
Yang Hong and Ji Ling, with their literary and military skills, were Yuan Shu's right-hand men. Lu Yi naturally knew this person, so how dare he let Yang Hong kneel down to him, got up hurriedly, stretched out his arms and said, "So it's Mr. Yang, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

"Yes, the old man has contributed so much to my Yuan family. Why should he be so polite? Please sit down and talk!" Yuan Fei also walked over, but she grabbed Yang Hong's arm and wanted to help Yang Hong to sit down. Down.

Yang Hong's face was full of red. He was obviously satisfied with Lu Yi's actions, but he still insisted on bowing to Lu Yi, and said in a deep voice, "Old minister Yang Hong, although he is blunt, is willing to do his best for the son-in-law. I hope the son-in-law will accept it!",

What, Yang Hong took the initiative to seek refuge?

The smile on Lu Yi's face became brighter and clearer.Although Yang Hong could not be regarded as a top civil servant, he was able to help the extravagant and extravagant Yuan Shu not fall for more than ten years, and his means were so-so.

This is a capable minister!Not only good at government affairs, but also military counselor.

What the Bingzhou army lacks the most is not generals, but civil servants and counselors!Unexpectedly, Yuan Shu gave him such a great gift.

Just for such a person, he married Yuan Fei and made a lot of money.

He quickly stepped forward, supported Yang Hong with his own hands, and said in a deep voice, "It would be Lu Yi's great fortune to have the old man's help! It's just that I am white now, and I have wronged the old man!"

This time, Yang Hong didn't hold on. With Lu Yi's support, he took advantage of the situation and stood up, but he was a little shocked in his heart. What Lu Yi said just now seemed modest, but in fact it showed his intention. Accept the official position of the Han Dynasty!Everything about Cheng Guo has nothing to do with him!

With such courage, even Yang Hong felt startled. You must know that Lu Yi is now Cheng Guo's son-in-law. Without Yuan Yao, he is the real ruler. Even if he ascends the throne and proclaims himself emperor, it is still possible.However, Lu Yi rejected such a temptation.

Taking a deep look at Lu Yi, Yang Hong already showed a respectful look on his face, and said in a deep voice, "Old minister, I have met my lord!"

"You don't have to be polite, old man. You are His Majesty's humerus, that is, my humerus. I am in the state army. There are many things in the future, and I need to rely on the old man!"

He only mentioned something implicitly, but Yang Hong immediately understood the meaning of what he said, which made Lu Yi take another high-spirited look.

Although he had agreed to be married to Yuan Fei, Lu Yi was really afraid that Yuan Shu would arrange some backhand before his death so that he could continue to maintain Chengguo's situation.

In Lu Yi's view, the so-called Chengguo is just a farce. If he really wants to maintain this Chengguo, then he will really confront the big man.

This is not the result that Lu Yi wants to see. After all, although the Han Dynasty is in decline, its power is still there after all. Many scholars still have their heart for the big man.

If he takes over Cheng Guo at this time, it will not only be against the Han Dynasty, but also against the princes of the whole world, and the scholars of the whole world will also have trouble with him!

That is no different from courting death!

Fortunately, Yang Hong was very savvy. When Lu Yi mentioned something, he understood Lu Yi's thoughts. He didn't mention Cheng Guo's affairs, but asked Lu Yi: "Master, His Majesty has been buried now. , what are your plans?"

"I want to occupy Huainan and draw land to defend myself. What does the old man think?" Lu Yi did not explain his intention, but wanted to see Yang Hong's reaction.

Yang Hong narrowed his eyes, and when he heard Lu Yi's words, he shook his head and said in a deep voice, "Master, this place cannot be guarded. Sun Ce, and Liu Bei in the east, these three are all heroes in the world, and it is difficult to compete for the front. My lord, you should avoid the strong in order to attack the weak."

Obviously, when Yang Hong came, he had already made enough preparations in private. Although he was new to the Bingzhou Army, he quickly grasped the key points and began to speak freely.

Lu Yi also nodded.What Yang Hong said was exactly what he was worried about.Although the Bingzhou army is strong, it is difficult to fight with two fists and four hands. Sitting and guarding Huainan is no different from digging one's own grave.

"Then according to Mr.'s opinion, where should I settle down?" Lu Yi humbly asked for advice.From what he said just now, he already knew that this person is not just a false name, but has real material!

If he hadn't followed Yuan Shu, this person was destined to shine!

Yang Hong didn't answer Lu Yi's words immediately, but thought deeply about it, then straightened his face, cupped his hands and said, "I don't know what my lord thinks about Guan Zhong?"

"That's right!" Lu Yi nodded, and the smile on his face grew stronger.

Guanzhong, the land of strong Qin, is fertile and wild for thousands of miles, easy to defend but difficult to attack.It is even more sturdy in folk customs, and it is also close to Bingzhou. If you can occupy this place, it will be a place to start a business.

But then, Lu Yi shook his head again. Although Guanzhong is good, it is also broken.In addition, the generals of Xiliang, relying on the current Bingzhou army, want to seize it, it is extremely difficult.

"Could it be that my lord has no intention of being in Guanzhong?" Yang Hong misunderstood, thinking that Lu Yi despised Guanzhong. That's right, although Guanzhong is dilapidated, its foundation is still there. As long as it is managed properly, it will be a fertile land.This was Yang Hong's first strategy to Lu Yi, how could he give up easily.

Anxious Yang Hong immediately stood up, cupped his hands towards Lu Yi and said, "My lord, please forgive me for being obtuse, Guanzhong is really a good choice, and my Yang family is in Hongnong, which is quite powerful. If my lord In the past, the old minister is willing to do his best to help the lord succeed!"

"That's right, Brother Lu, I heard what the old man said, but he said every word from the bottom of his heart. Could it be that Brother Lu has something better?" After listening for a long time, Yuan Fei became anxious for Lu Yi, and even turned to Lu Yi secretly winked a few times.He signaled not to quarrel too stiffly with Yang Hong, which chilled Yang Hong.

Lu Yi smiled slightly, he knew that it would be impossible for him not to explain clearly.Fortunately, even though Yang Hong had just joined him, he was a veteran of Yuan Shu after all, so there was no problem with his loyalty.So he motioned Yang Hong to come over and said a few words in a low voice.

Yang Hong's face was immediately shocked, and then he showed a respectful look, and laughed at himself: "Thankfully, I think I have thought it through, but I am still a few steps away. That place is several times stronger than Guanzhong, really. It is also the place where the lord established his business!"

But Lu Yi laughed and didn't explain, but he was shocked by Yang Hong's eyesight. This person is worthy of being Yuan Shu's confidant, and he can think of Guanzhong.It is almost not far from Lu Yi's ideal place.

If it is said that Lu Yi chose that place because of his understanding of history, Yang Hong's strategy in Guanzhong is completely personal vision and wisdom.

There is no need to test anymore, this person is a rare talent!

After another detailed conversation, seeing that it was getting late, Yang Hongcai was completely convinced, and he bid farewell to Lu Yi and left. It could be seen that Yang Hong who went out appeared to be full of vigor and vigor.

This made Yuan Fei suspicious. Seeing Yang Hong leaving, she hurriedly threw herself into Lu Yi's arms, and said in a tired voice, "Brother Lu, what did you whisper to the old man? Why is he so happy? Compared to when my father was alive, Still have a lot of energy!'

"Hahaha..." Lu Yi laughed loudly, which could surprise Yang Hong and other resourceful people. He still had an inexplicable pleasure in his heart, and then he slapped Yuan Fei hard on the buttocks with his big hand. With a serious face, he said: "This is a major matter for the military and the country, so you should not ask about it!"

"Your Majesty, I know I'm wrong, you punish me!" Yuan Fei bit her red lips with a full face of grievance, her charming eyes showed a hint of shame.But she took the initiative to turn around and raised her perky buttocks.

Lu Yi's breathing suddenly became rapid, his Adam's apple rolled, he swallowed with difficulty, stretched out his big hand, and was about to slap it slowly.


It was Yuan Fei in front, but she turned around deftly, causing Lu Yi's hands to drop immediately, and blinked at Lu Yi with her big watery eyes, "Oh, my concubine almost forgot, there is one more thing I didn't tell His Majesty the business!"

"Could it be that there are important ministers from Huainan coming over?" Hearing about the business, Lu Yi could only become serious. There are still many talented people in Yangzhou, and he couldn't remember all of them. Lu Yi has always had a lot of talents. Goodness.

"General Ji would like to come here, but he is injured and unable to move, so he just wrote you a letter." Yuan Fei was well prepared, and she took the initiative to come here today to look for Lu Yi, not on a temporary basis.She solemnly took out a letter from her sleeve and handed it to Lu Yi.

Lu Yi hurriedly took it and read it carefully. It was a letter of loyalty, written by Ji Ling himself, and at the end he pressed a blood seal to show his heart.

This is also an old minister, Huainan's pillar of the sky, can be tied with Yang Hong, known as Yuan Shu's men with one article and one military.

Similarly, these two people are the dowry that Yuan Shu prepared for his daughter.In order to increase Yuan Fei's status in Lu Yi's mind.

Lu Yi also knew it in his heart, but he still felt very happy in his heart.In his opinion, although Ji Ling's martial arts is not very good, his ability to lead soldiers is good, even better than Zang Ba.

It is his dream to have such a talent to vote.

Thinking of Ji Ling, Lu Yi thought of those dead soldiers of Cao Jun. They were a group of terrifying assassins. Fortunately, they assassinated Ji Ling without using poisonous daggers. Otherwise, he would have missed a general. up.

Of course, this is not to say that those assassins showed mercy to Ji Ling's subordinates. The real reason is that those highly poisonous daggers can only be used once and will melt when they see blood. They are specially prepared for assassinating Yuan Shu.That's why Ji Ling escaped.

This was discovered by Lu Yi after the fact, but thinking about it now, I feel inexplicably startled.I have a new understanding of Cao Cao's horror.

"Brother Lu, General Ji also asked me to tell you that he is seriously injured and unable to command the army. He hopes you can send someone to take over his soldiers."

Seeing that Lu Yi had finished reading the letter, Yuan Fei said again.

"En, I got it!" Lu Yi's face showed an extremely happy expression, a capable minister, a good general, plus tens of thousands of Yuan Jun, this is the dowry Yuan Shu prepared for his daughter.

Even though Lu Yi had been prepared in his heart, it was far beyond expectations.

Such a large amount of money can shock any prince, and there is no way to refuse it. This is equivalent to saying that Yuan Shu completely gave himself his family fortune.

No, there is one more important thing!

"Feifei, did His Majesty leave us only these things? Is there nothing else?" Lu Yi asked tentatively, but his heart beat uncontrollably. After all, it was a terrible thing.

Although he doesn't care, it can make countless princes go crazy. If the records in the history books are good, this thing is in Yuan Shu's hands! ,

It is impossible for Yuan Shu not to hand over such an important thing to Yuan Fei.

Yuan Fei obviously didn't expect that Lu Yi would ask such a question, she pouted and said, "Bad husband, I wanted to give you a surprise, but who knew it was seen through by you."

"Really?" Lu Yi asked with some surprise.Although he knew that it was just a symbol, but sometimes, just one symbol could lay down millions of corpses and bleed for thousands of miles.

"That's right, my father said that there is a very important thing to give to you. However, my father has ordered that I must wait until our wedding night before handing it over to you in person." Yuan Fei's charming eyes suddenly revealed With a touching shyness, he said with a pun, "Brother Lu, you can guess, it is definitely the most precious thing..."

"It's not Yuxi!"

Seeing Yuan Fei's expression, Lu Yi probably guessed that Yuan Shu really gave the jade seal to Yuan Fei, but even so, he still felt a little hot in his lower abdomen.

Yuan Fei's words really made him daydream, and he rushed over at once, stopped Yuan Feirou's boneless waist, lifted her chin, and kissed her hard...

For three consecutive days, Lu Yi did not step out of the palace, but stayed by Zhen Mi and Yuan Fei's side.He didn't let go of every minute and every second, because he knew that for such an infiltration, the spies sent by Lu Yi in Xuzhou were also in return. Liu Bei's army was retreating steadily, and he had already withdrawn from Xiaopei and fled towards Xiapi.

But on the way, he was blocked by Cao Cao's ambush and suffered heavy losses.If there are no accidents, Liu Bei may not be able to support for much time. <, Cao, who freed his hand, is already imminent.

In the early morning of the fourth day, Lu Yi was still painting with Zhen Mi, while Yuan Fei sat quietly at the side, watching carefully.At this moment, in the palace, there were bursts of clanging sounds.

It was the thud of nail leaves.With Yuan Shu's five thousand fine armor, Lu Yi simply ordered to change all the five thousand infantry of the Bingzhou Army into heavy armored infantry.

So far, the combat power of Bingzhou soldiers has become stronger,

Hearing the footsteps of the soldiers, Zhen Mi and Yuan Fei got up one after another, knowing that Lu Yi must have something important to discuss, so they took the initiative to avoid it.

bang bang!

Wearing heavy armor, Sun Guan came in from the outside, saw Lu Yi, hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "My lord, all the generals are already waiting outside, waiting for my lord to hear you."

"Let them in!"

Lu Yi nodded, and raised his hand to signal Sun Guan to pass on.He himself got up, walked into the hall not far away, and sat solemnly on the throne.


There was a sound of heavy footsteps, very fast, and immediately, Zhang Liao took the lead, Zhao Yun, Gao Shun, Zang Ba, Sun Guan all filed in and bowed to Lu Yi.


There was another sound of brisk footsteps, Chen Gong was the first, Yang Hong, Yuan Huan, Lu Zhan, four civil servants came in hand in hand, and paid respects to Lu Yi.

Lu Yi nodded again, counting Ji Ling who was still recovering from his injuries, and the strength of the Bingzhou Army, they had grown a little unconsciously.

He raised his hand and ordered everyone to sit down. In his army, there was no such vain courtesy.Therefore, after everyone was seated, Lu Yi looked directly at Gao Shun, and said in a deep voice, "Uncle Gao, have you finished editing those Yuan Jun?"

"Returning to my lord, after three days of screening, the final general has selected 5000 soldiers from the original [-] Yuan Jun!"

Gao Shun hurriedly stood up and bowed to Lu Yi, but his cold and proud face showed a slight dissatisfaction. If Lu Yi hadn't asked him to relax a little bit in choosing soldiers, he could still eliminate a thousand of these 5000 people. more people!

"5000 people, not bad!"

Lu Yi is very contented.The combat power of Yuan Shu's soldiers and horses has always been notoriously weak, even some of them are not as good as bandit soldiers.

That is to say, Yuan Shu, who is very successful and likes to use numbers to support the scene, will recruit soldiers without restraint. As a result, the more he recruits, the lower the combat effectiveness of the soldiers, forming a vicious circle.It's a complete waste of money and food.

With more than [-] people, being able to select [-] soldiers to fight is somewhat beyond his expectations.Even if these people are the elite of Yuan Junzhong, although they are far behind his own Bingzhou Army, they are enough as ordinary infantry after all.

After Lu Yi counted, he still felt that he had made a profit.Back then, when he first came to Huainan, he had no more than [-] soldiers, only tens of thousands of grains and grass, and many soldiers were incomplete in armor.

But now, he not only has [-] powerful troops, but also [-] ordinary soldiers. The total number has exceeded the scale of [-] people, and the strength of the state army has not yet returned to the level of Lu Bu's heyday.But when it comes to combat effectiveness, Lu Yi believes that it is not far behind.

Moreover, he was different from Lu Bu. Lu Bu just blindly attacked and didn't know how to use tricks, so that he fell for the tricks many times, but beside him, whether it was Chen Gong or Yang Hong, they were all good at military strategy.In this way, even if the enemy wants to use tricks, they will not succeed easily.

As for frontal combat, that is the strength of the Bingzhou Army.

Satisfied, he glanced at Lu Yi's face at the people sitting there, attacking Lujiang, do you have any objections? "

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