The Three Kingdoms of the Lu family

Chapter 105 Furious Zhang Yan

() The night was heavy, but the Bingzhou iron cavalry was in a big way, and they were pushing towards the camp of the Black Mountain Army. There was no need for special investigation.

Even the Black Mountain Army in other directions learned of this matter under Zhang Yan's secret order.

All the generals of the Montenegrin army immediately rejoiced, all of them were full of murderous aura, and their eyes were full of ferociousness.They lurk quietly in the night, like a poisonous snake.

In the Black Mountain Army barracks, Zhang Yan pulled out the remaining soldiers and horses even more urgently, and they all retreated to the back of the camp, waiting quietly.Many people from the Black Mountain Army showed excitement on their faces, waiting for the Bingzhou Army to throw themselves into the trap, and then close the door and beat the dog.

As the Bingzhou Army got closer and closer to the Black Mountain Army Camp, in the night, an undercurrent surged crazily, and could set off infinite terrifying waves at any time.

"Hurry up, come here quickly!"

Gongsun Xu did not hide behind the barracks, but stood in an inconspicuous corner, constantly looking towards the distant fire.

It was the torch of the Bingzhou Army. Although it was deliberately covered up, even with the help of nearby hillsides and trees, it could still be vaguely seen if one had the heart.

Even Gongsun Xu could judge from the blurred figure that the one in front might be Lu Yi.This made him suddenly excited.The heart is full of ecstasy.

Aren't you Lu Yi brave and good at fighting? Don't you look down on Lao Tzu? Aren't you the general under Yuan Shao?

Later, when you rush in and find that it is an empty camp, I must be the first to show up and humiliate this person wantonly.

Then, I will personally lead Baima Yicong to wipe out this group of Bingzhou troops who don't know the heights of the heavens and the earth.

And then, I'm going to ravage them!Let Na Lu Yi also taste the feeling of being trampled by iron hooves.

The more he thought about it, the happier Gongsun Xu became. It seemed that he had seen Lu Yi's shock, grief, and ashen face being surrounded by the army.Immediately eyebrows danced.

The torches were getting closer and closer. As long as someone in the barracks looked outside, they could easily see that the advancing Bingzhou army stopped immediately and stopped moving forward.

"Stop what, hurry up!"

Inside the barracks, Gongsun Xu vomited blood angrily, wishing he could run over and urge Lu Yi to hurry up, if you say you want to rob the camp, just rob the camp, at least be quick.

My son is waiting for you to come in, but even the gate is open!Especially what made Gongsun Xu gnash his teeth was that Lu Yi, who was at the front, in the dark night, was still looking around, looking hesitant.

This made Gongsun Xu almost jump up and scold his mother.You said that you just robbed the camp, what a hesitation, didn't you see that my son is still hiding in the corner, blowing the cold wind!

After a gust of cold wind, Gongsun Xu couldn't help shaking all over.Looking at the Bingzhou Army outside, it was really angry.

However, Lu Yi, who was in the distance, still looked cautious, and sent three waves of spies in succession to launch various tests on the barracks.

In the Montenegro military camp, all the soldiers in ambush were ordered to deliberately pretend to be asleep, and their defenses were even more lax.However, no matter how they pretended to be deaf and dumb, Lu Yi in the distance, even if he did not launch an attack for a long time, was still wandering in the wilderness.

Gongsun Xu was so angry that he almost jumped up and scolded his mother.He felt that even the most courageous general in his army was [-] times braver than Lu Yi.

It is clear that the big camp is undefended, and it can be discovered after a single test.However, the Bingzhou Army went back and forth and tested it ten times.

A full ten times!

In the world, is there anyone more cowardly than this Lu Yi!What made Gongsun Xu speechless the most was that Lu Yi tried to test, you should attack.

As a result, after ten trials, the Bingzhou Army still stood still in the distance.Lu Yi even took a torch and warmed himself by the fire!

It is really unreasonable!

Gongsun Xu felt that his lungs were about to explode.He really wanted to tell Lu Yi that you are here to rob the camp, not to enjoy the fire. Didn't you see that my whole body is going to freeze to death?

"Hurry up and rob the camp!"

After hiding for half an hour, outside the camp, Lu Yi was still dawdling, not launching an attack for a long time, but inside the camp, Gongsun Xu was shivering from the cold, with snot all over his nose.

He is still good. Many of the ordinary soldiers ambushing in the wilderness were cold and almost stiff. This almost made Gongsun Xu cry bitterly. He wanted to rush out, begging Lu Yi to come and rob the camp quickly. .

Finally, on the edge of the hillside, Lu Yi had had enough of the fire and felt warm all over.So he ordered the Bingzhou Army to start marching towards the barracks again, sneakily, as if to rob the camp.

This almost moved Gongsun Xu to tears, and then, he was gearing up and gathered the soldiers around him, waiting for the Bingzhou Army to be the first to jump out and humiliate Lu Yi when they found out that they had been fooled.

However, just when Gongsun Xu was dreaming, the advancing Bingzhou Army suddenly turned around and rushed towards a desolate hillside.

"What are you doing, the military camp is here!" Gongsun Xu in the camp really jumped this time, wishing he could rush over and tell Lu Yi that he had gone the wrong way.

Of course Lu Yi did not take the wrong path.Zhang Yan is also the overlord at any rate, and once had millions of people.How could he be unprepared for someone to rob the camp?

Therefore, Lu Yi's purpose this time is very simple, to attack at night and constantly harass the Black Mountain Army so that they cannot attack the city with peace of mind.

It's just that his luck this time seems to be very good. Zhang Yan not only guarded against someone robbing the camp, but even arranged a large number of ambushes nearby.

With such a good opportunity, Lu Yi would naturally not be polite. After dawdling for half an hour, it is estimated that the soldiers in ambush were almost frozen to death, so he immediately attacked and headed towards a place where the Black Mountain army was in ambush and killed them.


The hooves of the horse were like thunder, and spread far in the night sky.The Bingzhou Army didn't hide it anymore. As soon as it appeared, even with its ferocious fangs exposed, it charged towards the hiding place of the Black Mountain Army.

The first to appear was a group of rockets, which unceremoniously shot into a dense forest in the distance. The dense forest trees were dense and the bare trunks were already full of buds.But there are still a lot of dead leaves on the ground.

At this time, the rocket fell, which immediately caused a violent fire. A single spark can start a prairie fire.More than two thousand sparks caused a huge fire.

Almost as soon as the rocket landed, countless huge fire dragons sprang up from the dense forest.Countless people screamed and were engulfed by the fire, but they didn't die immediately, they just ran wildly in the flames.

"Oh no……"


Under the night sky, a raging fire was raging, and the ambush soldiers who were ambushing inside suddenly fell into bad luck. Just because they were swallowed up by the crowd, there were nearly a hundred people.

"No, I was discovered! Kill, surround the Bingzhou Army!"

Inside the barracks, Zhang Yan was so angry that he almost fainted.Ben thought he would be able to trick Lu Yi, but who knew that stealing chickens would cost him nothing, and the state army would have seen through his plan long ago.

How is this possible? Isn't Bingzhou Army always brave and foolhardy!

"No, it's not true, that reckless Lu Yi, how could he see through our scheme!" Gongsun Xu in front was full of disbelief.He couldn't believe that the trap they had painstakingly arranged was broken so easily by Lu Yi.The blow was enormous.

"My lord, Lu Yi is capable of both literature and martial arts, I'm afraid he saw through Marshal Zhang's strategy from the very beginning!" Zhao Yun walked over, his face full of bitterness, and sighed like this.

"Presumptuous! Did I let you talk! Get the hell out of here!"

Zhao Yun's words were just emotion in his heart.Little did he know, when Gongsun Xu heard this, he felt like the loudest slap in the face.

Just now Gongsun Xu was flattering Zhang Yan, flattering him for his ability to predict things like a god, and his clever calculations.At this time, Zhao Yun sighed like this, didn't he accuse him face to face of having no brains!

Gongsun Xu became angry resolutely, and vented all his resentment and jealousy towards Lu Yi on Zhao Yun, cursing at Zhao Yun.

Anyway, although Zhao Yun was outstanding in martial arts, Gongsun Zan did not trust him very much, so Gongsun Xu was naturally confident, just like beating and scolding ordinary servants.

Even Zhang Yan, with an ashen face, snorted coldly: "Nephew Gongsun, you should take good care of this general. But don't be as knowledgeable as him now, it's important to deal with Lu Yi!"

As Zhang Yan spoke, he had already rushed out of the barracks with a large group of soldiers and horses roaring.

Not only on Zhang Yan's side, but around the barracks, almost at the moment when the Bingzhou army launched an attack, countless black figures roared out of the night and killed them.

In just an instant, they formed a pocket array, covering the Bingzhou army with their heads in their pockets.

In the dense forest, countless soldiers of the Black Mountain Army rushed out. The leader, with wide mouth and narrow eyes, pointed head and short legs, was none other than Sun Qing, one of the eight generals of the Black Mountain Army.

He was ordered to lie in ambush in the dense forest, originally to wait for the Bingzhou army to rush into the barracks and then cut off the way back, but who knew that Lu Yi discovered his ambush and directly fired a large number of rockets.

Sun Qing arrived at the Great Mold immediately, with more than half of his eyebrows and beard burned off, and immediately led the remaining Black Mountain Army to fight out, trying to buy time for the friendly troops behind to encircle him.

Seeing Sun Qing, Lu Yi just smiled coldly.He didn't intend to go up to fight at all, but raised the steel saber, commanded it vigorously towards Sun Qing, and said in a cold voice: "Fire the arrow!"


In the sky, another wave of rockets soared, like the most terrifying meteor shower, falling among the enemy troops, and there were screams all at once.

Sun Qing was the one who took care of him more. Zhang Liao shot an arrow at him, and with a "swoosh" sound, the arrow hit Sun Qing like a meteorite. With a puff, it hit Sun Qing on the shoulder.It turned out that a she pierced through his shoulders!

Sun Qing yelled in pain, and then, his soul flew out of the sky, his voice trembled in fright, and he hurriedly hid among the soldiers, not daring to stand out again.

"Uncle Zhang is good at archery!"

Lu Yi was amazed when he saw it, and he was not stingy with his praise.

However, Zhang Liao smiled respectfully, and said modestly: "A little skill, the master laughed!" Then pointing to the barracks in the distance, he said in a deep voice: "My lord, the group of white horse righteous followers seems to have come out, taking advantage of this chaos , we can take the opportunity to defeat them!"

Lu Yi followed Zhang Liao's gaze, and sure enough, a group of knights on white horses rushed out from the barracks in the distance.However, according to the number of casualties counted last time, it is estimated that there are nearly a thousand people left.

This is not a small force. If it is fully utilized, even if it cannot beat the wolf cavalry, it can cause a huge containment, buying a lot of time for Zhang Yan's infantry to encircle.

Lu Yi shook his head resolutely, and said in a deep voice: "No, it's not the time yet, pass on my military order, the whole army retreats quickly!"

"My lord has an order, retreat!"

Zhang Liao didn't ask why, he just clasped his fists respectfully, and then shouted loudly at the wolf cavalry.


Another round of arrows flew out.The nearby wolf cavalry drew their bows one after another, turned around quickly, and ran in the opposite direction from the Black Mountain barracks.

Only a dense forest braving the fire was left, and there were still hundreds of corpses of Montenegrin soldiers.


Seeing this scene, Zhang Yan spurted out a mouthful of blood and almost fainted.He roared and roared: "Little Lu Yi, you should die, don't let me meet you in the future!"

Gongsun Xu was also very angry. He was a person who valued his face very much. He was defeated during the day. He dreamed of avenging his shame. How could he let Lu Yi retreat calmly.Immediately turned his head and yelled at Zhao Yun:

"What are you still doing in a daze, quickly lead the cavalry, chase and kill Lu Yi for me, kill him for me!"

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