreshed again.

I didn't receive a call from Zhou Jin or Xia Na that day, and even Fu Xing'er didn't call to harass me.

On a relatively free day, I didn't do anything, but stayed in the room and played games.

The new laptop I bought is really good, the performance is superb, and the few games I downloaded are very addictive. I haven't opened up the opportunity to play games like this before, and I haven't even touched the computer a few times.

I didn't eat all day, and I didn't feel a little tired until six or seven o'clock in the evening. I put down my notebook and wanted to go out for a walk.

When I went downstairs and passed by the lobby of the hotel, the front desk stopped me, and a pretty front desk lady stopped me and said, "Mr. Xu Yintai, a gentleman picked up your things and asked me to hand them over to you." .”

"My things? I never lost anything."

I felt rather strange, the lady at the front desk handed me a bulging document bag, I opened it casually, inside was a new ID card, a driver's license, a wallet, and other documents and a A bunch of keys, several documents, including a gun license.

"The name Xu Yintai is a pseudonym given to me by Zhou Jin. These should be the documents they issued for me."

I flipped through the wallet a little, and there are various bank cards in it, as well as several very beautifully crafted membership cards.I put these things away, thanked the front desk lady, and Shi Shi ran out of the hotel.

I picked up the car and quickly got on the main road of the city.

After staying in this city for so many days, I am quite familiar with the roads of this city.This time I have no purpose, just drive for a drive and want to relax my mind.I'm not a particularly smart person, and I don't have the talent for a conspirator, but in the dark training camp, in addition to the need for tyrannical strength, all kinds of conspiracies and tricks emerge in endlessly.

I really miss Cousin Ning Yue a little now, he will definitely be better than me in dealing with these things.

After walking the streets for about an hour, I stopped in front of a nice looking restaurant, ready to grab a bite to eat.Not long after I was seated, I vaguely felt a wave of soul power looming in this restaurant.

"Is there any monster hiding in this restaurant?"

Monsters and humans with soul power can wrap their bodies with soul power, making themselves "invisible" in front of ordinary people.This kind of invisibility does not hide the body visually, but is invisible in perception. People's eyes can still see, but it will not feed back to the brain what they see.

So even though there are many monsters roaming around in this city, ordinary people living in this city are completely unaware of it.

I opened the Spirit Vision map casually, and sure enough, 30 meters away from me, there was a reaction representing a monster, and there was no team label on this monster.

"Eat first, and then deal with this monster!"

Judging from the spiritual vision map, this monster's strength is not very strong, and it is curled up somewhere, motionless, and its soul power reaction is also weak.The spirit vision map uses soul power fluctuations to search for monsters, so most of the monsters can be judged.This monster was shown as a pig beast on the spiritual vision map. Judging from the fluctuation of soul power, probably even the last group of life souls fell below the mark, which was worse than the night howling beast.

I ordered a few dishes at random, and ordered four large bowls of rice. The dishes in this restaurant are good, and I ate them very happily. In less than 10 minutes, I cleaned up all the meals and paid the bill with satisfaction. Seeing the directions on the map, he walked through several alleys in a hurry.

The pig beast's soul power reaction is in a community that looks very old. This community has no real estate at all, and it doesn't look like someone manages it. Even the gates of the corridors have not been repaired, and they have been broken for a long time. I don't know how long it will fall.

I calibrated several times and confirmed that the pig beast is in this community. In one of the residential buildings, I searched floor by floor. Outside the door of a house on the third floor, the reaction of the spirit vision map became the strongest, and it showed This monster is close at hand.

I glanced at the anti-theft door of this house, and there were obvious signs of damage to the anti-theft door. I pulled it casually, and the anti-theft door opened without any lock at all.

My heart sank suddenly, and I strode in. With a deep howl, a big black-haired pig came out of a bedroom, with half of its arm still hanging from the corner of its mouth.

This beast actually ate this family, and even occupied this family's house, making it his own den.

When the pig beast saw me, its eyes shot fiercely, it let out a low growl, and slammed into me fiercely.I don't want to alarm the rest of the family in this residential building. It's better for them not to know about this kind of thing.So I didn't dodge it, I pressed it with my backhand, and a shock wave was sent out, turning the pig beast around half a circle.

The pig's animal skin was rough and thick, and it was hit by a shock wave from me, but it was not injured at all. It shook its head, but it was just a little dazed, and half of its arm hanging from the corner of its mouth fell to the ground.

If this monster is given brute force, ordinary residential buildings will not be able to withstand the impact of this pig beast. I will not give it another chance to collide. The pig beast is entangled with a wind and rain.

The pig beast howled desperately, but under the engulfing ability of the golden shroud, the cry became lower and lower.

After a dozen or so breaths, the monster shriveled to the ground, its essence and blood dried up, and its vitality and remaining soul power were all swallowed up by the golden shroud.

I don't need the vitality for the time being, and it is still stored in the golden shroud. As for the devoured soul power, I directly fed it to "Killing". I gave all the soul power gained in recent battles to this group of life souls.

If you want to condense the virtual form, all the life souls must be at the mature stage at least. The shock wave is already in the mature stage, and the mountain is the growth stage. Only the killing is the weakest, so I hope to improve the killing as soon as possible to prepare for the future condensing of the virtual form. .

As for Chiba's virtual appearance, I can't count on it in a short time, and I haven't put much energy into it.

I didn't feel a little bit excited about killing this pig-beast. I wasn't overjoyed at taking away a group of pure life souls and the vitality of hundreds of people. On the contrary, I was very sad in my heart. They are just ordinary people, they have done nothing wrong, but because they are not strong enough, they are used as food by monsters.

I even began to feel dissatisfied with the hunting project of the dark training camp. In order to reduce the harm of monsters to ordinary people, we should concentrate all our efforts on sweeping up the monsters in this city, instead of just letting these students come here. Hunting and killing monsters, other people stand by and watch.

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