
Watching helplessly as Lu Bu charged into the enemy group.Even though Lu Yi's heart was as hard as stone, his heart trembled slightly, and a hot tear fell.

"Little general, let's go quickly, don't disappoint the lord's wishes!"

Chen Gong looked anxious and persuaded loudly.

In the distance, among the rebel army, a small group of people have already chased after them shouting.

Lu Yiqiang held back his heartache.Knowing that now was not the time to hesitate, he ran desperately towards the north city gate with less than three hundred remnants.

Along the way, there were flames everywhere, and the crying of the people everywhere.

Cao Jun rushed into the city, murdered and set fire.Overnight, the bustling place of Xuzhou turned into a sea of ​​flames.

run, run, run

Keep running.

Lu Yi didn't dare to look back.He was afraid that once he turned his head, he would not be able to help but turn around and die with the enemy!He could not live up to Lu Bu's expectations.

He also shoulders the important task of revitalizing the Lu family.

"Hahahaha...there are Lu Bu's remnants in front, all the soldiers obey the order, follow me to kill!"

Seeing that it is getting closer and closer to the North City Gate.Suddenly, a group of Cao Jun came out from a small alley.At the head is a young general.Carrying a jujube lance, wearing a heart armor.The horse under the crotch is a tall and handsome horse, and in the quiver on the horse's back, there is also a small red triangular flag inserted.On it was written the words "Captain Xiaorui Xia Houde".

Xia Houde was very excited.The Cao army he led came in from Ximen.Can't keep up with the siege of Baimenlou.He simply led people to kill towards the only north city gate that did not surrender.

It happened to collide with Lu Yi who had escaped.

The jujube trees were placed horizontally, and Xia Houde shouted proudly: "Listen up, Lu Bu's remnants and defeated generals. Quickly kneel down and kowtow to beg for surrender. I am in a good mood, general, and I may spare you! If you dare to resist, kill immediately! "

"Roar! Roar!"

Thousands of Cao Jun immediately roared loudly.Intimidate with voice.

The soldiers behind Lu Yi suddenly trembled.There was fear and confusion in his eyes.They all escaped from the White Gate Tower.Naturally, it is clear that Lu Bu is probably in danger now.

There is Cao Jun blocking the way in front, and the pursuers behind are also faintly audible.Everyone's hearts panicked.

Lu Yi's face darkened, knowing that he must not hesitate or be cowardly at this time.Don't allow Xia Houde to finish speaking.He was already yelling. "When a man is alive, he can only die standing up, how can he live on his knees! Soldiers, the North City Gate is not far away, if you kill them, there is still a way to survive!"

"Yes, our Bingzhou boy, his head can be broken, but his knees can't be bent!" Zhang Liao wiped the blood on his face.Laughing wildly, he drew out his long knife and rushed forward side by side with Lu Yi.

The Lord will be so proud.The soldiers behind were infected.The eyes of death were revealed, and the sword was unsheathed.Roaring and rushing.

Behind Chen Gong and Yuan Huan, the two scribes also had firm expressions on their faces, holding up their sabers and following closely.

Xia Houde's face immediately turned livid.He cursed: "I don't know what is behind the dead, I will use your heads for military merit today! Kill!"

Jujube lance is flat.With a ferocious expression on his face, Xia Houde rode his horse towards Lu Yi who was rushing forward and killed him.

"If you want to kill me, you are not worthy!"

Lu Yi roared.Facing the impact of Xia Houde's war horse, he didn't have the slightest intention of avoiding it, and actually went up to meet it tit for tat.

The long sword in his hand trembled violently, making a buzzing sound.It seemed as if it was about to fly out at any time.But Lu Yi held back the numbness in his arms.He tightly controlled the hilt of the sword.

It's not close enough.

If the sword doesn't come out, it's all right, once it comes out, it will kill someone!

"Idiot!" Xia Houde was overjoyed.Riding against each other with steps, they still don't dodge.Where in the world can I find such a fool.He hastily increased the speed of the horse to the limit.

woo woo woo woo……..

Borrowing the momentum of the horse, Zaomu lance made a shrill sound.Like lightning, it pierced Lu Yi's chest.On the horseback, Xia Houde narrowed his eyes slightly.He couldn't wait to hear Lu Yi's screams.

"Xiahoude, look at the sword!"

Seeing Xia Houde really rushing towards him, a sneer appeared on the corner of Lu Yi's mouth.A cold light shot out from his hand quickly.


The rushing Xia Houde turned pale in shock, he did not expect that Lu Yi would suddenly throw the sword at him.The speed of the war horse has reached the extreme, and there is no time to dodge.


In a critical moment, Xia Houde's strong will to survive made him lift the reins violently with a scream.The war horse suffered pain, and the body of the mad rush stood up.

The long sword penetrated the horse's neck and sank into the hilt.

There was a loud bang.The war horse wailed in pain and fell heavily.Xia Houde on horseback also rolled to the ground in embarrassment.

He still wants to get up.There was a gust of wind behind him.

At some point, Zhang Liao, who was drenched in blood, had already rushed in front of him, raised his sword high, and slashed at Xia Houde's head.

"I'm going to die!" Xia Houde's eyes were terrified, and he simply closed his eyes, waiting for death to come.

There was a loud bang.

An iron shield blocked Zhang Liao's sword.

"Little General, why is this?" Zhang Liao was stunned for a moment, looking at Lu Yi who was holding an iron shield to block his attack.

"This person may be useful, tie him up and let's kill him!"

After Lu Yi finished speaking in a hurry, he waved his iron shield and rushed towards the most densely populated place of Cao's army, waving the iron shield the size of a millstone wildly.Among Cao's troops, there were countless crackling and crackling sounds of bones breaking.

All Cao's soldiers who were hit by the iron shield suffered from broken bones and tendons, and died one after another.

"Tie up!"

Zhang Liao hesitated for a moment, and slapped Xia Houde hard on the back with the back of his knife.He ordered the soldiers to stand guard, and then rushed forward with a big knife.

Cao Jun lost his general.The army's morale was already in turmoil, and then they were killed by Lu Yi and Zhang Liao.Lost hundreds of corpses, screaming and running for their lives.

The two hundred remnants roared and chased after them, hacking and killing them.

"Don't love to fight, hurry to the north gate!"

Lu Yi hastily shouted to stop.The shouts of killing behind him are getting closer and closer, breaking out of the city is the top priority now.

Gathered up the remnants.Detaining the half-dead Xia Houde.More than two hundred people left quickly and rushed towards the north gate.Don't dare to delay for a moment.

At the north gate, the army was in panic.Gao Shun held the steel gun and walked around the city anxiously.In the city, the fire was raging, almost lighting up the entire city.

Countless people screamed.wail.Constantly passed into the ears of the defenders.Everyone's faces were pale.If it weren't for Zhang Liao's high prestige in the army.If Gao Shun hadn't happened to be stationed at the North Gate tonight.

I am afraid that the soldiers guarding the city have already become deserters.

Although he did not escape, in the eyes of many soldiers.He also showed a deep panic.

"General Gao, it's not good, there are many torches outside the north gate!" On the top of the city, a soldier in charge of the watch screamed.

As soon as his words fell, the rest of the soldiers were in an uproar.Now the three directions in the city are raging fire, only the north gate is safe.If the North Gate is also besieged, they will definitely die.

"General Gao, let's run for our lives before Cao's army comes over!" A general couldn't bear the fear in his heart and reminded loudly.

"Cut!" It was Gao Shun's cold words that answered him.


Not allowing the man to struggle, behind Gao Shun, a soldier came out more and more, raised his hand and shot, ending the man's life.

The defenders suddenly trembled.Immediately, there was no sound.Looking at Gao Shun, his eyes were full of fear.

"A group of idiots!" The soldiers who beheaded the general looked at their allies with disdain, then quickly retreated behind Gao Shun and joined the army formation.

The army formation is square and full of murderous aura.Just looking at it can make people feel like falling into an ice cellar.

It is different from the panic among the soldiers who defended the city when the city of Xiapi was broken.

In the army formation, there were more than [-] people with extremely indifferent expressions.There is only one pair of eyes, shining with a strong fighting spirit like a raging fire!

So what if the city breaks down,

So what if there are many people.

They are not afraid!

Because they are the real elites of the Bingzhou Army.

As long as the formation is not broken.

Bingzhou Army is not the end

They believed this point, Gao Shun believed it, came in a hurry and found Lu Yi, who was waiting in full force in the north of the city, also believed it.

"The military spirit is still there, the military spirit is still there!" Chen Gong, who was following Lu Yi in the distance, suddenly wiped the corners of his eyes.In the dry eyes, there has never been moisture before.

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